Rapeworld Isekai

Chapter 18 – The Night of Monsters

Just like yesterday, I was brought upstairs, and shackled to a pillar in the main hall of the massive ‘play room,’ as Lothelea the maid elf called it.

I stood there, back to the stone column with my wrists tied up over my head. I had a glance around, recognizing the exact same girls as yesterday, in the exact same positions.

I winced when I saw Nepheline in the same spot as yesterday too. It was immediately obvious she’d been taken down and healed at some point during the day, but she was no better off because of it. She was nailed to the X-frame cross again, same as yesterday, but instead of having her legs flayed, she’d merely been horrifically burnt. Her entire body, below the neck was second degree burns, every inch of her skin red and peeling and covered in bubbling blisters. I wasn’t sure how they’d managed to get the burns so even… My guess was boiling. And of course, if that wasn’t enough, they’d whipped her hard, carving bloody crisscrossing lines across her entire body.

I heard her moan faintly, and tremble for a few moments as a fresh tear rolled down to her chin. Fuck! How was she still conscious?

I looked around for the other unlucky girls from yesterday. Breast bunny was back, still in her place on the opposite end of the room, near the older slaves. She’d had her beautiful breasts perfectly restored, ready for her next round of abuse.

The wolf girl howling on the rack yesterday was all fixed up too, physically, at least. She was near the middle of the room, meaning she’d been here for a while, but not too long. She looked… thoroughly broken by yesterday’s torture. She stared forward, dead-eyed, too exhausted and mired in dread to move.

How long had that torture continued after I returned to my cell?

Satan’s Butler came upstairs with Chloe, and bound her to the pillar across from me. She looked fine, I supposed. A little worried perhaps. I waggled my fingers at her and smiled cheerfully. She smiled and waggled her fingers in return, looking a bit relieved that I was okay.

That seemed a very Chloe thing to do. I had no idea what sort of fucked up shit happened to her yesterday, yet she was only worried about me.

The last to arrive was the catgirl from yesterday. She sobbed pitifully as the men bound her wrists to the pillar.

“Please… not again,” she whined.

Hair Puller’s heavy fist crashed into her gut, knocking the wind from her. She gasped and sobbed harder. Apparently begging was bad, but crying was allowed, because the men left her there, sobbing.

Next up was Grandpa Bad Touch, doing the final round of cleaning, getting us nice and fresh for the customers.

The catgirl was first. She continued to cry as the man approached her. The old dude placed a hand beneath the sobbing girl’s chin and raised her head gently. He leaned in and kissed her. Not in a platonic nice grandpa way, but in a nasty, raunchy, dirty make-out, with lots of tongue. The catgirl groaned her humiliation into his open mouth, then closed her eyes and submitted to him, kissing him back. Purify activated, and she was soon clean. Grandpa Bad Touch broke the kiss and moved away.

Surprisingly, the catgirl had stopped crying. She was actually blushing at the man. I supposed the average slave girl didn’t get kissed very often.

It was Chloe’s turn for molestation. Grandpa Bad Touch gently nibbled on her long elf ear, and massaged her breast with a free hand. Chloe took it like a good girl, blushing and moaning beneath his touch. I felt a little pang of jealousy, but soon enough, she too had been Purified.

Grandpa Bad Touch came over to me. I had to admit… I was kind of curious to find out what sort of weird thing he was going to do this time. I felt more amused than actually violated by his perversions. He’d somehow consistently managed to surprise me with his ever-expanding list of bizarre fetishes.

This time, Grandpa leaned in, placed a palm behind my back, and gently guided my chest forward until the shackles binding my wrists above my head were taught. Then, he stuck his face in my exposed armpit, and licked me hungrily.

“My armpit…? Really, dude?” I said, somewhere between a groan and a chuckle.

No response, no acknowledgement, as usual. The old fart just licked the sweat out of my armpits, both of them. It tickled like crazy and I failed to stifle my giggles. Satisfied, he cupped my breast, proceeded to Purify the rest of my body, and moved on.

As before, the old codger found wonderfully bizarre ways to violate each and every one of the slaves. Ears, noses, eyebrows, pussies and buttholes… Nothing was sacred, no body part safe from his probing fingers and tongue.

