RE – Naruto Universe

Chapter 30 – Academy Holidays

The next day as usual Azuma would be helping Naruto and Hinata in their taijutsu training. During training Naruto pestered Azuma to start teaching him the fuinjutsu skill for his ramen storage. Azuma sighed at his motivation but still reluctantly agreed to help him. Azuma personal training time is getting lesser because of it so he told Naruto to go and ask his mother to help in learning fuinjutsu as well. He will help him in explanation on the things he did not understand then.

When Kushina got news about it, she was elated that Naruto wanted to learn fuinjutsu that she rushed to the training location with Naruto to start teaching him.


A month soon passed and summer holidays is around the corner. Furthermore, what was initially a hectic and pressured period for everyone turn normalcy. They got accustomed to their new training routine given by their parents as most of them manage to arrange their time to fit in some fun time. What’s more was summer holidays is approaching which heighten the mood in the class more.


As for Azuma training group, after the Sakura incident with Sasuke, Ino and Sakura joined the training. Shikamaru and Choji joined in from time to time mostly to gain exposure to taijutsu technique combat.


When Ino wanted to join, Azuma wondered why the change. He did not actually interfered with her growth like Naruto, Hinata and Sakura. However, when she told him about her reason, Azuma agreed to help her out. Azuma remembered the genjutsu trap during the performance exam. It was a training illusion trap, where they will be facing an illusion where they get humiliated during a random type of training. Therefore, he figured that she was getting humiliated in taijutsu that made her come to ask Azuma for help.


As for Sakura, she finally accepted the reality that she need to change for the better. She came to accept the truth that she need to be strong and capable enough by herself. During the exams, she knew that she did not perform as well as she should. However, she shrugged it off in denial, which lead to her current predicament with Sasuke. She wanted to change so she came to ask Azuma for help in that which he agreed.


As per usual, Azuma started with the basics of body mobility and strengthening. Their performance was similar to Hinata where both of them excel in the mobility but lack strength. From there Azuma decided on prioritizing their improvement in basic physical strength through body weight training.

During that time, Azuma started to introduce Hinata other alternatives technique that can complement her gentle fist style. As for Naruto to everyone surprise he was completely immersed in his fuinjutsu training.




During the last few days before the summer holidays started Azuma decided to introduce Hinata, Ino and Sakura to one of his personal developed techniques. Azuma came to this decision, as he need to plan their specialization in the future. Training in this will not only increase their overall combat effectiveness it will also indirectly build their foundation for their future specialization.


The technique that Azuma is going to introduce is a copy, which he adopted during his encounter with the wild beast. After the fight, Azuma analyzed the wild beast technique when he realize the striking similarities to other techniques he know through the Anime. After finding out the similarities as he knew about he started to develop it and test it out by himself. It took him two weeks before he found the most optimum way use it as well as to impart the technique to the others to train.


“Hinata, Ino, Sakura I have something to show you girls which will help you girls greatly in the future.”


When the girls heard Azuma called them, they got their attention. Azuma then demonstrated the technique to show them its capabilities.

The girls saw Azuma getting into a fighting pose, following that they saw Azuma cladding himself with a thin film of chakra. When Azuma finished his preparation he moved towards a rock fifty meters away from his position, his speed was practically instantaneous. When he reached there, he used his fist to smash the rock to smithereens, after accomplishing the feat he moved back to his start position instantly. What the girls saw had their jaw dropped, it was their first time seeing someone with that kind of speed and strength.      


When Azuma got back to his original location, he cancelled the technique. The thin chakra that was cladded around him disappeared.


“So what do you think? It is just an example of what this technique can do. After I teach you about it I do think you could adopt it to your style of combat.”


Azuma brought their attention back completely when he said that he wanted to teach them the technique. They were eager to know more about it and started asking him about the technique he demonstrated.


“I call it chakra reinforcing technique. It is a multi-purpose technique which helps in increasing the individual speed, strength and defense.”


After Azuma described the technique to them, they started thinking about the technique even more.


“Let me explain the multi-purpose part so you can understand the intricacies of it. You have seen the speed and strength part of the technique, for the defense part let me show you a crude example… here each of you take this, before you ask, yes its real and I want you to throw it towards me after I am prepared.”



