Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 45

Chapter 45: Cockroaches Shrouded In Deadly Beauty

“This is… the Trident strategic nuclear weapon!”

Shen Feng sat up suddenly, looking at the meteor-like missile in the sky, he couldn’t believe his eyes.

After so long, the strategic nuclear strike is still going on!

At this time, he finally understood the meaning of the rebirth day. The rebirth day was the day of the strategic nuclear strike!

Yinghuo on the side tugged at Shen Feng’s clothes, stared at the firelight in the sky and said fascinatedly:

“Lie down, lie down, don’t be so excited, we can’t change anything, we can only wait for God’s mercy, before that, it’s better to appreciate the most beautiful things in this world. Mom once said that on this earth , people live like cockroaches, but cockroaches also have the joy of cockroaches. The deadliest thing in this world is the most beautiful thing, how interesting…”

Shen Feng looked around, almost everyone lay motionless on top of each building, obviously already used to the scene of the rebirth.

He also lay down again, quietly watching the fire that fell from the very high deep space in the night.

This is a spectacular scene of the re-entry of an intercontinental ballistic missile, but no one knows where the final nuclear warhead will land.

Perhaps it was the nameless town where he was located.

If it is really burned to ashes by the heat of the nuclear bomb, the pain may only be momentary, right?

Just then, a new flame came from the northwest, passed over them, and flew towards the east.

The speed of this flame is extremely fast, and in terms of declination, it should be going very far.

Firefly said excitedly:

“This is the eternal wind of the Northern Bear God. It is said to be blowing from the northernmost wasteland of Siberia. It is always cold. He and the Great God Jingwei are both enemies and friends, and they are an indescribable existence.”

Shen Feng’s heart froze, he almost forgot that there was a once powerful civilization in the north, and now it seems that their nuclear strike system still exists.

It’s just that this intercontinental missile seems to be swept across this land directly and headed east. Where is this going?

North America? Pacific Islands?

At this moment, Shen Feng only felt that all this was very unreal. Can the hatred between human beings really last for so long? To die?

But those people should have died long ago…

At this moment, several new rays of light rose in the surrounding dark wilderness, like rounds of small suns, some of which were extremely far away, and some even felt as if they were dozens of kilometers away.

The residents of Wuming Town burst into cheers at this time, and many people shouted:

“God Jingwei is above!”

“Eternal life, forever and ever!”

“Please God Jingwei, bless me with my rebirth!”

“Bless the East Wind!”

one two three four five six seven.

A total of seven intercontinental missiles loaded with nuclear warheads rose from different places, like seven stars, leaving the earth and flying towards all parts of the world.

Shen Feng understands that this is the nuclear strike system that is still operating in this land!

The ICBM launcher he had encountered in the wilderness before was part of it!

I just don’t know where are these nuclear bombs going?

Is it the former big country everyone has a share, or is it different every time?

At this moment, the Trident missile in the sky has completely completed the re-entry of the atmosphere, and the light has become dim. In the next instant, it has changed from a large star to seven smaller stars, moving towards Falling all over the earth.

Shen Feng couldn’t help holding his breath, realizing that this was the sub-missile head of this Trident ICBM.

Each warhead represents a nuclear bomb of hundreds of tons or even a million tons!

Although there was no ground interception, these sub-warheads after re-entry into the atmosphere still followed the established procedures, constantly maneuvering and changing orbits in the air at high speed.

Even in peacetime, it’s almost impossible to intercept, let alone now.

Like entering nowhere.

These warheads quickly fell in all directions, like a star.

Although everyone in Wuming Town didn’t know what it was, they understood what it meant.

After living in this wasteland for a long time and having experienced many rebirths, they naturally knew that these meteors, these flashes, meant death.

Everyone stared with bated breath at this time, waiting for the bullets to fall.

Soon, somewhere a hundred kilometers away, a light suddenly came out, illuminating the night sky.

Followed by another flash, there should be flashes in other places, but it was too far to be transmitted to Wuming Town.