Then he was gone, and we hung around waiting for the doors to open again. My eyes were inexorably drawn to poor tortured Nepheline. Her sobs and cries broke the silence of the hall.

To my surprise, I wasn’t left waiting for long. Satan’s Butler came up to me. He squinted his eyes, and gave me a critical look.

“This one,” he said.

Hair Puller, and the other nameless lackey undid my wrist shackles, bound my arms behind me, and dragged me away from the others. I felt a sudden pang of terror in the pit of my stomach.

What were they going to do to me? Was I going to be crucified too? Boiled alive? What did I do? I didn’t even mouth off today!

The men dragged me to the entrance, and brought me up the stairs and out of the torture dungeon. I felt an immediate sense of relief, the further I was from the torture equipment, the better.

I left the stone dungeon, and found myself upstairs in an opulent mansion, quite similar in furnishings and quality to the Violet Palace brothel. There were even windows, filled with expensive glass, showing that it was nighttime outside. I was on the ground floor of the building. If I could somehow get away from these big thugs, I could make a break for it.

Or… well probably not. I was willing to bet there would be a tracking enchantment in my collar. They’d be able to capture me again, I suspected. Whoever had taken me had some influence, I doubted the guards or church would offer me much of a safe refuge, even if I was technically taken illegally.

I found myself crossing through an opulent ballroom. Here, red robed gentlemen stood around, sipping their drinks and visiting each other, waiting for the dungeon below to open for the night.

Oh, was I the appetiser? That didn’t sound so bad. I didn’t see any torture equipment at least.

But no. I was led from the ballroom into another large open chamber. This one looked like an arena. There was a large pit in the floor, ringed by a bannister where sadistic men could peer over sip their drinks, and watch whatever was happening below.

The pit was perhaps fifteen feet deep. Inside was a sandy dirt floor, like a roman coliseum. Steel cage doors were built into the wall, ready to hold the various subjects of the evening’s entertainment. I was starting to see where they were going with this…

I was taken through a side door, down a set of stairs, and into the arena proper. I was walked through the sandy field, arms unbound again, and roughly shoved into one of the side cages. It was a cramped space, like a locker, with enough room to stand, but only a two foot by two foot square patch of floor to stand on. The men shut the door, and left.

Okay then… battle area. My mind immediately went to images of Christian martyrs in the roman colosseum, being thrown to the lions for the bloody entertainment of the heathen masses. I expected something similar was about to happen, only with big dicked rape-lions instead of normal murder-lions, a notable improvement to the overall entertainment value, in my opinion. I smirked wryly. Here I was, a former atheist, kidnapped by gods, turned into an angelic, self-sacrificing paragon of holiness, and fed to monsters in the colosseum. Oh, and I could do miracles, such as healing the sick with my glowing holy hands… I was pretty sure this made me eligible for sainthood when I died.

Saint Tyler, the Pure and Chaste. I chuckled.

Chloe was next, locked in a similar cage to mine. After her was the skittish ginger haired catgirl. Then, a caramel skinned low elf boy I didn’t recognize from earlier. Finally, the broken wolfgirl who was tortured yesterday on the rack. The catgirl, wolfgirl and low elf looked terrified, paralyzed with dread. They weren’t just scared of a little pain or humiliation, this was an existential fear, they were scared for their lives.

What did they know that I didn’t?

The answer was obvious when I thought about it. They weren’t Taint immune. If they got monster raped, they wouldn’t necessarily die, but they’d become Tainted, twisted into something barely recognizable. Their minds would fade, overcome with sadistic lust, and they’d turn into who-knows-what kind of abomination. It wasn’t true death, but it was still a sort of ego death.

I suppose it was lucky for them I was an Aasimar. If Lysander’s theory was correct, I was the sexiest thing in the known universe, by monster standards. Catnip for rape beasts. Yep… dicks were going inside these holes tonight. Hopefully there weren’t more than three monsters for my three holes. If there were more to satisfy, I hoped Chloe would pick up the slack and keep them away from the others.

No more slaves arrived, but another door opened on the opposite end of the arena, and I saw the monsters emerge, clad only in slave collars similar to ours. There were five of them, eyes glazed over, pacified and made malleable with some sort of control magic. They were loaded into cages much like ours. Then their handlers spoke some sort of special release word, and their eyes sharpened again, suddenly staring at us with lust and hunger.

