Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 56

Chapter 56: I Have No Malice

The gray feather in the iron armor looked at the man’s emotionless eyes, the original anger and pride seemed to be annihilated by a basin of cold water.

Wrapped in the icy iron armor, he was sweating profusely at this time, and only felt a deep fear.

He couldn’t defeat the man who seemed to want to exterminate the entire crow tribe!

“Mr. Gray Feather, hurry up, hurry up! Retreat inside!” Scar on the side said, and hurriedly fled to the interior of the crow tribe.

Several die-hard subordinates around Hui Yu also immediately supported him and fled towards the tribe.

There were also some crow hunters who wanted to escape through the gap behind Shen Feng, but as soon as they ran out, they were immediately shot through by bullets that came from nowhere!

And those metal cabinets also showed their true colors, opened their **** mouths, swallowed a lot of people who didn’t have time to escape, and twisted them into meat sauce on the spot!

Dozens of strong barbarians scattered around the tribal camp, tearing up those who dared to resist.

For a time, these crow hunters all gathered towards the center of the tribe.

Shen Feng still walked forward unhurriedly, reloading bullets from time to time.

Since entering the camp of the crow tribe, he has not shown the slightest expression.

His attacks were quick and efficient, like a reaper without the slightest emotion.

Harvest life.

At the beginning, there were still some crow hunters who wanted to attack him, but they were greeted by a heavy rain of bullets, or the slaughter of barbarians.

The crow tribe, which was originally known for its ferocity and domineering, finally met someone even more vicious than them today!

For a time, the members of the crow tribe could only desperately flee to the center of the tribe, just like those weak tribes or town residents who were killed by them.

There are more than 10,000 people in the entire crow tribe. At this time, under the command of Hui Yu, a temporary position was set up in the center of the tribe’s camp with a trolley as a cover.

Women and children are inside, and soldiers are outside.

And the innermost, is the core lifeline of the entire crow tribe, a small oil refinery and several oil wells!

The reason why the crow tribe can rise and grow in the wasteland depends on this oil refinery and those oil wells.

This can be said to be their lifeblood, something more precious than their lives!

It is for this reason that the instinctive reaction of most crow hunters is to come to the center of the camp to defend the oil refineries and oil wells here.

Outside this position, there are dozens of barbarians running and roaring, and those metal cabinets that can crush people.

Because of their brutal and domineering methods, the crow tribe was originally called a demon tribe, but now they have finally encountered a real demon!

In addition to the barbarians, those metal cabinets are even more terrifying. Seeing a living person being minced into meat with his own eyes, this visual impact completely makes many crow hunters weak.

Soon, in the dust, the stranger, the one who should have died, slowly walked over with the holy spear in hand.

While walking while filling the magazine of the shotgun, Shen Feng said:

“Relax, don’t be afraid, I have no ill intentions, I am here to negotiate.”

Hearing this, the members of the crow tribe looked at the corpses everywhere and looked at each other.

“You devil…” a crow hunter shouted, but before he could finish a sentence, Shen Feng instantly raised his gun and smashed his head to pieces.

“Any questions, please? Where is your patriarch? I want to talk to him.”

Shen Feng finally showed a smile at this time, gentle and elegant, but in the eyes of everyone in front of him, it was terrifying.

After a while, a woman in her mid-thirties with a tall body appeared more and more and said to Shen Feng:

“I am the patriarch of the tribe, the raven, respected foreigner, why on earth are you doing this?”

Shen Feng tilted his head and said sincerely:

“Because you sent a group of people to hunt me down and almost killed me.”

Raven couldn’t help but stare at Gray Feather.

At this time, Hui Yu felt resentment in her heart, but with a look of frustration and respect on her face, she took off her iron helmet and said:

“Respected foreigner, I apologize to you for what I have done… I am just for the continuation of the tribe, not to hurt you, no malice…”

Shen Feng asked, “Is this why you slaughtered Wuming Town?”

A painful expression appeared on the face of gray feathers:

“For what happened in Wuming Town… I really can’t blame myself, but it’s basically an accidental injury…”

He had heard Knife Scar say something about this foreigner before, and he expected that the other party was a guy with a strong vanity. If he said so, the other party might let him die.

“If killing me can dispel your hatred, then please move…”

“Bah!” There was a dull gunshot, and Hui Yu only felt a burning heat in his heart, and when he looked down, he saw that a big hole had been blasted out of his body!

“How… how…” Hui Yu’s body slammed to the ground, and until he died, he had an unbelievable expression on his face.

Seeing that Gray Feather was killed, the members of the crow tribe couldn’t help but exclaimed.

Gray Feather was the strongest warrior in the tribe, and also their war leader, so he died like this!

Killed like a mouse!

Seeing the panic-stricken and completely frightened members of the crow tribe, Shen Feng nodded with satisfaction.

He had already learned from Yinghuo’s mouth about the ferocity and belligerence of the crow In the face of such a ruthless guy, there is only one way to make the other party obey.


Now, from the eyes of these people, he understands that he has achieved his goal.

Then he said to the raven:

“We can talk.”

At the same time, he made a gesture behind him.

In the wilderness a few hundred meters away, Yinghuo, who was lying on the ground, lifted his camouflage, put away his sniper rifle, and walked towards the crow tribe.

With the power he just established, and the shock of dozens of barbarians and five farm robots, Raven was very cooperative at this time and was ready to agree to all of Shen Feng’s demands.

Soon, the gate of the core refinery of the Crow Tribe had opened in front of Shen Feng.

Leaving Yinghuo and the barbarians on guard outside, Shen Feng stepped into the refinery.

What disappointed him was that there was no useful information in it. Although there were some collected logs and the like, they were all left by those poor people who hid in the oil refinery in the end.

The content of it is similar to Ji Xin’s diary.

The only piece of valuable information was a poster for the shelter just after the war broke out.

Refuge No. 67 is located in the Taoyuan outside the city deep in the mountains.

However, the address bar is already blurred and cannot be seen at all.

After turning around and seeing that he couldn’t find any useful information, Shen Feng couldn’t help but feel a little frustrated.

It seems that I still have to ask the mayor.

Soon, the mayor, wrapped in a quilt, was carried to Shen Feng by seven or eight sturdy tribal female warriors.

“No, really no more!” The mayor was wrapped tightly. At this time, he suddenly found the person in front of him, and said in surprise:

“Shen Feng? Are you here for me?”

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