Azuma gave each of them a kunai with an exploding seal tag attached. After he gave it to them, he walked away to a distance and started his preparation. Azuma started cladding himself with chakra but this time instead of a thin film, the amount seen this time is a lot more. It looks like a blue chakra flame is engulfing him.


“Ok, I am ready. You can all throw it towards me at once or do it separately, it’s up to you.”   

“Huh! Are you sure Azuma?” – Ino

“Yes, do not worry.”

“Ok I’ll go first then.” – Ino


Ino decided to start first, while the other two girls was still hesitating. For her, she did not think much about it. She was with him during the exam and she know his abilities. Although this is the first time he is doing something like this, she know by now that Azuma will not do things without reason and proper preparation so she agreed when he asked.

Ino threw the kunai towards him, when the kunai reached Azuma, the chakra that Azuma emitted prevented the kunai from getting closer to him. All three of them saw it and was in awe when the tag exploded, when they saw that they were in shock.




The explosion made them fear for Azuma well-being. They started to rush to the exploding area when they heard Azuma. 


“Don’t worry I am fine as you see, why don’t you two throw it at once this time.”


They were in disbelieve, they stood still until the dust settled and saw Azuma stood there unharmed. After a while, Hinata and Sakura did what Azuma told them to do. The outcome was the same. Both kunai was able to reach Azuma, when it reached the chakra barrier prevented it from coming closer. Then the two explosion tags exploded, it was a dual explosion however Azuma came out unharmed.

When they saw that he came out unharmed again, they were completely dumbfounded.


“This is an example of the defense part, although what I did is extremely crude and it will tax a lot of chakra but during emergency it could save your life.


For variations it is up to your creativity, if you clad yourself with element affinity chakra the outcome will be different accordingly. There is also other methods but it is up to you to innovate. So are you girls ready to learn.”


After seeing what the technique could do, all of them wanted to try to learn it. Before he start Azuma told them to keep this technique to themselves, which they agreed to. After they agreed, Azuma started explaining the technique in more details.


The chakra reinforcing technique relies heavily in individual chakra control and the understanding of their chakra meridians for it to work. To demonstrate the technique perfectly one need to rely on their chakra control. They need to control the chakra flow within their meridians while making sure they maintain the necessary chakra flow through their three hundred and sixty one chakra points.


Once the individual manage to control their chakra flow completely they will be able to execute the technique. This technique adopted Tsunade style chakra control, however it boost not only damage dealing, it boost the individual speed as well. The defense has great similarities to the Hyuga great revolving heaven technique, but it is different. With the individual chakra control, they will be able to efficiently utilize the barrier even on the move, which is a great addition compared to the Hyuga counterpart.


The benefit of this technique could not be understated. This is because Azuma discovered that the chakra reinforcing technique is actually the basis for the element release chakra mode.

Once the individual manage to use the base form, they could try using element chakra as an alternative. When successful the technique will evolve to the element release chakra mode.

However, Azuma did not explain this point as he did not want the girls to feel overwhelm. He decide to let them explore when they already mastered the basics.

Furthermore, Azuma is still studying the technique evolution.

After Azuma explained the intricacies of the technique to them properly, he started their training. Azuma separated the training to two the first one is chakra control mastery and another one is learning about their chakra meridians and points.




When summer holidays arrive, it will mark an end of a four and a half months semester. Everyone in class is excited about the holidays, hoping of the class to end soon so to start their holidays. It is no different even for Azuma.


‘At last I will get the time to do get my things in order. At first, I thought it was a nice way to relax and learn more about the world I am living in now but oh, it was not so relaxing after all.

It is good that I have already accepted this new life and living as I should. My relationship with my family is getting better and I got to know everyone in the class well. They are an interesting bunch of people.’


Azuma was planning in his mind arranging his to do list during the holidays. While doing that he had allocated time to visit his grandparents in the capital. He remembered that he would be going back to the capital with his mother for that.

