Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 34 - boy

The next day, BBS published a positive report on “Hero Li Chuan” by “Southern Weekly”.

Netizens who scolded Li Chuan in the forum were slapped in the face. After a night of silence, some netizens came out to apologize.

1st floor: “After this incident, I really can’t believe bbs’s revelations. The first picture, the content is all made up, I just made up a hero as a pervert. I’m sorry to Li Chuan here, you are not only a Genius is also the object of our school’s praise and learning.”

2nd floor: “I’m here to admit my mistakes. I am a student of Nanyang University. I dare to admit my mistakes. I swear here that I will never believe in online rumors in the future.”

3rd floor: “No one can guarantee that what this panda hero broke is true, right? And this panda hero is really too much, and he actually exposes such private matters as girls. The Li Chuan incident, free love, and the school did not. What punishment may be given, at most, the loss of a few projects. But what about Lin Xiaoyin? As soon as this incident is exposed, she may lose her student status! She is still in graduate school!”

4th floor: “Upstairs, are you joking? Your words remind me of a very famous sentence in Aunt Qiongyao’s book. – You only lost a leg, and Ziling! She lost It’s love!”

5th floor: “The third floor is a fool, right? What benefit did Lin Xiaoyin give you? This kind of girl really ruins the school spirit.

6th floor: “Am I the only one who wants to say, is this Lin Xiaoyin too much? The mother also made it clear in the interview that Lin Xiaoyin was also one of the girls who were rescued. It can be seen that yesterday’s revelation by Panda Hero is true. She is really too much. Now, I can’t chase after Li Chuan, but I want to frame it and drag a girl in the first year of high school in, how sad the little girl sees this post?”

7th Floor: “Breaking the news! Lin Xiaoyin was taken away by the police for spreading rumors and slander!”

The people in the building who helped Lin Xiaoyin to speak suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Lin Xiaoyin made a slander and was invited to the police station for tea. Because of this, Li Chuan received a call from home.

On the other end of the phone, Uncle Li Chuan spoke earnestly and persuaded him to leave this matter alone, and the two would have to communicate in the future.

There was a smile on Li Chuan’s lips, and he said coldly, “It’s not that simple.”

Hearing the son’s yin and yang voice on the phone, Li Jianjun said angrily, “Stinky boy, what’s your tone of voice? Well, don’t make trouble, let’s just forget about it, Yinyin is also naughty, and she didn’t mean to hurt her. You and that little girl.”

Li Chuan’s parents died young, and the uncle and aunt had no children, so Li Chuan was adopted by Li Jianjun, and the two have been father and son since childhood.

“Naughty?” Li Chuan’s tone was not warm, “This matter is not discussed, adults should be responsible for their own behavior. Don’t worry, they will come out in ten days at most.”

“Yin Yin is still in graduate school, isn’t it the same as ruining her life by doing this?” Li Jianjun was so angry that his liver hurt, “Xiao Chuan, what are you doing outside, what business are you doing, you can leave it alone at home, but this one You have to do as I say. Yin Yin did this wrong, but as a big brother, shouldn’t you let her?”

Li Chuan’s voice was cold: “That’s it, I’m hanging up. I’ll go home on time for dinner on Friday, tell my grandma, and cook for her when I get back.”

Li Jianjun wanted to say something else, but the call over there has been hung up.

The three-day vacation after the military training ended quickly. Su Qin hardly rested. It took her a lot of time to teach her mother to post on major forums and choose models with Chen Meixin.

After Su Qin arranged the work for the next month, he could finally relax a little and take the bus back to school.

From the old city to Yunyang Middle School, it takes about 50 minutes to drive to the terminal, and then walk for another 10 minutes to reach the gate of their school.

Today is the day before the school starts. The back street of the school is very lively. Stationery stores, bookstores, snack bars and milk tea shops are crowded with students.

The sophomore and senior three students had changed into their school uniforms. She passed by the entrance of a snack bar and saw several boys in school uniforms squatting on the roadside eating sausages. The boys’ feasting made Su Qin’s appetite greatly increased, so he walked into the milk tea shop and bought a bunch of crispy and fried sausages.

When she was about to turn around, someone behind her pressed her chest and squeezed her forward. The big boy behind him slid his lower jaw against her shoulder and bit the sausage she was holding in one bite.

Su Qin was speechless.

The big boy put his chin on her shoulder and said in a coquettish tone, “Susu, I still want to eat.”

Su Qin laughed angrily at him, and shoved the rest of the test room into his mouth: “Eat, eat, eat it all for me, don’t let one bite be left!”

Yun Fei bit the sausage, stood up straight, and saw that she was carrying a large backpack and a canvas bag in her hand, feeling quite heavy. He took the initiative to take the schoolbag off her shoulders, hugged the canvas bag with the fruit for her, and asked her, “Susu, have you eaten yet?”

The burden on him was taken away by Yun Fei, and Su Qin felt a lot more relaxed.

The two walked to the school side by side, she shook her head: “No, how about you?”

“Neither did I, I’m waiting for you to have dinner together.” The big boy was handsome and tall, and attracted the attention of many students along the way.

