Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 Enni editor’s exclamation (please give m

Editor Enni became curious about the novel that Kevin said, and continued to ask: “Oh, what kind of novel is it?” “It’s a novel about love. The title is “Jane Eyre”. , The protagonist in the article is thin, ordinary appearance, no money, no status, but has an extraordinary temperament and a very rich emotional world. In the tempering of life, she abandoned the natural cowardice and tenderness of women, and gradually developed Strong and independent personality, and brave enough to pursue his love, and pursue all the good life that he desires.” Kevin patiently explained the story in “Jane Eyre”.

The editor-in-chief of Enni listened to Kevin’s introduction, and became more and more curious about this novel in her heart, wishing to read it now.

“Oh, it sounds pretty good. It hasn’t been published yet, so all the copyright is in your hands. May I have a look at it? You know, my identity can determine whether a book can be published. “Enni said.

“Of course, and I can assure you. If you are willing to publish “Jane Eyre”, there will be great gains. “Jane Eyre” will definitely not let you down.” Kevin said between the lines. , Still so confident.

I was so confident that this young woman who had been divorced for many years was almost taken aback. Unfortunately, there is too much difference in age. Otherwise, Enni will definitely be deeply overwhelmed by those rich, talented and confident men.

“However, I did not bring the manuscript. You can take my USB flash drive back. All the content of the novel is in it.” After Kevin finished speaking, he took out a fine USB flash drive from his pocket and handed it to Enni. edit.

Editor Enni used her delicate little hand to pick up the USB flash drive that Kevin handed over, and then said: “Well, I will read it as soon as possible. I will give you an answer at that time. However, I trust your writing and can write People who write poems like “The Rose of Love” are definitely literary geniuses.”

Enni has been reviewing manuscripts for so many years. She knows whether an author has any idea. This is why she believes that Kevin’s literary level will not be bad.

“Then there will be Lao Enni editor, maybe you will become the noble person of my life.” Kevin said wittily.

“I hope so. Oh, you have to participate in the semi-finals tomorrow, I think we should leave it alone.” Enni said.

“Well, thank you for your invitation tonight, I am lucky for three lives.”

Enni editor-in-chief came home from the teahouse and rushed to light up, immediately inserted Kevin’s USB drive into the computer, and opened the content of “Jane Eyre” impatiently.

“”Jane Eyre”, will it describe simple love? I want to see it.” Enni said to herself.

In this way, a young woman in her thirties was wearing a semi-transparent pajamas in the deep night, staring at the text in the computer intently.

Those ups and downs of the story line deeply attracted her, and those romantic death sentences made her yearn one by one, and those classic passages couldn’t help but make him admire the author’s writing style.

Although I haven’t read it completely yet, as a senior editor, she has a premonition of something after seeing almost 100,000 characters.

Yes, such a novel is absolutely unprecedented in English literature in the past two decades. It is so great, it is as great as the protagonist in Jane Eyre.

“Do you think that just because I am poor, humble, and not beautiful, I have no heart, no soul? I have a soul like you, and I have exactly the same heart. If God gave me beauty and wealth, I would also It makes it difficult for you to leave me, just as it is difficult for me to leave you now!”

Enni felt hard to calm down after seeing this sentence. She recalled Kevin’s immature face and those young people.

“It’s incredible, this kind of writing is actually made by a young man. Congratulations, my great country of England, you will usher in a great genius writer.”

Enni already has the exact answer at this time, that is, “Jane Eyre” must be signed. The London Literary Press has not published a best-selling book in recent years. Perhaps this time is a good opportunity.

Enni believes that the content of “Jane Eyre” will resonate with many people. After all, everyone has been suppressed for too long. Everyone is eager to love and be loved, and is eager to pursue their own beautiful life. And all of this, “Jane Eyre” describes it vividly and vividly.

This night, Enni was sleepless all night. She was watching “Jane Eyre” frantically, and she couldn’t wait to watch all the plots of it overnight. However, she also knew that she would definitely watch such classic works a second time, a third time, or even more.

If it weren’t for the fact that it was late at night, she would have called Kevin without hesitation, then called him over, and immediately signed a contract with him for the publication of “Jane Eyre”. Or ask him personally why he can write such a delicate and wonderful story.

“I can’t believe that someone would throw it in the trash can for such a wonderful novel.” Enni couldn’t help sighing when she thought of Kevin’s words.

So, Enni sent out this sentence on her Twitter: What a great girl, what a great work, what a great writer.

Twitter was first invented by Yankees and promoted to a social platform all over the world. Similar to China’s **, British people generally like to play special tweets.

Enni, as a senior editor-in-chief, naturally has a lot of friends and fans in the literary world, UU reading www. Therefore, her Twitter followers have reached hundreds of thousands.

When    sent out this tweet, even though it was early in the morning, there were still fans and friends commenting on the tweet below:

“Teacher Enni, did you find another masterpiece? I look forward to it!”

“Report, the editor-in-chief Enni must have found a masterpiece. Otherwise, she would not sigh so much.”

“The first floor is a second product. Teacher Enni may have seen the works of the great writer Shakespeare and then exclaimed.”

“On the third floor, you’re a second-class man, your whole family is a second-class man, and your ancestors are second-class members for the eighteenth generation. Teacher Enni has already lamented the greatness of Shakespeare’s works, and what she said at this time must be There are other people.”

In this way, Enni’s Twitter fans began to wonder who she said were the great works and great writers.

But these, Enni can’t see it at this time, because she is still deeply immersed in the story of “Jane Eyre”, step by step following the footsteps of the pig to sink.

Kevin’s side, after returning to the hotel, he took a shower, and he hid in the room to watch TV. It’s not that he doesn’t like to go out shopping, but that he is not rich in money. Although he believes that when his novel is published, everything will be there. But those are things from now on, and now he is still flat.

Many players read crazy in the room, preparing for the semi-match tomorrow. Kevin doesn’t take it seriously at all, and continues to watch his TV. The book has been signed, please rest assured to collect it. Thank you

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