RE: Filthy Gamer In Narutoverse

Praise Be The Mistress

Hentai Shinobi Rule 2: Chakra is a pathway to several ero-abilities some consider unnatural.


Her estate was never far from the Academy and the Hokage’s Office. Oh, she understood. The beast sealed inside her was too dangerous. The residence being near the Hokage ensured others’ protection. So, it was sometimes a disheartening and painful memory to recollect whenever she saw the boy.

Oh, they were all sweet in Mito’s eyes. She didn’t pick them up from the orphanage out of selfishness. Well, perhaps?

Mito merely wanted to spend her time teaching others something. It could be theories or primary fuin language for those with a knack for it. But… they all left. Some wanted families, so Mito helped them enter foster care. A few entered the academy and moved out of the residence, living their lives using the monthly stipend from the administration. It was… probably her temper.

Being old calmed her bones but not her nerves. Not when Mito wanted the kids to excel. It was a bad habit of hers. And as they say, the older you are, the deeper your vices stew. However, it wasn’t all bad. Sure, she never tried sticking her nose into others’ lives after the spectacular failure of the first few children. Only one remained.

A sweet boy. She admitted it was a little mean to call him a maid. But he was only 4 when she picked him from an orphanage, and he looked sweeter and more delicate than several clan princesses of similar age.

The boy… Kai was the gentler sort. He didn’t think about power when first learning the primary sealing scripture. No. His concerns were if he could help relieve her pain further.

Now… how would she explain to the boy that her aching joints… no, not only that, the issue of her old age—was treatable? Mito was old because she wanted to be so. She didn’t have more in her to live. Everything… ate away at her.



It took a toll on her soul.

She quietly lay in her room, which lacked the luxuries one would associate with her status. She had few personal effects.

As usual, she waited for the boy. She looked forward to it. It was either Kai or her unruly granddaughter. Unfortunately, the addict of a granddaughter had been slumped with missions these few weeks, and her ungrateful grandson was probably pouty about Mito’s decisions.

“Mistress Mito,” a voice interrupted her musing. The widening smile on her lips tugged the edges of her wrinkles as the voice questioned. “May I enter?”

“Come in, Kai,” she answered.

Despite being 8, the boy never grew out of his delicate frame as several peers did before entering the academy. His features were fair and soft, topped with a delicate nose and round, black eyes.

Mito often confused the boy for a Uchiha. However, Kai never shared their disposition or talents, appearing thin and frail despite his modest workload.

He momentarily stared at her before grinning. Mito felt waves of gratitude from his being. Oh, he was always grateful. But today… his emotions were intense. Raw, even, for a boy so young. Being the observant Kunoichi she was, Mito observed the confidence radiate from his steps as he closed the door before approaching her bed.

Although curious about the change, wondering if Kai experienced something life-changing since yesterday, Mito smiled. “Well, dear. Are you up for helping this old lady work out the kinks from her legs?”

Like usual, the boy crawled up the bed. His petite frame settled by her legs as he nodded. Now, Mito felt excitement radiate from the kid.

“Of course!” he giggled. His sweet voice lifted Mito’s spirits.

His hands began from her right foot, rubbing her toes. His young but skillful hands made her exhale in satisfaction as she curiously questioned, “Did something good happen, Kai-kun?”

“Yes,” he trilled, focused on her legs. “It’s hard to explain, Mistress Mito. But I can’t stop smiling. I feel… good.”

He was honest. More honest than most of Mito’s staff. Mito eyed the boy as he began to hum a soft tune. It wasn’t a song she was aware of. But it felt pleasant.

[Daily Quest: Massage The OId Coot

Summary: Weary of her life, Old Mito Uzumaki looks forward to the moments free from the aching joints. Be a dear and massage her legs.

Rewards: Mistress Mito’s Favor

Failure: Mistress Mito’s Favor Lowered.]

As a gamer, Kai was privy to such quests. They only appeared from those considered his superiors. For instance, he was in Mito’s employ, and his current duties would be translated into quests.

