Realistic Harry Potter

40 The Lessons Part Two

Harry taught Hermione one of the easiest household spells and she cast it successfully by the end of the class. She was over the moon with happiness as they left the class and neither of them noticed the smile on Professor Flitwick's face.

They had their first class of Herbology next and it was with the Hufflepuffs, just like Charms class, and they made their way down to a classroom. At the front of the room was Professor Sprout and she waited for everyone to enter before she spoke.

“Normally, I would take you all right down into the greenhouses to begin working on the practical side of things.” Professor Sprout said. “However, it has come to the attention of the teachers that some of you are completely ignorant of the wizarding world. It might be a bit dangerous to put you in charge of your own safety without at least a bit of a refresher lecture, so for the first class, that is what I am going to tell you.”

“What if we don't want to learn about plants?” One of the Hufflepuff students asked.

“It doesn't matter what you want. You're only eleven and don't know better. You are learning about plants or you will fail.” Professor Sprout said. “There's a reason you have me three times a week. Learning about these kinds of things is important and could possibly save your life one day.”

Hermione put her hand up and the professor smiled at her. “Are there any deadly plants in the greenhouses?”

Professor Sprout let out a bark of laughter. “You would be better off asking me if I have any that can't be deadly in some form or another.”

Hermione slowly put her hand down.

“Now, now. Don't be discouraged. Even a common blade of grass can be deadly to eat if the muggles treated it with their chemicals and bug repellents.” Professor Sprout said. “Are you afraid of grass, Miss Granger?”

“No.” Hermione said. “But...”

“You know all about grass, correct?” Sprout asked and Hermione nodded. “That's what my course will teach you about other plants, magical or not. You will know them and won't worry if you ever encounter them.”

Even Harry had to nod in understanding. He might not want to be a magical gardener; but, he also didn't want to be afraid to go outside because there might be things like magical plants that could kill him.

“You were right, Hermione.” Harry whispered when he remembered her words when they talked about her finding the Lumos Solem spell in the Herbology book and he had missed it. “I'm sorry that I didn't listen.”

“It's all right, Harry.” Hermione whispered back and smiled. “I'm older and I know more than you.”

Harry almost laughed and caught himself before he did. “You're going to get me in trouble.”

“Me?” Hermione asked and shook her head. “Start writing down what's on the chalkboard.”

“Huh?” Harry looked and saw a bunch of sentences were slowly appearing, as if the professor was talking and the board was writing it down. The professor was just standing there and not speaking or waving her wand, so it meant the writing had been on the board and was now being revealed. He wrote everything down and almost beat Hermione with it, even though she had started first.

“How are you writing so fast?” Hermione asked in a whisper.

“Practice.” Harry whispered back. “I've written hundreds of letters and copied over the spells almost as many times. I think I can write a thank you letter with my eyes closed.”

Hermione gave him a surprised look. “You've only been doing it for a month?”

Harry nodded and the professor started to explain the things on the board. He read his notes along with what the professor was saying and marked the parts she emphasized. He wasn't surprised that Hermione did the same. He guessed that they both knew when they were learning important information and that would only help them in the future.

“I hope you all learned a lot from this lecture, even those of you that didn't write anything down.” Professor Sprout said. “We'll be in the greenhouses starting tomorrow, so bring your gloves and any other things you may need. Dismissed.”

After Herbology was lunch, so everyone went to the Great Hall. Normal conversations started as they all sat down to eat and no one mentioned the incident at breakfast. Harry just hoped that it stayed that way. He didn't want to hear anything about Hermione being bullied and he wasn't sure what he could do about it, not without resorting to casting curses and hexes on the bullies.

They had Transfiguration after lunch with the Ravenclaws and everyone was still working on their matches. Even when they succeeded in casting the spell, they still needed to practice with it. It needed to be as quick and efficient as possible and that could only be achieved through hard work, dedication, and repetition.

Harry had the bright idea to ask the teacher to give the students more matches when they completed the spell. That way, they could practice in succession, rather than transfiguring and then untransfiguring one match all the time.

Only a couple of the students, namely Harry and Hermione, actually liked that idea, so only they received ten matches each to practice on. Needless to say, they both completed the spells and had ten sharp and pointy needles. Then ten matches. Then needles. Matches. Needles. By the end of the class, Harry had discovered something neat.

Despite the directions from the book and the professor, he didn't have to point his wand directly at each match. He still needed to do the same precise movement, though. When he didn't, the spell wouldn't complete and the match would revert back or not change at all. He kept the revelation to himself, though. He was sure that if he told the professor that he had pointed his wand between two matches to make the both of them change at once, he would be in trouble. He just knew it.

They left that class and went to their Defense Against the Dark Arts class that was also with the Ravenclaws. Of course, they were still working on their protection spell, so the class might have been a complete waste if the teacher, Mister Rowle, hadn't told everyone that if you could cast the spell, you could move to the back of the room and work on the variations and leave the main part of the room for everyone else.

Harry had to stifle his laugh at that, because once you had the full spell and could cast it successfully, no other version was needed. It was as useless as learning the basic Alohamora spell that only flipped the latch on the window after you learned the full spell that would open the whole window.

