Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 43 - original

Su Qin looked at the sales and reviews of each counterfeit store, and found that there was a store called “Yunyiyishe”, and the sales were not bad. It’s only one letter away from their store name.

Not only the name of the store, but also the advertising style and copywriting on the homepage are copied from their home, and even the slogan “the favorite brand of Tianya celebrity Susu Ma” is printed on the copywriting.

The corner of Su Qin’s mouth twitched, and she called Wang Lin, who was cooking chicken soup in the kitchen. She pointed to the computer screen and asked, “Mom, this Taobao is using your name. Did you agree?”

Wang Lin still had a spoon in her hand, and when she saw the slogan on it, she said angrily: “No. Are they going too far? Not only imitating our store name, copying our family’s copywriting, but also using my mother’s name? Wait for my mother to go to the forum to make up stories and scold them.”

“Don’t be impulsive.” Su Qin thought about it for a while, and then said: “Our clothes are currently purchased from factories, they are not original, and there is no copyright. They want to sell the same clothes as ours, and we have nothing to do with them. But plagiarizing the copy and using your name to promote it is a bit too much. If you go to the forum to hang them now, they will be scolded by netizens at most. Be cautious and replace the copy, it will not cause any substantive blow to them. .”

After listening to Su Qin’s analysis, Bobo asked, “What should I do?”

“Well, let’s do it in two steps.” Su Qin thought about it and said, “They use your fame to publicize without saying hello. This is an infringement. The first step is to sue them and ask them to put the apology letter on the Two months in the store copy, and compensation. The second step is to go to Taobao official to complain about these stores that plagiarize copy, and use your ‘red man’ account to go online to make a big issue. Plagiarism is a big deal , firstly, Taobao will pay attention to it, and secondly, it can also make netizens wary of counterfeit shops.”

Everyone thinks it’s possible. Wang Lin put forward a substantive request: “Susu, you said, do we have to recruit two more people in our store? We specialize in marketing and promotion to build momentum for our Taobao store. Now there are enough staff in customer service and warehouse. Yes, but I can’t do it alone in marketing, do you want to hire two more?”

It is of course necessary to maintain a marketing department. It is not easy for a marketing team to grow up, but considering the long-term, Su Qin hopes to recruit two reliable people. Even if e-commerce rises in the future, he will not easily change jobs.

Bobo raised his hand and said, “Susu, there’s one thing I’ve wanted to mention to you for a long time.”


Bobo said: “I have two sisters who were also rescued from the transfer station. We are all orphans. They are also looking for jobs. If you really want to find reliable people to train, why not give them a chance? After they came out, they worked as network administrators in Internet cafes. The monthly salary was high or low, and the day and night were reversed. I don’t think it’s as promising as ours. If you can give them a chance, plus you have saved us, They won’t quit.”

Su Qin of course knows that there are no absolutes in the world. Couples who were once in love may break up, and friends who have been friends for many years may also break up, not to mention passers-by. Of course, she doesn’t have the luxury of employees being able to work for her without quitting jobs for the rest of their lives. She just hopes that the employees will be more at ease and not quit jobs for no reason.

Of course, out of selfishness and various considerations, she really wanted to give the two girls a chance.

Wang Lin’s rapid growth in recent months can be seen with the naked eye. She has added a lot of Taobao official groups, and absorbed a lot of new things online. She has experience and achievements in marketing and promotion, and is considered a veteran. Su Qin is absolutely relieved that she will lead the newcomer.

After thinking about it for a moment, Su Qin nodded and said, “Okay, then, after the New Year, you can call them over and let’s get to know each other face to face. The probationary period is essential, if they really don’t have the ability to learn and the talent to do it, We can’t feed idlers either.”

Bobo nodded excitedly: “Thank you Susu! I’ll call them right away, they can come over tomorrow without waiting for the New Year!”

The two girls were named Lin Lan and Lin Xin. They were not sisters, but they were more like sisters.

These two sisters are pretty good-looking, one tall and one thin. Although they are not highly educated, they are eloquent and smart. During the interview, in order to show that they knew computers very well, the two girls specially told Su Qin that they had learned a lot of software by themselves, and they were considered “computer experts”.

