Reality Smuggler – Ryan’s Alternate Future(R-18)

Prologue – An offer you can’t refuse

June 12th, 1937, Alaska...

In an archeological site...

A group of twenty young explorers stood in front of a strange-looking dug-up tomb.

Among them was a relatively short, thin, and muscular young Caucasian man. He had a plain face, a slightly large nose and ears, and short brown hair. He had one striking feature, however. That was his deep emerald eyes, full of vitality and ambition.

His name was Joshua White, a Jewish refugee who fled Germany following the Natzi rise.

When he was 14, Joshua sensed the increasing tensions, so he begged his middle-class parents to send him to the US.

At first, they were reluctant, but after they saw what the Nazis were doing, they finally consented and sent him away in 1935 to a Jewish community in New York when he was 16, while they stayed behind, hoping things would get better.

Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned. The Nazis soon confiscated their property, along with their means to leave.

Cut from his parents, lacking high-school education, and his funds dwindling, the young Joshua started working in the docks under the American-Jewish Mafia, or Kosher Nostra.

But, as luck would have it, a month ago, he got an offer he couldn't refuse...

One of the more influential figures in the Kosher Nostra called him to his office after a day of back-breaking work, barely earning $5.40 for 12 hours. His name was Ovadia Goldberg, a middle-aged man wearing an all-black suit.

"Joshua, someone rich contacted us. He wants strong and quick-witted men to go tomb-raiding in Alaska. He is willing to pay $10,000 for the trip. Want to go?" - The man asked while smoking his cigar.

"$10,000?!" - Joshua widened his eyes.

$10,000 was a lot of money, easily a few years of his hard work. He could buy a house and a car, get a wife, get a higher education, and get a proper job. He could start a new life away from his current poverty. And, if luck would have it, he could help his parents immigrate, however slim the chances are.

For him, it was as irresistible as an oasis to a man in the desert.

"Yes. But it is a limited-time offer. First come, first serve." - Ovadia said while taking a puff from his cigar.

"... What's the catch?" - Joshua asked warily.

Although the money was tempting, Joshua was not blinded. There are no free meals, especially not from the Mafia.

Hearing Joshua's words, Ovadia smiled like an uncle witnessing his nephew grow.

"And that is why I contacted you first. You have enough wits about you, and I like that. You are savvier than the other lads, more cunning, but brave to face people above your weight belt. I am getting $1,000 as a reference fee, so don't worry, we won't touch your earnings." - Ovadia explained.

Hearing his words, Joshua relaxed his guard a bit.

"How long is it, and what are the dangers there?" - Joshua asked, cutting to the chase.

Ovadia's smile waned, his expression growing serious.

"I won't lie to you. The job is two to three months long, and you will enter an unexplored tomb. You can expect traps inside, so it is a high-risk, high-reward job. Are you up for it?" - Ovadia asked.

"... I'll take the job." - Joshua decided after thinking for a moment.

At least, it was better than spending the rest of his life to earn chomp change.

"Good!" - Ovadia smiled.

And then, he reached under his desk and took out a contract.

"Here is the contract. Read and sign when you are ready." - Ovadia smiled and took another puff.

Joshua took the contract and read it seriously. During the two years he stayed in the US, he self-learned how to read and write in English.

After ten minutes and seeing no fine print and loopholes, Joshua nodded and signed the contract.

Ovadia's smile widened as he took back the contract.

"Good. You will go by train to Washington State tomorrow and to Alaska by ship, so prepare your luggage. We already have the tickets. Also..."

Reaching that point, Ovadia took out a pistol holster with several loaded magazines and a piece of paper.

"This is a Colt M1911A1 for self-protection and your gun permits. My treat." - Ovadia said while leaning back on his fancy chair.

The Colt M1911A1 is not only expensive but also military-grade goods. It costs $80 on average, something he couldn't afford.

"... Thanks." - Joshua said, looking at Ovadia straight in the eye.

"No problem, kid. Take care of yourself. And make sure you come back alive and in one piece." - Ovadia gave a deep look and extended his hand.

Joshua and Ovadia shared a deep look before shaking hands.




Back to the present...

Joshua and the 19 other tomb raiders stood facing the tomb entrance.

In front, a British-looking man was giving instructions. He was Denis Manners, their employer, surrounded by armed guards.

"You are all to look for an amulet with a black gem. The one who gets it first will be rewarded $10,000. Is that clear?" - Dennis said.

"Yes, Sir!" - The men replied, their backs straightening as their eyes gleamed. If they included the reward, they would get 20,000!

$20,000! This is an unattainable sum of money!

"I must get it..." - Joshua thought.

Seeing his words brought the desired effect, Denis continued with a warning.

"Pay attention to any traps inside, and whatever you do, don't wear the amulet! It is cursed!" - Denis said.

The explorers looked at each other and nodded. Although they didn't believe his last warning, it was worth paying attention to the former.

"Now then, go!" - Denis ordered.

And so, Joshua and the others headed inside the tomb, unaware of the horrors that lay beneath...

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