Realistic Harry Potter

112 The Second Year Continues

Delayed because I'm not at home. It's also 10,660 words long, a bit longer than normal.

Amelia Bones was having an absolutely horrible day. It was so horrible that she had vehemently denied that it ever happened and would curse anyone entering her office with any more problems. There was a knock on her door and she readied her wand as the door opened.

“Sorry, Amelia. There's no word from the Auror scouts we've sent out looking for the escapees.” Kinglsey said and ignored the wand pointed at him. “Either they've gone to ground somewhere we don't know...”

“...or they know our procedures and are easily avoiding the search pattern.” Amelia spat. “I should curse you for giving me another problem to deal with!”

Kingsley chuckled a rumbling laugh. “You already had the problem and I'm just reminding you.”

Amelia sighed and put her wand away. “What can you tell me about it?”

“Two people entered the restricted records yesterday. Neither were identified.” Kingsley said and handed over a report. “We suspect an obliviation, a confundus, or just a simple timing irregularity for them to slip in.”

“You tracked them down?” Amelia asked as she skimmed the report. “Oh, for Merlin's sake! He's taking a trip abroad?”

“That's what Tom the bartender at the Leaky Cauldron said.”

Amelia shook her head at the apparent dead end. “You know that was a trick the death eaters used during the last war.”

Kingsley sat back in his chair and thought about it. “You think they're using polyjuice potion?”

“Did.” Amelia corrected. “We'll probably find one or both bodies within a week or two.”

Kingsley sighed. “You think they're going to start up again without their leader?”

Amelia tapped the top file folder on her desk. “Oh, I think they have a leader.”

Kingsley looked at the name and raised his eyebrows. “Please tell me you're joking.”

“No. I'm almost sure of it.” Amelia said and opened another folder to show him. “These are the Aurors that are still alive in St. Mungo's.”

Kingsley looked at the photos and he couldn't help seeing the mutilations and the spell damage that were a telltale sign of Black Family magic. “Bellatrix.”

“Helped by her sister, Narcissa.” Amelia said. “The investigation team easily found their magical signature, thanks to that magic detector Agilbert made for us before he left.”

“He didn't take your offer for permanent work?” Kingsley asked with a grin.

Amelia laughed. “He had his ass on the next plane to America after I made the offer.”

“Smart man.” Kingsley said and closed the folder. “Are we sending someone over to Malfoy Manor?”

“Already there and back. No one is there.” Amelia said. “Of course, that is assuming they are going to be where we expect them to be.”

Kingsley nodded. “You want me to call in the recruits from Auror Training to get them to spread our search net wider.”

“Yesterday.” Amelia said and her best Auror nodded. “Assign each one to an experienced Auror with at least a year under their belt.”

“I'll do it right away.” Kingsley said and stood. “Are you available for lunch to discuss the details?”

Amelia shook her head. “I'm meeting the new minister and briefing him on everything so far.”

Kingsley winced and went to the door. “Good luck.”

“I'm going to need it.” Amelia said and waved as he left. “At least he isn't Cornelius Fudge.”


Harry woke up early the next morning with Luna laying on top of him, as if he was as comfortable as a bed. She was even drooling a little and he felt it on his neck. He was amused at the sight and he wondered how he went from having a girl for a best friend, to losing that friend, to gaining a girlfriend that somehow made others jealous. He was only twelve, and yet, his life had changed so much in only a year. Having magic had definitely made his life better, if only that it let him have friends for the first time in his life.

“Luna.” Harry whispered and the girl moaned a little and snuggled in. He was surprised how much he liked that sound and he felt her lips pressed against his neck.

“Go... to sleep.” Luna whispered and there was a little flash of light. “Bad dreams... go away.”

Harry felt something wash over his head and felt really tired. He thought about fighting the feeling, then couldn't remember why he wanted to. He fell back asleep as he hugged his girlfriend close.


“Oh! My alarm!” Harry exclaimed and jerked sometime later, only to find that Luna was still using him as a bed.

“Okay.” Luna said and reluctantly let Harry go as she rolled off of him and reached out through the curtains to hit the alarm. It wasn't until she rolled back to get on top of him again that she realized what had just happened and looked surprised. “The silence spell fell!”

Harry nodded and gave her cheek a kiss. “Don't worry. I can get you out of here without anyone noticing.”

Luna looked unsure for only a moment before she smiled and nodded. She trusted Harry implicitly and would do whatever he wanted. When Harry disappeared through the curtains for a minute and came back inside to hand her a cloak, she stared at the silvery cloth.

“It's an invisibility cloak. Slip it around your shoulders and put up the hood.” Harry said.

Luna did as asked and she shimmered and disappeared. “Oh, Harry.”

“Come on. I'll walk you out.” Harry said.

Luna followed him to the dorm room's door and stepped through with him. They went down the stairs together and saw a few people were already up and chatting.

Harry pretended to look around, then he went over to the couch that was facing towards the windows. “Lay down and take off the cloak.” He whispered. “We'll pretend you were sleeping here.”

Luna did that and sat up when Harry pretended to shake her awake. “Oh! Good morning, Harry.”

“Good morning, Luna.” Harry said and sat beside her. “I know the view out the window is great; but, you really should sleep in the dorms. That's what they're for.”

Luna laughed a little, because she had slept in the dorms, just not her own. “I'll keep that in mind.”

“You should head up to wash and get changed for school.” Harry said and stood as he tucked the cloak into his pocket. “I'll meet you back down here in twenty minutes.”

“Okay. Thanks, Harry.” Luna said and stood to follow him to the stairs.

“Anytime, Luna.” Harry said and they went up their separate stairs. The whispers behind them were filled with Luna once again sleeping on the couch and not staying in the dorm room for a second night.

Twenty minutes later, Harry was downstairs and waited for Luna. When she came down, she was wearing her butterbeer cork necklace and not her earrings.

Harry gave her a concerned look. “Where are your earrings?”

Luna looked surprised that he would even notice. “I need to pick some new dirigible plums.”

Harry raised his eyebrows at that, then he smiled. “Why don't we head out during lunch and see if we can find any bushes near the castle?”

Luna beamed a smile at him and wrapped her arms around him to give him a kiss.

“If we can get a bunch of them, we can pick as many as you want and I'll cast the stasis charms on them.” Harry said as they walked towards the common room door. “You won't have to worry about replacing them for a long time.”

