Rapeworld Isekai

Chapter 3 – Adventuring Through The Woods

Extracting me from beneath a wolf-coyote thing the size of a horse was a bit of a process. Ash and Matt shoved a tree branch underneath the beast, and used leverage to pry the beast up. The other girls grabbed my wrists, and pulled me out from underneath it before the other two let the beast drop again.

I looked down and saw the blood between my legs.

“Guess that monster popped my cherry…” I said, with a pained laugh.

I felt a little bit faint, so I lay back down on my back. I closed my legs, and that took away some of the throbbing discomfort inside my abused pussy. The initial thrust had been utter agony, but it wasn’t too bad now. At least, if I didn’t try to move around too much. Chloe scurried up to me, and placed a hand on my shoulder.

“That’s too much blood for just breaking your hymen, if you even had one to begin with. The monster probably tore something inside you,” Loli-Peter commented. “That’s gonna need some actual medical attention if Chloe’s healing magic doesn’t work…”

Peter would know, I supposed. The guy-turned-loli was a pre-med, studying to be a doctor. That was like… being an almost-doctor. By medieval fantasy world standards, the guy was probably better educated than actual doctors in this world.

“S-sorry, I’m trying,” Chloe whimpered, at the edge of tears.

There was another flash of purple, and a screech as something I couldn’t see nearby died. Lysander lowered her hand, keeping her eye on the forest.

“Flying squid…” she commented. “What a strange creature.”

“How are you casting spells so easily?” I asked. “I got fire magic, but I couldn’t do fuck all under pressure…”

“Practice forming the spell shape until your [Mana Manipulation] skill ranks up a few times, it should get easier then. I’ve been practicing continuously since we all woke up so I’m already rank three. Also, having what I presume to be above average mental stats helps my rate of learning as well. Specifically, Intelligence seems to improve cognizing the spell shapes, and willpower helps with mana control and actually executing the shaping. The Magic stat itself seems related to maximum energy output.”

“What kinda Int score does a genius have anyway?” I asked, letting a hint of bitterness slip out of my voice.

“Please don’t call me that,” Lysander sighed.

“Right, sorry. I guess I’m just taking my frustration out on you,” I replied.

That was truly a bit of a low blow on my part. Most people would be happy to be called a genius, but not Lysander. I was his, or rather her, only friend growing up, the only person she knew who didn’t treat her like some sort of freak of nature. She hated feeling different, and tried very hard to fit in. Being called a genius just made her feel like a freak.

“16 Perception, 41 Int, 19 Willpower, and 14 Magic,” she said, only the fact that her voice was slightly softer than normal betrayed her embarrassment.

41 Int? What the fuck! She’s a monster! For Lysander’s sake, I tried not to react too strongly. “Indeed… that’s a good deal higher than my current stats.”

“I’m 17 Perception, 13 Int… 7 Willpower…” Chloe whimpered. “I guess my Magic is okay… it started at 24. Maybe it gets a boost because I’m an elf?”

“Your Perception is good too. It’s not just noticing things. It’s also related to your speed of thought and reaction time. Once you get better mana control, it’ll help you get quicker at casting spells.” Lysander explained.

“Take your time… you’ll get your magic working eventually and I’m not exactly going anywhere anytime soon,” I said.

The was another flash of purple, and another screech as some other monster died, probably another flying squid from the sound of it.

“I will run out of mana eventually…” Lysander commented firmly. “The monsters seem to be able to home in on us somehow. It might be best to find somewhere safer to camp otherwise we’ll only draw more monsters to us until we’re overwhelmed.”

“Where?” Matt the blonde bombshell asked. “I can only see forest around us…”

As they discussed the options, I tuned them out. I closed my eyes and opened my Status menu.


Name: Tyler Erikson

Age: 21, Sex: Female

Species: Human

Class: Mage 2

HP: 19 / 25,
STA: 21 /30,
MP: 34 / 34

Str: 6
Dex: 11
End: 9
Per: 13
Int: 18
Will: 12
Mag: 13

You have (1) Attribute points.