Soon Azuma was wondering about his personal combat status growth where currently the only thing he could do is to sigh. During the past month or so Azuma time had been occupied by training Naruto, Hinata, Ino and Sakura living the only time he got at night to train. After his discoveries of the chakra reinforcing technique Azuma had to manage his time even more strictly. This is because originally this time was for his fuinjutsu research. However, at the moment it is being pushed aside for studying the chakra reinforcing technique he developed.


Currently during the day, he decided to do his base mobility and strength training while guiding the others. As for his elements, training Azuma decided to put it in a halt as his clones is still exploring.


Nevertheless, there is at least one thing that he can be happy. Which was the discovery of a possible location to build his secret base for his research and development.

When the clone discovered the location, the clone released himself to give Azuma and the other clones the information about the discovery. The discovery made Azuma ecstatic. From the information he digested the place was located beyond the Konoha Northern forest.

It was located at a mountain range at the land of fire central Alps, close to the land of fire eastern Alps that spans to the land of Hot Springs. What’s more, the location that was discovered is a cave network. Because of the discovery, Azuma created a shadow clone to provide instructions to his other clones to explore the cave and the surrounding area. 


While Azuma was thinking about the cave network, Azuma started to wonder on how to actually speed up the exploration process. When he was thinking about it, it lead to him thinking about improving his sensory skills. From there it just continued that approach until he thought about Ino, more particularly the Yamanaka sensory ninjutsu.

Based on his understanding about sensory ninjutsu in this world he concluded that at the current stage, understanding the Yamanaka sensory ninjutsu completely would his best option for now. Ever since he got a peek into Ino sensory chakra during the exams, Azuma knew that he could use that understanding to improve what he know about sensory ninjutsu. It was the best possible option him since he could not get the nature chakra of the Sage technique to greatly improve his sensory skills.


While he was thinking about that, the class ended.


“… ok that’s it for today. I will see you all after the holidays. Have fun but also do not forget your training.” – Iruka

“Yosha!!” – Naruto

“Naruto! Keep it down would you.” – Sakura

“But Sakura-chan…” – Naruto

“Do not but me…” – Sakura (while she fist knocked Naruto head)

“Ouch…” – Naruto


‘Oh the class ended… hmm… no matter what I think I could try it. It’s better than nothing.’




Everyone was excited that their summer holidays started. The class was noisy as they are discussions about their holiday plans.


“So Azuma do you have anything planned.” – Choji

“… Ah! I think I do… Ino can I have a moment with you.” – Azuma


Azuma did not listen to the original conversation as he was thinking about how to learn about the Yamanaka clan sensory technique. When he replied to Choji question he replied his plans to train his sensory technique instead of his holiday plans.


““Huh? What!”” – Choji/Shikamaru (Shocked at the turn of events)

“Huh, me?” – Ino (also shocked because of it)


It was a complete turn of event that no one expect. Azuma did not know that he was completely off topic when he replied to Choji. He also did not notice the current class atmosphere as he was too focused in his mind. Because of it when he called out to Ino, part of the class atmosphere changed. Now Azuma got the attention of the girls around Ino as well. Nevertheless, his attention still was not at his surroundings as his current priority is to get Ino to help in his sensory ninjutsu technique.


“Yes I need your help in something.” – Azuma

“Ah…” – Ino

““Oh…”” – the girls around Ino


Ino was caught off guard at the moment when Azuma initiate a conversation with her.


‘Keep it calm Ino, for Azuma to actually start a conversation with me right after class plus its summer holiday soon, is he actually thinking about it… nah doubt it, he is usually cool although he always mix with Shikamaru, Choji… ah and that stupid Naruto… I do not think he is capable of thinking about such things…

Arrgh, I should not have listened in with the other girls conversations a week ago, ‘Attractive guys class rankings’, first is Sasuke, then the one that is close behind is Azuma, third is also another guy from the capital… Why did I listen to them now I am self-conscious…

Ah! Why did he call me? … I remembered, he wants my help? ... On what? … anyway let’s see what does he need my help with.’ – Ino mind


Ino decided to hear Azuma out.


“… Ok, sorry you all I seem to have some other things to do.” – Ino

“Hehehe of course you do…” – Girl A

“Sigh, just because it’s you Ino, if it was others…” – Girl B

“Yea.” – Other girls


Azuma was walking over to Ino location, only to realize that he had interrupted Ino and her group discussions.