Luna was once again surprised. “Harry, you... why aren't you telling me to be more normal?”

Harry snorted a laugh as the door opened. “I absolutely HATE being normal. My muggle relatives abused me constantly to beat the magic out of me and to make me normal like them.”

There were gasps and comments throughout the common room at his words.

Harry ignored them and led Luna out through the door. “If you want to prance around wearing your uniform inside out or upside down, I won't tell you not to.” He said and looked at her face to see that she had wide eyes and her mouth made a little 'o' of surprise. He immediately thought to take advantage of her lip shape and stopped walking to give her a kiss.

Luna quickly put her hands around his neck and kissed him back for several moments. “Harry, I didn't think I could love you more.”

Harry laughed and took her arm to keep walking. “You're eleven and I'm twelve. Neither of us have ever had a girlfriend or boyfriend before.”

“Oh, don't worry about that.” Luna said and leaned her head on his shoulder until they reached the staircases. “Daddy told me all about relationships and what to do when I finally get a boyfriend.”

Harry wanted to ask what he would tell his daughter about stuff like that. He wisely kept his mouth shut, because he had a feeling that Luna would eventually tell him in her own time.

They sat for breakfast and their other friends soon joined them and they talked about little things, like what classes they were looking forward to today. Most thought that Charms was going to be good while Harry had a feeling that his first lesson in Defense Against the Dark Arts was going to be the best.

“We have twenty minutes before class.” Luna said and stood. “Harry, want to go for a short walk?”

“Sure.” Harry said and they left the Griffindor table. He noticed that no one commented about Luna's necklace or lack of earrings. He knew not to ask about that, because he didn't want to ruin Luna's mystique.

They walked along one of the side corridors until they came to a door that was only half as wide as a normal classroom door. Luna stopped them and she knocked twice on it.

“What are you doing?”

“Checking for occupancy.” Luna said and didn't hear anything, so she opened the door and dragged Harry inside.

“Luna, this is a broom cupboard.” Harry said.

“I know. It's where boyfriends and girlfriends go for privacy.” Luna said and looked into his eyes.

“Privacy? For what?” Harry asked, then Luna grabbed his shirt and pulled him into a kiss that quickly became a snogging session. It was like the one they had in the common room the day before and Harry reacted appropriately and kissed as good as he got. Or so he hoped. This was all new to him, after all.


“Where were you, mate?” Ron asked as Harry came into the defense classroom with a goofy grin on his face.

“Brilliant.” Harry responded, which didn't make sense.

“Huh?” Ron looked at his face and saw that his hair was a little messier than normal.

“Luna. She's bloody brilliant.” Harry said.

Parvati and Lavender at the next table giggled and started whispering.

“Was a short walk really that fun?” Ron asked, disbelief clear on his face.

Harry nodded his head several times and the girls at the next table giggled even more.

“All right, settle down.” Thorfinn Rowle said as he entered the classroom. “I assume you've all read the paper or heard about the disaster yesterday?”

All of the students nodded their heads.

“Good. Today I'll be teaching you how to recognize the darker spells. Their colors, their effects, and their shapes.” Thorfinn said. “I'm glad I have you for a double class today, because we have a lot to get through.”

A few of the students groaned, mainly the Slytherins.

“I know a few of you already know some of this, so those that think they can already do this, you can treat this as a study period.” Thorfinn said. “I'll be giving a test at the end of class, so if you try to fake knowing it, you'll be getting a detention tonight. Filch said he needs a few extra hands scrubbing the Owlery.”

Every single student picked up their quills and was ready to write down what he told them, even Harry, despite his desire to volunteer to help Filch anyway.

Thorfinn smiled. “All right. The very first spell I'll be showing you is the Organ Liquefying Curse.”

I knew this was going to be a great class. Harry thought, happily. He wrote down the distinctive color and shape of the spell as it left Thorfinn's wand. He also noted the speed and how the teacher's aim was both accurate and lazy. He put his hand up in the air while everyone else was still writing.

“Yes, Mister Potter?” Thorfinn asked.

“I noticed that your aim was both targeted and also off.” Harry said and noticed Thorfinn's mouth twitch into a small smile. “Why is that, sir? Is it because you don't need to hit anything in particular on a person when using it?”

“That's it exactly, Mister Potter. Ten points to Griffindor for noticing that.” Thorfinn said, a little proud that his prized student had seen it. “Hitting anywhere on a person has varying degrees of severity. Hitting an arm could cause just the arteries to melt, leaving the arm unusable and also savable. Hitting the leg could potentially kill, since the main arteries are in the thighs. A crotch shot...”

Groans came from nearly all of the boys in the class.

“...will be very damaging and would liquefy the testes, the bowels, and the lower intestines.” Thorfinn said. “A torso shot is almost always fatal, as the heart and lungs are usually the first to go. Without immediate medical attention, like a freezing or immobilization spell, there's no chance of recovering.”

“This topic is disgusting.” Hermione whispered, except in the silence, her voice seemed loud and carried to everyone's ears.

“It really is.” Thorfinn said and she looked at him in surprise. “Dark wizards are disgusting. They do despicable things like torturing and killing people for fun. It's not a job or a vendetta for them. It's not even personal for most of them. No, they enjoy doing it and seeing others suffer.”

All of the students looked uncomfortable, except for a couple of the Slytherins and Harry Potter.

“Let's move on to the Blood Boiling Curse.” Thorfinn said and cast the spell at the training dummy. “It will make you feel like you are being cooked from the inside out and you will die within ten minutes unless treated.” He looked around the classroom. “Can anyone tell me the counter curse?”

“Glacius.” Harry responded immediately.

“Correct. Another ten points, Mister Potter.” Thorfinn said. “The two curses use your blood to either burn you from inside or freeze you from inside. Cast at the same target, they fight and cancel each other out.” He said and cast a different spell at the dummy. “That was Glacius, the next spell I was going to talk about. It will give you near instant hypothermia and will also kill you within ten minutes unless treated.”

“Sir?” Den Thomas said as he raised his hand. “Can you cast them again? I didn't get the shapes.”

“Of course. I'm here to teach you. Getting to show off is just a bonus.” Thorfinn said with a smile and a few of the students laughed. “Watch closely now...”


Harry quickly packed a lunch at the Griffindor table before Luna came into the Great Hall with the other first year students. “Hi, Luna. Ready to go?”

