Realistic Harry Potter

73 The Research

I actually lost power last night (unknown reasons - I think it was high winds on high tension wires) I still managed to write this when the power came back on. Summoned Again will be delayed a bit.

“Hi, Harry.” Neville said as Harry entered the Griffindor common room.

“Hi, Neville. Catch anything while I was gone?” Harry asked.

“No.” Neville said with a frown. “I think word spread around that the bathroom on the third floor is cursed for ghosts.”

Harry chuckled. “It's about time that ghosts are afraid of us for once, instead of the other way around.” He said. “Is Lavender around? I want to thank her.”

“She's up in the dorm with Hermione.” Neville said.

Harry nodded and ran up the stairs to his own dorm and put his trunk on his bed, then climbed in and retrieved a box of cauldron cakes. He paused and looked at them, not sure why he didn't want to give them to her. He remembered giving a box to Hermione and realized that he didn't want to copy the gift. He had two boxes left and put them back on the shelf and left the trunk. He would need to come up with something else to thank her with.

He walked over to the window and opened it just in time as Hedwig flew around the corner of the castle. Hedwig swooped in and landed on the bed and had a large package in her beak.

“Thanks so much, Hedwig.” Harry said and took the package. He gave her two owl treats and she gobbled them up. He opened the package and inside were the two money pouches and when he took them out and opened them, they each had stacks of galleons inside. He smiled and checked the note.

Dear Mister Potter,
Here are the two custom money bags with a hundred galleons in each. I've checked over your account and everything seems to be in order, now that the extra expenses have been returned.
You were quite correct that it was Hogwarts, namely the Headmaster, that had been taking money from you. The recipients are still protected by secrecy wards, so we cannot divulge who the excess money has been going to.
Regardless, they are no longer leeching from your vault. If we receive notice from the parties themselves, we will of course let you know who is requesting payment from your vault as that will negate the secrecy wards.
May your vault always overflow with galleons,

Harry nodded and closed both pouches and tucked them into his pockets. It made his jeans bulge out and he laughed at the look. It looked like he had two squirrels in his front pockets and the money pouches weren't hidden at all. He tucked them into his jacket pockets instead.

“Give me a minute to write out another letter.” Harry said to Hedwig. He took out his writing things and the list Hermione had given him. He copied it and wrote to Flourish and Blotts to see if they had any books on the expensive jewels and stones that Hogwarts didn't have. “There you go.” He said and gave her the letter. “You don't have to wait for a response because it might take them a while, unless they tell you to wait. I'd like the book... or books... as soon as possible.”

Hedwig let out a soft hoot and Harry pet her belly feathers.

“See you soon.” Harry said and she took off through the window. He picked up his jacket and carried it down to the common room and saw that Neville was still there reading the book Harry had loaned him.

“You forgot to get something for Lavender.” Neville said and Harry nodded. “Why not copy out a spell she might like?” He suggested and lifted the book.

“Would she want something like that?” Harry asked and Neville shrugged. “I'm sure I'll think of something.”

“Hi, guys.” Hermione said as she came down the stairs with Lavender right behind her. “I guess I don't have to ask what you're doing.”

Neville and Harry shook their heads.

“How was your first training lesson with Madam Bones, Harry?” Hermione asked.

That's where you went?” Lavender asked, surprised.

Harry nodded. “It was pretty fun. Susan and I had a great time...”

Susan? Susan Bones?” Lavendar asked, surprised again.

“Yeah, she's her niece.” Harry said. “We even had a few duels.”

“No way!” Hermione exclaimed. “It's your first day! You're not ready!”

“That's what Susan and I said.” Harry chuckled. “It worked out, though. Amelia was right. She said that everyone has a first time. This time it was mine.”

“Woooow.” Lavender said, a little exaggeratedly. “You don't look hurt.”

Harry laughed. “It wasn't that kind of duel.” He said. “We weren't allowed to use debilitating spells.”

“What?” Neville chimed in. “Then what did you use?”

Harry waved for them to sit and he told them about what went on and why he and Susan had so much fun. They asked questions and he answered them as best as he could. He even told them the duelling rules, even though there was nowhere in the school for them to practice.

“That really does sound like fun.” Lavender said when Harry was done talking.

“That reminds me.” Hermione said. “Lavender told me where the ghosts have been going, now that they don't go to the bathroom on the third floor anymore.”

“I don't know why you want to know that.” Lavender said. “If you two go there, they'll just scatter.”

Harry chuckled. “That's okay. We're just trying to keep track of them.”

“All right. I'll keep a look out for them.” Lavender said.

“Thanks.” Harry said. “I was trying to come up with a present or something to thank you with and I can't come up with anything.”

“A... a present?” Lavender asked, surprised. “N-no, I... you don't have to...”

“Is there anything you want? A book? A dessert? A spell?” Harry asked. “I think it's safer to ask you directly, right? I don't want to give you something you won't like.”

Lavender was quiet for several moments. “Well, there... there is something...”


“Hmm.” The clerk at Flourish and Blotts looked at the letter Hedwig delivered. “I wonder if he knows that these are expensive books.” She asked and looked at the owl. “As soon as possible, eh?”

“Hoot.” Hedwig said.

The clerk chuckled. “Yes, I believe he would want them to read before classes start up again on Monday.” She said. “Can you stick around for a bit? I'll grab them and you can take them right back to him.”

“Hoot.” Hedwig said.

The clerk nodded. “I'm glad he gives you so much freedom.” She turned around and dug at the stack of books behind her. “Sometimes people order their owls to do specific things and that's it.” She pulled out a book on the Dragon Heart Diamond and put it on the counter. “There's nothing wrong with that, mind.” She said and left the counter and walked over to one of the aisles and summoned a ladder.

