Realistic Harry Potter

70 The Quick Visit Home

“That poor man has a very caring healer.” Amelia said with a smile as she, Harry, and the woman stood in the hallway.

Harry nodded and looked at the photographer. “Thank you very much for coming today.”

“It was my pleasure.” The woman said. “I always enjoy delivering what a client ordered.”

“How much...” Harry started to ask.

“I feel bad having to charge you for such expensive portraits.” The woman interrupted and looked at Amelia. “Would you like to settle the bill privately?”

“I'm paying.” Harry said sternly.

Both women looked at him with slight alarm, because neither of them had heard that tone of voice from a child before.

“Tell me the price.” Harry ordered.

“It's thirty galleons a portrait.” The woman said. “Short notice fees included.”

“Is that all?” Harry asked in a slightly derisive tone and quickly counted out sixty galleons. “Thank you.” He said and handed the shocked woman the money. He took Amelia's hand and walked over to the stairwell and went inside.

“Harry, what was that about?” Amelia asked, her voice full of concern as they went down the stairs.

“Everyone in Diagon Alley acted the same way when I first started buying my school things, because they thought I didn't have enough money. I didn't like it then and I don't like it now.” Harry groused.

“You were very abrupt with that woman.” Amelia slightly admonished him.

“Yes, and now she knows that I'm not some poor kid that needs an adult to buy things for me.” Harry said. He wasn't sure why it rankled him so much this time, though.

Amelia thought about telling him to go back and apologize, then realized that it was the woman that should apologize first for her assumption and dismissing Harry, then Harry would have to apologize for overreacting to it. Without one, the other just seemed superfluous, so she kept her opinion about it to herself.

“Harry, I think we need to talk about your underlying anger.” Amelia said as they left the stairwell and walked by the Welcome Witch.

Harry didn't say anything and led her into the room for apparating. “Do you know where Privet Drive is?”

“Vaguely.” Amelia said. She had looked at the magical house map when the Maintenance Department handed her a copy of it when she asked about Harry. Before she could explain, she was surprised when Harry put both of his arms around her and held the trunk to her back. She felt his magic flow over her and he wasn't sharing with her this time. No, he was covering her with it.

She was lucky that she hadn't fought against it, because before she could ask him what he thought he was doing, they disappeared.


Petunia was having a nice relaxing cup of tea as she watched her favorite television program. The boy had been gone for a month already and she was both happy and sad about it. She was happy that the nasty boy that she hated was no longer in her house and she was sad that she didn't have anyone to order around and to do the chores for her.

Her family's meals had suffered for it, too. She had gone a bit too long with letting the boy do the cooking and she was quite rusty. Of course, those thoughts of Harry reminded her of what had happened last week.

Petunia had been grateful that her husband Vernon was at work and her son Duddikins had been at school when no less than six cloaked men had knocked on her door. She had refused to answer the door, quite afraid of what those men would do to her, then the door opened and they came in anyway.

“AHHHH!” Petunia screamed and covered her sagging breasts with one arm and put a hand over her crotch, even though she was wearing a skirt.

“The directions were right.” The man in front said.

“You owe me five galleons.” One of the men behind him said with a smile.

The man in front nodded and handed Petunia a folded piece of paper. “Ma'am, I have a work order for the premises. Please step aside.”

“A-a-a-a what?” Petunia asked, nervous.

“A work order and it's already paid for.” He said and shoved the paper into her hand and moved to walk by her. She hopped back and stood against the wall as he did and then the other five men walked by her, too.

Petunia stared at the men as they stopped beside the cupboard under the stairs and opened it.

“Well, this is it.” He said and took out his wand. “I don't believe it; but, it's here. A bedroom.”

“I don't believe it, either.” The man behind him said. “It's still going to work, isn't it?”

“We brought the right materials, so yes.” The lead man said and stepped inside.

“This is my first cupboard alteration.” The next man said with a chuckle and followed him in. The next man went in and so did the next, then all six of them were inside and the door shut behind them.

Petunia stood there, stunned. She knew the cupboard barely held the boy, and that was only because he slept in a bundle of sheets. After standing there for nearly twenty minutes, she let her curiosity overcome her restraint and she walked down the hallway to the cupboard. She tried to peek in and the door wouldn't open, nor would the little air slats.