There were twelve cages in all, equally spread around the circular arena. The pattern alternated, one monster between each pair of slaves, and one slave between each pair of monsters. Five monsters, five victims. Two cages were left empty, on opposite sides of the arena, to make the whole display nice and symmetrical.

I got a good long look at the monsters as they were moved, and what lovely monsters they were…

One former elf, only recognizable as such because of her pretty face and pointed ears, had vicious chitinous crab pincers in place of hands, her armored carapace extending up to the shoulders and covering most of her body. The hard chitin was a dusty red, while her bare skin was pale. The hard carapace also covered her legs and feet, only turning to skin when it reached her tummy. Her chest and face were bare, but there were more spiny armored plates covering her back.

Her body was huge and bulky with muscle, and she stood at least six feet tall. She had feminine hips and lovely soft breasts on her chest. Yet I still had to question whether to really call her a girl despite her obvious feminine figure… There wasn’t a pussy down there.

In place of her normal genitalia was horrifying monster cock. It was at least a foot long, and probably about three inches wide, about as thick as my closed fist. It was covered with hard segmented plates of crablike chitin, matching the rest of her armored body in appearance. It looked big and spiny, with sharp ridges and unnatural protrusions along the edges of the many hard segments that formed its shape. It would be horribly painful to take, viciously tearing me up on the inside. It was also erect, dripping with a dark brown, greasy precum that looked a bit like old motor oil. Her gaze was hungry and frantic, lost to madness and looking around desperately for something to rape.

The other corrupted slaves were similarly horrifying.

Ex-elf number two was big and purple, a hulking figure of seven feet, easily as large as Ash, though her muscles were just a bit less bulky. Her purple skin wasn’t the pale desaturated liliac of most dark elves, this was a deep, vibrant, alien purple. She lacked any armored plating, but she had long sharp fingernails, two demonic horns curving upward out of her forehead, and a long, spaded tail sprouting above her muscular butt.

Like the other corrupted elf, she had a massive cock and balls in place of a pussy. Like Miss Crabby, this cock was also a foot long, hard and raging. It looked a little bit less scary than her sister’s cock. This one only had a bunch of dense conical studs along its length, spaced evenly. But mercifully, the spikes looked dull, and maybe even a little bit squishy.

Of course, it wasn’t all good news. This bumpy, studded cock was still monstrously huge. Like Crabby’s dick, it was a foot long, and the width of a fist… Spines or no spines, this was going to hurt, oh fuck was it going to hurt…

Like Crabby, this dick was oozing with precum, but the fluid was a glowing neon green for some reason. Like her mutated sister in rape, she was panting with desire, clenching her teeth in frustration, drooling slightly as she looked around at the five potential victims for her cruel lust.

Ex-elf number three was the odd one out. She was similar in size and shape to Chloe, well toned, but certainly not a freak of nature like her two hulking sisters. Her skin was a pale bubblegum pink complimented by her dark purple hair. She seemed like a less monstrous version of Miss Purple. She had shorter black horns in the same place, sprouting from her forehead and curving up. She also had a slender spaded tail sprouting out of her butt. Otherwise, she was fairly normal.

Well, normal-ish… She still had a big fucking cock… Not quite as big as the others, Ash sized, maybe nine inches. It was purely humanlike, with no weird studs or protrusions. It wasn’t a true torture cock, but she was still a little bit larger than what my body would normally find comfortable. A bit of an ouch, but not exactly the bad sort of ouch.

Like the others, her mind seemed lost to lust, her cock permanently hard and dripping with a clear syrupy precum. Though compared to the other larger monster elves, she seemed a bit less frantic and enraged, still horny and desperate to rape us, but not quite as keen on inflicting pain so much as just pinning us down and satisfying her insatiable desire with our holes.

The other two rape monsters were beastkin and it seemed their species corrupted a little differently than the elves. Instead of random colours or eldritch mutations, they were… a bit more beast and a bit less kin.

The monstrous wolfkin was barely recognizable as a former wolfboy. Really, I could only call it a straight up werewolf. He stood about eight feet tall, hunched over on two legs. He had a fully furry body, a big snarling fanged muzzle, and an erect canine cock that put the dire coyote’s endowment to shame.

