RE – Naruto Universe

Chapter 39 – Azuma Research Base

As the graduation and goodbye party comes to close, everyone was happy on how it went and everyone agreed to meet up again when everyone has settled on their new path.


When Azuma reached home, his whole family greeted him. It was something that Azuma did not expect. His grandparents and parents were around. They said it was his first time going for a journey by himself and they wanted to see him before that. It was the first time for Azuma and he felt nice within, he could not identify the feeling but it was a feeling that he like.


The gathering was a happy affair and Azuma narrated his planed out journey to his family. He planned to see the eastern area of the land of fire while going towards the land of hot springs in the process. Then he wanted to see the land of wood and waves as well.  


While he was detailing his journey plans to his family, Ren (grandpa) and Nagi (father) provided Azuma some important details that he need to be cautious about.


Since Azuma had took the effort to monitor Naruto world a few years ago, he had notice that his conjuncture about the geo political climate within the ninja world was almost perfect following the details he received from his family. Although Azuma had limited news and information regarding powers beyond the central territories, it was enough for him to predict certain things.


With Konoha being the sole superpower and their close alliance with Suna the stability in the mainland stood strong. It definitely did good in maintaining the peace between many smaller countries between the land of fire and wind. Even land of earth and lighting was keeping their actions beyond their border in check.


Although everything looks nice, it was as Azuma dreaded as the butterfly effect changed things in a way to keep things balanced. The land of Water.

Based on what his grandpa and father narrate it was apparent that Land of Water and the neighboring islands is in turmoil, they are practically in civil war and from the looks of it Kirigakure was behind of it.


Although his grandpa and father did not exactly say that, Azuma could read between the lines. Azuma wanted to know more about what was happening in Land of Water and Kirigakure as he believe that the unknown new event that he was feeling will happen will start from there.


Noticing that Azuma grandpa gave a sigh and decided to give Azuma the summary intelligence report that Uzufuyuki had about it.

It was then that Azuma found that what he thought will happen did indeed occur. Azuma had knew that Obito will change his actions and plans after the Kyuubi incident this time. Indeed Obito did just that. From the anime, Azuma knew that Obito is controlling Yagura the current Mizukage and he had always wondered about it. Why did Obito neglect Yagura? If he was in Obito shoes, he could make Yagura do many other things that benefited his cause but he didn’t.


However, this time it was different. Obito was using Yagura well this time round. He created instability and conflict everywhere. It was also the necessary environment for Akatsuki to build their foundation. The rise and influence of Akatsuki was still going on. Instead of those smaller ninja nations in the mainland that cause the instability, this time it was a major power. From what Azuma know now, the Land of water and their neighboring islands including the land of sea had become unstable.


Since Azuma had provided his travel path, his father also told him to get in contact with the land of wave branch if he needed assistance. He also told him to be weary there as apparently the problems of the other island nations are spreading to other island nations that include the land of waves.


The last information they wanted to inform Azuma was about certain groups that Azuma need to be cautious about. The caution that they describe was mainly about Akatsuki which Azuma had detailed understanding with, however Azuma acted as it was something new and he need to be wary about.


It was not until they told Azuma to take caution about a second organization that made Azuma turn serious. That second organization was unknown to Azuma, he did not hear about its existence in the Naruto Anime.

The organization was called Kara. Based on his father description that organization is currently an enigma for him, he only notice it when he manage to identify two outer members trying to climb the Uzufuyuki business organization managerial ladder. If both of them was not shortlisted to be promoted, they will still be able to maintain their cover as Kara agents.


Due to Uzufuyuki origins they take extreme measures to prevent any individual that could compromise Uzufuyuki be within them. Every post that had managerial or leadership roles will always be vetted some more stringent compared to the other.


Both Kara outer members passed all the other test until they reached last one. The last test was something that indigenously designed to identify individuals who have ulterior motives.


It was Nagi’s special genjutsu seal technique. The members was told to wait in the meeting room which was actually a room designed with Nagi’s sealed genjutsu room. There they were caught within a genjutsu world where Nagi could observe them quietly. Within the genjutsu world the individual is caught in they will be living their lives as it was supposed to. What they experience will be a lifetime for them but for Nagi observing them it is almost an instant. When Nagi dispel the genjutsu they will think it’s a dream for them. It was within the genjutsu world that expose them as Kara members.