She gave up after another ten minutes and went to the living room to wait, and wait, and wait some more. Her eyes darted to the clock every minute to check the time, because she was worried the men wouldn't be gone by the time her son came home from school. Luckily, just as the time approached for the school to get out, she heard the cupboard door open and the shuffling of shoes on the carpet.

Petunia ran from the living room and stopped as she saw all six men in the hallway as they congratulated each other. The cupboard door was shut, so she didn't get to see inside, which meant she would have to wait until the men left to look inside. The men walked forward to the front door and the last one turned around to look at her.

“The door's locked and warded and only Mister Potter can open it.” The man said with a huge smile. “Have a good day.”

Petunia had stared at the man as he left. As soon as the door shut, she was at the cupboard door and did everything she could to try and open the thing. She had even dug out the old screwdriver from the bottom kitchen drawer and tried to fiddle with the handle and the hinges. She didn't know what she was doing, though. Her efforts were fruitless and she gave up as her son came in the front door. She hadn't told her husband about the encounter, either.

Now, Petunia sat on her couch relaxing and pushed the memories aside as she took another sip of tea. It was so nice and quiet and she always looked forward to her alone time, where she didn't have to cook or clean or take care of anyone else except herself.


Amelia and Harry appeared on the walk just outside the house and Amelia was stunned by what had just happened. They had just apparated and she wasn't in control. They had arrived intact and hadn't splinched themselves, either.

An eleven year old just took me along on his first apparating journey and I didn't help him at all. Amelia thought. No, I didn't have to help him at all. She corrected.

“Do you want to come inside?” Harry asked as he let her out of the tight hug he had her in.

Amelia couldn't quite speak without her voice shaking, because he had scared her, so she nodded. He just did some of the most complicated personal magic anyone could attempt as if it was just a casual thing. She thought as he took her hand and led her to the front door. Perhaps that's Bertha's and my fault.

Harry opened the front door and took her inside. “That's where I stay when I'm home.” He said and pointed to the cupboard door. “Do you want to see it? They said it should have been done this week.”

“Done?” Amelia asked, confused.

“It was Mister Filch that gave me the idea.” Harry said and led her over to the door.

“Who's there?!?” A startled screech came from the living room.

“It's just me.” Harry said and looked at Amelia. “That's my aunt.”

“Oi! Did they finally kick you out?” A man's gruff voice asked and they heard heavy footsteps approaching. “It's about damn time they wised up.”

“No, I'm just here to drop off something.” Harry said and cast Colloportus on the door to the living room. There was a grunt and a thump, then another thump.

“What the hell's up with the blasted door?” Vernon asked.

“That's my uncle.” Harry said with a grin as the door handle jiggled and shook.

“I guessed.” Amelia whispered. “Do you do that a lot?” She asked and nodded at the door.

“No, it's my first time.” Harry said. “I don't want them seeing.” He turned the handle on the cupboard door and it opened for him. “Come on in.”

Amelia bent down to enter the tiny looking cupboard and then gasped when she stepped down a set of stairs into the huge living room of a two bedroom apartment. The room had expensive furniture with a comfy couch and two plush armchairs, a huge television and stereo system, a very large fireplace, and a nice paint scheme. It even had a window to the outside and a very fancy owl perch right beside it.

“They said I have to wait for a month to connect the house to the floo network.” Harry said with a shrug. “It's a newly created expanded space, so they said to let the magic settle or something.”

“Harry, this...”

“ a lot better than my little cupboard.” Harry said and put his trunk down and opened it. He took out the portrait and unwrapped it. He picked a spot that could be seen from any room and did the same thing he did with the one he hung up for Sirius. He concentrated and built up his magic and cast a sticking charm on the back of it to hang it up. “There. Perfect.”

Amelia nodded and saw Portrait Sirius and Portrait Harry nod back. “Why don't you give me a quick tour of your new place?”

“I haven't seen it myself, so sure.” Harry said and took her hand again. He led her over to a door and opened it. A large bathroom was inside with a giant walk in shower and a huge soaking tub. “I don't know why there's two sinks.” He said and shrugged. “It's a huge counter, though.”