This wolf’s bitch breaker was the clear winner in the size department. Its cock was only a little longer than the larger elves, maybe fourteen inches, but once past the tapered tip, it became much much thicker. It tapered out wider and wider, until right around the middle, it reached a thickness that was like Ash’s huge fist, at least four inches in diameter, maybe more. It slimmed back down at little as it approached the base, but then, the real horror happened…

At the cock’s base was an intimidatingly massive knot the size of a godsdamned cantaloupe. What was that like… six inches wide? seven? That one would be a bit of a stretch… Actually no, not a stretch. No human sized body could handle that… It seemed more likely it would just rip me open. I could only hope my Aasimar healing countered the horrific tearing it would cause. That thing was a legitimately deadly weapon.

I imagined the wolf and the purple demon girl double penetrating me. That would just… destroy me. Fuck… it would hurt so bad…

Oh great, now I was wet again. Stupid masochist body…

The final monster in the menagerie was likely once a foxgirl. She seemed the most patient of the bunch, standing stoically in her cage, glancing at the other monsters with wary eyes. She was a mixed blessing for anyone with a furry fetish. She was… pretty much the ideal anthropomorphic furry fox girl, the kind many furry fetishists from Earth might desire, but she was still a senseless rape monster. A furry’s first encounter with their dream girl, would likely be their last if they weren’t immune to her Tainted corruption.

She had fur covering her entire body and a fox’s head, complete with a bestial muzzle. She had clawed fingertips and feet, as well as a big fluffy fox tail. But she was still more woman than beast, her body was almost entirely human in shape beneath the silky coating of fur, the size of a normal, if slightly tall and athletic, woman.

Strangely, she didn’t have a monster cock. To my great surprise, there was an actual pussy tucked away down there, cute and humanlike, just barely visible beneath the downy fur. Despite her calm demeanour and lack of dick, she seemed no less desperate to rape us. Her pussy was absolutely drooling with lust. I could see the dark patch of damp clumpy fur going all the way down her thighs. This was a very thirsty vixen.

Okay… so what was the plan?

I could forget about fighting them off with only my six Strength and my magic suppressed. Chloe too, was useless in a fight. Among the slaves, the catgirl was a scrawny half-starved waif, the wolfgirl was broken and incoherent. The low elf boy… was new. He wasn’t super skinny at least, but he just looked jittery and terrified, staring at all the scary dicks with dread. I figured the odds of one of my fellow slaves being a secret badass and saving us all were slim.

So, fighting wasn’t an option, these monsters would use us until they were satisfied, or until our captors pried them off us.

So, when the inevitable rape began… would I be taking three of those monster dicks? Maybe… Honestly, if I was a demented rape monster, I’d want to take a whole girl for myself if there was one available, rather than share a slightly prettier one with another monster. Whether I was getting triple penetrated or not would depend on how alluring my Aasimar nature was to them.

So best case scenario, Chloe would have to keep two of them occupied to spare the others a horrible Tainted demise. I hoped she could manage that or at least one of these victims was going to end up Tainted.

The doors above opened a short while later, the red robed men started filing into the room. I couldn’t see most of them, but plenty were hanging over the bannister, looking down at us, and speculating as to what was going to happen.

I relaxed in my cage, and tried to listen to some of the chatter. The conversation topics were varied. Many were excited to see Crabby’s chitinous cock rip a girl open, apparently, she tended to fuck her victims to bloody and painful death. Purple was also apparently fun to watch, since she was supposedly the most aggressive rapist, like a rape berserker. That one was usually nonlethal, though the poor girls ended up getting pretty battered as she tossed them around. The Wolf also tended to kill his victims, ripping them open thanks to his size and complete lack of mercy when it came to the viciousness of his penetration. Only the most durable of girls could survive being knotted by him.

The men were disappointed that the Fox was included, apparently, she wasn’t as vicious as her fanged maw suggested, and didn’t hurt her victims enough to be fun. Unlike most rape monsters, she prioritized boys over girls, and preferred to ride them dominantly, rather than completely rip their asses apart like the other rape monsters.

The last one, Pink, was apparently included as a joke. And she was almost always included during group monster rape events. But she usually only got to watch the show, standing there looking desperate with her hard, twitching cock dripping precum, but not getting a chance to actually rape anything.

