Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 54

Chapter 54: For The Rest Of Your Life, 1 Horse Or 1 Cow

When all order collapses, self-preservation becomes the primary issue.

In the process of fleeing, Ji Xin and his companions once hid in an armory and obtained a large number of weapons, all of which were pulled to the farm with several trucks.

These weapons are also the foundation that supports their survival in the chaotic wasteland.

You must know that when civilization collapses, there are no more moral constraints and social order.

Especially in the years of great famine, people can even kill people for a piece of steamed bread, and even become food for others.

These weapons and ammunition kept them alive.

In addition, Ji Xin modified the ventilation system in the basement to make the place where the firearms are stored relatively dry, which also allowed these weapons to be preserved for a long time.

According to the date of Shen Feng’s interpretation of the intelligent control system here, it should have been 150-300 years since the outbreak of the nuclear war.

Two hundred years is not too long for a gun made of metal.

The muskets of the Ming Dynasty and even the Song and Yuan Dynasties are well preserved and can still be used in modern times.

It is those ammunition, which may have certain problems.

But as long as the moisture is not severe, the problem will not be big.

It was like when Shen Feng and the others encountered those two heavy machine guns, although there were often blind fires, they were still powerful.

The only thing to worry about is the explosion.

With a smile on his face, Shen Feng took down the pistols, submachine guns, automatic rifles, heavy machine guns, shotguns, and other firearms from the wall, put them on the table, and began to examine them one by one.

Before coming this time, the information he downloaded into the silicon-based brain on the Internet included the structural diagrams of various firearms.

Coupled with the previous month’s gunfighting career in the end of the stone statue, he was very familiar with firearms, almost like an arm.

Not only must check the firearms, especially the status of various bolts and firing pins, but also check the boxes of ammunition next to them to see how the overall status is, whether they will explode directly.

He didn’t want to blow his finger off when he shot.

Seeing so many guns, Yinghuo’s eyes widened and she couldn’t believe her own eyes.

She had only seen the holy spear in the hands of the mayor at close range before. In Shen Feng’s words, it was “that broken shotgun”, and she already felt that it was very powerful and magical.

There are hundreds of holy spears in front of her now, and there are various styles!

As for the legendary holy bullets, there are boxes and boxes, and it seems that they are not valuable at all.

There were even some round iron bumps, but Shen Feng wouldn’t let her touch them, saying that they were “grenade fuzes are more unstable than bullets and easy to explode”.

This is really… just incredible!

“We’re… making a fortune, right?” Yinghuo looked at the wall in front of him, and said tremblingly.

“No…” Shen Feng said solemnly, “We have made a fortune!”

“Hahaha, God Jingwei protects you! We’ve made a fortune, we’ve made a fortune!”

Yinghuo cheered happily, reached out and touched a few guns, and quickly retracted his hand, but his face was full of joy.

“Don’t worry, I will teach you how to shoot in the past few days.” Shen Feng said while dismantling a shotgun.

Compared with light pistol submachine guns, powerful and accurate rifles and heavy machine guns, he still prefers shotguns.

This is related to the fact that he has been using shotguns in the stone statue apocalypse, and it is also because this thing is powerful at close range, and it has a good head shot, and one shot is accurate.

I’m not too embarrassed in the real world, just be a troll in the apocalypse!

It’s a lot of fun to catch whoever sprays whoever!

Have the ability to spray!

For the next few days, Shen Feng and Yinghuo temporarily lived in this farm.

Firefly happily cleaned the building of the farm from the inside out to get rid of the musty smell here.

Under a cover in the basement of the farm is deep groundwater that has not been polluted.

With some food left in Shen Feng’s bag and some edible plants picked in the lightly polluted area outside, the two of them didn’t worry about eating and drinking for the time being.

Shen Feng checked all the guns and ammunition, and taught Yinghuo how to use guns in his spare time.

These few days can be said to be the happiest days of Yinghuo’s life.

One morning seven days later.

Several barbarians are wandering in the woods, rushing towards some mutant hares, lizards and other creatures from time to time, wanting to fight tooth sacrifices, and even pick some mushrooms and wild fruits.

For the forest they are in, in their chaotic and chaotic minds, in addition to fear, there is also a deep attachment.

Here, there are ‘similars” similar to them, which can make them feel a collective return.

And there is a lot of food at your fingertips. Although eating too much will make you feel uncomfortable, it is better than the endless attacks of “ordinary people” in the wasteland.

The closer you got to the farm in the heart of the forest, the more prey there was.

But there is also something that scares them.

A lizard in front of him was crawling fast, and five barbarians with good relations formed a hunting party, roaring and rushing towards the lizard.

One-eyed, three-legged, hand and foot transposition, rickets, gigantism, etc., these strange and ugly barbarians are drooling, seeming to have thought of the deliciousness of eating raw lizard meat.

Just when they just passed through a bush, a farm robot standing in the shadows was suddenly activated, and a metal tentacle protruded in an instant, entangling the arm of a barbarian!

