RE – Naruto Universe

Chapter 35 – New Beginning III

A few weeks had gone by and Azuma is still developing a complete methodology for Rock Lee future training. However, in the meantime Azuma still have many other things to do as well.


During the class, Iruka was lecturing as he is summarizing what he thought that day. Azuma was sitting looking at the lecture diagrams that Iruka was pointing. Although he looked like he is concentrating on Iruka lecture, he actually isn’t.


During this time, Azuma was using the time to summarize his findings on another subject. He was summarizing his findings about the changes happening in Konoha during of his current time in the Academy. Since the Sunagakure chunin exam invitation, Azuma realize that the world events has begun to change at a rapid pace.

Although the change is not as drastic like there is a nonexistence of Land of Wind due to the butterfly effects. Nevertheless, the changes that Azuma found is actually quite substantial and it will definitely change the sociopolitical landscape in the ninja world. Because of it Azuma had started to make an effort to monitor any more changes based on what he originally know of.


At the current moment, Azuma was concentrating on what had and was happening in Konoha. He is particularly interested on the key event changes that had happened after Naruto was born. From what he found there is two key changes that had happened, the one that was most impactful was the Uchiha coup and their subsequent massacre by Uchiha Itachi. Based on what Azuma knew about this event, he had to gathered enough evidence that it did not happen in this reality.



Azuma had just noticed things that he should have notice but he did not in the past. It was practically because Azuma was not as attentive towards many details in the past as he was not bothered about it.

Since he was reborn to this world, Azuma had many things in his plate. Because of that, he did not bother much about certain details up to now.


However, remembering back on certain events that never happened in Konoha, Azuma actually noticed it. He had actually seen Uchiha Itachi and Shisui a few times already and most of them was during public events organized by Uzufuyuki when figures like Minato is there. When asking around he had realize that Shisui is still alive at this period of time, this itself already is a change that could make a lot of difference than the alternate reality.


As far as he knows, Uchiha Shisui should be dead at least around a year ago in the original timeline. Upon looking at possible answers, Azuma has placed his guess that Sakumo and Minato are the main pillar for that change. With Sakumo and Minato around it will definitely limit Danzo actions, it could be because of that that Danzo could not act like before.


However, after looking deeper there is even more changes that will happen just because Minato is alive in this period. Minato still being alive will result on the report regarding the events of the nine tails becoming more thorough, this alone will help the Konoha Uchiha clan. As the report will have enough reliability to solidify enough benefit of a doubt that the Konoha Uchiha clan is not responsible for that event. Without Minato and Kushina report, the events narrated will be one-sided point of view siding to Danzo advantage.


Furthermore, Azuma had found more changes in this timeline through his observation that will change the course of history.

Azuma could see that Uchiha Itachi has a high probability to be the next in line, to be the fifth Hokage!

Based on what he know about who Uchiha Itachi is from the anime along with the differences which happening in this reality, Azuma can see that being true.


From Azuma point of view, Uchiha Itachi is a good Hokage candidate. His decision-making and actions throughout the Anime made Azuma believe that Itachi is a good candidate.


Right now in this new timeline Itachi himself is currently one of Minato right hand man, and based on some hints that Azuma noted through the interactions from Minato, Kushina and Sakumo it is very possible for that to be true. If what Azuma observed is true then tensions between Uchiha and Konoha will definite calm down.


Azuma know that there is multiple reasons plied up on top of each other that ended up creating the Uchiha coup event. One main reason is that the Uchiha right to be able to lead Konoha.


Their right was robbed right under their nose when Hiruzen abdicated his position. After Hiruzen abdicated his position, Uchiha Fugaku was not considered as a viable replacement. Beside Minato and Orochimaru, Uchiha Fugaku achievements during the third great ninja war was also considerable. However for them to never consider him already made the Uchiha clan disgruntled.  


It was followed by the constant suppression of influence and power towards the years which only seen to be increased even more after the Kyuubi incident. The final blow was Fugaku had recognized the fact that his son Itachi the Uchiha clan best and brightest among multiple generations do not have a bright future in Konoha. He was not able to advance anymore due to the suppression of the Konoha elders especially from Danzo. That recognition lead Fugaku the leader of Uchiha clan to finally accept the plan that a coup was needed for the Uchiha to have a future in Konoha.


However, with all the changes that had happen and if Itachi is really going to be the next in line then it is easy to see a deescalating of tension and problems. The relation with the Uchiha clan with the others in Konoha would be cordial and most of the clan members will be content with the current status quo.


There is a stark difference in the outcome in this reality. It is all good in that sense but Azuma still observed a change in this timeline that could be another game changer. Azuma actually did not notice it initially. However, with renewed motivation to monitor any changes that could influence the timeline he knows Azuma noticed something that he could not really ignore.