Perks: Greater Blessing of Vyreth



Mana Manipulation 1
Fire Magic (I) 1

You have (1) Skill Points.



Firebolt I


Ooh a free attribute point. Levelling up seemed to give me a point in my Magic attribute too. I stuck the free attribute point into Intelligence, bringing it to 19, hoping it would help me visualize the spell shape better.

I had another Skill point too. I ignored the throbbing between my legs, and pain around my throat, and looked through my skills list for anything that seemed immediately useful. Chloe would surely be a good healer some day, but with her low Willpower it might take her a while. Plus, what if I got hurt and Chloe wasn’t around? A reliable source of self-healing would be great.

Strangely, I didn’t see any trace of Chloe’s “Life Magic” skill. Was there some sort of prerequisite I didn’t meet? The only difference I could think of was that she had pointy elf ears. Elves and nature… that was a thing wasn’t it? Did she get special magic because of her species? What was my special magic?

Sadly, there was no “Wolverine healing factor” skill or “Magically fix up Tyler’s throat and maybe vagina” skill available. There was only magic, and utility skills to boost that magic. The only thing I could find that was even tangentially healing related was the [Holy Magic I] Skill, so I picked that.


You have unlocked the skill: [Holy Magic I].


Just like before, a magical spell glyph entered my mind. The spell? Purify. It could ‘cleanse’ the target. What was cleansed seemed sort of vague, but it included poison in their blood and disease in their body. It couldn’t fix Taint corruption though. Aside from that, depending on what I considered as ‘filth,’ it might even replace the need to shower and go to the bathroom. I wondered if I could use it to shave my body hair too? Did this magical wet dream of a body even grow body hair? Anyway, that all sounded great… but what I really needed right this second was a healing spell.

“Ah! Got it,” Chloe said, smiling.

There was a shining green viridian light, and a wave of relief passed over me. The dull throbbing pain of my injuries vanished in an instant. The teeth marks on my neck, and the inside of my lady bits started itching horribly, but I could feel the damaged flesh knitting back together. Chloe stared into my eyes with intense concentration for an entire two minutes, until the itching subsided and the all trace of pain went away. Then, she abruptly collapsed forward, smashing her suddenly unconscious forehead into my tummy.

“Oof!” I groaned. Why did people keep falling on me?

I rolled the girl over, and cradled her head. “Chloe?” I called.

Loli-Peter came over, quickly took her pulse, checked her breathing, and did a bunch of other first aid stuff I wasn’t able to follow. “Vitals seem okay, just passed out,” she said.

“She held the spell a while, what do you wanna bet it was some sort of continuous channeled effect that she held too long?” I said.

“Passed out from using all her mana?” Peter asked. “Yeah that happens in light novels. I don’t want to make real decisions based on fictional knowledge, but that makes as much sense as anything else I guess.”

“That’s neat. Your neck looks better, all patched up downstairs too? Ready to get moving?” Ash asked quickly.

As if to punctuate his point, there were two more purple flashes from Lysander’s arcane magic, and two more screeches as more monsters died.

“Uuh, yeah. I’m feeling better. Where are we going?” I asked.

“We saw smoke on the horizon, over that way,” Ash pointed somewhere over my shoulder. “Probably a town or at least a fortified campsite, we’re guessing.”

He bent down and picked up the limp Chloe with ease, like a sack of feathers. Chloe was placed into a princess carry, with Ash conspicuously resting one of his hands under her butt and copping a feel. I stood up and brushed all the twigs off me. I didn’t feel faint anymore. After Chloe’s bout of magical healing, I felt almost as good as new. Only slightly defiled.

I looked down between my legs, spotting an uncomfortable amount of blood on my thighs. Jeez, that was worse than I thought. It wasn’t that the wolf was too thick, it was that it was too long, and went too deep, too hard. Pretty much its entire body weight was behind that one brutal thrust inside me.