After the interview, Su Qin had a bottom line. Although these two girls graduated from junior high school, but from the software they have taught themselves, they have strong learning ability and can stay for trial. She even thinks that these two girls are very malleable.

In the current Taobao store, Su Qin decides all the big and small matters, and she is in charge of recruiting and expanding the department.

Su Qin kept all the evidence of the Taobao shop that made money in the name of her mother, and contacted a lawyer.

After Su Qin got the lawyer’s letter, he asked his mother to put it on the forum. Of course, fans didn’t know her relationship with “Yun Yi Yi She”, and thought she was just a loyal fan of this Taobao store.

“Susu Mom” ​​posted a post: “I was used as a mule, and I didn’t give me money after riding for so long? 》

“Susu Mom” ​​is currently serializing “When the junior three knocks on the door, do I want to continue the marriage?” “, has written more than 50,000 words, and the story is still going on.

Netizens squatted in the building every day waiting to be fed, but “Susu Ma” is only updated once a week, and netizens were scratching their heads and feeling helpless.

Netizens found that “Susu Ma” opened a new post, clicked in and found that their “Susu Ma” was actually infringed! !

Susu Ma posted on the forum: “As we all know, I like Yunyiyishe’s clothes because their clothes give me back my confidence as a woman, but I didn’t expect that someone opened a fake Taobao store and used the I’m going to lie. My typing speed is very slow. Every story I update in the forum, long or short, is all I typed out with one finger. Everyone likes to read my story, I’m honored , but those scum who take advantage of everyone’s love for me and use my name to deceive people, I hope you stop in moderation! Although I am a woman, I will protect my rights! I am no longer the one I used to be, and I am still bullied by others. , and the woman who swallowed her voice!”

A photo of a lawyer’s letter was posted on the forum.

Netizens were filled with indignation. No wonder Su Su didn’t update “Knock on the Door when the Little Three” during the Chinese New Year. Their feelings were because they were infringed by a counterfeit shop in “Yun Yi Yi She”.

Netizens began to feel sorry for her, and the following netizens posted:

1st floor: “My God, Su Su Ma is such a hard worker! She finally got out of the shadow of marriage, left her original family, and began to write stories about her with positive energy, but someone took advantage of her fame. Doing wicked things? Is it tolerable or unbearable!”

2nd floor: “There are still such shameless people? Come on, Susu, we support you! You are the benchmark for our women. After my sister divorced, I read your post and regained hope for life. My sister and I I like you very much. Come on!”

3rd floor: “People are good at being bullied. Come on, Su Su! Don’t be a slave to being bullied!”

Su Su Ma’s fan appeal on the forum was scarier than she imagined. Soon, netizens posted for her, slaughtered the forum, and sought justice for Su Su Ma.

After someone found out that they were cheated, they gave a bad review non-stop. The Taobao store also quickly deleted the copy and all advertisements about “Susu Ma”.

There are several moderators in Tianya who are her fans and also come to help out.

There was a lot of uproar about this incident on the Internet, and the store was afraid of huge compensation, so they settled with them in private, promising to put up a two-month letter of apology in the store and compensate for the infringement.

Taobao has also dealt with shops that plagiarize copywriting, which has the effect of killing chickens and warning monkeys. Righteous netizens on the Internet began to spontaneously give the Taobao clothing store “Yunyi Yishe” that Amway “Susu Ma” likes. This incident has actually played a hype effect, and their Taobao store sales have gone up again.

Su Qin underestimated her mother’s influence on the forum. Within two days, a publishing house contacted her mother and asked her to publish the post “Knock on the Door when the Little Three” serialized on Tianya into a book.

Wang Lin thought she was a liar and ignored them.

The publishing house was not discouraged, and pursued her for publishing rights. Finally, with 30,000 prints, 8 commission points, and a price of 24 yuan, I signed “When the Little Three Knock on the Door”. The price is after tax, and it is also 57,000.