The barbarian was immediately shocked. Although he did not have the wisdom of human beings and only had animal-like instincts, he understood how terrifying the metal room in front of him was.

As long as it is locked in, what comes out is a pool of minced meat!

The remaining few barbarians immediately fled, and they could only look back at their entangled companions, shuddering.

However, on the way they escaped, several farm robots appeared again, throwing out charged metal tentacles, entangling them and dragging them into the feeding port!


The captured barbarian howled miserably, struggling but unable to break free.

The metal shovel turned rapidly, grinding all bones and flesh into pieces.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps, a man and a woman holding a long gun and a short cannon, carrying a huge package, wrapped in bullets, walked out of a bush talking and laughing.

It was Shen Feng and Yinghuo who had completed the quick military training!

Seeing the scene in front of him, Shen Feng couldn’t help but stunned for a moment, then sighed.

I didn’t expect these farm robots to have such advanced hunting programs. I don’t know if they were set up by the former Mijia company, or they evolved independently over the years.

But since he encountered it, he still has to take care of it.

No matter how you say it, it is too cruel to grind people alive into minced meat.

Speaking of which, although these barbarians are ferocious and full of wildness, they are actually just poor people who are deeply mutated by radiation.

According to Yinghuo, they were basically born to ordinary people in the wasteland, but were abandoned by their parents because of too severe extreme mutations.

Most of the mutant babies died, and only some abandoned babies with the most stubborn life force survived like beasts with their crazy brains.

It also became a barbarian in the legend of the wasteland.

Seeing that a barbarian was about to be crushed by a farm robot, Shen Feng raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and all the running farm robots immediately stopped.

At this time, Shen Feng had replaced the farm’s intelligent control system and became the control center. It was natural to want to control several farm robots.

Several barbarians were stunned for a moment, almost unable to believe that they had survived like this.

Then he didn’t leave, but stood in the same place and let out a shrill howl.

Soon, there were bursts of noise from the surrounding bushes, and a barbarian with a strange appearance appeared here, more than a hundred people, looking at Shen Feng like a pack of wolves.

They were either unusually tall like giants, or horned and ugly, or twisted like vines, or covered with thick scales and mouthfuls of fangs.

Without exception, all have stout bodies and beast-like muscles.

Shen Feng couldn’t help frowning. He didn’t expect these guys to be ignorant of good people and attract all the mutant barbarians in the entire forest.

Although these people have experienced miserable experience, Shen Feng is definitely not a Virgin.

Are you going to try guns with these guys?

Shen Feng thought about it, and also released a signal to let all the five remaining farm robots come to him and Yinghuo, lined up in a row, opened the feeding port like a **** mouth, and the scythe spun frantically.

His fingers were also on the trigger of the shotgun, ready to fire.

Unexpectedly, this group of barbarians let out a strange roar at the same time, lowered their hands and heads, and some even lay directly on the ground.

They look like obedient cats and dogs!

Shen Feng couldn’t help being stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

These barbarians are extremely afraid of farm robots, and it can even be said that they have been slaughtered for a long time. Now that Shen Feng can control these farm robots, they are simply gods!

If these barbarians are a group of wolves that kill each other for survival, then Shen Feng is the alpha wolf they just agreed with!

Shen Feng couldn’t help but smile.

Interesting, whether it is ordinary people or these mutated barbarians, human beings are indeed a social animal…

“Shen Feng, these… barbarians, they seem to take you as their leader…” Yinghuo said in surprise.

“I only heard that the barbarians in the cursed places in the depths of the wasteland will kill each choose the strongest one as their king, but I didn’t expect it to be true! Let’s go next What are you going to do?”

Shen Feng picked up the shotgun in his hand, narrowed his eyes, and said:

“Let’s go and play with a few crows…”

More than 20 meters underground, outside the courtyard prison of the crow tribe, several stout women closed the door and left with a laugh.

Inside the prison, the mayor of Wuming Town was chained with his limbs, his clothes were messy, and he was lying on the bed in a daze.

It has been a week since he was captured by the crow tribe.

The last bullet had already been used up when they blocked the enemy for Shen Feng and the others, so when the crow tribe’s iron-framed chariots went back and forth to capture him, the mayor hardly made any senseless resistance.

Originally thought it was just being caught to work as a coolie, but I didn’t expect to be a human.

At the beginning, he still felt that it didn’t matter, this matter was even a small dream when he was young in the shelter.

Who would have thought that when a dream becomes a career, everything feels changed.

He hasn’t had a good rest for days.

Maybe it’s because it’s fresh, maybe it’s because he is a good source, and he hasn’t broken anyone here these days.

He’s about to break.

Moreover, these crow tribes did not know where to find an oversized needle. They wanted to directly extract his seeds for research, and they almost hurt him twice.

“If you give me another chance to choose, I may stay in the sanctuary until I die of old age…”

The mayor murmured, thinking of the youthful and frivolous past, tears fell from the corners of his eyes,

“Do I really want to be a cow for the rest of my life… What is this… sound? It sounds like a gunshot?”

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