Although the existence of Kara was found out, there is not a lot of information that was gained from both of them. Since they were identified, Nagi had inscribed a concealed spy seal on each of them to act as Uzufuyuki spy without them noticing.


It will now be a situation of intelligence and counterintelligence between Kara and Uzufuyuki.


Azuma kept quiet for the rest of the time while listening to his father explanation of Kara, the information regarding them is absolutely new for him and Azuma absorbed it like a sponge.



The following day was the day that Azuma began his journey. As Azuma told Naruto and others that he was leaving in the morning an hour before their group allocation period, Naruto, Shikamaru, Choji, Hinata, Ino, and Sakura came to see him off as well.


While they were waiting with his family, Azuma double-checked his equipment’s and storage before he got ready to depart. After checking Azuma started to get ready.


He outfit was a bluish-gray outdoor outfit. It was a design that he wore in his past life, its fashion was very unique in Naruto world but in Azuma’s world it is a standard outdoor outfit design. It was lightweight but extremely durable, he had also inscribed defensive inscriptions on them. Azuma also had a backpack and a redesigned ninja flak jacket with a matching color to his outfit.


When he presented himself to everyone they looked at him in awe, his mother and grandma had smiles as they nodded, approving of his presentation.  As Hinata, Ino and Sakura they stood there attracted to Azuma complete vibe.


While the girls was lost in their own little world looking at Azuma, the guys was in awe. They did not know about fashion, however, what they saw was unique and they wanted one for themselves as well. The design was great, it had a professional look that they did not know about but they liked it nevertheless.


Nagi and Ren looked at each other soon after they saw Azuma outfit and smiled, it was however a cryptic smile that Azuma noticed but he did not bother with it. 


After a while everyone minds was brought back to reality when Azuma started to say his goodbyes. Before Azuma left he gifted Naruto, Shikamaru, Choji, Hinata, Ino, and Sakura a toolbox, each had specialized tools designed by Azuma for them. He also gave Naruto additional two specially designed toolbox with instructions to give it to Rock Lee and Tenten respectively when he meet them. Azuma also provided Hinata another one to be given to Neji. After he completed that task, Azuma said his goodbyes and went off to his journey.




When Azuma left Konoha, he went to a secluded location to teleport straight to the cave that his research base was being built. He was looking forward to this moment for a few years already. Although his original self had been here several times already, this time he had more time at hand to actually do things. There were many backlogs that Azuma wanted to complete and now that he had the time, he can actually get things done.


His backlog task include the ruins he found in the cave. As Azuma did not have time to do historical studies he ignored it till now. This time it was he himself that will be in the research base while his clones will be going around doing the visiting of various areas around land of fire.


However before he can start his work on the other backlog task Azuma had something extremely important to do.


‘Before that I need to light up this place properly this time. All my research is done and everything is in place. I just need to light this place up.’


Azuma went deep within his research base and stored everything he could within his storage seal. Everything that was unnecessary for what Azuma was going to do is stored within his storage. After he did that, he had recalled all his shadow clones back so Azuma could start his preparation.  


The first thing Azuma did was released his Uzumaki identity seal. As he did that Azuma felt invigorated, his strength and chakra capacity increased by several folds. Although Azuma do not have a chakra capacity like a Jinchuriki, his chakra capacity is still extremely high. Azuma figured that his chakra level now is the highest humanly possible with his Uzumaki clan genetic advantage.


‘I guess this is almost the maximum capacity of what humans can have without any assistance, it will be very difficult for me to gain more… even if I could, the percentage increase is just not worthwhile… anyway this will definitely be enough…’


After Azuma got accustomed to his true form he started his next phase of his plan. Azuma created four shadow clones, each of them looked at each other and nodded. They then immediately went on with the plan as each of them stood at the marked point.


The marked point itself was unique, Azuma had many inscriptions embedded at the location. It also had various power wiring attached to the location as well.


Each of his clones then started their assigned task.