The other rape monsters got a little territorial, and wouldn’t let her get close to any of their claimed toys even if there was a spare one available and unused. She was the bottomest bottom bitch of the monster stables. Usually she didn’t get laid at all for the entire night. When she did, she had to wait until the end of the festivities so she could get some sloppy seconds with a loose, passed out, and occasionally dead victim that was discarded by a stronger monster who’d had their fill.

Interestingly, she never masturbated. She’d only stand there twitching, drooling, and dripping precum. A particularly knowledgeable sadistic bastard in the audience explained to his friend the reason why: Apparently, a Tainted monster couldn’t achieve orgasm at all without an untainted partner as their victim. They could masturbate or fuck each other all day to no avail. The only cure for their desperate need was an Untainted hole to fill, or in the special case of the fox girl, an Untainted dick to fill her.

Another topic of conversation was us, the slaves. Chloe, not being a stick figure, or mindfucked into senselessness was the designated hot one, though many of the men argued that I was hotter. Most of them wanted to fuck Chloe in the pussy or mouth, or slap her tits around. For me? Every single one of those bastards wanted to sodomize me. Was my ass just that nice looking? Apparently. Yep, the murmurs claimed short haired, boyish girls like me were just meant for anal.

I wanted to argue but… well… I totally got off on anal pain… and Lysander the buttslut had shortish hair too… The others in our little group all had longer haircuts. I couldn’t exactly show them a counter example to prove them wrong.

The dead-eyed wolf girl was just dismissed as boring disposable fuckmeat that had no value other than as a hole. The men weren’t terribly excited. They were excited to see the scared little cat girl get her ass ripped apart though. They didn’t find her sexy, per se. They just wanted to watch her suffering.

As for the elf boy? They wanted to see one of the big dicked monster girls sissify him, but they reluctantly had to admit that the big dicked monsters would only aim for us girls, and the boy would probably go to the fox monster.

It was all very fascinating.

There was also a betting pool, about who was going to get raped the most and last the longest before dying or passing out. I smirked. Some were betting crazy amounts of money, hundreds of gold on the outcome. I sort of wished I had some coin so I could bet on myself.

Eventually, bets were placed, and the crowd settled down. A man I’d never seen before stood at the edge of the ring above us and cleared his throat.

“Welcome, my most distinguished gentlemen to Scarlet Thorn. The full moon is upon us once again, no sane travellers would leave the walls tonight. That’s right… the Night of Monsters is upon us.”

There was the sound of cheering men. I looked carefully at the speaker. He was a middle aged gentleman, in a top hat and tuxedo. Behind him were two dark elven slave girls in maid dresses, one of which I recognized as Lothelea from earlier. This must be her master, Lord Anthony Volda, owner of the brothel and the scariest of all the scary fucked up sadists in the room.

Lord Tony gestured grandly to the pathetic slave girls below him, and our cages clicked open.

“I present to you, our band of unwary travellers,” he said with a sinister grin.

We were all a little reluctant to leave the safety of our cages, for obvious dick shaped reasons. I even saw the wolf girl holding her unlatched cage door shut. Before I could wonder how they were planning to move us, I felt the metal floor beneath my feet starting to warm up.

Ah… foot roasting, yeah that works.

I decided I’d skip the burning foot torture and left my cage, wandering out into the middle of the arena, in plain view of the crowd.

“Here is our first traveller, the lovely Lady Tyler. A rare Aasimar slave girl, the first capture from a never before seen species of demihuman. My sources inform me that she is completely immune to Tainted corruption. Sadly, that won’t make the night’s dangers any more pleasant for her.”

His sources informed him of that did they? Hmm… Either he owned someone in the church or his minions’ appraisal Skill could tell them all the details of my Greater Blessing. I hoped it was the latter. If Father Jacob was a traitorous dirtbag, that meant my friends might be in danger too.

I looked all around, and saw nearly a hundred pairs of cruel eyes on me. I spun around to face Lord Tony, grinned and bowed theatrically. I few of the men clapped for me sarcastically. I gave them a cheeky smile.

Cheerfulness was the perfect ‘fuck you’ to those sadistic bastards’ attempts to terrorize me.

Chloe followed my lead, leaving her cage only shortly after I left mine. She came to join me in the centre of the arena.