On the morning of the promise to sign the contract, the editor of the publishing house went downstairs to her house with the contract. The moment the contract was signed, Wang Lin was still in a trance.

How did she somehow become a writer?

Wang Lin happily went to the vegetable market to buy chicken, duck and fish, and planned to celebrate. By the way, I bought a big stick bone molar for two dogs.

When she got home, she squatted in front of the two dogs and watched them gnaw at the bones.

Su Qin came out of the room and poured boiling water, saw her mother squatting on the ground watching the two dogs eat, and complained, “Mom, why did you start watching the dogs eat?”

Wang Lin told her daughter about signing the publishing contract today. She stretched out five fingers and said, “Five thousand seven, we can buy a car.”

Su Qin stood in the living room, calmly bit the water glass and took a sip of boiled water, with mixed feelings.

She thought that her mother in the previous life was a housewife who was subjected to domestic violence. In this life, she has become a famous writer in the world? However, is she sure someone will buy that kind of book?

Wang Lin waved her hand and looked indifferent: “Whether it can be sold or not? We can do it if we have the money. Fifty-seven thousand, Susu, what do you think we should buy a car?”

Although Wang Lin has not yet received the full payment, Wang Lin has already begun to plan how the manuscript fee will be spent.

There is no one in their family who can drive, and now the house price in Yunyang has not risen yet, Su Qin certainly wants to buy a house if he has money. She said: “I suggest buying another suite. In a few years, the housing prices in Yunyang City will definitely rise again. Now four or five thousand, in a few years, it will be four or five thousand! Mom, think about it, make more money ?”

“You stinky girl, you think beautifully, 40,000 to 50,000 yuan? If the house price can go up to 40,000 or 50,000 yuan, my mother will cut it off and give you a kick.” Wang Lin gestured with her hand to cut her neck. Come back, we should buy another set as a wedding house for you! If you get married in the future, what if your target is a poor man who can’t afford a house? Hey, I’m following your dad, I’ve had enough hard times. We rent a house , I dare not rent too good a lot.”

Wang Lin thought long-term, and Su Qin complied: “Yes, mother is right, let’s look forward, if my husband is a poor man in the future and can’t afford a house, and I have to rent a house after giving birth, how troublesome?”

Wang Lin patted her knees and decided: “Okay, let’s buy a house! We’ll buy a car when we have money. Besides, we Susu are a small boss now, and maybe we can make money from buying a car this year. Enough!”

Su Qin frowned and smiled at his mother.

The mother can have today’s achievements, she never imagined.

After the Taobao store was counterfeited and copied, Su Qin realized that their store must be transformed into an original brand. Only in this way can their store develop in the long run.

Su Qin, who had been staying at home for many days, asked Chen Meixin to meet in a coffee shop, and planned to discuss with Chen Meixin about making original clothes.

The upper island coffee shop in the city center has an elegant environment. Chen Meixin is a frequent visitor here. She asked for a private room. She sat in it and had already made coffee and waited for Su Qin.

Chen Meixin became even more beautiful. She cut off her long wavy hair, her hair was short to the ears, and dyed a golden color. She was dressed in cowboys and wore a pair of Martin boots on her feet. She was **** and cool.

The interior of the private room is uniquely decorated. The only light source is the European-style crystal lamp overhead, which is dim.

Su Qin pulled out the chair and sat down opposite Chen Meixin, took the coffee from her hand, and said directly, “Sister Chen, you know the situation of our store, those counterfeit Taobao stores are all stocked according to our style. , For a long time, it is not the way. So, I want to try to be original.”

Before that, Su Qin didn’t tell Chen Meixin about this idea. Chen Meixin’s hands trembled when she heard her words: “Qin Er, it’s easy for you to say this, but how easy is it to be original? Who would want to work in a Taobao store for a talented designer? Big company.”

Su Qin thought about this question earlier. She doesn’t have that much energy to create at present, but she has accumulated a lot of works in her previous life, and she can think of more than a dozen designs these days.

In her previous life, she also had a lot of creations in school and in the company. She can design D&M’s best-selling models, and her design level is naturally not bad. You know, D&M is the leading clothing company in China, taking the high-end route and belonging to the Sibojia Group.