After a while, there was a rumbling vibration, as if a dull thunder rolled from the ground, and the buildings in Wuming Town trembled.

After the shaking had passed for a while, a gust of wind blew from afar, sending up puffs of dust and dusting the town.

It’s just that everyone who was lying on the roof stood up and cheered loudly.


“Haha, another year to live!”

“Thank God Jingwei for his protection!”

“Reborn, reborn!”


The crowd cheered, and Shen Feng finally understood the true meaning of the Rebirth Day.

Living on this wasteland, or in other words, living on this wasteland of the earth, may be baptized by nuclear bombs every year.

If you can escape, it is equivalent to living again.

This time, Wuming Town escaped another disaster.

As for next year’s rebirth, these will naturally have to be worrying about next year.

Yinghuo also sat up and looked at the faint glow of fire in the wilderness in the distance, and said:

“That direction… It seems to be the Iron Axe Tribe’s City of Steel… Their patriarch insisted on naming the city. There was no problem in the past few years, but this year, I still haven’t been able to escape… The place where the name is named will not end well. of…”

The little girl’s tone was full of regret. She had been to the City of Steel before, where she sold some things dug out of the ruins.

“Name?” Shen Feng was stunned and asked, “Doesn’t Wuming Town also have a name?”

Yinghuo said: “No, Wuming Town is a town without a name. There are many towns without a name. With a name, it may not be able to be reborn.”

Shen Feng nodded.

The place name may be an important coordinate of the nuclear strike system, or it may be what happened in the war that made the residents of the wasteland form this habit.

Looking at the wilderness in the distance, he frowned slightly.

I originally thought that although this world had experienced a nuclear war and many places were shrouded by radiation, the living people were still living and working in peace and contentment, and human civilization had not completely disappeared.

Unexpectedly, the nuclear strike has never really stopped!

No wonder the radiation environment is still scary in many places.

If nuclear strikes continue, it may be decades before there are any areas on Earth that are free of radiation contamination.

Humanity is about to perish completely!

The only thing that can make them feel a little relieved is that for various reasons, there are not many nuclear bombs falling on this land every year…

It’s just, who is it, or what, until now, is still carrying out nuclear strikes! ?

At this time, Shen Feng finally understood the meaning of those tasks in the “True Doomsday Game”.

Looking for the nuclear strike command system of the three major powers before the war may be able to end all this!

Seeing Shen Feng’s dignified Yinghuo smiled and said:

“Since you have been reborn, don’t be stern and be happy. We are more tenacious humans than cockroaches.”

Hearing this, Shen Feng smiled and relaxed a lot.

Then he flipped off the roof, went back into the house, found the wreckage of the mountain bike and a bunch of messy parts, and began to repair it.

This is the benefit of silicon-based brains. He had seen the exploded structure diagram of mountain bikes in a magazine, a website, etc. before, and he had also accidentally seen a motorcycle repair shop downstairs a few times. The car, now only need to call up the relevant memory data, you can start repairing.

However, this thing is really badly damaged, and we all know if these parts are enough.

At the same time, the entire Wuming Town became lively again, this time to celebrate the rebirth.

In a certain corner of the town, there is a group of people gathered there, it is Scar and a few of his men.

In front of them, stood a short-haired man who smelled of gasoline, with a pattern of wheels tattooed on his body, and was looking at the scar with sharp eyes.

Scar took out a small bag from his clothes, handed it to the other party, and said:

“This is the sample I just got today. If it is finally determined that this foreigner is the source of the flawless seed, I hope the tribe can keep its promise and give me enough return.”

The short-haired man took the bag, and after opening it, he found that it was a pair of chopsticks cut from wooden sticks, with some blood on them.

Throwing a bottle at Scar, the short-haired man turned around and disappeared into the darkness.

Soon, there was a faint roar of the engine, and the other party had already left.

Scar opened the bottle cap with a smile on his face, and a pungent smell came out.

It is high-purity gasoline.

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