Amelia smiled and didn't tell him that when he was older, he might need a second sink for someone else to use. She would tell him eventually, assuming he didn't figure it out for himself.

“Over here's the first bedroom.” Harry said and led her over to the next door and opened it. Inside was a very large room with a king sized bed, a dresser, a wardrobe, and several shelves. “This one's mine.”

“It's empty.” Amelia said as she glanced at the blank walls and shelves.

Harry chuckled. “I have everything in my trunk.”

Amelia nodded and he took her to the next door. The bedroom was a similar size, only it had a queen sized bed and the furniture was a little bit smaller.

“I didn't really need a second bedroom; but, it was only a hundred galleons more to get it and the furniture, too.” Harry said and his face changed slightly. “I could invite a friend over to stay.”

Amelia looked at his face and she couldn't help seeing the happiness there. “There's definitely enough room for someone else to stay.”

“That's what the second sink is for!” Harry said with a huge smile and Amelia chuckled. They left the second bedroom and Harry opened the last door. “This is the kitchen.”

Amelia looked at it and the thing was twice the size of hers and she lived in a whole house. A giant double refrigerator, a large stove built into the counter top, a microwave, a toaster, a blender, and every other kitchen appliance that existed in the muggle world.

“You went a little overboard with the appliances, I think.” Amelia said.

“I asked for one of everything.” Harry said and pointed under the kitchen island. “I think that's a dishwasher.”

Amelia took a look around and she couldn't guess what he spent to have this done. He could have bought his own place somewhere in London. She thought. He couldn't live there unsupervised, though. She wasn't going to tell him that and pushed the thoughts aside. “We should go.”

Harry nodded and led her from the kitchen, through the living room, and up the stairs to the cupboard door. He had held her hand for nearly the whole time and then he had to let it go to pick up his trunk. They both ducked to step out into the hallway through the small door.

Harry shut the door and waved his wand at the living room door to unlock it. “I'm going!” He said as he led Amelia down the hallway.

“Wait just one minute!” Vernon blustered out and carefully checked the living room door before opening it. “We need to have a word...” He stopped talking when he saw Amelia. “Who's she?”

“She's Madam Bones and she's the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.” Harry said, proudly. “She's training me so I can defend myself from people that want to hurt me.”

“She's WHAT?” Vernon yelled as Petunia and Dudley peeked out from behind him.

“Don't worry. I'm still not allowed to do magic outside the house.” Harry said as he looked right at Dudley. “Until I'm seventeen.”

Amelia caught her breath at the implied threat and she saw the other boy's face turn red. She couldn't tell if it was from embarrassment or anger, though.

Harry opened the front door and stepped out with Amelia and his trunk, then shut it.

“Harry, you can't go around threatening people like that.” Amelia said.

“Dudley and his friends beat me up every day at school.” Harry said and walked out to the street. “I was so scared that...” He stopped talking and took a deep breath and let it out. “I can do magic now and I won't be bullied any more.”

Amelia opened her mouth to try and talk with him about it, then she sighed. “Come here.”

Harry stepped close and she took him into a hug. It pushed his face between her breasts and Amelia held him for several moments. Harry put his arms around her, careful of his trunk, and hugged her back.

“You don't have to fight back and get revenge for what they did to you.” Amelia whispered.

“No.” Harry said and gave her a squeeze. “They don't know that, though.”

Amelia eased her hold on him and looked into his eyes. “You're making them think you are.”

Harry smiled and nodded.

“All right. I'll stop pestering you about it.” Amelia said. “Do you mind if I apparate us? You don't have a license.”

“I just... I was angry and...” Harry tried to explain, then Amelia leaned down and kissed his forehead.

“I need to tell you the rules and regulations.” Amelia said and pet his head as she played with his hair a little. “You have to promise me that you won't apparate without an adult to guide you.”

“You can't apparate in or out of the castle.” Harry said.

“We aren't in the castle right now.” Amelia said.

Harry looked into her eyes and understood what she meant. “I promise.”

“That's my boy.” Amelia whispered and hugged him close again as he shared his magic with her. “One, two, three.” She said and they disappeared to go and pick up Susan at the school.

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