Luna nodded and she and Harry walked out of the hall with a lot of curious stares following them.

“I'm sure that I have enough food for our hunt to find the elusive Dirigible Plum.” Harry commented as they went to the large oak front doors. The doors opened for them to pass through and Luna almost seemed to bloom as the sun hit her face and she beamed a smile at Harry.

“You look really pretty, Luna.” Harry said and she blushed.

“Harry, I...”

“I'm only saying the truth.” Harry said. “The look on your face when the sun hit it, was the best thing I've seen in a long time.”

Luna kept blushing as Harry led her over to the first set of bushes he had seen.

“Hey, Luna.” Harry said as he peered at the closest bush.

“Yes, Harry?” Luna asked.

“I have absolutely no clue what I'm looking for.” Harry admitted.

Luna looked surprised for a moment, then she laughed and laughed. She had been a little worried that he might say something else that might make her blush again, because she hadn't blushed so much in her life.

“It's not my fault that I don't know what they look like.” Harry said and she kept laughing. “It's not!”

“I... I know. I was just...” Luna snorted and laughed some more.

Harry grinned at her and led her around the bushes and just pointed at random things to keep her laughing.

They stopped at one point to have a little picnic and talked about the classes they had attended that morning. When the food was mostly gone, they packed up and continued their search of the castle grounds. They eventually found a sole bush that was pretty much hiding inside a group of bushes near the Forbidden Forest.

“Just in time, too.” Harry said and peered at his expensive timepiece. “Lunch is almost over.”

Luna plucked only certain floating plums from the bush and Harry didn't ask her what her requirements were for choosing them. It was just easier to let her do it than to try and pick them at random while hoping that she could use them.

“Thank you very much for doing this for me, Harry.” Luna said and held out the small bag that was filled with her chosen dirigible plums.

“I had fun helping you, so you don't need to thank me.” Harry said and started casting the stasis spells as they walked back towards the castle. “I'll have them all preserved by the time we pass through the front doors and they'll stay fresh for as long as you need them.”

Luna walked beside her boyfriend and she couldn't help but thank the powers that be for giving her a chance to find someone that actually paid attention to her and cared about how she felt. She glanced up at the sky and for a moment, she thought she saw a peculiar-shaped cloud move. She blinked her eyes twice and the cloud looked normal again and it continued to drift on the wind.

On a whim, Luna waved at the cloud and suddenly felt happier for some reason. She didn't question it and embraced the feeling as she and Harry walked on towards the castle's front doors.

Harry closed the bag of plums and handed it to Luna just as they reached the steps to go into the castle. “All done. They should last a really long time.”

“You're the best, Harry.” Luna said and took his hand to lead him down a particular corridor.

They reached a thin door and she knocked. There was a bang and shuffling sound inside.

“Not this one.” Luna said and hauled him up the stairs to a different corridor and found another door. She knocked and there was no answer, so she smiled and pulled Harry inside.

“Luna, we only have a few minutes.” Harry said.

“It's okay. You have to wait a year or so before you can grab my boobies.” Luna said with a straight face.

Harry coughed and his face flushed red as he blushed. “L-Luna, I... I wasn't even thinking about doing that.”

“I know. I was just letting you know that I was.” Luna said with a dreamy smile.

“Oh. Um... thanks? I guess?” Harry said, unsure.

“You're welcome.” Luna said and pulled him close to snog him senseless.


Severus Snape sat in his office and stared at the letter in his hand. He was sure that he didn't want anything to do with what it was asking him to do. The problem was, he no longer had Albus Dumbledore to protect him if he did try and do anything that seemed even remotely evil. His spy excuse wouldn't be accepted by anyone without the old man's backing, not even with the old members of the Order of the Phoenix.

The weary man sighed and looked at the letter he had received the night before and shook his head. He was in a right pickle, as the muggles would say. He had his old faction asking for him to resume his potion making duties for them and he also had the presumed new leader of the Order of the Phoenix asking him to tell them anything he could about his old faction.

“Screw it.” Severus said and picked up both letters, set them on fire, and tossed them into the fireplace to burn up into ashes. “I no longer have sworn masters that I need to serve.”

Little did he realize that his choice would have both foreseen and unforeseen consequences.


After two weeks had passed, every time Hermione saw Harry's goofy smile when he arrived just before class started, she felt angry because she knew that Luna was putting the smile there. She had cried herself to sleep several times after their friendship had ended and she thought that he would have come right to her for help when his grades started slipping.

Only, he was actually earning points in nearly every class and his test scores were just as high as they had been with her helping him. That only made her angrier, because she realized that they had been sharing more than she thought. Harry didn't actually need her help and he just liked being with her because he used studying as an excuse to do so.

Half a week later, Hermione followed them once and she saw that Harry was encouraging Luna's odd behaviour. She understood then that it was a part of his personality. He would adapt and be whatever someone wanted in a friend. He was like a chameleon that changed for whoever he was with, and that thought made her gasp.

Harry was supposed to be in Slytherin! Hermione thought in surprise and ran back to her dorm room to look over her notes. She still couldn't understand why Harry wasn't concerned about Voldemort still being alive and trying to kill him, though. She wrote it up again and thought about sending it by owl, then shook her head at the crazy thought. Instead, she went down to the common room and pretended to study as she waited for the right moment.

“You have got to finish that transfiguration essay for McGonagall.” Luna reminded Harry.

Harry opened his backpack. “Oh, right. I put it on my desk so I wouldn't forget it.”

Luna giggled. “You left it out so you wouldn't forget it and forgot it because you left it out.”

“Don't make me tickle you for pointing out the obvious.” Harry said and grabbed her sides to make her laugh.

“S-s-stop!” Luna managed to say between laughs.

“I'll be right back.” Harry said and stood, then looked back at her. “Assuming Ron hasn't taken it.”

“Go ask Ron first before you waste time looking for it.” Luna said, wisely.

“Okay. See you in a bit.” Harry said and gave her a quick kiss before he left the common room to go find Ron.

Hermione waited for the door to close before she grabbed her things and went over to Luna. “Hi, Luna. Can you give Harry something for me?”

“Of course.” Luna said and held a hand out.

Hermione took out the letter and handed it to her. “Make sure he reads that and understands what it means.”

