RE – Naruto Universe

Chapter 46 – Doubling paradox II

‘It’s a doubling paradox!’


This realization that this world is not a natural world creation from the doubling theory made Azuma feel intrigue yet troubling in the same time.

The picture of this universe reality that Azuma had believed in has now collapse. He had never expected that there was someone or something capable of time travel in the current universe he is in. It was based on his understanding in Naruto anime series that they were not capable of doing that unless he was the one that attempted it.


This new found realization is changing Azuma understanding about this Universe reality yet again…


When Azuma was first conscious in this world, he was still within his mother womb. After a while he thought about his existence in this new environment. The first thought was him remembering his all his actions until his assumed death. However, the death did not occur as he was still alive as a fetus.

Then after he was born in this new world Azuma had an initial thought about the possibility of reincarnation. He went with that thought and he started exploring the new environment he was in. He concluded that he somewhat managed to crossover to another world after his death and the world he was in is somewhat familiar to him.


That was his assumption then. He was now in another universe multiverse. Azuma accepted it.


Then it changed greatly when Azuma heard about the existence of Minato, Kushina, the nine-tails, Naruto and finally Uzumaki Mito.

He was more concerned towards Uzumaki Mito as he found out that her decisions and actions were different than he knew. The one of the critical juncture that changed the history that Azuma knew from the anime.

It led Azuma to believe that the current Naruto reality he is in is resulted from a doubling theory after knowing Mito different decision and actions at the critical juncture.


Since then, Azuma had lived based on that assumption.

However, now everything changed yet again. There is two point of concern that Azuma have now.


One was the doubling paradox that Karasuki created through the sudden disappearance he did when Karasuki ran away from Mito.


The disappearance act that Karasuki did changed her in a level that was not physically obvious but it was enough for it to make different decisions and different actions.


The different decisions and actions done by her during the whole period based on Azuma understanding would have been impacted as well. Everything before her decision to report Danzo actions to Uzushiogakure will by itself had changed in a manner as well.  


It was something that it could be expected when looking at the whole situation now.

It was absolutely normal for someone to start searching for their item that they had attachment to if it suddenly disappeared. Even if the item was misplaced, it will still lead the person to start searching for it as well. It will make that person observant to the surroundings.
They will probably be troubled and their personal behavior and experience will change as well. No matter how small the change is, the change is there and it can lead to different decisions in their life forward.


Karasuki also added more emotional attachment into the mix. Making Mito to remember her attachment to Uzushiogakure even more than the original reality. Karasuki created a situation where it made her remember her childhood more than the original reality. This will definitely impact the change in personality in ways it could not be imagined by any other individual except the individual themselves.


Currently what Azuma know for the fact is that Mito had changed. He however does not know how much she had changed. Azuma acknowledge that he will never will due to the individual differences.

However, Azuma could see that she could be more observant to things with probably some added behavior changes. Along with the reinforced attachment towards Uzushiogakure because of Karasuki, the changes will be added further than Azuma can imagine.


Azuma was clear that Karasuki created this new Naruto reality he was in.


Karasuki, Boruto and Sasuke made a grave mistake of not recognizing the differences of their actions during time travel.


Karasuki time travel with Boruto and Sasuke did not have problems because it was a predestination paradox. It was something that had to happen, it was a predetermined action. It was evident because after all the things they did in the past, Boruto and Sasuke was still able to go back to their timeline without any issue after travelling back in time.


However, what Karasuki did later on particularly for Uzumaki Mito incident was not a predestination action. It was its own will, and because of its actions, it created this reality. It created a doubling paradox.


Karasuki created not only a doubling paradox but from Azuma perspective and current understanding, Karasuki may even disrupt the universe reality as well.


Back in the early days, Azuma mind had always wondered about his birth, the circumstances of him being conceived and born was something he had been wondering from time to time. The concept of reincarnation added along with all those circumstances is not something that Azuma can comprehend.

However, when he heard about Uzumaki Mito actions he had place that action as the probability of the origin point that allowed him to be born.

Without her actions Azuma parents Nagi and Yuki would have not meet and they probably died along with the others when Uzushiogakure was attacked.


That change initiates a slew of the ripple effect.


From Mito new action, Azuma started to think about the many worlds’ theory. He particularly thought about the doubling theory within the vast idea of the many worlds’ theory. It was a well-accepted theory that states that for each event there is a possibility for every possible outcome will occur. When it occurred, any shift in the timeline is just a shift between the alternate realities. It is a mirror universe it was natural and Azuma accepted it.


From that understanding Azuma kept it to himself as he knows that he was in the Naruto universe but in a different reality.

Although Azuma knew that it’s an alternate reality, he knew that his existence had already changed the direction of this reality drastically.


It was because he personally felt that because of him, Minato and Kushina is alive. Without his reincarnation his parents would have a high probability to not help during Kushina child birth. When that happen Minato and Kushina would have been dead and Naruto will still be an orphan like the Anime reality.


Him taking the place of the unborn child who is probably a still born changed everything.


Recognizing that fact Azuma had always limited his actions. He always tried to avoid anything anymore than he need be. He was very conscious about his actions that could change the reality of this world even more.  



When everything was getting fine, he meets Yuki. It was at that time that Azuma finally knew something was seriously wrong.


What are the odds of meeting Yuki even if she died in the same place around the same time as him in another universe?

They originated from other universes but died in a same universe. However, they ended up in another same universe within the various multitude of universe and multiverses available. What kind of probability was that?


Something was truly wrong, however Azuma buried that thought deep within him. He did not want to think about it as after meeting Yuki, he truly enjoyed her company. Azuma found someone that was similar to him. He had connection with someone in this alien universe. Even if she was his enemy in the past life, they do experience similar things with a different perspective. It did not matter for Azuma at all.  