Siberia is the only luxury brand in China that can rival international brands such as Chanel and Dior, and it also enjoys a high reputation internationally. Therefore, it can be seen that Su Qin’s strength is not bad.

Although she can only think of a dozen styles now, she is quite satisfied with three of them for spring and four for summer, and thinks they are no worse than the best-selling D&M styles she designed.

A store has several sets of styles that can be obtained. As the main product, it is almost ok. In order to fill the number, they can buy the copyright of the design from some unknown but talented designers, make their own brand, and put on the logo of “Yunyi”.

As Su Qin, who knows the future, of course, he has a great advantage in tapping potential designers. She lists several current fashion design students at Shangcheng University who will be famous in ten years.

Su Qin was about to start school and couldn’t go to Shangcheng, so he handed the list to Chen Meixin, hoping that Chen Meixin would go to Shangcheng to communicate with these future well-known designers and buy some design works.

And she herself took advantage of the few remaining vacations to go to Sangzao Town to find a clothing factory as an OEM to make several spring and summer clothes that she designed. Of course, Su Qin is under academic pressure now, so he can only eat his old money and has no energy to create new things.

After Lao Ben finished high school for three years, she thought there was no problem.

After all, she is confident that their trendy models will not be out of fashion in at least ten years. According to the fashion retrospective law, their best-selling models in 2006 may be popular again in 2016.

Trend models mainly rely on the accumulation of her previous life and the purchase of copyrights from designers who have never been famous. In addition, she also wanted to make trendy T-shirts that were widely available, simple styles that both men and women could wear.

For this kind of T-shirt, she can go to the factory to address a batch of finished products, mainly black and white, and then find Li Xian to design the pattern.

According to the price of the factory in Sangzao Town, the cost price of this kind of short sleeves should not be high. Under the condition of keeping the same style, it only needs to change the pattern every year, and it can be sold all year round.

With these ideas, Su Qin and Chen Meixin acted separately. Chen Meixin went to Shangcheng University the next day, looking for those students to talk about design copyright cooperation. It just so happened that the university there had already started.

In fact, as a future person, Su Qin can of course “copy” other people’s works, but she can’t do that. If you change someone’s life because of your “plagiarism”, wouldn’t it be unfair to others? She would rather openly take money to buy the copyright of their works.

After Chen Meixin left, Su Qin Li Xian came out for lunch and wanted him to design several T-shirt designs.

Because designer Li helped Su Qin’s Taobao shop make some things, he gained some popularity in the circle, and he has more customers. Naturally, he has no worries about food and drink, and he even earns more than he used to work in big companies.

Coincidentally, Li Xian has several ready-made pattern designs that have not been published yet. Su Qin thinks it is very suitable for the style of trendy T-shirts, and spent 20,000 yuan to buy all the copyrights of several patterns in his hand.

Li Xian thought that she was just joking when she said 20,000 yuan. Unexpectedly, the next day, Su Qin really brought 20,000 yuan of real money to him.

Li Xian felt very flustered. I began to wonder if Miss Su had taken a fancy to him and wanted to… take care of him?

Su Qin was going to Sangzao Town to find a factory for OEM, and Li Xian happened to be going there too, so the two walked together.

At six o’clock in the morning, Li Xian had arrived at the bus terminal. She knew that Su Qin was motion sick, so she specially bought motion sickness medicine for her.

When Su Qin appeared with the big German Mu who was wearing a muzzle, Li Xian was so frightened that his legs went weak. Su Qin led the dog closer and closer, and Li Xian stepped back with his backpack: “You…don’t come here.”

Su Qin laughed, pointed to Feibao and said, “Li Xian, this is Feibao, the bodyguard I hired.”

The flying leopard has a sturdy body and a sturdy appearance. Wearing a muzzle makes it even more ferocious. Facing strangers, it didn’t have the intention of being cute and courteous, so it looked at Li Xian so coldly.

Li Xian swallowed his saliva and said tremblingly, “Miss Su, don’t you think it’s scary for a girl to keep such a dog?”