Was I going to be all loose now? Was that a thing that happened to women who slept with big partners? Did healing magic fix that too? This pussy was brand new! I didn’t want it to get all baggy after just one encounter… What about scars? I couldn’t see my neck…

“You can inspect yourself later,” Ash grumbled. “C’mon.”

“Yes sir,” I snarked, and followed the group.



The flying squids stopped coming after us after a while. I wasn’t sure whether it was because we’d moved away from their hunting ground, or whether Lysander had just exterminated their entire pod. Was a group of flying squids called a pod? or a flock?

Whatever. Anyway, after they stopped bothering us, the walk became nice and peaceful.

I spent the time practicing forming my firebolt spell with [Mana Manipulation], stopping just before the point of release and starting over. It was like… edging an orgasm, but with fiery death instead of sexual satisfaction.


[Mana Manipulation] Skill has reached rank 2
[Mana Manipulation] Skill has reached rank 3


As I practiced, forming the spell shape became easier and more intuitive. I was learning quickly. I didn’t spend all my focus on practice however. As I walked, I still kept a wary eye on the woods around us, ready to react to the next big-dick direwolf that tried to fuck me.

Deciding it was time for a break from my practice, I turned to Matt, walking next to me.

“So Matt, I didn’t ask, what character build are you going for?”

“Who me?” she said, pressing an index finger against her lower lip and batting her long eyelashes at me adorably. It instantly made my heart melt.

“Wow,” I gasped, “That’s a powerful pose.”

She dropped her hand and gave me a devious smirk, “Thanks! Ash was helping me practice earlier. There’s a surprising amount of technique behind being seductive. Ash says they’re terrible at it, personally, but as an avid watcher of women, he knows what sorts of things work and don’t work.”

“I like women, but that doesn’t mean I know how they do what they do,” I said flatly.

“Eh, seductive isn’t your style anyway. You’re more like… that cool tomboy chick that’s super chill, down to earth and relatable. Like, she invites you to her dorm room, you eat a microwave pizza together and fuck on the couch while watching Netflix. And that’s like, a date, you know? No fancy expectations or pretentious bullshit.”

“Thanks? I guess?” I said, a bit confused as to whether that was intended as a compliment or not. “You’re really adapting well to this whole… being a woman thing…”

“I never thought I’d want to be a woman, but now that I am… you can call me Maddie,” Matt, no Maddie said with a shrug. “I’m actually quite happy with my sexy new body.”

“Well Maddie, just wait until a dire-whatever jumps on you next,” I grumbled. “Won’t be so happy about being a woman then…”

“That’s why I’m buffing my strength,” she said with a smirk. “Going for a warrior build. Maybe with a hint of magic, like a Paladin. I’ll kick the ass of any wolf that tries to take me.”

“Yeah, well, hopefully next time something tries to stick themselves in me I won’t be so useless either. I’ve been practicing. I’ll be able to set them on fire before they can try anything,” I said, flexing my non-existent bicep.

Maddie smiled, “Yeah, we’ll have to see who turns out more badass then…”

“Wha-?” At the edge of the group, Peter let out a squeak of surprise.

I turned just in time to see a green tentacle lift the little asian schoolgirl off the ground, and yank her away into the bushes out of sight.

“Oh fuck! No no n-” Peter screamed, before her voice suddenly cut off.

Everyone started moving at once.

The front-line warriors, Ash and Maddie charged off ahead of us. Behind them, Lysander and I followed. Chloe nervously brought up the rear, not so much charging in to help, as just being too scared to be left behind on her own.

I followed the charging group and the sound of faint muffled screams. We soon reached the monster. It was a giant thorny plant with writhing tentacle vines. It looked like a cross between a pitcher plant, a venus fly trap, and a bramble bush. Peter’s terrified screams were coming from inside a big green bulb in the plant’s core.

Ash charged in immediately, only to get batted away by a tentacle and sent flying off into the forest. Maddie was not batted away. Instead, the tentacle quickly wrapped around her waist, and pulled her in towards its central body.