“Here we have a new addition to our lovely harem, Chloe, a High Elf. I’m told she’s a very good girl, nice and obedient… Shall we see if her kind and gentle soul will make the monsters any less vicious when they ruin her holes?”

A few of the men laughed.

“Try to attract as many as possible,” I said in a low tone. “Keep them on you and off the others if you can. I’ll do the same.”

“Of course, Mistress,” Chloe replied, with a determined grin. “I wanted to gain some levels anyway.”

The next to leave his cage was the caramel skinned low elf boy. He reluctantly staggered towards us, marching like a condemned man on death row.

As he walked, I looked at the monsters. They were all staring at Chloe and me with hungry lustful eyes. All except the fox girl, who was seemingly only interested in the boy. Well, I probably wouldn’t be drawing Foxy away from that prize. Still, at least the boy won’t have to watch his ass around the others so long as Chloe and me are around. Could the fox girl spread corruption to the boy without ejaculating inside him? Maybe her girl cum could be absorbed through the skin or something. I could only guess, and hope the boy survived the night with his mind and personality intact.

“Ah, here we have Milah, a low elf boy, fresh from the slave market. He’s a pure virgin, never been touched by man or woman. He has no idea what he’s in for tonight. Did he hope to be bought be a kind mistress? Perhaps ordered to tend to the animals or tidy up a few rooms? Oh dear, he must be so disappointed to find himself naked and surrounded by Tainted monsters…”

The boy stopped a few feet away from us, and just stared.

“Hey Milah, welcome to the party,” I said, giving him a wry smile.

“We’re all dead, aren’t we?” he said gloomily.

“Well, Foxy over there has got her eye on you… but there’s probably enough pussy around here to distract the others at least.”

The boy nervously looked over his shoulder at the furry fox lady. He gulped.

“Hey man, I don’t think we can fight this. Just accept that you’re almost certainly going to be raped by her. It might not be so bad. She looks pretty scary, but even an ugly girl feels good on the inside. Don’t fight her and she might not hurt you. Close your eyes and pretend it’s a nice cute elf, and you might even enjoy yourself a little,” I said encouragingly.

“What about you?” he said nervously.

“Oh, Chloe and me are probably going to get ripped open pretty bad. Those dicks are no joke…” I said, shrugging casually. “Only Pink over there looks like a halfway manageable size and she’s still probably big enough to hurt us if she’s anything less that perfectly gentle. Yeah, I’m pretty sure we’re going need some healing magic by the morning.”

“I wish I didn’t agree with your assessment, Mistress…” Chloe murmured. “Unfortunately, you’re probably right. I can only hope my suffering pleases our captors.”

I heard the catgirl scream and finally break, diving forward out of her cage. She curled up in a fetal position in the dirt, clutching the singed toe beans on her pawlike foot. I looked inside her cage. The floor was starting to glow a dull red by this point, she’d held on an impressively long time.

“Oh my, it looked like a stray cat girl has joined our party of intrepid adventurers. Meet Ginny everyone, she’s just a scared little girl, sold to us by a master that didn’t want her anymore. She has quite the lovely screaming voice.”

The poor catgirl was still curled up in a ball on the ground, weeping heavily and muttering incoherently.

“Hey Ginny,” I said gently, walking up to her.

“Please… please, I don’t want this… I don’t want this… I’ll be good, please just give me a chance to be good…” the murmured.

I gently patted her on the head. She flinched and stared at me in horror as if noticing my presence for the first time.

“Hi, I’m Tyler,” I said gently.

“Why is this happening to us?” the cat girl cried.

“Because this entire world is cruel and awful and FUBAR… that stands for Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition.” I explained patiently.

“FUBAR,” The catgirl agreed.

I glanced at the wolf girl who still hadn’t left her cage. She was clinging to the bars of the cage door, avoiding the burning floor while still not daring to set foot outside. But upon shifting her weight, the unlatched door slowly creaked open. The wolf girl whined in despair still clinging to the, now fully open, door. She had no protection, and never actually did. A few of the men laughed at the sight.

She whimpered in frustration, and let go, landing on the dirt. She looked at the burning floor of her cage longingly.

“Ah the Bethany the wolf girl finally joins her friends… I thought wolves were supposed to be pack animals, where’s the fellowship? What a naughty puppy, maybe she needs to visit the rack again…” Lord Tony teased.