“Of course it’s not scary to protect my dog.” There were many people traveling inside and outside the station. Su Qin shortened the p-rope and made Feibao follow her closely.

Su Qin took out his mobile phone and glanced at the time, and said, “the car has come, let’s go in.”

Li Xian stopped her: “Wait, are you sure this big guy can get in the car?”

Su Qin nodded and said, “Yes. It’s a private car going to the Sangzao bus, but it’s just parked at the station. The driver agreed with me to bring Feibao to the bus, and I also bought a seat for it.”

After getting in the car, Su Qin found the fourth row seat and let Feibao sit in the inner seat. She put a blanket on the car mat to prevent herself from falling asleep. Feibao left the seat and ran around, and tied the p-chain to her waist to feel relieved.

Feibao was very quiet after getting in the car, the mouth tube rested on Su Qin’s legs, and he closed his eyes and started to doze off.

On the first day apart from Boeing, it wanted Boeing. But as a male dog, it should be running around.

It wears an iron muzzle on its mouth, which is very uncomfortable. Its dog brain kept flipping on Su Qin’s thigh, Su Qin scratched the dog’s back from time to time to make it a little more comfortable.

After a few hours of driving, Feibao did not make a sound and did not disturb other passengers. In the middle of the ride, it also got off the bus and went to the toilet with the crowd.

There are many garment processing factories in Sangzao Town, and some well-known domestic garment brands are looking for factories here.

Su Qin bought some nutritional products in Yunyang City, and brought some stationery that girls liked to the owner of the printing factory.

The boss and Su Qin are also very familiar. After learning that she came to the clothing factory, he asked workers to send her to the clothing processing area.

There are about dozens of clothing processing factories in this area. Su Qin chose a medium-sized clothing processing factory. The pattern maker is more experienced, and Su Qin is more at ease.

Subsequently, Su Qin ordered another 1,000 black and white T-shirts with Li Xian’s designs printed on them. Because it is an ordinary T-shirt, the samples in the factory came out very quickly. When Su Qin saw the finished product in the afternoon of the next day, he thought it was very good.

The T-shirts she uses are all good materials of pure cotton, and the pattern is not the kind of rough goods that will fall off after a few washes. of.

There are a total of four patterns, and Su Qin tried it on her upper body. It was indeed trendy and versatile. She was sure that the students would love this T-shirt.

Su Qin turned around in front of Li Xian and asked him, “How about designer Li? What does it feel like to wear your work on me?”

Su Qin is less than 1.7 meters tall, but is very thin, just like a small hanger.

Li Xian stared blankly, pushed the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose and said, “Okay, it looks good.”

Su Qin doesn’t like to dress up very much, but she is really beautiful. But this girl’s aura is too strong, Li now has a sense of inferiority in front of her, and dare not think of her in any way.

This trendy T-shirt, Su Qin is planning to make a couple model, she plans to be a model herself, and then pulls a man over 1.8 meters to take model pictures together.

Of course, she didn’t plan to consider Yun Fei for this man.

Although there is a height difference between Yun Fei and her, he is too thin to give the girl a visual effect of security. She plans to find a man with muscles, strong enough body, and ideal hormones, to shoot this set of couple model pictures with her.

Li Xian and Su Qin stayed in Sangzao Town for four days and finally settled everything.

Su Qin will start school the day after tomorrow, and he must go home to pack up tomorrow. As for the typed pattern, we can only wait for her to come back on vacation.

Once the pattern is finalized, the clothes can be mass-produced. Since they want to transform, the model style in their store must also be transformed.

She plans to let Chen Meixin find a few professional European and American models to shoot advertisements after the new models arrive, and raise the Taobao store to a higher level.

On the fourth night, Li Xian and Su Qin found a small restaurant for dinner. They went late and there were no customers in the restaurant.

After the boss cooked the dishes for them, he chatted with the waiter.

They talked about gossip in the town. I heard that there was a bar in the town, and they would perform dances every night. The scale was huge. Bosses who come here on business like to go there to have some fun.