“I will do everything I can to help him.” Luna said and tucked the letter into her robes. “When are you going to apologize to him for your behaviour?”

Hermione caught her breath and looked guilty before she turned her face away. “I... I've been angry...”

“Oh, I know all about that. Everyone in your year comments about the evil stares you send Harry's way when he goes to class after we snog.”

Hermone gasped. “I knew you were the reason he's looked so happy!”

Luna beamed a smile at her. “That makes me very happy, too.”

“Luna, you can't think that kissing him will keep him happy.”

“Of course not. I'm not stupid.” Luna said and her huge smile didn't reduce at all. “I listen to everything he says, I offer my opinions, and I never lie or try to make him do things he doesn't want to do.”

“But... but you...”

“I did warn him that he needed to wait for a year or so to touch my boobies, though.” Luna said and Hermione looked apoplectic. “It's okay. He said he wasn't thinking about it, even though I was.”

That didn't do Hermione's whirling mind any favors.

“I wonder if I offered to let him touch my butt would make him happy?” Luna asked absently as her eyes seemed to lose focus. “He really likes it when I sit on his lap.”

Hermione's face was red now and Luna looked back at her.

“Did I say that out loud? I'm sorry.” Luna said and actually looked apologetic. “Anyways, I'll wait for a month and see if he asks me or just does it for himself before I mention it.”

Hermione didn't know what to say to that.

“Is there anything else? Harry will be back in a few minutes.” Luna said.

“N-no, I... just the letter.” Hermione responded.

“I'll be sure that he gets it.” Luna promised.

Hermione walked away and her mind went over everything that she had just heard. It was the oddest conversation that she had ever had. So far, anyway. With Luna in Griffindor, she was sure that there would be many more conversations that she wasn't going to know how to navigate safely.

A few minutes later, the common room door opened and Harry came in carrying a piece of parchment. “You were right, Luna. I would have been searching for a while because Ron had it on him.”

Luna beamed a smile at him and pat the couch beside her. “You'll have to rewrite some of it.”

“Try all of it.” Harry chuckled and sat down to let Luna cuddle in to his side. “He actually had to copy it twice because the first time he did it, he copied my name at the top, too.”

Luna laughed and Harry grinned at her.

“Did anyone bother you while I was gone?” Harry asked as he pulled the coffee table closer and then waved his wand at it to make it taller for an impromptu writing desk.

“Not really.” Luna said. “Hermione gave me a letter to give to you.”

Harry waved his wand and the air shimmered slightly as he cast several silence and privacy spells.

Hermione watched as Luna handed over the letter. She couldn't read lips, so she could only guess what was being said as she and Harry talked. To her surprise, Harry opened the letter right there and let Luna read it. They kept talking and exchanged several meaningful looks, as well as a few nods.

Harry folded up the letter and he talked with Luna for several more minutes before he dismissed the spells around them and he walked over to the fireplace to kneel in front of it. A quick Incendio later, the parchment was turned to ashes. He stood and walked over to Hermione and then knelt on a knee beside her chair at the table.

“I assume you wanted no evidence left.” Harry whispered to her.

Hermione shook her head. “I didn't.” She looked over to Luna. “You showed her, though.”

“Luna has a lot more information about it that you don't know.” Harry said and Hermione's eyebrows raised and seemed to disappear under her hair. “You can ask her about it later if you want.”

“Maybe.” Hermione said, doubt in her voice as her eyebrows returned to their normal position. After the conversation she just had with the girl, she was unsure if she could take a repeat performance so soon. “What about my conclusions?”

“They would be accurate if they were still valid.” Harry said, to her surprise. “Like I said, Luna knows a few things that you don't.”

“But... what happened to change...”

“I don't want to talk about it now.” Harry said and stood. “I wanted to as soon as I saw you on the train and you wouldn't listen or let me get a word in before you finished having your say.”

Hermione sighed and looked down. “I'm sorry I did that, Harry.”

Harry stood there for thirty seconds to see if she would say anything else. “Yeah, I can see how sorry you are if you only apologize for verbally assaulting me and not for why you were doing it.”

Hermione sucked in a breath and lifted her head to look at his face.

“Yes, Hermione. I could tell the difference. I stood here waiting for the follow up apology and you stayed quiet.”

“Harry, I... I am sorry about...”

“No, you're not. You thought you were right and you still think you were right.” Harry said and she couldn't deny it. “You're only sorry that when you got what you wanted, it cost you a lot more than money.”

Hermione could only nod. She really did think that she was right, because Harry shouldn't have spent so much money on her. She accepted the books because she knew he would keep copies and they both benefited from it. The normal floo and then the enchanted room with the floo inside was just too much for her to accept as a simple gift. It went against her personal beliefs.

Harry saw her pensive face and held in his sigh. He had only guessed at her thoughts and was saddened that he had been right. He took out something from his pocket and handed it to her.

“What's this?” Hermione asked.

“It's a permission slip to leave the castle tomorrow.” Harry said.

“Huh? Why are you giving me this?” Hermione asked, confused.

“I asked McGonagall to escort you to the Three Broomsticks in the morning. You can use the floo there to go home and spend the day with your parents.”

“HARRY!” Hermione shouted and then gasped as she covered her mouth at how loud it was.

“Happy Birthday, Hermione.” Harry said.

“But... how... you... why? After what I said, I didn't think you would still...”

“Yeah, and that also tells me how little you thought about how much you meant to me and what I would do for you.” Harry said with a sad face and walked back over to Luna.

Hermione watched with a pained heart as her best friend was hugged by his girlfriend. She thought she saw tears in his eyes before the air shimmered around them and the couch turned around to face away from the middle of the room. It hid them from view and a few people were making comments about what they just saw.

Hermione looked down at the permission slip that was a special day pass for her birthday. He still cares about me, even after I hurt him. She thought and her tears started again. She thought she had cried herself out weeks ago and now she was crying again over the same thing.

“You really need to sort out your priorities.” Parvati said from the next table, startling her.

“Yeah, you have to stop believing you're right when you're wrong.” Lavender said and her hand reached over to touch Neville's hand. “I thought Neville wasn't worth getting to know, because he's an heir to his house and I'm just from a normal family.”

“Your family's not normal!” Neville exclaimed, which made a few people around them laugh. Parvati giggled and Lavender pretended to look angry. “That... that didn't come out right. That's not what I meant.”