Unlike in other games, Kai’s quests often offered reasonable, expected rewards and punishments based on the subject.

Once finished, Kai waited for Mito to sit up. Her wrinkles deepened as she smiled.

“Well done, dear,” she reached out to ruffle his hair, something Kai allowed her to do. Sure, it was partly due to the recollection of the old woman shattering giant boulders with a punch when she caught a former servant embezzling petty funds. Hmm… it was also around that time she scared off other orphans like Kai.

Not Kai.

As in his previous iterations, the host before him had balls. He stuck around for gratitude. And that’s the second reason.

Kai owed the old woman a debt of gratitude.

And it had nothing to do with the butterflies in his stomach at the first lasting sensation of affection as he pushed his head further into Mito’s hand, making the woman chuckle.

“Should we move, Kai-kun?” she questioned with a fond smile as Kai nodded.

“Of course!” he jumped down the bed before grabbing her cane and handing it to the woman. The duo moved out of the room, only to be confronted with two servants. They wore dark robes extending to white hoods with white vortex symbols on their backs.

“Mito-Sama,” one of them gasped. “You should be in the bed.”

Mito chuckled again. These people weren’t her family. But they took care of the residence, and Mito appreciated them. So, instead of ignoring their concerns, Mito shook her head and explained. “I feel well enough. It’s good for me to enjoy some fresh air. Besides, I won’t be alone.”

The two servants hesitated before nodding. It’s not like this was the first time.

It was a daily occurrence… but they felt it was right to protest against Mito’s ‘reckless’ actions.

So, Kai walked beside Mito as they moved out of the hall and entered the hollow part of the building. The red vortex mark on the floor momentarily attracted Kai before the duo silently climbed the spiraling staircase to the roof marked with the ‘Heaven’-Kanji ceiling.

Kai observed that Mito was deceptively fit. Her knees didn’t reveal their usual aches as she climbed each step with grace and a cane.

The sight made him question what the fabled chakra couldn’t do.

Unlike before, Kai was also curious why Mito climbed the stairs daily. The Previous Kai only questioned the first time and received a vague answer. The current Kai understood the answer wasn’t meant for him, and he could predict the reason.

They eventually reached the top as they walked out of the door before Mito sat on the bench against a massive concrete sphere built on the roof. Meanwhile, Kai observed his residence…


The previous Kai was limited to the village, never knowing about the outside world except from Mito's geographical lectures. So, he walked to the roof's edge and observed the giant faces carved into the mountain covering one side of the village.

Three faces overlooked the entire village.

It’s called a village, but Konoha was more extensive than most cities. It had to be to house several clans and their massive families.

And Kai admitted carving the faces of the village’s leader on a mountain was… metal.

Ah! It was such a tremendous opportunity for a serial defacer like him!

The things he could unleash upon this canvas…

The size of dicks and balls he could draw on their foreheads and lips…

Kai felt excited at the thought.

He remained unaware of his company as the woman smiled fondly at Kai’s back.

His excitement was palpable without Mito needing to sense it using the chakra derived from a dangerous source. Who didn’t dream of becoming a Hokage?

Mito was pleasantly surprised by the boy’s sudden ambitions.

‘Maybe he would be willing to enter the academy,’ she thought. ‘He always resisted leaving my side. But… he can eventually accompany her once she arrives in the village.’

“Do you want to be like them, dear?” Mito called the boy. She allowed the refreshing April wind to caress her cheeks as leaves blew.

“Them?” Kai blinked. He turned to look at Mito before casting another look at the Hokage’s sculpture on the mountain… Mount Kage?

“Well,” the boy surprised Mito with an impish smirk. “I will if it helps me get a beautiful wife like you, Mistress Mito.”

The woman’s aged eyes widened slightly before she shook her head and chuckled.

“Ah, that was sweet, Kai-Kun. But you should never have such suicidal hopes.”

Blinking, Kai walked to Mito and sat beside her. His legs dangled midair. “Why? You’re the kindest woman I know. Won’t I be a lucky guy?”

“Silly boy,” Mito rubbed his head. “I drove my husband into the arms of another man.”