“Shisekiyojin-kai” (Renewed Four Red Yang Formation)



It all began with the Shishienjin (Four Violet Flames Formation) which Azuma was researching in his past life. He improved and modified the barrier formation to fit his purpose at that time to be able to complement the shields that the Union had. However, he did not expect Yuki and her associates to siege his location at that time.

Azuma in his last ditch effort reworked the barrier to be similar to his prototype phased grenade which was also adopted from this world ‘Jubaku Madara technique.’


Sadly, Azuma died earlier on to not see the effect he triggered but Yuki did until her final moment. Based on her description his booby-trap barrier worked wonders and it manage to do what it was supposed to.


From the evidence and narration Azuma got from Yuki he came up with this idea.


‘Since the barrier worked as it supposed to then it prove that it could hold at least a mark three enhance nova bomb detonation! That was the bomb I detonated to make sure I could incinerate those SS class fools! That detonation has a destruction power of a supernova detonation in pointblank range!


Since that barrier is that capable, why not use it to generate energy instead! I am in need of necessary energy source to power up my base. I need an energy source for my soon to be redeveloped industrial grade replicator. I need the energy source to power up my base defenses. I need the energy source to do many other things.’ All of this were running within Azuma mind after he got a complete story of Yuki encounter with his barrier device in her past life.


A proper energy source for his research base. Azuma was completely troubled regarding it. He searched high and low in this world to find an energy source to do what he wanted. What he found in this world although was interesting it did not fit his need.


He found a metal ore that could hold chakra. He also found that the electricity generated was related to that metal ore. It was done through the channeling of lighting based chakra towards the metal that lead to it having an electrical charge. It was then used similar as a rechargeable battery as the electricity source of this world. Although the efficiency was great, it was only enough for this world purpose. However since it was enough for this world purpose hence there is lack of further development in that area. Azuma needed more power, this world had provided him an efficient storage tool but it did not provide him the power he needed.


The use of the metal ore was something that Azuma found was an interesting approach to power generation. He also discovered that individuals also create chakra weapons and even chakra cannons by using that metal ore.


Although the metal was of interest for Azuma it did not fit Azuma requirements. He needed an extremely huge power source. Therefore, towards that end Azuma dabbled into hydro and wind power in this world. It did provide Azuma some relief. It had a better stable source of power but the power output was not enough for Azuma big plans.


Then everything changed when he heard about Yuki story.


Azuma can now attempt to get fusion power and it’s not any fusion but a cold fusion power. It was the best he could do right now as Azuma is still researching on how to attempt an anti-matter reaction in Naruto world.


The barrier Azuma created was a completely modified and renewed version of Four Red Yang Formation. Azuma had never known about this barrier until he learnt the theory about it from his father during his seal and barrier training. He figured that this barrier could be introduced later on in the Anime. However, it was within the episodes that he could not watch. Either case since Azuma know about it now Azuma used it as a base for a new reworked barrier to contain the cold fusion reaction. With his current chakra along with his other power source available to him Azuma would have enough energy to erect a proper barrier for the reaction.


To generate the cold fusion reaction Azuma is making use of the nature energy, based on Yuki description the nature energy is boundless and it’s up to the cultivator to decide its properties. Using that as the basis Azuma tried many times but he failed, it was not until Azuma remembered an episode in relation with the nature energy that he got a hint on how to proceed.


The Dohatsuten kinjutsu, it was a technique that Azuma did not place within his mind as it was not an impactful technique for Azuma at that time. That destructive capability was common within the Union weapons arsenal and it was not unique or creative, so Azuma just did not took notice of it until now. This time Azuma remembered it just because of its relation with nature energy. That kinjutsu energy source was from nature energy. With newfound insights, Azuma started to study more about seals and nature energy absorption.


After several trails and errors Azuma had developed a way for it and he bided his time until now to do it. Azuma know well that testing and attempting this will take time and during his Academic years he did not have it. His clones were all around either working on development of his base, researching new techniques and inscriptions, training in chakra natures, or studying the impact of the butterfly effect in this world. Every Azuma was busy until now.


“Okay all set! Now let’s start it low…”

Have a nice week ahead...

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