“Oh shit!” Maddie screamed.

Lysander wasted no time, firing off a barrage of purple magic missiles that warped the air around them as they flew. Every time they hit the plant, they sent up a spray of juicy plant fibres. The missiles weren’t as effective on the plant as they were on the other creatures, however. Like a tree trunk, the plant’s body was flexible, and seemed to absorb and spread out the kinetic damage it received.

“Nooo!” Maddie cried.

The plant opened its wide maw, and I shivered when I saw inside. The entire interior was lined with vicious thorns. Anyone trapped in there would be pierced and held firm, unable to do so much as squirm without rending their own flesh apart. Maddie kicked and fought the tentacle’s grip, but was soon stuffed inside the monster’s maw. The thorn lined walls squeezed shut, and I heard a howling wail coming from inside as Maddie’s body was pierced from every angle.


“I sincerely hope you’ve gained some proficiency with your fire spell,” Lysander said calmly, but even her voice was betraying a hint of panic.

I calmed down, and focused. Just like during practice, I formed my mana into the shape of a Firebolt. It took a couple seconds, but I finally managed to unleash the spell successfully.

A bolt of fire flew out of my palm towards the plant, striking the base, right where I’d aimed. The plant flesh sizzled, and let out a hiss as the moisture inside the stem turned to steam. I discovered that unleashing the spell didn’t reset the glyph I’d formed. The second bolt was ready to fire immediately.

Bolt after bolt flew out of my palm, I sent a barrage towards the creature. The plant didn’t breathe with lungs, so it didn’t screech or howl as I burned it alive, but its tentacles flailed madly with panic and pain. Once or twice, it lashed out and slapped a tentacle towards us, but Lysander deflected it with some sort of transparent shimmering shield.

Lysander joined in my barrage, hammering a flurry of arcane bolts towards the monster’s stem. Its dried-out flesh, now hard and brittle from the heat, shattered from the impact. Large chunks of the monster broke off and flew away with each strike.

I was soon running low on mana, only a few bolts left before my reserves were empty. I finally heard a crack. Like a falling tree, the plant monster teetered over, and crashed against the ground.


[Fire Magic I] Skill has reached rank 2

Your party has slain a Level 9 ThornTrap.

Level up! You are now a level 3 [Mage].
You gain +1 Mag, +1 Free Attribute Points. You gain +1 Skill points.


“Ding!” I said with an exhausted gasp. Looks like my fire magic skill levelled up too. I quickly stuck another free attribute point in Intelligence, bringing it to 20. I decided to leave the skill point for later.

“Ding as well, but we should probably save those two before we celebrate,” Lysander said.

Ash limped out of the woods, groaning. There was a big bruise, diagonal across his body, and he looked pretty dazed.

“Aww fuck… did I miss the party?” He grumbled.

“There are still two damsels in there that need recuing. I’m pretty sure I’d boil them alive if I tried to help.” I said.

“Oh sure… make the man do all the heavy lifting…” he grumbled.

“Hooray for sexism!” I replied with a smirk.

“Be careful Ash, the inside appears to be filled with barbs, try not to jostle them,” Lysander called out.

“They might need some Chloe attention once they’re out,” I said, and looked behind us, seeing nobody there. “Uuhh… where’s Chloe?”

Lysander met my eye, stared at me for a second, and I could almost taste the exasperation in her expression. She just sighed. “Is it always going to be like this?”

“Um… rape monsters constantly coming out of nowhere and attacking us? It seems like it…”

“Let’s just hope whatever grabbed her didn’t take her back to its lair…” Lysander said.



The two of us tiptoed through the foliage, backtracking a bit. We wouldn’t go too far, splitting the party was always a bad idea, that was tabletop gaming 101. Luckily, Chloe was nearby, and it didn’t take us all that long to find her.

