Re: Rabbit Eyes (A Yandere Harem)

[Vol 0] Chapter 10

"Heinesia Marlet. Just Heinesia will do, everyone calls me that." Heinesia gave him a smile and began to take out several documents and tools. 

"I got it, H-Heinesia-san."

It looks like she was genuine in wanting to do her job properly. Maybe it was okay to open up to her as well.

He had heard from Shinri that for a registrant to receive the [Guild Card], they had to pay a small fee. This fee would vary based on town to city, so he decided to inquire about this cost.

"H-How much would uhm... this cost?"

Heinesia shot him an inquisitive look, but returned back to the documents shortly after.

"The fees? Right, it will be five silver coins for admission at the Halvan branch. Is that fine, White-sama?" 

Five silver coins? Was that expensive? But because he could indeed afford it currently, White did not think too much about it. But as if she had seen through his worries, Heinesia reassured him.

"Five silver coins may sound like a lot, but the money allocation is definitely justifiable. Every adventurer in this country carries the guild card along with them. It acts as a hunting permit, and allows you to purchase land in Halvan as a base.

Additionally, you are granted permission to the dungeons around Halvan, and latest information shared among adventurers which isn't known to the public including the taking of guild quests. Although we take a 50% cut from Bronze adventurers, the commission split reduces as you go up in rank."

"A-A 50% cut?" White let out in surprise.

"We set up the assignments and grade them strictly to protect our adventurers, 50% isn't actually much after putting them into the cost of the guild's operations. But really, the guild usually only takes 40 to 45% since most of the adventurers in Halvan are Iron or Silver-rank."

"Besides, it isn't necessarily required of an adventurer to take quests only from the guild. You can take quests from people outside of the guild too."

"Other... quests?"

Heinesia sniffed while adjusting her spectacles. "That's right, you should know this already. Anyone can consult someone with a [Quest Master] class to commission a quest. As long as the job and reward is stated clearly, it can be made. Guild quests are just an official extension of that. However once both sides have agreed, the reward must remain in the quest giver's possession until the job is finished or cancelled, otherwise..."

When the young man realized that death was an implication for quest givers, he shuddered.

(Quest Master... even a class like that exists...) But from how she had put it, quests were like contracts with a delayed agreement, but it also meant that it was hard to exploit it because of its guaranteed payouts. White had a hard time believing it, but it was probably beneficial for him to not ask further. He was here for the guild card anyway. 

Heinesia took his silence approvingly and continued.

"Anyway back to some other incentives you get when you receive the guild card. Let's see, you can access storage banks in each guild branch no matter which city or town you go to, and also the merit system allows guild members to gain various incentives in town. It's something like a privilege for us adventurers, whenever we need to buy things like equipment or potions. With the titles acquired, you would be able to get better deals, and sometimes even get your personal merchant."

(Merit... system huh. That sounds pretty convenient...)

"Because these functions lie at the core of the guild card, we have to ensure that it properly works the way that it is intended to be. It is not expensive creating the card itself, but to make it irreplicable, the guild has to inscribe your personal information into it to create a [Unique-Grade] item. And you should know how much something like that costs."

"I-I see..."

White did not actually know how much a Unique-Grade item cost, but it did seem plausible that 5 silver coins were already barely enough to make one.

"You can also take a loan from the guild to pay the registration fee. But taking this option would require a small percentage of interest, so I would not advise you to do so."

"In that case, I will pay the fees now." White replied without hesitation. He did not like to incur any debts. White took out the silver coins and left it on the counter, and Heinesia seemed to be surprised that he had come with this much money too. The young man did not seem like someone with a lot of money on him. But because these things were common in the job, Heinesia quickly recovered.

"...It looks like you came prepared. I have definitely accepted the correct amount, White-sama."

She scooped up the coins and placed them in the drawer after counting it.

"It will take me a minute or two before we're done with this process. In the meantime, could you fill in this form with your particulars? Don't worry if it's not very accurate, you can just put in whatever that feels right for you. The guild will not investigate any falsified information. Ah, here's a pen if you need one. Etto... White-sama?"

Her words fell on distant ears. This was because White was pondering over a potential problem. While everyone could understand his words, it didn't follow up to  mean that he was also literate. This world did not share the same language as him, as it seemed to have created a whole new one separate from the game.

If he wrote in japanese now, wouldn't his cover be blown? He had heard from Shinri that the heroes of this world were Japanese people as well. The signs everywhere were filled with the language of this other world, and it would take some time before he could assimilate it into his own comprehension. Although he had already decided to go to a library to read about the world's history, if Halvan had one, White found another need to make his visit sooner.