Azuma observed that Sasuke and his relation with his father has worsened.

Based on what he know at this time in the original timeline, Sasuke has a good relationship with his brother and his mother, however he has trouble communicating with his father. It got slightly better when Itachi distance himself with his father due to the fiction he had between Uchiha and Konoha at that time. It lead to Fugaku opening up and started to interact with Sasuke more and that help in their bonding. However, this never happened in this reality and the rift just deepen. Azuma could see it in Sasuke eyes and the rift just grown further apart.


Azuma do not know what will happen because of the rift, even for him his experience in that matter is almost zero so he cannot even make conjuncture about it at all.


On the brighter side of things, Azuma did not know if Sasuke got his sharingan already but his combat capability has definitely increased. Azuma realize that beating him in taijutsu and bukijutsu during the class evaluation truly did change Sasuke growth, he saw the rivalry in that part and Azuma welcomed the friendly rivalry from him. Furthermore, his relationship with Naruto and others is better than the anime so it could be a plus looking based on this turn around.




The other case Azuma was also concerned about was the Hyuga clan.


Although it is mainly due to his current interaction with Hinata, Azuma felt that he need to take a look at it as well.


To be out right Azuma do not know about the Hyuga clan particularly well. He only knew about their Byakugan ability and their gentle fist technique. He did not take note about their socio-politic situation within their clan. Compared to the Uchiha clan Azuma do not know much besides Neji and Hinata hostilities and Hinata troubled relationship within her clan.


However, based on what Azuma discovered it was a bitter realization that he came to realize that he do not actually like that clan much personally.


Although Azuma do see changes in the Hyuga clan compared to the original world, it is mostly within Hinata bubble. Azuma already knew that Hinata’s mother Hyuga Mizumi is alive when he saw her in the Academy entrance ceremony. Her being alive did help Hinata slightly when Hinata lost a sparring match to Hanabi, if it was based on the original setting Hinata would be labeled an outcast and her right to lead removed but it did not happen in this reality.


Furthermore after a public gathering organized by Yuna with regards to the opening of the Uzufuyuki business district, Azuma did not expect to see that Hyuga Hizashi, Neji’s father to attend. Azuma saw him attending the opening ceremony, it was only then he knew he was alive.


It was something that bothered Azuma until Azuma found out that the kidnapping of Hinata by Kumogakure did not occur in this reality. The only reason Azuma could think off is the existence of Minato, Kushina and maybe Sakumo around the time that the envoy was in Konoha, instead of an old power like Hiruzen by himself in the other reality.


Azuma could guess that no one in the right mind would try anything funny when there is four powerhouse Minato, Kushina, Sakumo and Hiruzen being still active around Konoha. Kumogakure would be truly be shooting themselves on their foot if they tried to do something like that. If a war truly broke out then, with the amount of power Konoha has now compared to the other reality it will be a completely going to be a different ball game. It would truly be Kumogakure downfall then.


Concerning Hinata, Azuma thinks that it could be because of Mizumi and Hizashi being alive that the problems that Hinata is facing has change slightly. Although she is still trying to prove to something, Hinata goals do look different compared to before.


As for the Hyuga clan in general, Azuma felt uncomfortable. Azuma saw the clan as in an unstable foundation that could erode in itself like soil erosion collapsing them as time goes by. The main reason of that is the cures seal. Azuma seriously did not know why a curse seal is engraved on everyone in the clan except for Hinata direct family.


Based on his analysis the seal does serve a purpose to avoid their Byakugan ability not being stolen by others. If that is the case Azuma thought that Hinata and everyone in her family would also need the seal engraved on them as well. However, the problem that Azuma had is the side curse within the seal. The curse seal inflict serious pain towards the seal holder when it is activated. It seriously bothers Azuma for a clan to actually use this seals towards their own clan members.

Azuma saw that as a form of branding within a clan, where the ones that got branded are getting suppressed. It is very uncomfortable for Azuma to see that, it does not fit in Azuma compass. Due to this situation, Azuma is wondering about the future of the Hyuga clan. He could see problems happening later on.

It was a situation that Azuma can see it happening because a similar thing actually occurred in his past life. Suppression on this scale was similar to how the Union controlled the augmented humans where it lead to the augment uprising.
Azuma seriously felt that if this cursed seal situation is not dealt with in a proper way eventually it may blow up and if it was taken advantage of, even Konoha will take a burn from it.


While thinking about it Azuma thoughts went by until his one of his clone he tasked to help in Rock Lee physique enhancement informed him in a breakthrough.


‘…oh, at last… oh it’s the physique enhancement clone that made a breakthrough. Now I can go and test it out personally before seeing if it is really feasible for me to impart it to Rock Lee… I just need to wait for the class to end.’

A chapter where I think about 'What if' I think its reasonable enough. Have a nice week ahead.

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