Instead, Harry spent the class teaching Hermione the next household spell in his spellbook. She didn't quite get it completed by the time the class was over, because she had no experience with how to clean something properly, unlike Harry. He had tons of experience and easily visualized the spell and the effects it should have. They left that class when it was over and now were off until suppertime.

“I have to go and meet Mister Filch.” Harry said to Hermione. “See you later.”

Harry walked towards the closest stairwell and heard several people gossiping about him going to detention early. He ignored them and jogged up several sets of stairs to make his way back to Griffindor Tower. He dropped off his things and went all the way down to Mister Filch's office. He barely knocked on the door when it burst open and the stern face peered down at him.

“You actually came.” Filch said, surprised.

“Meow.” Missus Norris said and came right out to sit beside Harry.

“I said I would.” Harry replied.

“Here.” Filch said and handed Harry his mop, broom and duster.

“Did you have fun with them?” Harry asked with a smile, because they looked recently used.

“You know, I still keep the chains and shackles well oiled in case they reinstate the old rules for detention.” Filch said and squinted his eyes as he put the nearly empty bucket down. “Thumbscrews, too.”

“I think he did have fun. Didn't he, Missus Norris?” Harry asked and looked down at the cat.

“Meow!” Missus Norris said with a flick of her tail.

“No one likes a smart mouth.” Filch said and she twitched her whiskers at him. “Come on, you.” He said to Harry. “We're up on the first floor today.”

“You finished the dungeon and did the whole ground floor today?” Harry asked as he picked up the bucket and followed Filch to the closest staircase.

“I've been doing this near on fifty years, Potter.” Filch said and carried his own large mop and broom.

“Fifty!” Harry exclaimed and Filch gave him a stern look.

“Yeah, what of it?” Filch asked, sure he was going to ask him how old he was.

“You must know every secret in the whole castle!” Harry said, a bit excitedly. “Like when you took me from the dungeon to Griffindor Tower last night! That was amazing!”

Filch kept the stern look for only a moment, because he saw a genuine interest on the boy's face. “I do know some things.”

“I bet Missus Norris knows a lot, too.” Harry said as they reached the first floor. “Maybe even some things that only a cat could get through.”

“Me-ow.” Missus Norris said and wiggled her butt a little.

“She thinks she does.” Filch said and had to smile. “The little scamp has the best eyes that a caretaker could have.”

Harry nodded and used the refilling spell on the bucket, then they got to work. Filch started humming again and Harry soon joined in, then Missus Norris added her voice occasionally. They worked for two hours and Missus Norris let out a distinct meow.

“Already?” Filch asked and stopped working.

“What is it?” Harry asked and came over.

“I was told to stop for supper and to let you eat, because you shouldn't be missing meals.” Filch said in a huff. “We were just getting into a good rhythm, too.”

“We were.” Harry said and remembered the box of sandwiches he had. “It's a good thing I brought food with me.” He said and took out the large box and expanded it to full size.

“Where did you get that, Potter?” Filch asked when Harry opened the box and there were dozens of sandwiches inside and they were all different kinds and had all different toppings.

“Over the summer I had a bunch of people send me tons of food.” Harry said and sat down against the wall. They had cleaned it already, so he wasn't worried about getting dirty. “Help yourself.” He said and picked up a sandwich. “I don't know what's on them; but, they look and smell good.” He took a bite and his mouth was filled with the taste of roast beef and gravy. “Roast beef and gravy for this kind.”

Filch picked up a different one and bit into it. “Turkey and potatoes.” He said and sat down.

Missus Norris stuck her head into the box and meowed, almost in a whine.

“What one?” Filch asked.

“Meow.” Missus Norris said and he took one out for her.

“Tuna fish.” Filch said to Harry and opened the sandwich for the cat.

Harry and Filch had two sandwiches each and Missus Norris finished the one.

“I'm not sure if you want her to have these.” Harry said as he took out the tiny bag of cat treats and enlarged them. “They were the best that the shop had. I hope they're okay.”

Filch stared at the huge bag of treats and wasn't sure what to say.

“Meeeeeeow!” Missus Norris said.

“I can't give you the whole damn bag!” Filch said. “You'll get sick and...”

“Meow.” Missus Norris said and Filch sighed.

“I'm sorry, Mister Filch.” Harry said.

“No, it's all right.” Filch said. “She's never had treats like this before and she thinks she can just eat them and nothing will happen to her.”

“She'll definitely get pains in the stomach.” Harry said and looked at the cat. “Believe me, I've been there. I pigged out on the first breakfast meal the hospital sent me and my belly was this big for two days!” He held his hand out from his belly about six inches. “I learned my lesson.”

“Meow.” Missus Norris said, almost sad.

“Yes, he should have only bought the little bag.” Filch said as he opened the large bag and took out a handful of treats.

“I'll remember that for next time.” Harry promised.

“Meow?” Missus Norris looked at him.

“I'm getting Mister Filch cleaning supplies, the same things I got for Christmas and my birthday.” Harry said. “I had to get you something, too.”

“Meow.” Missus Norris said and took one of the treats from Filch's hand. She took her time and chewed it up, then her eyes glowed for a second. In the next second, all of the treats were gone from Filch's hand and Missus Norris let out a loud purr. She gave Filch a look that said she was leaving for a while, gave Harry a look that clearly said thank you, then she took off at her top speed down the hallway and disappeared from sight.

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