Realistic Harry Potter

83 The Response Part Two

Harry wasn't surprised when he arrived back at the castle that afternoon to find out that Neville had left earlier that day. He dropped his trunk off on his bed in the dorm room and thought about his experiences that day. Healing Sirius on his own, healing Neville's parents with a lot of help from Amelia, and then one of the most dangerous training sessions he had ever had with Susan.

She had been really enthusiastic after he had agreed to go along on their trip during the Christmas break. Even though it was two months away, she was already planning on what she was going to pack. She even had plans for the present money he had given her. Amelia cautioned her about wasting it and Susan promised to be responsible with it.

Neither Harry nor Amelia believed her for a second.

Of course, Harry wasn't sure why he had agreed to go. He didn't even know if he was allowed to leave the castle for Christmas, then he remembered that he had just come back from spending time with Amelia and Susan. It was only a normal Saturday, so leaving for an actual break would probably be allowed.

He had eaten at The Three Broomsticks again, which seemed to become their normal thing now after training, and he received another smooshy kiss on the cheek from Madam Rosmerta. He tried to tell her that she didn't have to kiss him, and she just laughed and kissed his cheek again.

“She'll keep doing it if you keep tipping her so much.” Amelia had warned him and he had to shrug. He couldn't give her less now, not after he kept giving her three galleons for the meals.

Harry turned around and saw Ron sitting on Neville's bed with a wand maintenance kit and a book he had borrowed from Harry. “What are you doing?”

“Guarding Neville's things.” Ron said. “I only need one more galleon and I can get the kit with the wand.”

Harry chuckled and took out a galleon and handed it to him. “Read some of that book while you wait.”

“Thanks a lot, Harry!” Ron said and pocketed the coin, then picked up the book to read.

Harry went down to the common room and found Hermione sitting in the far corner. He thought about sitting in the chair across from her, then he remembered the last time they had been tucked into that chair together. She hadn't minded him being so close and he didn't mind it either.

“Hi, Hermione.” Harry said. “Any luck on those extra spells?”

“Yes, and I'll have you know they are a little more difficult than the standard spells and easier than the ones I gave you to study.” Hermione said and looked up at him.

“Let me see.” Harry said and motioned to the chair.

Hermione understood right away and shimmied over and Harry sat down beside her. It was a little cramped until Harry remembered how Amelia saved space on her couch. He put his left arm over Hermione's shoulders and half-hugged her, which eased the pressure their shoulders had been exerting on each other.

“Which one should we study first?” Harry asked and looked down at the list. “I assume you know what one's are the most useful, right?”

“Y-yes.” Hermione said, her face a little red. “I think the Impervius spell that makes thing waterproof and repels water would be the most useful.”

“Especially here where it rains a lot.” Harry said. “What's next?”

“After that, I'd say Nebulus. It creates a fog that encompasses a small area, or more the more magic you send into the spell.”

“That would be good for escaping.” Harry said. “I wonder what it would do inside a room?”

Hermione smiled. “It would probably soak everything in dew and make it impossible to see with fog so thick you could cut it.”

Harry chuckled and then leaned in close to whisper. “We have to keep that spell away from the twins or the castle would be filled with fog constantly.”

Hermione nodded. “I think we need to concentrate on the Bubblehead charm from the sixth year spell book as well. It creates a bubble of air around you to let you breathe fresh air anywhere.”

Harry's face scrunched up. “That would have been good to have this morning.”

“What? Why?” Hermione asked, then her eyes widened. “It wasn't your godfather, was it? I thought the healers bathed the patients every day.”

“It was Neville's father, actually.” Harry said.

“Neville's...” Hermione closed the book she was using and turned slightly to look at Harry. “Why were you up on the fourth floor in the long term care ward and not visiting your godfather?”

“I did visit him, and I also...” Harry looked around and saw several people give him furtive glances. He cast the privacy curtain and cast silence on it. “Hermione, I have something to tell you.”

Hermione wasn't sure why she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable with Harry so close. It was almost as if she could feel that he was going to tell her something that she was going to disapprove of.

“I know what it was that the headmaster lost.” Harry said. “It's the philosopher's stone.”

Hermione took in a sharp breath. “You found it.” She said as a statement and not a question, and he nodded anyway. She thought about the book she had read about it and her eyes widened. “You used it!”

Harry nodded. “This morning to heal my godfather.”

“Harry, you don't know what that could have done to you!” Hermione said. “The stories alone are...”

“It's all right. I did it the right away.” Harry said. “It also worked.”

