Rebirth in a Perfect Era

Chapter 1660: Serial pit

Roland Mas originally thought that he was also the chairman of the board of a Fortune 500 company. He personally came to China to apologize to Li Mu, which had already given Li Mu great face. Li Mu should stop by and give himself sufficient respect.

But he never thought that this young Chinese entrepreneur was not satisfied even now that he had already arrived at his company lobby. He even refused to meet with him, and even intensified himself to hold a press conference in Yanjing.

Coming to China to apologize in person is already the limit that Roland Mars can do.

His trip to Huaxia is highly confidential. Not only did he not leak information to any media, even his own company only knew the real senior management. The reason why he did such a tight confidentiality work was to try to resolve this contradiction in a low-key manner to the greatest extent. Keep your face.

At this point, those members of the board that did not deal with Roland Mars also reached a consensus with him. They were very willing to humiliate Roland Mars in private, and even took him from the position of chairman of the board. People are willing to be humiliated outside Roland Mas.

Because if Roland Mars loses face, he represents the entire Mars.

Now, Roland Mars, who came to Huaxia not far away, was passed away by a common front desk of Makino Science and Technology in a few words, and his heart suddenly lost his breath.

He said to the front desk lady with a very ugly expression: "Please tell President Li now. If he doesn't want to see me, then I will turn around and return to the United States. My plane will be waiting at Yanjing Airport!"

The front desk had to contact Li Ziwei again through the intercom phone. After hearing about the "ruthless words" of Roland Mars, Li Ziwei hurriedly conveyed to Li Mu, Li Mu gave a slight smile and said, "Tell Roland Mars, just Say I wish him a safe journey. "

Li Ziwei couldn't help laughing, and said, "Mr. Li, do you really want to treat him like this?"

Li Mu nodded and smiled: "He thought he was sneaking over to apologize to me and it was over? I still have more pits behind him."

In the last life, the continued development of the Internet will breed a lot of gray industries, one of which is online fraud.

Online scams are not the same as phone scams. Online scams often start from heterosexual relationships. Moreover, they are not the same script as phone scams. Phone scams are often movie scripts. Once a battle is resolved, The scam is more based on the serial model.

Li Mu once knew a buddy whose brain was not easy to use. One day, he found a beautiful woman who added him to WeChat, and then passed the other's friend's application. The other party immediately came up to ask for warmth, and even proactively revealed his sad past. People have been talking hot in the unfamiliar online world, and even the other party often sends him beautiful life selfies, which makes him irritable.

After getting acquainted, for the convenience of starting the digging of the first pit, it is generally an excuse to say that you suddenly encountered something, suddenly no change, suddenly unable to use online banking or Alipay, and then asked him to transfer one or two hundred yuan for emergency .

One hundred or two hundred yuan is nothing to him. In addition to speculation, he also has some covets on the beautiful woman. He doesn't want the beautiful woman to think he's stubborn, so he gave it happily.

After the money was given, the other party gave him back a few hours later, and even thanked him. Then the relationship between the two further heated up, the other party felt that he was good and worthy to rely on, and the two sides began to enter a hot honeymoon period.

After entering the honeymoon period, the two sides officially started online dating. Every day, her husband and wife were tired and crooked. However, the other party suddenly caused a lot of trouble, and then they borrowed, borrowed, and borrowed money one after another. Going into one gentle trap after another, and when finally woke up, she had already smashed more than 100,000 people on this woman who had met innocently.

However, this is not the hardest thing. The worst thing is that when the friend reported the case, it turned out that the other party had lied to countless people throughout the country, the most one being cheated by nearly one million.

Li Mu now wants to play with Roland Mars, this is the serial mode.

For Roland Mars, if he can really turn his head away, then Li Mu will look at him instead, but Li Mu understands that since Roland Mars came to Huaxia and took the first step, then he must I won't really give up.

In the history of Mars's growth for so many years, he has never encountered such a powerful opponent of Makino Technology. Now, Makino Technology has only manipulated public opinion on the Internet, and it has brought such a big trouble to Mars. Mars will necessarily talk to Shake hands and make peace, otherwise continue to do so, Makino technology is not damaged, but Mars seems to have a wound that can not heal, with blood constantly flowing.

This wound may not be fatal to the large Mars, but the team will make him uncomfortable. If Roland Mars cannot come to Huaxia this time to heal the wound, he will have a hard time with Mars in the future.