The boss and the waiter chatted happily, and then turned to ask Li Xian: “You are also the boss from out of town, right? We have opened a new bar here, but it is very lively, and there are still people dancing in it. I heard that today’s drinks are 50% off. Didn’t you plan to visit?”

Li Xian is a typical otaku who never hangs out in bars.

His impression of the bar was that of the kind of place where bad boys and girls go. He blushed, shook his head and said, “No, I don’t plan to go.”

The boss glanced at the German Shepherd lying at their feet, then at Su Qin, and said with a smile, “Yes, it’s really inconvenient for you to go to that kind of place with a dog and a girl.”

After eating, I came out of the restaurant, and there was a pick-up truck with decorative decorations driving slowly on the street.

On the pickup truck, there was a promotional banner of “Jinsheng Bar”. In the cloaks stood several German women in bikinis, with blond hair and blue eyes and small waists. As the car slowly opened, they naturally twisted their waists, which was very charming. .

At this time, the sky was getting dark, night fell, and the street lights on the street had all turned on.

The children ran after the car, the men stood with their arms crossed and looked at the roadside, and the bold ones whistled at the graceful German beauties.

Su Qin let out a “ho”: “This bar is open, and the battle is quite big. I invited so many German beauties to promote it, and they are all pretty roars.”

She bumped Li Xian with her elbow, and found that the man’s eyes were staring at the beauties in the car, and his face was flushed.


Su Qin suggested: “Designer Li, if you really want to see the fun, just go and have a look. You are an adult man anyway, so you should go and see it, what do you think?”

Li Xian blushed, and said weakly, “I’m a serious person.”

Su Qin joked, “Aren’t the men who go to the bar serious? Actually, I think it’s understandable for adult men to go to bars for entertainment. You really don’t want to meet them?”

Li Xian touched his nose and his eyes flickered.

Su Qin said again: “Go, I won’t laugh at you.”

Feibao also raised his head and called Li Xian “wang”.

Su Qin: “Well, even the dog suggested that you go to see the adult world, so you can go.”

Li Xian is also a normal man, and he has fantasies about the place he has never been to. In Yunyang City, he didn’t dare to go to bars, for fear of meeting acquaintances and being told that he was not serious. But this is Sangzao Town, and he really wanted to see what the bar looked like.

Li Xian blushed and reprimanded Su Qin in a low voice: “Miss Su, how can you encourage men to go to that kind of rude place?”

For Su Qin, who has a soul in his thirties, a bar is really not a rare place. In her previous life, she and Li Chuan often went to the bar for two drinks together.

She spread her hands and said with a smile, “Because I often go there too. You, a man, dare not go to a place where a woman would dare to go?”

Li Xian: “Who, who said I dare not go!”

The entrance of the newly opened “Jinsheng Bar” is filled with warm welcomes, and everyone who passes by will pull in, regardless of gender. Su Qin underestimated the bar in this place. She thought that it was really a place for serious drinking and pastime.

There is a barbecue stall outside the bar. Su Qin ordered a bottle of soy milk and a plate of barbecue.

Flying Leopard was lying at her feet, “Ha eat Ha Chi” sticking out his tongue.

She bit the skewer and looked up to see the situation at the door of the bar. Li now shook the door, pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose in a panic, and was hesitating whether to go in, when two enthusiastic beauties pushed him in.

It was probably because the designer Li Da was too decent, and after a while, he rushed out, out of breath and disheveled.

He tightened the belt, re-buttoned his shirt, walked towards Su Qin, lowered his head, and whispered to Su Qin with a blushing face, “Go, go, go back to the hotel.”

Su Qin settled the bill, led Feibao to follow, and asked him, “What’s the matter? Are you having a good time?”

Designer Li quickened his pace, crossed his arms over his chest and said, “Rogues, female hooligans, a group of female hooligans! They…they pulled me into the bathroom, took off my pants, and stripped my clothes…”

Saying that, designer Li’s eyes turned red, and tears fell out. He raised his hand to wipe away a handful of tears, sucked his nose and said, “Shameless hooligan!”