Lavender dropped the angry look and giggled like Parvati. “I know, Neville.” She said and glanced around to see who was looking, then she shrugged and leaned in to kiss his cheek.

Of course, this brought whistles and shouts of 'more'.

Neville's face turned beet red and he ducked his head slightly. “You're great, Lavender.”

“Thank you. You're pretty great, too.” Lavender said and leaned against him. “Can I borrow your brain while I do Professor Sprout's essay?”

“You can borrow anything you want.” Neville said and then blushed again as Lavender and Parvati giggled. “I... ah... I meant... you know what I meant.”

Lavender and Parvati exchanged looks and laughed again. “We know.” They said and then Lavender took out some parchment to start her essay.

Hermione had watched the exchange and felt another pang in her heart, because she no longer had that kind of interaction with the one person that always indulged her, no matter what she wanted to do. She folded up the permission slip and would go home tomorrow for her birthday. She would need to have a long talk with her mother about a lot of things.


Minerva McGonagall sat in her office that night and she wondered where her life was going. She was suddenly the headmaster of the school she worked at and she had a much younger man as a lover. She hadn't had a man in her bed since her husband had died in the war with Grindelwald and she sure was surprised in the differences that had happened in sex acts since then. It was a pleasant surprise, though.

There was a knock on her door and she smiled as she stood up and then walked over to it. She opened the door to see Thorfinn standing there with a large bouquet of flowers that smelled divine.

“You have to stop bringing me these for our weekend meetings.” Minerva whispered as she accepted the flowers and stepped aside to smell the catnip stashed between the flowers.

“Only when you bar me from your bed.” Thorfinn said and grinned at her blush. He knew exactly what to do to get her randy and he always liked it when she let her more cat-like tendencies out. He especially enjoyed it when she lapped at him with her tongue and used his back as a scratching post.

“You are spoiling me.” Minerva whispered.

“That wasn't a complaint, was it?” Thorfinn asked as he escorted her to the apartment behind the headmaster's office. He magicked the flowers to the vase left out for them and started to undress her.

“No, and it never will be.” Minerva said and kissed her younger lover passionately.

They were soon on the bed and Minerva purred as her man took her, again and again. She loved his dominating personality and the feline within her was content to submit to a male that was strong and could protect her, while also doing what was necessary. She had never felt so happy in her life.


Another month passed and Luna had never been happier in her life. She had a few acquaintances in her own year, despite Ginny refusing to talk to her. Everyone knew why Ginny was upset and didn't hold it against Luna. Luna was also becoming friends with Harry's friends, because she was spending so much time with her boyfriend. She liked that they could be her friend and also ignore anything odd she said. She suspected it was because of Harry and she didn't push things.

She also had a boy who genuinely liked her and listened to her, even when she shared her views on wrackspurts and nargles. She explained that they were mostly invisible creatures that affected people and that her mother had been the one to explain them to her.

“I guess that means the both of you could see them?” Harry asked and she nodded. “Is there a name for that ability?”

“I have no idea.” Luna said and relaxed against his chest as she thought about it. They were currently snuggled together on the couch in the common room and looked out the window that showed the castle grounds. “I don't even know who we could ask about it.”

“Me, either.” Harry said and kissed her cheek.

Half an hour later, Harry was surprised that he didn't automatically think about Hermione to ask her if she knew where to look or whom to ask. He mentioned it and Luna turned in his arms slightly to look at his face.

“She's not really talking to either of us.” Luna said.

Harry sighed. “I had hoped her present would have given her the motivation to at least discuss things.”

Luna laughed softly. “Harry, she did. Except it was probably her mother she talked to.”

Harry blinked his eyes several times, then chuckled. “Yeah, that option went right over my head.”

Luna laughed a little more. “I think it's because your mind is filtering out all of the things you used to consider when you were with her.”

“I wasn't really with her.” Harry said and Luna raised a single eyebrow at him. “Okay, maybe I was and she wasn't.”

Luna nodded. “She didn't realize what she was losing when she hurt you. Even after she gave you that kiss for New Years, she should have suspected that you meant a lot more to her than she realized.”

Harry nodded back. “She's at least being nice to me instead of pretending I don't exist.”

Luna leaned in and gave him a tender kiss. “She was jealous. You are happy and she didn't want to see it, because it wasn't her doing it.”

“Oh. That makes sense.” Harry said and then sighed. “Why are things so complicated?”

“We are all different people.” Luna said and turned back to look out the window as she relaxed against him again. “Even we have our little fights.”

Harry grinned at her. “Cuddle fights are not real fights.”

“No? Who won last night, hmm?” Luna asked, smugly.

Harry couldn't stop his snort and laugh, because Luna had somehow wrapped herself around his head like a pillow at the time. “I bow to the evidence of your cuddle fight winning streak.”

“That's definite proof that you're smart, too.” Luna said and Harry laughed again.

Luna was extra happy as well, because Harry had actually managed to grab her butt during last night's little tussle. When she didn't mention it, he actually left his hand there and gave her several kisses that she thoroughly enjoyed. Touching and kissing were now her new favorite things... right behind the crumpled horned snorkack and the blibbering humdinger. Or maybe they were tied. She would have to test it later to find out for sure.


A month later, Kingsley ran into the office of his boss without knocking. “They just hit St. Mungo's.”

“Why? It was so goddamn quiet that I was enjoying it.” Amelia said as she shot to her feet. “Who do we have available right now?”

“A few of the newer Aurors and their recruits.”

“Where's Moody?” Amelia asked as she pulled on her armored coat and followed her chief Auror out of the office.

“On the case by the docks.” Kingsley said. “He thinks the bodies they found are the two missing men that stole the Azkaban plans and procedures.”

“Great. It's all coming out.” Amelia said and gathered up who she could. “We're going in, wands blazing. Immobilize everyone that even looks hostile, even the staff.”

“What if they are death eaters and fire at us?” Someone asked.

“I am authorizing lethal force for this. No one gets away with attacking a hospital.” Amelia said with a feral grin and saw matching looks on their faces. “Let's go.”


“We have to go! They're sending in the Aurors!” A man shouted and shot off a Skin Shredding curse. He didn't take solace in the light scream he heard, because it meant it was only a grazing shot.

“Tell me how they healed Sirius Black!” Narcissa shouted as she used a bone shattering curse on the nurse's hand.