"Can you write for me?"

To cover up the fact that he was an otherworlder, White glossed it over this way, making it seem like he couldn't care less about writing it on his own. Heinesia did not expect this, but did not refuse his request like White had hoped for.

"That is fine too, I will leave these documents to my colleague first, please hold on."

"S-Sorry to trouble you..."

Flashing a smile, Heinesia replied, "Think nothing of it, it is part of our job as the guild staff after all."

Heinesia did not question him any further. It was fortunate that the receptionists were helpful and would listen to the adventurers' requests within reason.

"Then, let's start with your name."

"It's... White." The young man thought it was strange he had to repeat himself, as he did not think that Heinesia was a person who would forget their self-introductions so quickly.

Heinesia paused for a moment and glanced at him for some reason, but when she failed to read anything from his expression, Heinesia became a little dispirited.

"...Hmm. I understand. The guild stands on the privilege of anonymity, it cannot be helped if White-sama isn't comfortable with sharing your real name with us."

She bowed respectfully after saying so. 


But White was completely baffled at her response.

What was she talking about? While it was an uncommon one, "White" was still his real name. Had she gotten the wrong idea about it? Was she thinking that "White" was just an alias he had thought up on the spot?

However, White did not get a chance to explain himself, as Heinesia continued.

"Rest assured, anonymity will always be respected in the Adventurer Guild, so you will only be classified based on skill and merit as an adventurer. ...So---"

Heinesia placed her elbows on the counter and smiled while directing a meaningful gaze towards him. 

"Let's go with that, White-sama. Then, let us carry on..."

"...?" Why did he feel the misunderstanding had deepened?

But since the people behind him were already looking impatient, he didn't try to explain himself. He just wasn't good at it. White may have given the impression that he was simply shy, but the truth was that his legs were shaking slightly the entire time while they were talking. He still had not gotten rid of his social anxiety.

After answering a few more questions, Heinesia stacked the files together and stood up from her seat behind the counter.

"Thank you for answering them so quickly, now we will need to take your measurements."


For now, White decided to nod. 


Another receptionist seemed to be preparing to take over from here, however----

"Ah, Shera? Perfect timing, please tend to this counter for a bit. I'll be bringing White-sama upstairs for his measurements."

The other female receptionist called Shera opened her eyes widely as if she had heard an unbelievable thing, but when she had taken a look at the person Heinesia was tending to, her eyes seem to glitter suspiciously.

"Oh... I understand! ...Also, good luck~"

Heinesia's ears turned a little red when she heard that, and she sent furtive glances towards White as if to check his reaction.

But White was not aware of that. Instead, he was already looking for the measurement room.

"What?" "Heinesia-chan is personally..?" "Who is that brat!" "Fuck! Must be some rich kid." "Ahh, my goddess..." "Hey, that boy-a has a cute butt..."

A bunch of aggravated noises came from behind him, causing White to flinch and return to his senses.

(...What is going on? Why are they so angry? A-Also, who the hell said that last one?! That's a pervert!)

He tried to look around, but the men were no longer giving him any hostile glares for some reason. 

"Haa... Shall we go then, White-sama?"

"...? I understand."

(Did I do something wrong?)

Curious as to why Heinesia had revealed a disappointed expression, White followed meekly from behind with many questions bubbling in his head.

Leaving behind a door leading to the back of the receptionist desks, they moved through a long corridor. There were a few private rooms along the way, but their destination was straight at the other end of the passageway where a private escalator was.

They took the lift up to the third floor, and stepped foot into a lobby that looked more refined as if it were a noble's mansion. They took a turn to the right, and entered a room filled with measurement equipment.

Closing the door behind her, Heinesia walked up before the young man and adjusted her spectacles with an expectant look. "Let's begin with your measurements, shall we?"

...Why did he get a weird feeling from how she had said it?




"Haaah... reach it deeper..."

"H-Heinesia-san... I can't..."

"No, you can do it, j-just a little bit further..."

"I...I can't..."

"Ah, I can feel it... you're going to hit it..."


"Just a little bit more... you can do it."

An encouraging whisper at the side of his ear finally broke him.

"H-Haah... haaah... No, I can'ttt!!!" The young man cried out with a flushed face.


... ... ... ...

White fell down onto the measurement equipment, exhausted.

A woman's face looked up at him and glanced at his face, while jotting down some notes.