“Hoot, hoot.” Hedwig responded.

The clerk laughed and climbed the ladder. “I guess your job really would be boring if that was true.” She grabbed a book about the fire opal and climbed down the ladder. “Then again, he's pretty handsome. His picture is all over Madam Primpernelle's and he has that huge portrait in Madam Malkin's.” She brought the book over and put it on the counter. “I know I sure don't mind looking into those bright green eyes.”

“Hoot!” Hedwig said loudly and the clerk laughed.

“Yes, I know he's only eleven.” The clerk said and walked towards the back of the store. “That just means he's going to grow up and his features are going to be even more defined.” She said and bent down to grab a book on the philosopher's stone. This one was a thick one and she had a difficult time carrying it.

“Hoot.” Hedwig said.

“Yes, I'm glad that you can negate most of this weight, too.” The clerk said and thumped the heavy book onto the counter. “Whew! Okay. Only two more.” She said and went into the back room. “These two are kind of obscure.” She said as she came back out. “They're tiny and also the most expensive.”

“Hoot?” Hedwig asked.

“No, these are the only ones.” The clerk said. “Of course, I've had them for years and this is the first time someone's ever asked for them.” She added the two books to the pile and rearranged them to put the large heavy book on the bottom. “I might just let them go and not bother replacing them.”

“Hoot.” Hedwig said.

“What?” The clerk looked at the owl with wide eyes. “Do you think he'll actually go for that?”

“Hoot.” Hedwig responded.

The clerk chuckled. “All right. I'll add a note and see if he will do that for the last two books.” She said and quickly wrote out a note and added the cost. “I'll expect you back with the payment by tonight or in the morning.”

“Hoot hoot.” Hedwig said.

“He's very lucky to have you.” The clerk said and wrapped up the bundle. She added extra slack in the twine to make it easier for Hedwig to carry the large load. “Be careful with this and I'll see you later.”

“Hoot.” Hedwig said and took the twine in her beak, let the load swing a little to make sure it was balanced, then she took off and left the shop.


“Harry, are you really going to buy her an outfit?” Hermione asked after Lavender left the common room with a huge smile on her face.

“Sure.” Harry said and looked at the note that Lavender had written out for him. “She really is helping us a lot with the ghosts.”

Hermione closed her mouth on what she was going to say.

“Oh, that reminds me.” Harry said and picked up his jacket. “I've got something for you.”

“M-me?” Hermione asked.

“And Neville.” Harry said and took out the first money pouch. “Here you go.” He said and gave it to Hermione. He took out the other one and gave it to Neville.

“H-Harry, this...” Hermione looked at it. “Wait. What is it?”

Harry smiled and pat a similar pouch on his waist.

“No way!” Neville exclaimed. “It's a money pouch!”

“Open it.” Harry said and they both did.

“Harry!” Hermione gasped while Neville just stared at the contents, dumbfounded.

“Someone mentioned yesterday how nice it would be to have a hundred galleons.” Harry said.

“H-Harry... you... this is too much.” Hermione said, barely above a whisper.

“You've been helping me a lot.” Harry said. “Plus, it's something you actually wanted, right?”

Hermione looked at the gold and then at Harry's face. “Harry.”

“You need to send a note to Flourish and Blotts and maybe get a book list or something.” Harry said. “Who knows what they'll sell you, now that you're an actual student.” He looked at Neville. “I think you know what you need to buy first.”

Neville nodded. “A new wand.” He said. “My own wand.”


“Hedwig!” Harry exclaimed and ran over to the window. He opened it and Hedwig hopped in and dropped the bundle onto the floor with a loud thump. “That was fast!” He said and dug out several owl treats for her. “Thank you so much.”

Hedwig preened at the praise and the treats.

“What is it?” Hermione asked.

“I sent a copy of the jewel and crystal list to Flourish and Blotts and asked for books they had on them that the school didn't have.” Harry said and opened the bundle.

“That's brilliant!” Hermione said and rushed over to look. “I never thought of looking anywhere else except the library.”

Harry picked up the note and read it. “Whoa.”

Hermione looked at the note and gasped. “They're really expensive!”

“Yeah.” Harry looked at the two small books on the top. “At least I can rent the two really expensive ones.”

“Rent?” Hermione looked at the note again and read it. “No wonder! They are the only copies the store has. They want them back if you decide not to keep them.”

“I don't want to keep them.” Harry said right away.

Hermione had to laugh at his immediate response. “We'll read through them right now and write out the important bits.” She said. “It's too bad we can't use the duplicate spell and just make cheap copies.”

“That's BRILLIANT!” Harry yelled and hugged her tightly. “I'll send the fees for the books and the rentals, then I'll study the spell. Once I know it, we can keep the cheap copies and send Hedwig back with the originals.”

Hermione hugged Harry back and held on for several moments.

“Can you go and get that book with the spell in it, please?” Harry asked and let her go. “I'll start studying it right away.”

“O-okay.” Hermione said and walked towards the stairs to her dorm room.

“I'll ask for a catalogue of books, too.” Harry said as he counted out the cost of the three books he was buying and the rental of the other two books. He put the money into the little pouch on her leg, then he wrote out a quick note to say that he agreed to the rental and would return the two small books as soon as he was done with them. He asked for a catalogue, if such a thing existed, and gave the note to Hedwig.

The owl took off and Harry read the titles of all five books. He hid his excitement that the largest book was the only one that he really wanted. It was for the philosopher's stone and he hope that it had the information that he wanted. He needed to know how the stone worked, because he had plans for it, now that he knew what it was.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.