Realistic Harry Potter

51 The Weekend Part Two

Amelia spent several hours talking to Harry about his father, his mother, and to his surprise, his Godfather Sirius Black. It all tied back into a discussion of Peter Pettegrew and Harry was very, very glad that the nasty little rat wizard was dead. Peter had ruined Harry's family, Harry's happy life that he could have had, and now he was stuck living with his aunt and uncle that hated him.

At some point while they talked, Amelia's arm had made its way across his shoulders and held him firmly and gently, half in a hug, and both Harry and Amelia liked how that felt. They talked about important things, not so important things, and then about stupid and funny things. Amelia was once again surprised when she discovered that Harry actually had a good sense of humor and could laugh, even with the home life he had.

Amelia thought about how he was practically ostracized at school for being famous and how he was talked about all the time. Most of it was good, some of it was bad, and some of it was ridiculous. She couldn't really do anything about it, either. If she showed up at the school and declared rumors about Harry to be off limits, all it would do is spark even more rumors about him and possibly her.

The price of fame that is thrust upon you can be expensive. Amelia thought with melancholy and her eyes caught sight of the clock across the room. “Oh, I see it's almost lunchtime.”

“What?” Harry turned his head away from her to look. “We've been here all morning?”

Amelia chuckled and Harry liked the sound. “Times passes quickly when you enjoy someone's company.” She said and let out a sigh as she had to let his shoulders go to stand up. “Would you care to join me for lunch in Hogsmeade?”

“Where?” Harry asked, because he hadn't heard that word before.

“It's the village just outside of the Hogwarts grounds where the train stops.” Amelia said and waved her wand to make the teas and desserts disappear back to storage. “There's not really a restaurant or anything. The Three Broomsticks is a bar that serves food.”

“Like the Leaky Cauldron?” Harry asked and she nodded. “Is the food good?”

“It depends on what you want.” Amelia said with a chuckle. “I'm sure Madam Rosmerta will have something that a growing boy will like.”

Harry nodded and stood up as well. He had to stretch a little after sitting for so long and not really moving. “Are we apparating again?”

“In a minute.” Amelia said and picked up something that looked like a jewellery box. “I want to apologize for this before I show you what's inside.”

“Apologize?” Harry asked, confused.

“Bertha asked me to see for myself what you would do if you saw this.” Amelia said and put the box on the table. She took out a magic detection device, hit the button, then opened the box with a flick of her wand.

“AHH!” Harry yelled as a ghost popped out, almost like a jack-in-the-box, then his face went angry and his wand was suddenly in his hand. “Exorcizantur Exspiravit!” He said loudly.

Instead of the beam of white light and the Depulso spell that Amelia had expected and wanted to measure, Harry's wand shot out a ball of white light that engulfed the spirit. It let out an ungodly howl as it shrivelled and sunk in on itself, then with a little pop it completely disappeared.

Harry stood there and panted a little, recovering from the fright and the magic usage from such a strong spell. Hermione's after school research had just paid off. Amelia stood there and stared at the spot where the ghost used to be. The thing in Amelia's hand shook to tell her it was done and she looked at the result. Or maybe it was her hand that shook.

“Th-thank you, Harry.” Amelia said as shock and surprise filled her mind and face. She didn't think it was possible for a child to have emotions that strong or to be able to channel so much magic into a single spell.

“That was a test?” Harry asked and put his wand back up his sleeve.

“Yes, and...” Amelia put the magic device away. “You did very well. Congratulations.”

Harry took a deep breath and let it out. “You scared me.”

Amelia walked over to him and gave him a hug. “Now you know why I said I wanted to apologize first.” She said and held him tightly. “Your reaction was almost instantaneous and your spell was powerful, even frightened like you were.” She eased her hold and looked down at his face. “Or perhaps that was why it was powerful.”

Harry shook his head. “I was angry, not scared.” He said. “Whatever is keeping them here needs to be stopped. Ghosts shouldn't exist.”

“Harry, some of the ghosts have valuable knowledge...”

“Do they share it?” Harry asked. “Is anyone asking them what they need done to move on?”

Amelia opened her mouth to respond and realized he was right. The Spirit Division only handled complaints and dealt with clearing them up. They aren't archivists or even scholars. No actual information is being gathered and nothing is being done to help them conclude their business.

Harry saw it on her face and nodded. “Can we go to lunch now?”

“Of course.” Amelia said and let him go. “My niece should be there waiting for us.”

Harry assumed the best side-along position and shared his magic, then they disappeared from her living room.


Susan Bones was only a little concerned when she was told by Professor Sprout, her Head of House, that her aunt wanted to meet for lunch. To her surprise, she was allowed to leave the grounds to meet her. That was a bit of a surprise, considering students weren't allowed to leave while school was in session. She walked down towards the school gates and she wondered where her aunt was taking her and what she wanted to talk about. She came to a stop beside the gates and waited.