Hermione frowned anyway. “Were you exhausted afterwards?”

“A little.” Harry admitted. “Sirius wasn't that bad off, really. Not like the people in the stories.”

“That's not the point, Harry.” Hermione said. “The stone could have taken your ability to use magic!”

“I had to try.” Harry said and Hermione let out a little huff. “It's okay. Really, Hermione.”

“Did you have one of the healers check you over afterwards?” Hermione asked.

Harry's face went a little red. “I didn't think of it.”

“Harry.” Hermione's frown deepened. “I'm tempted to order you to go see Madam Pomfrey right now.”

“If I promise to go and get checked after I finish telling you about what happened, will you go with me?” Harry asked.

“Yes, to make sure you actually go.” Hermione said, then her face softened and her hand found his. “I also want you to be okay.”

Harry nodded and told her about the reaction from Sirius, Amelia, and Healer Ela.

“Oh, Harry.” Hermione said and squeezed his hand. “You did it in front of the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement?”

Harry nodded. “I didn't want to hide it from her.” He said. “She wasn't angry about it.”

Hermione almost laughed. “You used a powerful magical artifact in front of her and healed someone. I'm surprised she let you out of her sight with it!”

Harry smiled a little sheepishly. “I didn't tell her what it was.”

Hermione's mouth dropped open in shock. “You... how did you... but, she should know...”

“She just knows it can be used for healing.” Harry said. “Sirius also told her to help me with using it.”

Hermione gasped. “That's why you went to see Neville's parents!”

Harry nodded. “I'm really glad that Amelia came along, because she really helped me a lot.” He said and relaxed, now that he was telling his friend about it. “I had no idea what was wrong with them or what to do to help. If she hadn't shared her magic with me and helped me focus it on their brains...”

“Harry, you were very, very lucky.” Hermione said and put her arm around him to hug him. “Uncontrolled magic would have backfired and you could have ended up just like them. Or worse.”

Harry nodded as he let out a sigh and then he rested his head against hers. “I'm sure that it worked. I wished really hard and used as much magic as I could.”

“So you don't even know.” Hermione whispered.

“They were asleep when we left.” Harry said. “I know they're fine, though. I just know it.”

“How?” Hermione asked.

“Unlike with Sirius, their magic was still whole.” Harry said. “It felt like it was stuck inside and we let it out.”

Hermione blinked her eyes for a moment, then she smiled. “That actually matches one of the story descriptions in the book.”

“Yeah, and I could feel that they were fine.” Harry said and closed his eyes. “I'm pretty tired.”

“Then go to sleep and I'll wake you when it's suppertime.” Hermione said.

Harry smiled and kept his eyes closed. “Don't use... the Sonorus spell. I'm... right here.”

“You need to stop giving me ideas.” Hermione whispered.

Harry let out a chuckle and then fell right to sleep.

Hermione didn't mind at all.


Albus Dumbledore sat at his desk and looked over paperwork. Reams and reams of parchment passed over his desk daily, and he didn't really know why. It was just something he did as the headmaster of the school. The occasional letter from the Wizengamut would break the monotony of it and sometimes it would be a welcome sight. Most times it was not, because it usually involved drudgery and things that the other members of the court could handle on their own.

He didn't want to admit that most normal matters were beneath his concern, because his view of protecting the wizarding world was much too grand for him to worry about if they should review the import standards on cauldrons. He tossed the letter aside to be addressed later and sat back in his chair. He reached for a sweet from the crystal bowl on his desk, a licorice snap, and he chuckled as they tried to snap at his fingers.

Albus caught one easily and popped it into his mouth, careful to keep the end of his tongue away from it, then a light whistling sound appeared in the middle of his office. Only one thing made that noise and his heart trembled when suddenly a very wrinkled and grey haired old man popped into existence in front of his desk.

“Hello, Albus.” Nicolas Flamel said and dropped a solid gold Sneak-o-scope portkey onto the headmaster's desk. “It's come to my attention that you've lost my only means to stay alive.”

Albus looked at one of his oldest friends and managed not to sigh. “Hello, Nicolas. If you would have a seat and make yourself comfortable, I can explain.”

Nicolas held a hand out to make a plush chair appear out of nowhere and he sat down on it, as if he would break if he flopped down. He took several moments to make sure that he was properly supported and gave Albus a calm and pleasant smile, despite the current situation.

“Please, do enlighten me as to how you misplaced my Philosopher's Stone.” Nicolas said in a fatherly voice.

Albus actually sighed this time and did his best to tell the tale.

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