It was a flying squid that caught her. They were… squid sized, about the size of a housecat if you didn’t count the tentacles. Compared to the other two monsters we’d seen, they seemed pretty small and weak. I was sure they’d try to rape us if they could, because this was a fucked up rapeworld and of course they would, but I wasn’t entire sure how they were expecting to manage that.

But now I saw. It was like a scene out of the movie Alien.

Chloe was writhing on the floor, moaning pitifully with a squid latched onto her face, tentacles fully wrapped around the back of her head. This squid was some sort of stronger variant, not much bigger overall, but its tentacles looked thicker and beefier than normal. If the other squids Lysander exploded were all level 1, this one looked like it would be level 2 or 3.

It was slurping and slapping, making juicy noises while humping mercilessly against Chloe’s face. It was thrusting fast and hard, keeping a frantic pace without slowing or tiring. Chloe gaged and sputtered, moaning and groaning in misery. She seemed… pacified rather than truly distressed. She was clearly being face raped, but she was just laying there, taking it like a good girl rather that actually fighting it off. I doubted the creature was truly hurting her.

“Healbitch,” I scolded harshly. “This is not the time to fool around.”

Chloe moaned and whimpered pathetically, making vague complaining noises, but unable to form any actual words with… whatever it was… stuffed down her throat. She held her hand over her pussy, as if debating whether she wanted to masturbate in front of us or not. She decided to keep that one shred of dignity intact, and moved her hand away. But she still clenched her thighs together, attempting to stimulate her drenched pussy without her hands, almost getting off from the sheer humiliation of being seen in her current predicament.

She slapped at the squid with her palm and tried half-heartedly to pry its tentacles away, to no effect. The squid was firmly latched onto her and seemed to have a deceptively strong grip. Her attempts at struggling seemed to do the opposite of what she wanted, just encouraging it to speed up and rape her face harder. She whined in defeat.

“Honestly, we should just leave you like this… Would you like that Healbitch? This is clearly what you deserve. We leave you alone for five minutes and you end up letting yourself get facefucked by a squid. You know what? If you want us to save your pathetic ass, beg for it. Give us a proper apology for making us come all the way here to find you, and then maybe we’ll stop this thing from using you,” I scolded her harshly, doing my best impression of a bitchy dominatrix voice.

Lysander glanced at me with a raised eyebrow, not quite understanding my desire to bully her. I smiled innocently in response. Chloe moaned in humiliation, and wobbled up to her knees. Straining against the monster’s weight on her neck, she tipped forwards in a kowtow.

I waited for a good thirty seconds, to let the humiliation really sink in. Chloe obediently stayed in position, choking, gagging, and quivering slightly. The monster didn’t seem to even notice her change in position, thrusting away into her throat without a care.

“Okay you’re forgiven this time,” I said. “Lysander, want to do the honors? Your missile is probably safer than my firebolt.”

“My friends are all hopeless perverts,” Lysander sighed.

She held out a palm, and the squid exploded in a purple flash and a splatter of green goo, completely covering Chloe. She immediately retched, and reached into her throat, grabbing the severed end of a long tentacle. She yanked hard and pulled it up out of her throat in one go. To my complete lack of surprise, it was a dedicated throat raping tentacle, conveniently the width of an average human penis, and nearly ten inches long. It must have stretched all the way down her throat.

Chloe coughed and groaned miserably, spitting out a mouthful of snotty green goo with the consistency of semen.

“I levelled up, my most noble Mistresses. I’m level two. I can be more useful to you now,” she announced cheerfully, a masochistic smile on her face. “Probably drank two whole litres of that disgusting monster’s cum… Oh I feel so full…”

“Good to know that the blessing converts the Taint from monster rape as well as Lord Vyreth suggested. It seems it’s a viable alternative method for accumulating and converting Taint from monsters we fail to kill,” Lysander said thoughtfully.

“Come on Healbitch, you have work to do,” I grinned sadistically at the girl, and she bowed her head again in response.

“Of course, Mistress.”

I led the way back to Ash and the plant monster’s two victims.

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