She sighed profoundly.

“Well,” she blinked. “I was the third wheel. But you will understand when you grow up.”

Kai gave the woman a strange look before shrugging.

“I’m just a simple boy, Mistress Mito. I’d rather rub your legs than argue with you. So… sure. I’ll marry a woman like you and have a boy toy as a sidepiece.”

Mito appeared owlish as she questioned. “Where did you learn those words, boy?”

“What words?” Kai inquired.

“Boy toy.”

“Oh, I heard one of the vendors calling a guy named Orochi-something.”

“And sidepiece?”

“Hmm?” Kai cupped his chin. Of course, he wouldn’t lie. Recollections about the servant who embezzled revealed that Mito could sense lies—not something she openly announced. But Kai was never the kind to stifle himself out of fear. No. He wanted to make fear his bitch since the beginning.

“I heard that word from a woman. I think they were talking about their neighbor having an affair.”

Mito appeared speechless before she shook her head and smiled.

“You shouldn’t speak like that, Kai,” she reprimanded with a cheeky look.

“Okay,” he shrugged. “So, you shouldn’t say you’re unlikable or anything. You know—” Kai perked up, appearing excited. “The Koka Butcher’s father always talks about you. I bet you can still—”


Mito smacked the top of Kai’s head as he yelped before pouting and rubbing the spot. “I was just proving you wrong,” he said.

“By setting this old woman with random strangers?” She barked. “At least find someone eligible, you damned brat!”

“Tsk, tsk… I thought it was all about the emotions. Sigh…” The boy’s shoulders slumped. “I was wrong.”

“Don’t worry,” Mito encouraged with an amused grin. “Be sure to keep an eye out and keep me informed about the old people’s market.”

“Yep!” Kai grinned as the woman chuckled.

“Come on, let’s go. I wouldn’t want to keep you from your other chores.”

Kai helped Mito up despite her not needing it as they walked down the stairs. Knowing how stairs claimed the lives of several old men and women, Kai appeared exhaustingly protective as he held the woman’s hand, much to her amusement.

Well, she could think whatever she wanted!

There’s no way Kai would end his perfect day with a tragedy!


[Daily Quest: Scrub’s Scrubbing

Summary: Who’s gonna scrub if not the Scrub? So, scrub the dishes!

Rewards: 1 SP

Failure: Head Butler Tenjin’s Ire.]

[Earned 1 SP.]

Kai exhaled and sat on the bed, somewhat exhausted. His room was small and cozy, unlike the shared bunks from the orphanage.

His eyes glimmered despite exhaustion as he understood another layer about his [Sleepless Gamer] sub-trait. It kept his brain refreshed but not his body. So, exhausting his stamina can allow him to sleep despite his brain not needing it due to the periodic hormonal cleansing.

It was good.

While the sub-trait did not force these conditions, Kai knew that going on without sleep for weeks would be possible should he rest without closing his eyes. His body would recover in some time, and he would be raring to go again.


He crossed his legs and appeared contemplative.

‘Should I try that?’ Kai thought before deciding to act.

Kai understood that his sub-traits shared effects because he now experienced the effects of four of the five possible sub-traits.

Kai used to earn skills from the missions despite having chosen [Gamer Mind] and [Gamer Body.] These skills followed the same route as the [Skill Tree] sub-trait except for the options for the following unlockable skills and skill trees attached to titles.

Now, the skills from the [Skill Tree] shared similarities with [Gamer Mind] through skills like [Dishwashing.]

[Sleepless Gamer] also shared similarities with [Gamer Body] in the tweaked stamina department.

The only sub-trait he never experienced was the [Stats Physiology.] So, Kai didn’t appear surprised once he formed a familiar skill within the Support Skill Tree.

[Meditation (E) (1/5): A skill meant to calm the heart and promote the unity of mind and body. Chakra recovery is significantly boosted during meditation. Increase perception by 1 at every level {if Perception<50.} Increase the recovery speed by 10% at every level. Current additional recovery speed: 10%.

Next Level: Spend 5/120 minutes Or 1 SP.