Roland Mars has always felt that Li Mu is a young man who loves face and vengeance. Mars touched his porcelain, and he was naturally unhappy. Relying on the resources in his hands, he deliberately wanted to rectify Mars' wave and ask for his face. Everyone has come, he must give himself a step down, so that everyone can rejoice.

Because of this, Roland Mars thought that if he took back to China to be a concubine, Li Mu would probably compromise, because all he wanted was face, and he sent the face to the door himself, and he was definitely not willing to beat the eggs.

When the call was picked up at the front desk, Roland Mars was still secretly complacent, thinking that the call must have been invited by Li Mu to go upstairs, but Li Mu was again out of his expectation.

After hearing the explanation from Li Ziwei, the front desk asked a little surprised: "Sister Ziwei, do you really want to say this?"

Li Ziwei said, "Just tell him in English."

The front desk unconsciously stuck out his tongue and said, "Well then, I'll tell him."

After that, she hung up the phone, looked at Roland Mars awkwardly, and suddenly didn't know how to speak.

After all, it's a little girl, thin-skinned and soft-hearted. Knowing that Roland Maas came from the United States all the way from the United States, it turned out that his boss asked someone to run for nothing, which was really cruel.

How could Roland Mars know this? Seeing the girl at the front desk tangled, she thought she knew her identity and knew that she was a VIP, so she was a little scared.

So he smiled deliberately and asked, "How about, what do you President Li say?"

The girl at the front desk said earnestly: "Mr. Mars, we always let me tell you, he wishes you a safe journey."

"What?" Roland Mas suddenly didn't respond, thinking he had heard it wrong, and couldn't help but ask, "What did you just say?"

The girl at the front desk deliberately slowed down and said, "Aren't you saying that you want to return to the United States? I told your original words to President Li, and President Li asked me to tell you that he wishes you a safe journey."

"I ..." Roland Mas only felt that his entire chest was suddenly hit by a locomotive, but he never expected that Li Mu would give such a reply.

A safe journey?

That means, is it to get yourself back to the United States?

What does this guy want to do? Didn't he just want to apologize? He came all by himself, why should he not be so salty? Continued trouble with Mars is not good for him or Makino Technology! Even if Mars goes bankrupt or goes bankrupt, Makino Technology won't get any benefits. The business of the two companies is completely incompatible. Why do they have to bite so deadly and so cruel?

Roland Mars was riding a tiger all at once.

The emotional side told him: Hurry up, leave without looking back, go directly to the airport, and then fly back to the United States, no longer insulted by Li Mu;

However, the inner psychological side told him: to hold back, you must hold back, you ca n’t go back empty-handed anyway, then your face in front of Li Mu is saved, but your initiative in Mars will be lost, face Although important, interests are more important.

Just when Roland Mars didn't know what was good, the girl at the front desk said carefully, "Sir, if there is nothing, please go back first, we have other visitors to receive ..."

A young girl at the front desk,, was able to place orders for herself, which made Roland Mars extremely depressed, but it was completely impossible.

However, Roland Mars, who had just been hit by Li Mu's words, was decent and incomplete. After being repaired by the girl at the front desk, she felt a lot of lice.

The balance in his head tilted momentarily. At this moment, he felt that since his face had been lost, as long as he could keep his own interests, it would not matter if he lost one more face. Otherwise, not only his former face would be lost. Even the benefits are lost for nothing.

After thinking about this layer, Roland Mars' attitude softened immediately. He was very sorry and said to the girl at the front desk, "I'm really sorry. I was a little impulsive just now. If you can communicate with President Li, please say me. I figured it out. I am willing to hold a press conference. I will ask President Li to give specific instructions. "

The lady at the front desk saw the look of panic in Roland Mars. One didn't hold back, she laughed a moment, then quickly changed to a serious expression of work, and said, "Please wait, I will talk to our president again. Contact the assistant. "

The smile at the front desk made Roland Mas shameless, and her old face even turned red.

But he can only bury his humiliation in his heart, hoping to solve this big trouble early. As for the question of face, he firmly believes that the gentleman should take revenge ten years later.

When Li Ziwei received the call from the front desk, she immediately smiled and said to Li Mu, "General Manager Li, Roland Mars has compromised, and said he would like to hold a press conference. Please tell me specifically."

Li Mu shook his lips and said, "I have nothing to tell you. Let him handle it, but tell him whether I will see him or not depends entirely on his attitude and performance at the press conference!"

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