“AAHHH!” Ela screamed in pain as her finger bones disintegrated into splinters and severely damaged the flesh around them.

“Tell ME!” Narcissa yelled.

“I told you already! It was magic! Magic I didn't see!” Ela said, fighting against the tears streaming down her face. “I left the room to get him breakfast! When I came back, he was completely healthy!”

“BAH! That doesn't help me at all!” Narcissa said and used the same curse on the nurse's other hand. She ignored the woman's pained scream. “What? Your hands are useless anyway. You just admitted you didn't heal him.”

Ela held her shattered hands against her chest and cried.

“Who else was there?” Narcissa asked.

“N-no... no one.” Ela whispered.

Narcissa squinted her eyes at the lie and aimed for the nurse's foot. “Who?”

“Bones! Amelia Bones!” Ela sobbed and tried to curl in on herself. “She was here visiting about Sirius' compensation!”

“You are very lucky that I don't enjoy killing.” Narcissa said and went over to the man guarding the door. “Use a blasting curse on the ceiling. We can dash to the stairwell and get away before anyone can get to us.”

“What about the others in the supply office?” The man asked and ducked back from a red cutting curse.

“We hope they retrieved what I needed. If not, they won't like it.” Narcissa said.

The man grimaced, then he nodded. “On three. Your wand aimed to the floor after mine in the ceiling.”

Narcissa nodded and the two of them ducked out into the hallway to blast the ceiling and the floor of the hallway where the Aurors were trying to get to them.

“ARRGH!” A man's voice yelled and crumpled to the damaged floor, his arm bloody.

Narcissa and her accomplice ran to the door to the stairwell, dodged random stunners and immobilizers, and made their escape. She didn't question getting away so easily as they ran down the stairs, two at a time, and came out on the second floor. A stunner just missed her face and she turned to growl out the Organ Expelling curse.

“AHHGGGRRLLL!” The Auror half-screamed and then choked as her organs were pushed out of her body up through her throat and out of her mouth. They were all still attached; however, the floor was dirty and covered in debris from another magic fight.

Narcissa and her accomplice ran down the hallway to the supply office and saw one of their members was impaled on a metal spike and there was blood everywhere. The others were gone and they had left several bags behind.

“The cowards ran.” Narcissa said and handed two bags to the man with her and then picked up the other two. They already had expansion charms and weight cancelling enchantments, so they easily left the room and didn't meet anyone else.

“They will be dealt with.” The man said and opened the stairwell door. “The lobby is going to have the highest number of opposition.”

Narcissa smiled and pointed up. The man with her took a second to realize what she meant and smiled. If they could get above the building's wards, they could apparate away without trouble. They entered the stairwell and quickly made their way up to the top floor, surprised there wasn't anyone chasing them when they had to have known they were using the stairs.

“They are waiting for us to exit.” Narcissa said and thought about her options.

“I doubt they could get too many Aurors into the gift shop to oppose us.” The man said.

“Let's see, shall we?” Narcissa said and knelt on the floor as she put the end of her wand through the space under the door. Nebulus Maxima.

“POISON GAS!” Several voices yelled and there was a mad scramble to fight of the quickly encroaching fog. Several spells were shot off and none of them had any real effect.

“Shields and wind spells!” A female voice commanded. “Dammit! Retreat to the elevator!”

Narcissa sighed at the familiar voice of the Head of the DMLE, Amelia Bones.

“It's all right.” The man with her said. “You couldn't question her here, anyway.”

“You're right. It will have to wait until later.” Narcissa said and listened. When the elevator doors closed, she opened the stairwell door and shot several blasting curses in a line across the space she could barely see. No one reacted, so she sighed in relief and led her accomplice out into the fog. It was like walking inside a cloud and she could barely see as she entered the gift shop.

After a repeat of the expanded fog spell under the door at the back of the shop, there was no response. She opened the door to reveal a tiny stairwell and both she and her accomplice went up the stair to the exit and cautiously opened the door. The roof was completely empty and they both relaxed. A second later, they both apparated away.


“Former Death Eaters.” Amelia sighed as she looked at the bodies and their identification. “How by Merlin's beard did we miss this many?”

“We don't know how many got away.” Kingsley pointed out and Amelia glared at him. “It's the truth. We only have one witness still alive and she said the two with her, a man and a woman wearing death eater masks, said the others were in the supply office.”

“How is Ela?” Amelia asked.

“Devastated.” Kingsley said. “They shattered all of the bones in her hands, which tore up all of the muscles, nerves, and flesh around them. She'll never hold a wand again, let alone keep being a healer.”

“Oh, god.” Amelia whispered and put a hand over her eyes. “What else did she say?”

“They wanted to know how Sirius was healed so quickly after spending so much time in prison.”

Amelia could only nod. She had suspected it as soon as she learned that Ela was the witness the death eaters questioned. “How's Hestia?”

“They're still working on her.” Kingsley said. “They got to her quickly, so there's no trouble with keeping her alive.”

Amelia knew what that meant. It would be difficult to go back to work after throwing up all of your insides, knowing that it could easily happen again with all of the Death Eaters that hadn't been arrested and tried or had escaped from prison after being tried. It was now a lot more dangerous to be an Auror.

“I'll talk to her after I go see Ela.” Amelia said and Kingsley nodded as she walked away. Her mind reeled over the Death Eaters going so far as to release poison gas inside of a hospital, just to escape. She was relieved that whatever spell it was had dissipated after only twenty minutes and it hadn't passed any farther than the gift shop, which had to be gutted.

Amelia entered the private room where Ela laid in the bed and saw that the woman's face was full of sorrow and pain. “Ela.”

“I already told the Aurors everything I remembered.” Ela said without looking at her.

“I'm not here for that.” Amelia said and Ela turned her head to look at her as she approached the bed. “I've been on the receiving end of the same curse.” She pat her upper arm. “Luckily, it wasn't as debilitating and it's only numb on the underside.”

Ela let out a sob and the tears flowed down her face. “My career... something I've worked my whole life for... it's over.”

“Don't speak like that.” Amelia said and lightly touched the other woman's shoulder. “You have Sirius and...”

“SIRIUS!” Ela gasped and cried harder. “Oh, god! You... you have to go to my house and help him!”


“Please! Drag him here if you have to!” Ela pleaded. “He can't be left at home alone. Not now.”