"Hmm, well... you get a pass at least."

"J-Just a pass huh..." He panted heavily as his heart rate began to steady.

Heinesia was currently gauging White's physical aptitude to certain things that was common for an adventurer to perform.

Things like swinging a sword, holding an axe in reverse-grip, and even the posture when pulling a bowstring were some 'measurements' that were taken. Heinesia had taken careful attention to how well the young man went about doing each station and even patiently told him how to handle those weapons.

White thought that Heinesia truly had the qualities of a top-class guild staff here, and the respect given to her by the adventurers were not unfounded. Although he had to say, the fanatics were still a little overbearing to him. They were treating a guild receptionist like some kind of idol that shouldn't be touched by anyone. 

(Well... she does look have the temperament and looks of a goddess.)


In the middle of recording something, Heinesia suddenly squinted her eyes as if she had noticed something.

She was looking at his legs.

(W-Wait... did she notice?!)

"Don't move. Let me see. I said don't move..."


White wanted to clamp his thighs together, but it didn't seem like she was giving him any choice in that matter.

In the end, White stayed still as instructed, as Heinesia got even closer to his ankle. Although he tried to hold himself back, it was giving him a reverse effect instead.

... ...

"There's signs of healing, but it doesn't seem like it's being treated fully. Here... sit down, I'll heal it for you while I'm at it."

Fortunately, it didn't seem like what he was expecting at all. White heaved a sigh of relief, he also didn't want to take trouble the guild receptionist, from his one experience he had seen using a healing spell as creating a burden on one's body.

"Heinesia-san... you don't have to..." He shifted his gaze away apologetically.

"...Sit. Down. You don't want this to develop into some more serious, don't you."

White nodded conservatively. Being pressured into accepting her goodwill, he sat down on the chair as Heinesia knelt down and started a short incantation.

"Wounds, cleanse yourself from this body. 「Heal」 ."

Following the skill chant, the numbness he had been experiencing on his ankle since yesterday was actually beginning to fade away completely. As expected of the advanced version of 「Lesser Heal」.

With an awed expression, White asked her,

"Heinesia-san, you're a Cleric?"

"Yeah. Although it's embarassing to say, that I've not advanced much further than that. I've hit a wall a few years ago, so I stopped being an adventurer."


White wanted to say something, but noticing that she didn't seem to mind talking about the topic, he thought that his concerns were unnecessary. Perhaps Heinesia had come to terms with her talent, and had instead found her calling in being a guide for others.

"Alright, I guess all that's left is to confirm your class affinity once again. Although you might have seen it before during your Baptism Ritual when you are younger, but this is just a formal procedure to obtain your guild card." 

White simply nodded while pushing aside the strange terms he was unclear of. They were probably some things that happens to the average person in this world. He assumed that the "Baptism Ritual" was also a way to check for one's class affinity once they were old enough, a coming-of-age ceremony of sorts.

What White was not aware of, was the fact that he was actually on the mark about that guess.

Heinesia took out a translucent grey orb that looked like it was used for fortune telling.

"This is the [Sense Marble]. It gauges an Ascendant's class affinity and allows one to better choose their class when they reach Level 5. You do it like this----"

Its crystalline surface shined as it was being touched by her slender fingers.

It was a faint white glow.

"Now it's your turn."

When Heinesia gave way to him, White stood forward and pressed his palm against the marble's surface.


The orb glowed faintly red, but there were traces of blue as well. It did not seem like anything too drastic was going to happen, like the orb shattering due to a large amount of protagonistic power. The shine wasn't too strong either, so it might have appeared that he only had about the same potential as Heinesia. However, he wasn't too disappointed either. Since his close calls in the Rotting Forest, White was already wise enough to keep his expectations in proportionate with reality.

"It appears that White-sama has a moderate talent for being a [Berserker]." Heinesia said convincingly.

(I see...)

In the game, there existed 5 main classes: Nightwalker ✥ Mage ✥ Marksman ✥ Fighter ✥ Warrior

Each of them branch out into different subclasses and become specialized in something different, divided into 4 progressive levels: Base, Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced. 

There are classes that have more subclasses to choose from, and there also also those that have predetermined routes in their advancement paths.

For example, a [Fighter] is the base class, a [Monk] would be the elementary class, [Pugilist] as the intermediate class, and [Martial Lord] being the advanced class. If one chose [Pugilist] instead of the other subclasses, turning into a [Martial Lord] became a fixed advancement path which the player could not choose to opt out of midway.

