Rebirth 2000, childhood sweetheart school beauty 18 years old

Chapter 12

Yi Feng and Wang Tie parted ways and went home.

As soon as he entered the house, he saw his parents waiting at the dinner table, both with stern faces.

"Son, where have you been playing? Why did you come back now? And it looks like this after being rained on!"Meng Xiaoyun couldn't help scolding Yi Feng when he saw the soaked Yi Feng returning home.

Yi Feng scratched his head, a little embarrassed to worry his parents,"Mom, Tiezi and I went to do something, but it was raining heavily when we came back.."

Meng Xiaoyun stood up and took a towel, wiped his wet hair, and said with concern:"Really, don't talk anymore, hurry up, go take a shower first, change into dry clothes, don't catch a cold."

""Okay, Mom."

Yi Feng responded, took his clothes and went to the bathroom to take a hot shower, changed into clean clothes and came out.

"Ah Qiu!"

As soon as he stepped out of the bathroom door, the cool breeze blew, and Yi Feng couldn't help but sneeze.

"Look, you have caught a cold. Come and have dinner. I have heated up the food for you."

"You eat first, I'll make you some ginger soup to drive away the cold." Meng Xiaoyun said distressedly.

"Hey, mom, I'm fine."

"Ah Qiu~" Yi Feng just finished speaking and sneezed again, and his nose was clear.

It seems that he really caught a cold.

This body is really weak!

Yi Feng couldn't help but secretly laugh at himself.

It seems that nutrition will keep up in the future. You have to exercise regularly from now on.

"You said it was okay, eat quickly, I'll go make ginger soup, you kid is really a fool."Meng Xiaoyun shook her head, wiped her hands, and went back to the kitchen.

Yi Feng sat at the dining table and saw tonight's dishes, stir-fried loofah with meat and stir-fried sweet potato leaves.

The only bit of meat was picked out and placed in front of him.

"Son, how have you been studying lately?"Yi Jianjun took out a red plum cigarette and was about to light it when he saw Yi Feng beside him and put it back.

"It's OK. English and math are not a big problem. I need to review other subjects more." Yi Feng answered honestly

"Huh? Is that true? You used to be the worst at English and math, didn't you say it the other way around?"Yi Jianjun was stunned.

"Dad, don't worry, I will definitely get good grades in the college entrance examination."Yi Feng said confidently.

Yi Jianjun nodded,"It's good if you have this confidence. You are preparing for the college entrance examination. You should play less outside in the future and go home early to review your homework."

"It rained heavily just now, and your mother didn’t see you coming back. She was so worried that she didn’t even bother to eat."

"If something happens to you in the future, remember to call your Uncle Gu first. He has a landline at home, so don’t make us worry too much."

Yi Feng smiled apologetically,"I know dad, I remember it."

The father and son chatted one after another. After Yi Feng finished eating, Meng Xiaoyun came out with ginger soup.

"Come, son, drink this bowl of ginger soup to warm your body."

Yi Feng took the ginger soup and blew on it.���A strong smell of old ginger hits my face.

He took a sip and his whole body felt warm.

My heart feels warm too

"Son, where did you and Wang Tie go wild today? Don't come back so late next time."Meng Xiaoyun said with a straight face.

The words were reproachful, but full of concern and concern.

Yi Feng put down the bowl and said with a smile:"Tie Zi and I went to earn some extra money."

He took out a waterproof plastic bag from his pocket, which contained three hundred yuan.

One hundred yuan bought a gift, one hundred yuan was given to Wang Tie, one hundred yuan was kept as pocket money, and he planned to hand over the remaining three hundred yuan. Give it to mom to improve the food at home and subsidize the family.

He took out the money and handed it to Meng Xiaoyun,"Mom, you can keep the three hundred yuan for now. You can keep it for extra food.""

Meng Xiaoyun and Yi Jianjun were stunned when they saw the three hundred yuan in his hand.

Three hundred yuan!

This is not a small amount, it is half a month's salary of Yi Jianjun.

"Son, where did you get the money? Did you do anything bad?"

""Son, although we are a little poor, we can't do anything out of line!" Meng Xiaoyun asked nervously without taking the money.

How can a high school student earn so much money?

Yi Jianjun frowned and scolded:"Tell me, where did the money come from? You didn't do anything else outside, did you?"

Under the stern gaze of the two, Yi Feng quickly told them the whole story.

Just say that this was earned through his own computer repair work, and the money was earned cleanly.

After listening to Yi Feng's words, the two finally relaxed their expressions.

Meng Xiaoyun took the money, hugged Yi Feng excitedly, and kissed him twice on the forehead.

"Ouch, my dear son, your parents just blamed you wrongly!"

"You are so promising, Mom, I feel so happy!"

Meng Xiaoyun was so happy that her face burst into laughter.

Yi Jianjun also had a look of relief on his face,"I am, my son has been smart since he was a child, haha!"

Yi Feng:" Uh-huh.……"

Why does this sound weird?

"Dad, Mom, now that my son can make money, we don’t have to be too frugal. We can add two taels of meat and one more dish on weekdays. You also need to eat some meat."

He saw that his parents didn't eat meat and left all the meat to him. How can this be done?

If you don't eat meat all year round, your body will have problems.

I'm afraid it's also because of this that my mother's body will suffer from long-term malnutrition. There's something wrong.

Meng Xiaoyun counted three hundred dollars and said without raising his head:"We don't have to grow any more. It doesn't matter whether we eat meat or not."

"Don't spend this money carelessly. Mom will keep it for you to use for college in the future."

Yi Jianjun sighed,"Yes, son, our third steel rolling mill has been getting worse and worse in recent years."

"There are rumors in the factory now that in order to transform the economy or something, the city may... close the steel mill. When that happens, more than 3,000 employees in the factory may have to be laid off."

"Let's save the money for the last time, as we may have to save more in the future."

Yi Feng was startled, and suddenly remembered that his father was indeed forced to be laid off in 2001.

At that time, the national economy was undergoing transformation, and the state closed or reduced and merged many old state-owned enterprises with poor performance, which led to a wave of layoffs.

The laid-off workers at that time fell directly to the bottom of society, struggling to survive, and many families were separated.

"Really? No way? Are the higher-ups just going to watch us lose our jobs?" Meng Xiaoyun's face changed.

Yi Jianjun rubbed his temple and frowned,"It's all spread in the factory. I... I guess it's pretty much the same. There's really nothing we can do.""

"There's nothing the factory can do about it."

"The factory has been operating at a loss in recent years. I heard that the funds are all allocated by the city to pay the workers' salaries."

"If the factory is not making money, it will probably be shut down sooner or later."

This news is undoubtedly a major blow to the whole family.

Meng Xiaoyun is even more worried.

Her meager income from selling vegetables can only subsidize the family, and the financial burden of the family falls entirely on Yi Jianjun's shoulders.

If Yi Jianjun is laid off, If so, the family's financial support would be destroyed.

The three people at the dinner table were silent for a while, and the atmosphere was dull and depressing.

""Dad, Mom, don't worry. I will be able to make money in the future. We will definitely get through this!"

Yi Feng suddenly spoke, breaking the silence.

Meng Xiaoyun looked at Yi Feng's determined expression, a gratified smile appeared on her face, she gently hugged him and touched his head.

"Our son has grown up, and I am very happy, but your first priority is to do well in the college entrance examination and go to a good university."

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