Noooo! Please! Anything but that!” the wolf girl screamed in abject horror.

Bethany the wolf girl started walking towards the centre, “I’ll… I’ll be good… I’ll let the monsters fuck me…” she whimpered.

I led Ginny over to the group, the wolfgirl staggered up to us as well, joining us in our circle of doomed rape victims.

“Hey, Bethany, right?” I asked.

“Yeah…” the girl replied in a quiet monotone.

“Okay,” I gestured to myself and my elf. “Listen, Chloe and I are immune to Taint corruption, totally immune. The only thing that will happen to us if we get raped here is a little bit of pain and some wounds that’ll heal with magic. If you want to survive the night without corruption, lead anyone that’s pursuing you over to us and we’ll try to draw their attention.”

“Y-yes, thank you,” Ginny said.

The wolf girl sighed, and gave me a defeated look, “It… might be better if I don’t survive the night with my mind intact. It would be a mercy… an end to the pain. I… I can’t go on the rack again… I just can’t…” she whimpered.

I looked at the poor defeated girl, at a loss for words. I wanted to try to coax her out of her suicidal thoughts but… she might be right. If there was no rescue coming for her, then she would be tortured here until she died. Hope was cruelty. I wanted to say we’d help her during our own escape, but… I couldn’t really make that promise. I still had no idea how to actually escape.

“We can only make the offer,” Chloe said gently.

“W-what about me?” the boy whimpered.

“Sorry dude, Foxy seems a little fixated on you. I don’t think any amount of pussy we could offer could coax her away. But if one of the dickgirls starts molesting you, you can try to send them over to us.” I offered.

The elf boy hung his head in resignation.

I sighed. This was going to be a long night.

Lord Anthony clapped his hands to get everyone’s attention again, “Now that our intrepid group of adventurers has gathered, we’re almost ready to start the show. Now, if you know me, you might be asking yourself, ‘Why didn’t old Lord Tony add a dark elf to the mix? Aren’t they his favorite?’ And you’d be entirely justified in asking that question. You see, I have a bit of a surprise in store. Seeing the dread on a poor victim’s face as they contemplate their fate is fun, but some of my favorite victims of all time are the ones that weren’t expecting anything bad to happen to them. There’s no moment more beautiful than when victim realizes that their worst nightmares suddenly became real…”

Without warning, Lord Anthony grabbed the slavegirl to his left, which just so happened to be Lothelea, the one who fed me this morning. He gripped her firmly by the hair, and dragged her forward. She screamed in terror and panic as Lord Tony flung her over the bannister. She fell down into the raping pit, landing flat on her front, face in the sand.

I winced, but it looked like she’d survived the fall at least. Lothelea groaned and wobbled back onto her hands and knees.

“W-what?” she gasped in horror. “M-master… have I not served you well?”

“I forget… which one are you again?” He asked.

Tears started falling down her cheeks, “L-Lothelea… I’ve been yours for five years… never disobeyed even once… You said you liked my breasts… And I was even on sucking duty for you this morning… You pet my head and called me a good girl…”

“Oh Lothelea! You were one of my favorites,” he said, suddenly recognizing her. But then he shrugged, “What a shame, you’re going to be completely ruined after this.”

The elf maid broke down and sobbed in despair.

“Now then!” Lord Anthony clapped his hands, “We have our dramatis personae… Tyler the rare and incorruptible Aasimar. Bethany, the tortured wolfgirl who wants the pain to stop. Ginny, the pathetic whimpering catgirl. Chloe the kind and gentle high elf. Milah, the innocent and untouched low elf. And Lothelea, the perfectly faithful and thoroughly betrayed dark elf.”

Lord Anthony held the back of his hand to his forehead dramatically feigning a swoon at the sheer tragedy of the situation.

“The scenario is thus: Our travellers find themselves caught outside the walls, stranded in the wilds under the light of the full moon. It is the Night of Monsters. Regretfully, they find themselves without weapons, magic, or even clothes, aside from what our dear Lothelea is wearing. What an unfortunate twist of fate. Whatever shall our poor unfortunates do when the monsters come for them?”

Lord Anthony flourished his hands, and the rape monsters’ cage doors unlatched and popped open.

“Let’s find out!”

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