Amelia wanted to protest, to let Ela recover for the night and at least regrow her finger bones before she had to deal with Sirius... and she couldn't. “I'll go right to him after I speak with Hestia.”

“Hestia? Hestia Jones?” Ela asked and Amelia nodded. “What happened to her?”

“Organ Expelling Curse.” Amelia said, not bothering to ease the impact of the news.

“Oh, no.” Ela said and laid back on the bed, her tears still slowly flowing. “How soon did they...”

“It was quick. I don't know the exact timing.”

Ela sighed and tried to blink the tears out of her eyes.

Amelia saw what she was doing and conjured a handkerchief to wipe at her face.

“Thank you.” Ela said. “She's going to need time off.”

“At least.” Amelia said and sighed, too. “I'm going to recommend retirement.”

Ela was surprised by that. “But, you need as many Aurors as you can get.”

“I can always use more office workers or trainers for the Auror Training Program.”

Ela thought about that and nodded. “She might go for the second one.”

Amelia nodded back. “Is there anyone else I can contact on your behalf?”

“Harry.” Ela said and more tears came to her eyes. “He needs to know that I can't take care of him at Christmas like I promised.”

“Ela, you don't have to give up on everything.” Amelia said, her voice full of sympathy.

Ela nodded at her deflated hands that were strapped down to a flat board to stop her from moving them. “I can't even hug him and he gives the best hugs.”

Amelia held in her sigh. “You can still do that.”

“Not for weeks at least.” Ela said. “I might get some feeling back in the palms, since they were the least affected. My fingers, though...” She shook her head. “There's no hope.”

“Ela, there's always hope. You can't give up.”

“I'm a healer and I know the damage I've suffered. I felt my hands shredding from the inside.” Ela said and closed her eyes as the tears kept going. “I just hope that Sirius still wants to get married to a woman that won't be able to run her fingers through his soft shaggy hair.”

“He loves you, not your hands.” Amelia said. “He won't let you go, even if you were completely immobilized.”

Ela took a deep breath and let it out. “I hope so.”

“I know so.” Amelia said and gave her shoulder a squeeze. “I'll post an Auror on the door.”

“Why? They won't be back.” Ela said and opened her eyes.

“It's so Sirius won't destroy the door coming in here to rescue you from yourself.” Amelia joked.

Ela huffed and then laughed a little.

“Rest and he should be here in half an hour.” Amelia said and wiped her face off again before she walked over to the door.

Ela nodded and watched the Head of the DMLE until she opened the door. “Amelia, thank you.”

“We're friends, Ela. If I have to kick your ass to get you to stay positive, I will.”

Ela smiled and nodded again.

Amelia left the room and went to see Hestia, who was slightly panicking at all of the healers checking in on her. “All right, you lot. OUT!”

“We need to check...”

“I. Said. OUT!” Amelia shouted and glared at them as if she was going to curse them. They all took off like scared rabbits.

“Thank you.” Hestia whispered. “They are really annoying.”

“They told me that you shouldn't speak. Your throat was ripped inside out and even with magic and potions, you need to relax and heal.” Amelia said.

Hestia sighed. “Boss...”

“No, I'm not here as your boss.” Amelia said and saw the surprise on the woman's face. “I came to see how you were and if you wanted to retire.”

Hestia blinked her eyes at the woman for several seconds. “Really?”

Amelia nodded. “I can't say I've experienced what you have; but, I've had a lot of experience with others who have.” She said and lightly touched Hestia's shoulder. “Ela has, too.”

“How...” *cough* “ is she?” Hestia whispered.

“She's lost the use of her fingers and possibly her hands.” Amelia said and Hestia sighed.

“Poor... woman.”

“I'm going to get Sirius for her after this.” Amelia said.

Hestia smiled for a second and then sighed. “He's going to be upset.”

“We all are.” Amelia said. “If I hadn't ordered you all to take down everyone and only authorized lethal force for death eaters...”

“My... fault. Shot too quick to... see death eater.” Hestia whispered. “Should... have waited... a second.”

Amelia shook her head. “We can all second guess ourselves when an incident is over. You did what you did and that's that. It's not your fault you were the only one remaining of your squad watching the hallway while the others cleaned up or that there were two more death eaters coming after the other death eaters to check their progress.”

Hestia nodded. Her squad had fought hard to incapacitate the death eaters, killed two of them, and secured the last two. She had been walking towards the elevator when the stairwell door behind her had opened unexpectedly.

“I want you to rest and recover for a few weeks. When you're feeling better, contact me and I'll see what I can scrounge up for you to do.”

“Amelia...” Hestia whispered.

“Like taking a teaching position in the Auror Training Program.” Amelia said and smiled at the other woman's shocked expression. “Or maybe you can be my new desk jockey to do my paperwork for me.”

“Teacher!” Hestia croaked and then coughed.

Amelia laughed and pat her shoulder. “Rest and relax for now. You can tell me again when you're ready to.”

Hestia nodded and whispered. “Thank you, Amelia.”

Amelia nodded back and left her there to meet with Kingsley again to fill him in on what she had said and done and where she was going now. She went to the apparition room and nodded at the Auror guards, then disappeared to the right spot near the Leaky Cauldron. She entered the pub and went right to the floo to go to Ela's place.

“ELA?!?” Sirius yelled and shot to his feet, only to deflate at the sight of Amelia. “Oh. It's just you.”

Amelia took in a breath and let it out. “Sirius, I have something important to...”

“NO!” Sirius lunged forward and grabbed Amelia's arms before she could react. “Not my ELA! She can't be dead!”

Amelia was stunned at Sirius' speed and strength. She knew would have bruises tomorrow. “No, she's not dead.” She said and Sirius let her arms go. “She was attacked, however.”

Sirius let out a growl. “Who?” He asked as a murderous glare overcame his face.

“Death Eaters attacked the hospital for supplies and to find out how you healed so quickly.” Amelia said, once again not bothering to sugar-coat it or to lie to soften the blow.

Sirius nodded and walked over to the floo and he threw in some floo powder. In a blur of motion, he grabbed Amelia by the arms again and tossed her into the flames as he shouted the hospital's name and 'emergency'.

Amelia was whipped around inside the floo for several seconds and then she shot out of the Administrator's office fireplace on her back and slid into a group of Aurors and Kingsley. Everyone tumbled and fell from the impact, shocked at the sudden appearance of their boss from a supposedly closed floo.