Su Qin didn’t expect that Li Xian’s reaction would be so big when he was molested.

Back at the Hongtu Hotel, Li Xian walked faster than her and walked into the room one step ahead of her. When Su Qin took the key to open the door, Li Xian had already closed them with a bang.

Su Qin and Feibao looked at each other and both expressed their helplessness.

She pushed open the door. The moment before, she was a helpless and gentle dog. The next moment, she was in a fighting state. She rushed into the room like a beast and frantically slammed the wardrobe door at the door of the room.

Su Qin didn’t know why Feibao was so abnormal. She was subconsciously vigilant. She stood at the door and didn’t go in. She took out the saber from her pocket, revealing the blade.

Flying Leopard directed at the closet “Wang Wang”, opened the closet door with his claws, bared his teeth, bared his teeth, bit the arm of the man in the closet, and dragged him out.

Su Qin smelled a pungent **** smell, and Feibao must have smelled it too, that’s why he reacted so much. The man dragged out by the flying leopard had sweat on his forehead, pale face, purple lips, and multiple wounds on his body.

Flying Leopard’s huge body pressed on the man and stepped on the man’s wound with its four claws. The man was in pain and groaned.

“Flying Leopard! Come back!”

Feibao received the order and stepped back, giving her a wrong look.

Su Qin closed the door, locked it, and went to draw the curtains.

She squatted back in front of the closet, and pushed the man’s shoulder nervously: “Xu… Instructor Xu? How… why are you in my closet?”

Su Qin thought it was too coincidental, how could he meet Xu Hang in Sangzao Town? And this man is still in her closet?

Xu Hang opened his eyes and was slightly relieved to see the girl finally come back.

Seeing that he was silent, Su Qin thought he didn’t recognize him, and said quickly, “I’m Su Qin, a student of the 1st Company of Yunyang Middle School. You don’t remember me, Meng Sisi always remembers, right?”

Xu Hang bit his lip but still didn’t speak.

Seeing his injuries, Su Qin immediately took out his phone: “I’ll take you to the hospital!”

As soon as she took out her phone, the man grabbed her wrist tightly, “Dangerous, don’t.”

Su Qin reacted for a while before asking him, “Is Sangzao Town dangerous? Then tell me what to do? Can you stabilize your injury first? You are hurt too badly.”

Xu Hang gave her a list of drug names and asked her to go downstairs to buy it. It was already night, and Su Qin didn’t dare to go downstairs alone, so he brought Li Xian and Feibao downstairs to the pharmacy to buy medicine.

There are no taxis in Sangzao Town, and there is no software such as Didi Taxi.

She didn’t know why Xu Hang was injured here. Could it be that he was on a special mission? But if it is to perform a task, why would it be placed on the order? And why happened to be in her closet? Isn’t it… so coincidental? All these puzzled Su Qin.

Xu Hang in the health center in Sangzao Town felt dangerous, so Su Qin called Li Chuan and asked her to drive to pick them up.

Li Chuan received the call. After listening to the girl’s narration on the phone, his scalp tightened and he almost shouted, “Su Qin, what’s your physique? What are you doing over there?”

Su Qin was also speechless. She touched the tip of her nose, held the phone and said, “Probably… Probably Conan’s physique.”

“…” Li Chuan instructed her in a deep voice: “You stay in the hotel with Li Xian and Feibao, don’t go anywhere, wait for me to come.”

Li Chuan was planning to go to KTV with Panda and the others to relax. As soon as the car drove downstairs to the KTV, he received a call from Su Qin.

After throwing his brothers downstairs at the KTV, he turned around and walked out of the city. He listened to the girl teasing about his “Conan physique” on the phone, and thought it was both angry and funny.

Sangzao Town is not safe in the first place, what is she doing over there as a girl? Are you helping your mother again? She is a little girl, is it necessary to do such a thing?

Li Chuan thought selfishly that he really wanted to keep her at home and not let her go anywhere.

The author has something to say: Su Su: “Did God give me Conan’s physique when he reborn me??”

Li Chuan: Smile.

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