Rebirth of a Star General

Chapter 28 - Night rain

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Yusi also seemed black.

The water and the sky meet, and in the deep sky, the fishing fire is bright and dark, like a ghost from the other shore. The last sound of the strings dissipated, and the night became exceptionally quiet.

It was at this time that a woman’s scream cut through the long night.

“Kill, kill–“

In the small boats gathered in the distance of the painting, the guards were sitting together, waiting for Fan Cheng’s signal. At first, they heard the sorrowful and terrible, and they were startled.

“What’s going on? It’s been so long, why are you still making trouble?” the headed guard asked.

“The son didn’t send a letter, or wait.” Someone said.

The most important thing for Fan Cheng’s bodyguard for so many years is to speculate on the master’s mind. This kind of thing is very common. Fan Cheng has been a master of the Fan family for so many years. In addition to the woman who posted it on his own, there are not many spoiled good families. Today, such a situation has happened more than once. Turning those poor women to boat boats or outside houses, Ren Fancheng was bullied. After the event was completed, some money was sent to them. Those women were poor and had nowhere to complain, so they could only forget.

He Yan will also become one of them.

Originally, Miss He had a deep affection for Fan Chengyi, but it didn’t need to be so troublesome. Who knew that passing the door of Fan’s house was so disturbing, and really cut off with Fan Cheng. Fan Cheng was aroused by his thoughts, but the hard ones would be hard.

What these guards have to do is just to bring He Yan to Fan Cheng and the aftermath.

“I don’t think it’s right.” The headed guard stood up and looked at the bow of the boat. I saw that Fan Cheng’s painting was shaking violently in the river. The shaking amplitude looked like someone was fighting inside.

“No, there is a problem!” he shouted, “all up! Hurry up and there is something different on board!”

The rest of the people were startled. They quickly drew a small boat towards the boat, and then came closer. They suddenly saw a woman rushing out of the boat. The woman stumbled and acted in shock. Seeing that she was wearing He Yan, Seemingly hiding from someone, screamed and fell down in the river.

The torrential river quickly flooded her, making almost no sound, like a rock, only a splash of water splashed on the surface of the water, and there was no more movement.

“Son!” the guard could not help calling.

No one cared about He Yan’s life and death. When the boat was approaching the boat, the headed bodyguard skimmed the boat’s head and climbed on the boat’s boat. He entered the boat in a few steps, but when he saw someone in the boat, his back was facing him, a man, his face covered with sweat towel, only his eyes were exposed, and his face was blurred under the dim light. At his feet, Fan Cheng lay on his back and fell in a pool of blood.

The masked man held a dagger in his hand.

The guard was so shocked that he didn’t expect when there was such a person in the boat. Looking at Fan Cheng again, I am afraid that there will be more and more evil. Suddenly furious and angry, he rushed towards the masked man without thinking: “Dare!”

The masked man sneered and entangled with the guard.

The sound of fighting sounded in the boat, and the boat was shaking more and more violently, and the other guards also caught up with the boat. The masked person saw the other people in the crowd, and he no longer loved the battle. Jumping river.

“Catch him!” The guard leader shouted, “He killed the son!”

The crowd followed, but found that the masked people were very cunning, and the guards all got on the boat. They thought he was jumping on the river, but they got on the little boat they came from.

This is the center of the river. Although some people will swim in the water, the night is too dark to avoid danger. But the boat was light and thin, and it paddled quickly along the current, and the boat was slightly heavier, so a few people paddled together and fell half a step on the masked man.

One after another, in the drizzle, no one saw Jiang Zhong’s escape.

When approaching the shore, the masked man threw the wooden paddle in his hand, tipped his toes, jumped on the river bank, and then disappeared on the shore. The guard leader said: “Leave two people to find the city to guard, and the rest will chase me! “

Although it was night, it was not late at night. There were hawkers doing business on both sides of the river in the spring, but when a masked person suddenly ran from the pier, there was a rush, and there were countless stalls, followed by A bunch of guards, murderous, frightening.

“What’s the matter? Why are you so anxious.” The hawker who was knocked over the stall didn’t dare say much, stooping down to pick up the scattered fruits on the ground.

“It seems that there is a murder case. Looking at the person chasing behind, it is not an ordinary person.”

“It’s a pity, why hasn’t it been so flat lately?”

The water by the river was smelly, and a hand suddenly stretched out in the water, first grabbed the stone on the shore, and then, the whole person pulled up from the water and brought up a watery smell.

He Yunsheng was trembling all over his body. He didn’t dare to move too early. The province was found to have been diving under the water for a long time before quietly swimming downstream. At the moment, his face was pale and his lips were purple. I wonder if the river was too cold for so long, or I was scared at all.

He also held a basket tightly in his hand, and inside was the clothes He Yan had brought him in the tailor shop. It was a basket of snacks on the boat. He Yan put his clothes in and covered them. The clothes were clean and not wetted by water. He took off the woman’s clothes and threw them into a basket in a ball. He tied a few stones to the basket and threw the basket into the river.

Jiang Shui engulfed the basket in an instant.

He put on the new spring shirt, the clothes were well-fitted, the style was also very beautiful, and the same color of the head, just happened to hide the wet hair. He wore his clothes and his throat choked.

However, there was no extra time for him to fear here, and He Yan’s words were still in his ears.

“You have to change into clean clothes and go home secretly, you must be quick.”

Must be fast.

He staggered, copied a path, and hurried away in the direction of returning home.

There seemed to be a city garrison in the city who was catching people everywhere. He Yunsheng was walking and heard someone talking on the street.

“I heard that Jiangshang Chuanfang had been murdered and died so badly.”


“I don’t know, it’s the young master of the big family. Didn’t you see the city guards looking for people everywhere?”

“With so many people, the murderer must have inserted his wings and could not escape. Maybe he has already caught them. Oops, this rain is endless and the clothes are wet.”

The sound of the talk gradually faded away until it was no longer heard.

Hurry up, hurry up.

The young man in blue shirt walked past the street. His spring shirt was still thin. This rainy day was probably cold. Some of them tightened their shirts and walked home quickly.

The rain was getting bigger and bigger, and pedestrians without umbrellas on the street hurried to avoid the rain. The hawker hid under the eaves and shouted loudly as the pedestrians passed by and took a look. There was no difference between tonight and last night.

“Sister…” Someone whispered to herself, like the wind of spring night, falling in the drizzle without traces.

The teenager walked forward with his head buried, without looking back, tears falling down.

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