As a [Berserker], his choices were still varied so there was time to decide what path he wanted to take. He knew he shouldn't be ungrateful about it, but White was still a little dejected that he couldn't get an affinity for the [Mage] paths. White really wanted to be proficient in magic in this other world. It was a classic after all, he wanted to see a fireball coming out of his palm while he threw out a cool one-liner...


"Don't worry." As if understanding what he was thinking, Heinesia reassured him.

"You can still decide to choose a low-affinity class when you reach Level 5. There are precedents where taking a deviating class had been very much the better choice in the long run, but that is not a common occurrence. I would still advise you to choose something you have affinity for, but it is ultimately up to White-sama to decide.

For now, the guild card will list you as having no class, but it will be updated once you visit a church with the intent of taking it to the next level. There, the Goddess of Growth, Ennieus will bestow you the class that you desire. Anyway, we're done with the examination. Please relax in here for a bit, I will be out to retrieve your guild card. It will take only a moment."

Seeing White nod, Heinesia then left the room with quick steps. The young man rested his head against the sofa he was lying on, and looked up at the ceiling in a daze.

"...A berserker huh... that's a little out of character for me." He chuckled to himself as if he had heard a funny joke.



Heinesia soon returned with the guild card as promised.

"The card has been processed with your information. Please take a look and confirm it for yourself."

A sleek looking card coated with a metallic bronze material was presented to him. But because nothing was written on it, White became visibly confused. Heinesia laughed softly and formed a rectangle in the air with her fingers:

"Because the information is private, everything is hidden with the interface of a [Unique Item]. You just have to open its item information."

Feeling a little embarrassed, White lowered his head as he tried to do as she had said. Immediately, an interface similar to the status window appeared before his eyes.

【 White 】♦ Etc Bronze Plate Bronze ♦ ♦ No Class ♦
♦ Halvan ♦ Novice Adventurer ♦ ♦ No Guild ♦

"How is it?"

"It's... kind of empty."

"Huhu, of course it is. You just got it, and it is up to you to fill it up with your own achievements. Let me explain to you what each of them does----"

Following a lengthy but comprehensive explanation, White began to get a gist of how the card worked.

The guild card had a different way of categorizing things from a Status Window. It was also unable to observe things like HP or Level. If anything, it seemed more like a passport that was primarily created with human interactions in mind.

One could enter a sub-guild and it would be recorded in the card as a way of showing your affiliation with them. These were sort of parties created among adventurers, and there were many merits to adventuring with one. In Halvan, there were more than a dozen sub-guilds with different aims and ideals. Heinesia told the young man that if he were to join a sub-guild, he had to choose one that fits his goals the best.

Another thing to note about the card was the [Title] function. Titles obtained would grant the wielder stats, but only one out of the many that could be received could be equipped at any given time. As he had just started out, White was only a [Novice Adventurer]. 

This title gave him: ✦ Aspiration +1 ✦ , which reduced his stamina consumption by a little. It seemed fitting for someone who was just starting out and would be facing tons of physical obstacles in the near future.

"Also, since only one guild card can be active at a time, you should talk to the guild staff if you want to leave the city. This way, you can properly register at a new branch again with your rank transferred over to another card after you return the old one to us."

That meant that if White ever decide to leave Halvan, he wouldn't need to restart from the bottom again in another city.

"I guess that's all about the guild card. If there are any more questions, you can come back anytime and I'll explain them for you. For now, your registration is complete. Please take good care of the card, otherwise there will be a fee incurred should you lose it!"

White nodded in understanding. 

"Very good. With that, White-sama is now officially an adventurer in this city! Please work hard from now on befitting the role of an adventurer okay?"

When Heinesia smiled while interlocking her fingers together, White could only smile bashfully and thank her again for everything.

"I-I still have much to learn... And uhm... sorry for attracting this much attention..."

She seemed to have understood his words but reassured him.

"Don't worry about those guys, they usually don't resort to violence since everyone follows the adventurer's code strictly around here. But if they are actively looking for trouble, don't hesitate to let me know okay? They'll be handled appropriately~"

White shuddered when he saw her unwrinkled smile. Smiling nervously in return, he muttered: "I hope... things doesn't come down to that..."

"Fufu... that's true, it's best if adventurers don't bicker with each other for something trivial. Anyway, off you go. I look forward to White-sama's achievements in the future."

"...Ha-haha... I'll do my best."

"That you'll do." Heinesia smiled.

After giving his gratitude again, White made a 90 degree bow and left the guild.

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