Realm Wars

Chapter 19: Exploration 2

Ferris controlled her inner demons and wiped her drool away. She grabbed for a cloth. "Alright, I'll wash you now, so try not to move around too much."

Ryu nodded, and Ferris washed his neck first. She worked her way in each limb and muscle, from his firm chest down to his hard pecs and the sexy line of his pelvis.

Ferris kneeled, and her face was leveled on Ryu's hard pulsating cock. Ferris wanted to stick her tongue and taste the thick liquid coming from its tip. She groaned and bit her lips as she rubbed Ryu's legs with the cloth.

A low rumble of delight emanated from Ryu's chest. He closed his eyes, feeling relaxed. The sensation of the coarse clothes against his skin and the pressure from Ferris's hands was enough to make his muscles sag.

Then a low growl resounded in his throat, and his eyes flung open.

The relaxing feeling turned into sudden pleasure. A pleasure like when he was consuming food. A pleasure that was ten times better than eating roasted meat.

He looked down at the girl who was now gripping his cock.

Ferris licked her lips, scarlet eyes blazing and slit irises in diamonds as she met Ryu's amber orbs.

"Relax. Does no one ever touch you here?" Ferris's asked, voice slurring and low.

Ryu's muscles tensed, and he gulped a mouthful of saliva.

Demonic charms and seduction were indeed very hard to resist.

Ryu shook his head.

"Hmmm. . ." Ferris mumbled to herself. How could he retain his virginity with a face like that?

But Ferris didn't ask. That was not important. She was thankful that he was not violated in that kind of way.

Ferris didn't bother with the thought and grabbed a liquid bottle. She poured its contents on her palms and created a leather before she washed Ryu's cock.

Ryu snapped his head backward. A groan escaped his lips while his legs trembled as if all his limbs were melting.

The pleasure was too much. His mind was floating in the hazy fog of euphoria. It felt like he was going to burst.

Ferris didn't mind Ryu's reaction to her touch. She rubbed his balls first before leathering her way up to his shaft, rubbing him up and down before cupping his tip with her fingers, making sure that she didn't get any bubbles in the slit.

"Argh. . ."

Ryu grabbed Ferris's hair for support as he looked down at the vixen. He was weak all over, and his strength was none existent. He never liked the feeling of being weak nor being at the mercy of others. But right now, it was a good kind of feeling. Better even. The best experience in his entire existence!


Ryu gripped Ferris's hair as his head swung back once more, eyes closed in ecstasy. It felt like all his organs were quivering while his bones were melting, and at the same time, a never-experience pleasure rumbled in his chest.

Ferris made sure to circle Ryu's slit in a light touch of her lips as he released his hot essence inside her mouth.

To demons, the essence was a source of mana. After using the seal of Sarcophagius for days, this was precisely what Ferris needed to recover her mana fast. The seal of Sarcophagius was an inherited spell that bound a dead body to house a soul. But to use it required continuous mana.

At the sight of Ferris gulping his seeds, Ryu felt a twinge in his heart. A gentle rumble vibrated in his throat, saying that he was pleased.

Ferris chuckled. Ensuring that Ryu was thoroughly satisfied, she splashed cold water on his still pulsating cock to calm it down.

"Alright. Now turn around so I can wash your back."

Ryu was now the one in a hot sticky mess. His breathing ragged as his face flushed. He was still in euphoria, and hot air from his mouth blurred his face, eyes sloppy and moist.

A low growl reverberated in his chest. Ryu didn't want the pleasure to end. His slit eyes urging Ferris to continue pleasuring him.

"That's enough service for one day. Now turn around so I can finish washing you."

Ryu grunted and frowned. Still, he turned.

Ferris smiled and scrubbed Ryu's back. "Be sure to remember everything that I'm doing so you can wash yourself without my help anymore."

Ryu nodded with a blank face. He was too dazed and vexed. He gripped his cock in his hand, examining it. It was not the first that he grabbed his penis. But the way Ferris's hands felt against his skin was incredibly different compared to when he was touching it.

Does it differ if a woman touches it? Ryu thought, and the appearance of Cecily appeared in his mind. He grunted when his penis sprung back to life and throbbed more painful than before.

Eventually, Ferris finished bathing Ryu, and it was her turn to wash herself.

Ryu watched Ferris bathe in front of him. He was soaking in the wooden tub to relieve his tired muscles while she scrubbed her body.

Ryu crossed his arms on the edge of the tub while he rested his head on top of his crossing hands, observing Ferris with rapt attention.

In the past, he didn't bat an eyelid even if women were naked. But now, he couldn't help but be curious. Was it because he was facing life and death in the colosseum, so his feral instinct overpowered his curiosity?

Ferris noticed Ryu's heated gaze. Compared to the usual lust and malice that she felt all the time, Ryu's eyes remained pure or rather. .. there was nothing in there but the will to explore.

"What's the matter? First time seeing a naked woman?" Ferris teased, and Ryu responded by shaking his head.

"Then.. ." Ferris smirked a naughty smile. "Are you curious? Wanna' touch me?"

Ryu's spine straightened. He sprung to life and nodded his head in eagerness.

Ferris laughed and rinsed her body. She then extended a hand at Ryu. "Come here then. Explore me as you will."

Ryu watched the bewitching woman in front of him for a moment. He then stood to his feet and held Ferris's hand. Droplets of water trickled from his body and fell on the wooden floor. His body glistened under the rays of morning light that sipped through the window above. His eyes were sparkling like gold, while his hair stuck to his flawless face. At every step he took, he radiated an air of supremacy that echoed in Ferris's heart, and she almost bent her knee in worship.

He really is. . .


Ferris blinked. Was that a charm spell? No. It couldn't be. Ryu couldn't manipulate mana, and he didn't know nor learn any magic spells.

Then why. . .

Why did she almost bend her knees and nearly drowned in his presence?

Ferris snapped out from her thoughts when Ryu stopped just inches from her. He didn't do anything but stared at her nakedness.

Ferris huffed a laugh. She was knowledgeable of the races, at least far more knowledgeable than Ryu. Now that he found his other half, he would have more urges than before, and it would be more painful for him if it were not seated.

And when the four moons became one as the air thick with mana, which happened once a year, Ryu would have the undeniable urge to procreate. And if this was denied to him, Ferris feared that Ryu would force Cecily.

Though Ferris could help Ryu when that time came, she'd have to think of ways to chain him so he wouldn't do anything he would regret. Considering Cecily's temperament and how she treated Ryu, there was no way she would let him claim her.

Ferris breathed a sigh. I'll cross the bridge when I get there.

Ferris looked over at Ryu and couldn't help but smile. She knew that he was hesitating to touch her. Even though he was curious and brass. . .

He still had an amount of respect.

Ferris decided that it was time to set boundaries. After experiencing that kind of pleasure for the first time, she knew that Ryu would seek it again. She didn't want him to turn into like those sex-crazed, lust-driven humans or halfbreed.

The next step was important. She had to explain and make him understand.

Ferris squeezed Ryu's hand. Ryu didn't flinch nor pulled away. He was not thrilled with the idea of someone touching him. But it was okay if it was Ferris. Her touch always felt light. Like he was lulled into the sky.

Maybe because she fed and bathed me.

Maybe. . .

"Ryu, I want you to listen very carefully." Ferris's face was solemn as her voice was serious. "From now on, if you feel the urge to experience that pleasure again. .. you come to me, and no one. .. and I mean no one else, but me. Okay?"

".. ."

".. ."

"Wh. . y. . ."

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