Sirius stepped out of the fireplace and glared at everyone. If they had been standing at the time, they would have taken a step back from the anger he exuded. “What room is my wife in?”

“F-f-four oh two.” The administrator of the hospital said, her voice shaky.

“Thank you.” Sirius said and his face never lost the glare as he left the office and went to the fourth floor that was for permanent spell damage. Everyone he saw or met on the way to the room suddenly realized that they had somewhere else to be.

The Auror on Ela's door saw him coming and opened the door as he stepped out of the way. He knew not to stop or question a man that looked like that.

Sirius nodded to him and slammed the door shut, cast several locking charms and privacy charms, and stomped over to the bed.

Ela's eyes were wide as she saw the man she loved approach her with a look that she never thought she would ever see. “S-Sirius.”

“My dearest love.” Sirius said and sat down beside the bed. “Tell me everything, then let me take a copy of the memory. I will identify them and then hunt them down to end them like the scum they are.”

Ela shivered at the magic and deadly intent emanating from him. “I... I was just doing some work in...”

Sirius sat there, sucking in everything she said. He asked questions when appropriate, like how they moved, what they said specifically, and what spells they used. He stood when she was done talking and examined her hands. He took out his wand and performed several spells.

“Dammit, the healers erased the curse's magical signature.” Sirius growled when nothing showed up. He walked over to the door and undid everything he did to secure it and opened it. “I need to speak to Amelia and Kingsley immediately and to see any files they have with as much evidence as possible.”

“Sir, you don't have the authority to demand...” The Auror started to say and then felt something slam into his chest and he was thrown across the hallway to slam against the wall.

“Get your ass moving or the next curse will be worse than a simple banishing hex.” Sirius spat. “Those bastards hurt my wife and I am going to go through everyone and everything to get to them, which can also include you.”

The Auror scrambled to his feet while rubbing his chest. His armor did nothing to soften the irate man's simple hex, so he took off at a fast walk to get a higher authority to deal with the problem.

Sirius watched to make sure he actually left and closed the door. He walked back over to the bed and sat down again.

Ela looked at him, worry on her face, and she didn't know what to say.

“I won't be going after them right away.” Sirius said and his hand reached out to touch Ela's face. “If they stole supplies, they are working on rehabilitating the Azkaban prisoners. Wherever they are, they are going to be there for a while longer.”

Ela sighed in relief. “I thought... I was worried that you were...”

“No, I made that mistake with Harry.” Sirius said. “Thanks to you, I know I can't go off half-crazed from grief and anger.”

Ela looked at his face. “You're still really angry.”

“I am, and I will be until I wipe those... filth... from the face of the planet.” Sirius said. “I swore after I got better that I would protect my family with everything I have.”

“S-Sirius.” Ela whispered.

“You are my family.” Sirius said. “We don't have a piece of paper saying so; but, I've been living as if you were my wife this entire time.”

Ela let several tears out. “I've been treating you like my husband, too.”

“I know. Who else but a loving wife would ever put up with me?” Sirius asked.

Ela couldn't stop her laugh as she cried. “My love... I'm ruined. My hands...”

“They are not what made you a great healer, Ela. Your enormous heart did that.” Sirius said and she let out a sob. He stood and leaned down to kiss her, only for her to moan when their lips met and she tried her best to kiss him passionately. He wasn't going to leave her wanting, so he embraced her carefully and accepted her passion and desperation as if they were his own.

After a few minutes, there was a knock on the door before it opened. Sirius broke the kiss and turned to see Amelia standing there with Kingsley behind her.

“Sirius, what you did to the man guarding the door wasn't necessary.” Amelia admonished him.

“He tried to tell me no.” Sirius said, as if that was all the reason he needed.

Amelia opened her mouth to keep talking about it, then sighed.

“That was better than his reaction.” Sirius said. “Do you know what magical signature the curse was?”

Amelia shook her head. “The healers were already working on Ela before I could get here to stop them.”

“What does it matter?” Ela asked.

“The Department of Magical Law Enforcement has a record of every magical signature that's ever been used in Britain.” Amelia said. “Unfortunately, Minister Fudge, under Lucius Malfoy's bribes, made it nearly impossible to access pure blood family records without Wizengamut approval.”

“Which we can never get, because it's their magic that we would be able to trace back to them.” Kingsley said. “We have bits from the spells used in the hallways...”

“...that are too muddled with each other to be of any use.” Sirius said and Kingsley nodded. “What about the Apparition office? Who was apparating at the time?”

Amelia frowned and shook her head. “The person working there was out for lunch. No records for an hour can be found for around that time.”

“I assume you fired them.” Sirius said.

“Charged and put into a holding cell, actually. It was awfully convenient to go out for an extended lunch at the specific time of day that the hospital was attacked. I'll be conducting the interview myself and applying veritaserum as well.” Amelia said. “I doubt I'll get more than a conspiracy charge to stick.”

“Just make sure the very last question you ask is, 'are there any offences or law breaking that you've committed that I would think are crimes or are punishable if discovered'.” Sirius said with a wicked smile. “That should get them singing like a cat on catnip.”

Amelia had to laugh at that. “I think I'll do that.”

“Now show me everything you've got.” Sirius said and Amelia didn't hesitate as she handed over the folder. Sirius was already involved and would continue to be so, so having him cooperate with her would only help the both of them and stop them from being at odds with each other. “Mulciber and Avery.”

“They took out two Aurors before they responded and killed Avery.” Kingsley said. “Avery was trying to desperately escape when he saw us using deadly force against them and not stunners.”

Sirius nodded. “They are cowards for the most part. If they don't have the advantage, they'll leave and regroup.”

Amelia was surprised to hear that. “Sirius...”

“James and I fought a few times with Death Eaters that we didn't tell Dumbledore about.” Sirius said and then smirked. “No one ever questioned why the Death Eater numbers kept dwindling. They assumed Voldie was dispatching them in his little fits of anger.”

Amelia's eyes almost lit up at this new source of information. “We need to talk.”

Sirius waved at the chair. “Step into my office. It will be open at all hours as long as my wife is here.”

Amelia glanced at Ela, who looked surprised by Sirius' words. “Kingsley, grab us a couple of chairs. I think we're going to be here for a while.”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.