‘Oh… I did not know. What a blunder. Nevertheless, I guess, it is as expected for Ino to be popular. I hope I did not interrupt her on something important.’


Ino self-conscious about herself now moved quickly to meet with Azuma half way. Following that, she brought him away from the others to have their own space.


“Sorry if I interrupt you on your discussions with them.”

“No worries, so what do you need my help for.”


‘So what should I start off with? Arrgh lets go on my request first then…’

“Erm, I need your help in my training.”


“Eh, help you on your training?”

‘Why does he need my help for that? If he wanted help on training there is others better suited than me…’


“Yes, I need your help in training me in sensory ability.”

“Sensory training? Why me there are others better than me in this.”


When Ino told Azuma this, Azuma decide to explain his reasoning on why he chose her instead of the others.


“Others? Ino I think you are underestimating yourself. In my eyes, I think your sensory ability will surpass many if not now it will be definitely so in the future.

Although it look like I am just trying to butter you up just hear me out. I have my reason that I pick you and not others to help me on this.


There is a key difference between your sensory skills compared to the others.

Others uses their clan physical trait like the Uchiha or Hyuga, some uses external physical traits like the Aburame or Inuzuka, while some others uses ninjutsu skills.


What you have although it has hidden clan techniques it is still different compared to others.


Yours uses mainly yourself, the person itself. What your clan uses is hidden techniques that provide an enhancement on your personal sensory ability to execute a technique.

In short, you are using your sensory ability to execute a given skill. That is completely different compared to others.


That is the reason why I chose you and not others to help train me. I want to train my personal sensory ability.


As for the reason why I see you surpassing others is that I see that capability in you.

Although I do not know you as long as Shikamaru or Choji, I am certain that I am not wrong in this. I have been observing you during all the taijutsu and bukijutsu classes, noticing your sensory ability.”


“… err Ino? Did you listen to my explanations? …  Ino, Hello~”


‘What did he just talked about? I sort of get what he wants and his explanation does sort of make sense. It is just that, the way he talks, he never talk down to them. That is one of the reason that most girls like him.

He just… wait what… observing me! Since we meet! Huh! What? Can someone tell me what is going on…’


Ino was listening to Azuma’s explanation when she was caught off guard listening to a part of his explanation.

Azuma on the other hand was wondering why Ino had a blank look as she stood there quietly.


“Ino… Ino… Hello~”


After a moment Ino awoke form her blank state, as she remembered what she was thinking about just now.


“Ah!” (Blushing)


Azuma was wondering why Ino was like that, as he judge that she may be troubled by something.


“Are you alright Ino?”

“Ye-s I am alright” (still blushing)


As Azuma asked her, Ino was stammering on her reply and her facial look was blushing. Looking at her situation, he thought that she was not feeling well. It could be low blood pressure, or even fever, Azuma mind was trying to figure out looking at her. Azuma did not know but he was worried about her wellbeing.


“Are you really? You do not look all right to me. You better sit down.”

“I am really alright…” (still slightly blushing while sitting down when Azuma asked.)


After asking her a few times, Azuma figured that she is fine as she was also telling him that she was alright. Since she was fine, Azuma started his request again.


“It’s good that you are alright, sorry to ask you to help me in my training while not knowing you are not feeling well at the moment.”


When Ino heard it, she started blushing again.


“Ah! That is not it. I am fine, thanks for caring but I am really all right. About the training, I do not know if I can help you but I will try.”

“That’s great, thank you Ino.”

“No problem but I really don’t know I can help you or not.”

“At least you are going to try, and that’s all I want. For you to help in my training… So when shall we began?”

“… come by my place tomorrow around ten…”

“Oh, ok I will be there thanks.”

“No probs see you tomorrow then…”


‘That went well’

‘Tomorrow…’ (blushing)


Sorry, If there are inconsistencies. This chapter is more like a bridge to my original path before I decided to write about the Konoha exams and the academy life stuff.

This Ino and Azuma scene was planned long ago before I even start writing about training Naruto and Hinata. I figured since I have written it down and it was laying around, I had to place it somewhere and did it here.

Anyway have a nice weekend.

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