Yunyang Middle School has regulations that the school uniform must be worn on the day of admission. Students like Yun Fei and Su Qin in normal clothes look like freshmen in high school.

Su Qin turned his face and asked him, “Then what do you want to eat? Sister invites you to eat.”

“Let’s put things away, go to the backstreet, and try each one, okay?”

“Ah? With so many gourmet restaurants, can you finish it? Can’t you die?”

The boy was a head taller than her, and when he talked to her, his tone was coquettish, and he even looked at her like a little milk dog.

She really couldn’t stand the boy’s eyes, so she couldn’t help standing on tiptoe and tugging at the boy’s ear: “Okay, okay, don’t look at me with such pitiful eyes, just take you to eat, you are here Wait for me downstairs, I will go back to the dormitory and put things down.”


Arriving downstairs in the girls’ dormitory, Su Qin took things from Yun Fei’s hand, took out a bag of apples from the canvas bag, and put it in Yun Fei: “Well, eat more fruit, I bought a bag for you, enough for a week. “

Yun Fei was holding the fruit, and his heart was warm. When the girl went upstairs, he wagged his tail and walked towards his bedroom.

303 bedroom.

Yan Yixiao was paralyzed on the bed, raised a pair of legs, and held a pair of short legs against the bed board, and said with emotion: “School starts tomorrow, I heard from my senior in the second year of high school that Teacher Tang looks gentle on the surface, but in fact, she is super sweet. Fierce. And it is said that there will be a test tomorrow in the class, a military training, I have almost forgotten the knowledge of junior high school, what should I do? I am a little nervous. “

“Are you going to take a test?” Su Qin came in from outside with a large bag and a small bag, and asked in doubt when he heard Yan Yixiao’s words.

Yu Wen, who was sitting on the other side of the bed, was wiping lotion in the mirror, and she hummed: “Every class has a start-up test, and our class is no exception. Su Qin, I’m curious how many marks did you get in the high school entrance exam? “

Su Qin didn’t see her score at all. Teacher Tang just informed her that she was admitted and got full marks for her composition. As for the subject scores and total score, Teacher Tang seemed to have forgotten to tell her, and she forgot to ask.

Meng Sisi, who was kneeling and folding clothes, said, “Susu was admitted before the high school entrance examination, so I don’t know her score. Hey, Mosquito, how many points did you get in the test?”

The girl called “Mosquito” tutted and looked up at Meng Sisi who was on the opposite bed: “Who do you call Mosquito? I don’t want such an ugly nickname!”

“Mosquito, Mosquito, Mosquito, it’s very nice, catchy and easy to remember.” Meng Sisi stuck out her tongue at her.

Su Qin took out three apples from the bag, put them in a small basin, washed them in the bathroom, brought them back, and distributed one to each of the three roommates.

After delivering apples to the three girls, Su Qin went downstairs.

When she left, Yu Wen called her again: “Su Qin, don’t you want to have dinner with us? Let’s get together anyway.”

“No, let’s eat together tomorrow. I’ll take Yunfei out to buy some stationery.”

“Well, all right.”

When Su Qin left, Yu Wen wentssips with Meng Sisi: “Are they really siblings? I look at them, why don’t they look like them?”

“It’s a very complicated relationship, you still don’t know about it.”

Even though Meng Sisi tried very hard to forget everything in the mountains, she was hurt in the end and it was carved into her bones, and she couldn’t forget it. She tried very hard to use “happy” to cover up that she had not experienced pain, but she could not forget such a thing, and she would never forget it for the rest of her life.

The relationship between Yun Fei and Su Qin is too complicated. If they really want to talk about it, they will definitely bring up the story of their girls in the mountains.

In the back street of the school, the stationery store was crowded with people. Before Yun Fei had purchased stationery, he pulled Su Qin and squeezed in.

Yun Fei recently fell in love with Ultraman. Notebooks and pencil cases are also the same accessories as Ultraman. In the corner of the stationery store, Su Qin selected gel pens and pens for the boy. When he turned around, he saw the older boy’s arms covered with scratch paper tattoos.

Left arm, Qinglong tattoo.

Right arm, white tiger tattoo.

He clenched his fists, the scholar strongman, hooked his arms, “Susu, are you handsome?”

“…” Su Qin twitched the corners of his mouth, “I didn’t see it as handsome, but it’s a little weak. I picked a few pens for you. It should be enough for you to use for a while. What else do you need?”

Yunfei pointed to the star posters and stickers hanging on the wall and asked her, “Why would anyone buy these things?”

Su Qin explained to him patiently: “These are stars. Many students will buy back the posters of their favorite stars, put them on the wall, and watch them every day. As for the small stickers, you can stick them on your notebooks.”

Yun Fei raised his hand and pointed to one of the stars, and asked her, “Susu, who is handsome between me and him?”

“Of course the star is handsome. No matter how handsome you are, can a star be popular?” Su Qin took him to the front desk to queue up to pay, counted the items in his hand, roughly calculated the price, and took out fifty yuan from his pocket. money.