Although with Yuki around, Azuma still held hope. A hope that no matter how low the probability is, there was always probability for it to happen. The probability was extremely small but it is not impossible. Nevertheless, Azuma made some changes in his plan and he started to get involved in the development of the main characters of this world passively.


Azuma felt that the change was bigger than he expected and because of it he had to influence the growth of the characters to compensate with the change.


Everything he did was to make sure that things happen within an assumption that the reality of this world and the original world is similar yet different as well.


However now with Karasuki in front him providing his narration of what he did, it brought back that thought that he sealed deep within him.


After a while Azuma looked at Karasuki again and he exasperated. As he now realizes the situation is not normal anymore. He has to change his view yet again and change his next course of action. Azuma now realize that he probably will need to face it head on. However, before that he needs to make sure it was true.


Many of the multi world theory involving time travel that the Union theorized is now turning into facts now.


There is also the second issue that Azuma was very troubled. The problem of Karasuki being deactivated and moving adrift through the temporal lane with that status.


Is it possible that nothing happens during that time? How did Karasuki ended in a cliff, if he was deactivated and adrift in the temporal lane?


The only point of reference that Azuma had now was based on his understanding from what he was thought in Union world. Now Azuma had to rely on the Union for reference like never before. It now completely changed Azuma plans. Certain things need to change and it has to be done ASAP.



Based on what Azuma learnt in the Military Academy the doubling paradox is an unknown new reality. If everything is still a liner path, he could be stepping onto a reality which is stable. The stable reality will follow the same rules of the doubling theory with only the butterfly effects happening.


However, for Azuma he is not assuming that he is in a stable reality.


Azuma do not really know that this reality is a stable or unstable at the moment. However currently he had a feeling that it’s the latter.


When he thinks about himself and Yuki being in this world and now adding Karasuki and Mito along, Azuma realize that everything he has known is being overturned. Furthermore, with being deactivated and adrift in the temporal lane within an unspecified amount of time, Azuma had a disturbing feeling that something is seriously wrong.


‘How did Karasuki end up sealed in the cliff?’


Recognizing the facts Azuma plans will need to change.


Azuma original plans were designed based on his understanding regarding the doubling theory. With his knowledge in the alternate reality, Azuma developed various calculative models so that he could predict the general changes through the butterfly effect and provide countermeasures for to it.
However, now knowing that there is an extremely high probability Mito actions and decisions started to deviate right after her contact with Karasuki it is extremely difficult to plan. The variable is too large.
Furthermore, there is also a feeling that if the universe itself had changed in a manner that Azuma could not even comprehend at the moment.


There is so many questions within Azuma mind. Azuma remembered the time he was in the Military Academy. The possible creation of an unstable reality was a hotly discussed issue during his temporal mechanics class in the Academy. That issue continued being discussed among his peers even after he graduated. There was a private channel where everyone was still using discussing about it even after graduation.


Knowing that this reality which is highly probable to be in an unstable one is making Azuma uneasy. A lot of things could happen that Azuma now will not be able to predict. What he hoped is that it is not something that he, Yuki and/or everyone else in this universe could not cope.


After a while, Azuma decided on his next course of action.


In his mind he was seriously thinking


In his mind he was seriously thinking


‘Can I really consider this a Naruto universe now? Ignoring Mito changes at the moment, Karasuki being adrift in the temporal lane is extremely troubling. How did Karasuki end up back to this reality again without any assistance? Karasuki supposed to still be adrift there.

Nevertheless, no matter how I see it, Karasuki had diverged Naruto future and probably this universe reality even further than I had anticipated. After all, without me and Yuki being here I could see a higher chance of Naruto universe moving in a similar reality as it was supposed to…’


The events that was unrivaled by Azuma now lead him to think about his next course of action. Deep in him, Azuma is hoping that he is over thinking things. However, because of how he was taught in Military Academy in his past life, it haunts him to this date.


Although he do not want to attempt time travel at this stage he probably need to in the future. He need to observe and plan appropriately before that. Furthermore Azuma was also thinking about getting his hands on Karasuki memory bank if its even possible. He could use the information stored by Karasuki for the start.


If possible, Azuma also would want to check out if he can get the hold of the other Karasuki that was activated by Otsutsuki Urashiki at that time. He is hoping that there is still a liner point in this universe.


It will be one of the markers for Azuma, if there is any liner point in this universe history now that is it. The deactivated Karasuki should be there.


If the other Karasuki is truly there then Azuma must get his hands on it.


Azuma still has to prevent any possible action of time travel happening in this world through that other Karasuki.


“So Karasuki, do you by any chance know where you are before Urashiki found and activated you?”

“… Sorry I do not know, I was completely inactive like just now at that time. I do not know where I was, I only know that I was placed on a pedestal surrounded by pillars before I was completely deactivated.”

“… sigh…” ‘and I thought it will be that easy…’

Sorry for some readers if you do not like the complex Sci-fi stuff for the past few chapters.

For the ones that do not like the sci-fi complexity narration and feel its too many info dump, I am sorry. Below is a few key points which is sort of a summary.

- Karasuki changed the history of Naruto timeline after the encounter and passive interaction with Mito right after her sealing of the Kyuubi within her.
- Azuma do not know the exact impact due to it. (Even for me as the author I need to expand the butterfly effects which I will be thinking even more now.)
- Karasuki was also the one that changed the universe balance. How the reality changed its up in the air right now, but I have several direction to follow.

My Sci-fi topics in this and previous chapter most of it I had made references to Many Worlds Theory. I have also include Temporal Mechanics topic in Star Trek Universe. I have added and change some of them to fit my story. 

Introduction to Temporal Mechanics, Important Terms » Star Trek Minutiae ( My Star Trek reference for the ones that are interested.

Anyway have a nice week.

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