Skill Tree Evolution: Total Concentration (D) (0/10)]

[Total Concentration (D) (0/10) (Locked)

Unlocking Conditions: 10 Perception, 2 SP.]

A wicked grin appeared on Kai’s face as he threw himself to the sweetest sensation of the grind. It felt sweeter than Mito’s head pat.

Oh, who was he kidding?

The greedy bastard he was, Kai effortlessly aimed to enjoy everything.

Who’s gonna stop him?

The [Gamer Mind]?


‘Ah… what about the masturbation marathon?’ Kai paused. He never got to experience anything remotely similar. But he heard good things about it.

For instance, he wanted to experience the fabled post-nut clarity everyone rambled about.

Did it genuinely feel like enlightenment?

Kai wanted to experiment and test it.


‘I’m crazy… not stupid,’ Kai sighed. How he would have loved to be both crazy and stupid. But the world hated him. It HAD to impart a shred of wisdom to the boy to let him see the naked dangers of this world.

How could Kai willingly ignore the sweet grind with such dangers?

The truth was… the [Gamer Mind] only made him rational. Even with it on, Kai pulled crazy stunts daily. That sub-trait only allowed him to follow the sensible path to achieving his goals.

But now?

Kai felt impatient. He wouldn’t be satisfied accompanying Mito to the roof or rubbing her legs. No. He wanted so much more.

Kai huffed before choosing the grind.

Despite his desires… he knew one thing.

The grind was eternal.

And it wasn’t like he didn’t find joy at the sight of his climbing stats as he eagerly pulled an all-nighter.

Another great thing about his trait was the leveling conditions of the skill did not ignore the previous efforts. For instance, only the gap between levels 1 and 2 was the widest—120 minutes. The gap between levels 2 and 3 was merely 10% of the first condition, i.e., 12 minutes. So, Kai jumped to level 3 with 12 additional minutes of meditation, then level 4 with 13.2 additional minutes, and maxing level 5 with 14.52 additional minutes of meditation.

So, E-rank skills increased the conditions for leveling up by 10%.

The initial conditions also determined the gap and effort needed to level up.

[Name: Kai

Age: 8

Title: Uzumaki Maid

Gamer Traits: Skill Tree; Sleepless Gamer

Skill Points: 12→ 18

Chakra: 3/1000 (1/hr)

Physique: 3/1000

Mental: 4/1000

Perception: 3→ 8/1000



‘Barely 3 hours,’ Kai narrowed his eyes. Feeling satisfied, Kai closed his eyes and continued meditating. To not do so would be peak stupidity.

You see, every stat is like a muscle. It needed training.

Just because Kai bottomed out [Meditation] did not imply he couldn’t continue training his perception stat using the act. It just implied that his progress would be slower than before but doable.


The answer was within the skill’s description—Increase perception by 1 at every level {if Perception<50.}

Didn’t this mean that meditation worked wonders for the perception stat as long as it was under 50? The skill's bonus offered 5 stat points but did not cap his growth until he reached 50 points.

Kai may have avoided the [Gamer Mind], but its experience of calm and logical thinking did not leave him. It became a part of him. So, Kai grudgingly postponed the wanking marathon for a later date and maintained his cross-legged position to spend the night training.


“You are chipper than usual, Kai-kun… did something happen?” Mito questioned again the next day. She couldn’t help but observe the boy as he looked up from her feet and met her confused gaze with a clueless look.

The old woman and the boy shared a moment’s confusion as Mito shook her head. It… can’t be right. Kai appeared different to her. He was still the frail boy she was used to… but something was different about his gaze and presence.

‘His awareness…’ Mito realized as she smiled at Kai. “I must be seeing things. Hmm. Continue.”

Kai shrugged and continued to expertly rub the old woman’s feet before questioning. “What about this part, Mistress? Does it still hurt?”

His left hand traced Mito’s left kneecap as the woman groaned.

“No. Not anymore. But be careful.”

Oh, she was hurt before.