Amelia appeared on the other side of the gates barely a minute later and Susan thought that was perfect timing, then she caught her breath when her aunt's cloak moved on its own and the handsome boy that the whole school was talking about stepped away from her.

Was he... hugging her? Susan asked herself.

“Ah! Hello, Susan.” Amelia said and tapped the gates with her wand to open them. “I hope you weren't waiting long.”

“No, I just got here.” Susan said and couldn't take her eyes off of Harry.

“I'm glad.” Amelia said and stepped close to hug her, just like she had hugged Harry.

Harry saw that it was the same hug and that gave him a warm feeling inside. He thought that might be a little silly of him, especially if she hugged everyone like that. He looked at Amelia's face and saw it was the same for Susan as it had been when he was hugged and he somehow knew that she didn't do that for everyone or gave them that same happy face.

“Harry's been kind enough to agree to eat lunch with us.” Amelia said and led her niece through the open gates. “It's only a short walk to Hogsmeade.” She said and pointed, then she put an arm over Susan's shoulders and one over Harry's. “Harry's already told me all about his first week at school, so why don't you fill me in on what you did all week.”

Susan was surprised to hear that, considering who her aunt was, then she started talking as the three of them walked down the road away from the school. She talked to her aunt as if no one else was there and discovered later that it had been the right thing to do. It had made Harry relax, and her as well, and all three of them sat down at a table near the back of the main room at The Three Broomsticks.

“Madam Bones!” Rosmerta exclaimed as she saw the witch at one of her tables. “What cannai getcha?”

“I'd like that roast boar if you have any left. Mashed potatoes and don't be stingy with the gravy. You know how much I like your bread sticks.”

Rosmerta laughed. “I'll have a plate anna bowl brought over inna minute.” She said and looked at Harry. “What'll it be handsome?”

Harry opened his mouth to speak and then the compliment registered. “Uh... um...”

Amelia chuckled. “Let's try him with the half-pheasant and chips while he tries to decide.”

“Susan? What'll it be fer the sassy lass?” Rosmerta asked with a grin.

“I'm not sassy! I'm a Hufflepuff!” Susan said and blushed a little. She saw Harry's smile and blushed a little more. “Bangers and mash, please.”

“Comin' right up!” Rosmerta said and took off at a fast walk.

“Don't be shy, now.” Amelia said, without saying who she was talking to. “I'm sure the both of you have classes together a few times a week.”

“We do.” Susan and Harry said at the same time, then they both smiled.

“We've been replanting all the mandrakes in the greenhouses.” Susan said. “The only exciting thing that happened was Harry brought his owl on Wednesday.”

Harry sat up straighter. “You were the one at the Hufflepuff table that said Hedwig was pretty.”

Susan stopped her blush as she nodded.

“She's been my friend since I got her at the beginning of August.” Harry said and then he had to smile. “She made hundreds of letter deliveries that first week.”

“H-hundreds?” Susan asked, shocked.

“Yeah.” Harry said, then started to explain why as their food was delivered.

Amelia and Susan listened as he went over everything that happened after the food deliveries, then he was prompted by Amelia to ask how that happened. That led up to getting Hedwig and by the time their food was gone and quite some time had passed, Harry had pretty much recited a good portion of his life's story.

“They treated you like a house elf.” Susan said angrily, before her aunt could warn her not to.

“What do you mean?” Harry asked.

Amelia let out a sigh and Susan gave her an apologetic look. “Go ahead and tell him.”

“But... auntie, I... I know this is a bad subject for you.” Susan said. “I'm sorry I said anything.”

“Don't be.” Amelia said and gripped her niece's shoulder. “Just because I'm ashamed of that part of the magical world's legacy, doesn't mean we should leave Harry ignorant of our mistakes.”

Susan nodded understanding and looked at Harry. “I guess it's time I told you a story, too.”

Harry sat forward and listened as Susan told him all about the plight of house elves, how they were treated, and how if they didn't have someone to take care of, they would eventually die out completely. He listened attentively to the entire thing and because of Susan's comment about him being treated like a house elf, he immediately connected the parts of the story with his own life... and he realized that was exactly how he was treated.

He cooked. He cleaned. He was bound by blood to stay. He was a slave and always had been, ever since he was a baby and his aunt and uncle had taken him in. He was just as abused and hated by his family as all of the poor creatures that were forced into servitude.

“Harry?” Amelia asked when he was quiet for a little too long after Susan stopped talking.

Harry looked at Amelia and tears appeared at the corners of his eyes. “I'm... I'm a house elf.” He said, then the tears dripped once, twice, then a steady stream of tears rolled down his cheeks. “I'm their house elf.”

“Oh, Harry.” Amelia said with matching tears in her own eyes as she took the sad little boy into her arms and hugged him tightly. Without a word, Susan moved around the table and her own tear streaked face joined theirs in the hug. She regretted saying anything about it, then she felt Harry's arm go around her waist and hug her back.

“I'm so sorry, Harry.” Susan whispered and held him just as tightly as her surrogate mother did.

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