Yun Fei pursed the corners of his mouth, quite dissatisfied, and muttered: “I’m obviously more handsome than him, Susu, you open your eyes and talk nonsense.”

“Okay, you’re handsome, you’re handsome.” Su Qin counted out a handful of change, not knowing whether to laugh or cry at the big boy’s reaction.

Yun Fei hummed in his throat: “Wait, I will make all the girls in the school buy my posters in the future.”

Su Qin handed money to the boss, but the big boy grabbed his hand and handed the 100-yuan bill to the boss first.

He frowned and said to Su Qin word by word, “Su Su, why are you always rushing to pay? Why are you charging a lot of money in front of me? Su Su, I’m not happy about you. .”

“It’s not much money, Susu can afford it.” Su Qin looked at him with a funny face and explained, “Feifei, you have to remember that Susu’s life was saved by you, no matter how much Susu earns in the future. Money, how much you want to spend, that’s what Susu should give you, it’s not a big money, it’s called repayment of gratitude, you know?”

The boss will find the money and hand them the stationery. The classmates who were waiting in line behind to pay urged: “The first two high school freshmen, hurry up, there are still people waiting behind!”

“Okay, sorry, sorry, we’ll be fine.” Su Qin took the things from the boss, grabbed the boy’s wrist, and dragged him out of the stationery store.

After buying the stationery, Su Qin took Yun Fei to sweep half a street of snacks.

Grilled chicken wings, cold dip, ice powder, chicken chops, grilled chicken skin… Until the stomach is full, then go back.

At 6:30 in the evening, they went to self-study. The two of them didn’t predict the time. As soon as they entered the school, the bell rang.

At this time, Su Qin received a text message from Yu Wen:

– Come back soon, Teacher Tang has already arrived in the class. Teacher Tang said that those who are late will be severely punished, and you can do it yourself.

Su Qin thought about Teacher Tang’s amiable face, and felt that the gentle teacher, thinking that today is the first day of self-study, shouldn’t punish her too badly, right?

She took Yun Fei and ran all the way to the door of the first class of the senior high school. She stood at the door and made a “report” to Teacher Tang on the podium.

Su Qin was too nervous because he was late and forgot that Yun Fei was still behind.

Teacher Tang is gentle after class, serious in class, and will never forgive students who are late.

She turned her head and saw Su Qin and the little tail behind her.

Teacher Tang said with a cold face: “Come in.”

Su Qin walked into the classroom, stood at the door and scanned the seats in the class. There are four groups of eight rows of seats in the classroom, only the last row has one seat left.

She was about to walk over, but Teacher Tang spoke, and the stern voice made Su Qin’s spine chill.

“Yunfei? What are you doing following up?”

Yun Fei was stunned and looked at Teacher Tang: “I want to be with Su Su.”

Since the head teacher of class 12 is on maternity leave, Mr. Tang is now taking classes 1 and 12. Yun Fei is a student in Class 12, she has heard a little about this child. During the exam, he had a blank paper in English, and he did well in physics and mathematics. He was not admitted to Yunzhong, but relying on his father’s relationship, he entered Yunzhong.

Yunyang Middle School is very strict in accepting students. If his father had not done a lot of good deeds and donated half of the teaching building, he might not have been able to enter the school.

Teacher Tang also knew about this student privately. His IQ was fine, but he seldom communicated with other classmates. He followed Su Qin like a small tail all day long.

Teacher Tang asked him, “Are you a student in class 1? You are a student in class 12, you should go to class 12!”

The students below burst into laughter.

Being laughed at, Yun Fei was very uncomfortable, he didn’t understand the logic of the school very well. Why do you have to go to class 12? Can’t he stay in class 1?

Seeing Yun Fei’s tendons, Su Qin grabbed him and said to the teacher, “Mr. Tang, Yun Fei’s situation is a bit special, and he doesn’t know much about school rules. I’ll send him to Class 12.”

“Well.” Teacher Tang nodded and reminded: “Class 12 is upstairs, turn left at the end.”

After Su Qin took Yun Fei to leave class 1, the following people discussed:

“Is Yun Fei really stupid?”

“He is usually smart, doesn’t he look stupid?”

“I don’t know, it’s weird anyway, and Su Qin and he don’t have the same surname, are they not siblings at all?”

“Quiet!” Teacher Tang slapped the desk with a ruler to stop everyone from discussing.

When Su Qin returned from class 12 after sending Yun Fei off and took her seat, Teacher Tang criticized her by name: “Su Qin, for being late for self-study last night, I will punish you for a week of hygiene.”

“Yes…” Su Qin exhaled.

There was a classmate whispering in the class, Teacher Tang coughed lightly, and immediately there was silence.

She said: “Let’s review tonight, and tomorrow the teachers of each subject will come to do a test. We will select class leaders and arrange seats according to the test ranking. Here, I want to remind some students that you can be admitted to this school, yes Because the school gave you a special place. Being able to enter this class is also because I gave you an extra chance. Otherwise, based on your grades, if you want to enter the first class, it will be a long way. “

Teacher Tang’s words clearly meant something. My classmates, you look at me, I look at you, and you are all muttering in your heart.

Who is Mr. Tang talking about?

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