Well… she didn’t always expect Kai to be an expert and he would accidentally hurt her. But loving the boy’s company more than others, Mito healed the few surface injuries she got until Kai grew better.

‘But why does he feel like a sensor?’ Mito wondered, exhaling as Kai’s hands gently kneaded her calves.

She formed a few theories.

Perhaps Kai was a natural in sensing chakra. He would have awakened his talents earlier had he joined the academy before instead of choosing to stay with her. So, the boy wasn’t a regular civilian. The thought made Mito feel complicated.

The Shinobi profession… wasn’t for everybody. It sucked too many into the war that refused to end.

The conflicts… they never stopped.

“Is something bothering you, Mistress Mito?”

She looked at the curious boy.

“Nothing,” she replied smilingly. “I won’t go to the roof today, so you can continue your duties.”

“Are you… sure?” Kai blinked. “I can hold your hand and help you.”

Scoffing amusedly, she shook her head. She felt the concern within the boy. Of course, Mito loved going to the roof and staring at her late husband’s visage.

Initially, she did so to reminisce about the good times, no matter their rarity. However, later, Mito complained about the two men who had massive boners for the Uchiha for the opposite reasons! She loved ranting internally.Today?

She didn’t feel like it.

The prospect of Kai becoming a shinobi hit her only after she noticed his possible talent.

“Kai,” she stopped the boy before he left the room. “Tell Uncle Jiten to prepare your food like mine.”

Kai blinked before grinning from ear to ear.

“Thank you, Mistress Mito~!” he chortled and bade farewell as a strange voice boomed within Mito.

It sounded husky, heavy, hateful, and deeply feminine.

“Oi, oi! Dry cunt! Don’t tell me you’re lusting for something young! I won’t tolerate the sight of your bony ass bouncing on a young pup just after you did the same on that man’s wood till his heart gave out!”

Mito’s pleasant expression instantly evaporated as her aged face coldly stiffened.

‘Dry? You’re raring for a beating! Want me to fill the damn seal and break your legs and shove your tails up your ass?’ She was relentless. ‘I’ll snip your balls and shove them in your eye sockets!’

“You’ve gone senile, too. Just kick the bucket already, old cunt. Kukuku, I’m a chakra beast. I have no balls!”

‘Won’t stop me from giving you one and castrating you.’

“It’ll be an accomplishment if you could manage your saggy, wrinkled, smelling—”

Mito extinguished the wayward connection with a scoff. She could do without ruining her day by listening to that damn fox.

Despite everything, the tempting whispers of destruction almost swayed her to release the seal. She felt tired and needy. Her old bones ached due to the brewing darkness around her.

Her round pupils turned vertical before she recalled the sight of the foolishly grinning tan-skinned youth.

How many such smiles would she eradicate by falling to such destructive temptations?

Well, she knew at least one.

She recalled the eager boy more than happy about the change in his dinner.

These sights fused within Mito’s being as tension escaped her body, allowing her to relax in bed.

‘Sorry,’ she offered her furry tenant. ‘We won’t be destroying anything.’

Mito felt the frustrated snarl echo through her core.


Alternate Title: The Attentive Mistress; No One Resists Head Pats—Period; Massaging Old Coot; The Masseuse Favor; Kai Rubs Dem Thighs; The GILF; The Creative Jucies; The Massive Target; The Uzumaki Residence; GILF Needs a Granddaddy; Koka’s Grandfather: Fine, I’ll Tap Her Myself; The Last Orphan; A Debt of Gratitude; The Boners For Uchiha; Meditation; The Mixed Sub-Traits; Who Needs Sleep When You Can Wank—ehm, Grind; Postponed Session; Perception Goes Brrr; Gamer Mind Influences; Praise Be The Mistress, The Provider of Meals; Deja Vu; Confusion; Awakening?; The Sick Realization; The Destructive Lullaby; Furious Tenant; Mito and Kyuubi To Each Other: No Balls? *Menacingly Turning To Look at Kai*; Breath Of Ero Chakra, First Form—GILF Rizz; Curiosity; The Untamed Fox; Husky… and Feminine?

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