Raditz of Dragon Ball Attack

Chapter 42

Chapter 42

The super strength displayed by Raditz and others shocked everyone, and the domineering leader beauty also became flustered and didn't know what to say for a while.

Just now, I was solemnly persuading people to leave quickly, and I was bold enough to protect them, but now I think about it, my face turns red.After thinking about it again, a trace of fear appeared in everyone's heart.

Especially Vegeta and Piccolo with their indifferent faces, Nappa's aggressive eyes, and so many menacing bald heads...

Raditz looked at the ferocious people, shook his head and smiled bitterly and said, "Don't be afraid, we are travelers trapped on this planet. The spaceship was hindered when it rushed out of the atmosphere, so we had to cut off the power and stop. Rest here for a while."

"Original, so that's the case. My name is Vladi, and I'm the leader of this rebel army. We are all humans who were left on this planet for various reasons. Or, there are surviving Tumat stars."

Vladi stepped on her red boots and walked up to Raditz, "Please come with us to the base for a short rest, we will treat you well." She glanced at the people behind Raditz, still feeling a little Anxious.

"Haha, since this is not bad." Kelin stretched his waist and looked at Wukong, "How about Wukong, maybe there are a lot of delicious food."

Wukong thought for a while, his eyes lit up: "Well, there is nothing to do here anyway."

"Then it's settled!" Raditz finally said, he knew that Vegeta would not object because of such a boring thing, it was the same for Vegeta everywhere.

Vladi was very happy, and pointed to the two armored vehicles left behind, "You can use those two vehicles, you must return to the base quickly, or new troops will come chasing you soon."

"No need, just lead the way."

Raditz and the others suddenly floated up. The gravity here is a little more than twice that of the earth, but they didn't feel it at all.

The rebels were stunned again, they didn't expect that there would be people who could fly...

All the way back to the so-called base, Raditz discovered that the original base was a few rooms stolen from the metal planet's buildings. Perception only.

These buildings are used to receive and send cosmic messages, as well as absorb external energy and manufacture new equipment and machines.

With the help of convenience, the rebel army also obtained several mechas and a lot of weapons and ammunition, but compared with the size of Benderus himself, it is not worth mentioning at all.

They also cultivated the soil in a limited space, intercepted part of the water source provided by the planet itself, and planted plants and food to maintain their livelihoods.There are no more than 30 human beings who have survived. While they are dying, they are also planning to rescue other people who have been imprisoned.

The Tumat people also said that Chip Benders captured many living bodies for experiments and research on humans.According to this, there must be a place where these experimental subjects are imprisoned.

Vladi explained the ins and outs for Raditz and others, gave them all the leftover food, and sent out a request with the rebel army: "Please save our companions, and people from all planets! With your The strength will definitely work, please!"

"In this case, leave it to us!" Sun Wukong was enthusiastic and ready to fight.

Raditz chuckled, this is Wukong's nature, anyway, they have to stop Benderus to leave, and it's okay to save someone by the way.

So, everyone made a decision, Gohan and Krillin stayed at the base, just in case, and the others broke into the interior of the metal planet.

The rebels have repeatedly probed and sneaked into the search, and obtained some information. The Tumat people used the information and technology to find out the internal entrance and the location of the room where the experimental subject was held.All the information was made into a map and handed over to Raditz.

They followed the instructions and bypassed the patrol mecha team, and entered the interior of the metal planet through a mysterious entrance.This is the place where it emits exhaust gas and recycles waste residue. Although the temperature is high, the pressure is huge, and the gravity is also abnormally doubled, it is not a problem for them.

Bandlers did not initially calculate that such a group of people would withstand such an environment and enter its interior.

A few people walked quietly, and finally came to a fork in the road, some of which led to the mecha warehouse, some to the laboratory, and some to various reserve sites.Vegeta went directly to the mecha library. To him, saving people was a joke, and fighting with mechas was barely more interesting.The others also went in one direction, and Raditz and Wukong chose to rescue the hostages.

At the end of the passage, there was indeed a transparent secret room at the junction, with light shining through the narrow opening.The opening could only pass through half a person, so Raditz gathered some energy in the palm of his hand, heated it to melt the metal, and then the two smashed the metal plate and the electronic barrier, and slipped in quietly.

In the gorgeous lights, countless high-density metal cages are arranged scatteredly.

Not only the aborigines of Tumat are locked here, but also people from other planets.All kinds of guys look very different, but without exception, they are chained to electronic chains.

The icy electronic sound came from the huge circular dome, first there was a sharp piercing sound, like two rough kitchen knives rubbing against each other, stimulating the eardrum.

Then, an indifferent and sharp voice floated from the device: "Experiment No. 3 returns..."

"Experiment No. 349 died..."

After a series of captures were announced, there was a brief silence, and Raditz could clearly see many people trembling, as if they were afraid of punishment coming to them.

"No. 60 No. 71, No. 80, No. [-] Experimental Subject—Enter the experiment!"

With the sound of shouting, the heavy metal door opened to both sides, and a listless long-eared alien walked in, followed by several blue armored inspectors.

"The door opened?" Raditz was shocked, and found that the compartment of the called number opened automatically, and a group of armored two-meter-level mechanical warriors escorted them to another space.

The gate is open at this time, and Raditz can take advantage of this opportunity to attack!
The opportunity is only for a moment, he can't miss it.

The three stricken experimental subjects were covered with green sackcloth and walked forward slowly. The first person had already reached a place less than five meters away from the door.

It's now!

Raditz's fist, which he had been preparing for a long time, suddenly struck out and smashed hard against the wall. The solid wall made a loud noise and sank into a pit, but it did not collapse!He was amazed at the frightening solidity of the material here.

He made a decisive decision, and immediately changed his strategy. A stream of heat erupted from his hand, and the dazzling blue light hit the roof, but it disappeared without a trace!Raditz was shocked again.

At this time, metal electrodes were pierced out of the four walls, as well as various cannon-mounted weapons, and the cage seemed to be a place of fierce fighting.

The moment he was countered, Raditz understood the reason.Each wall has the function of absorbing energy, which has the same ability as the metal giant outside, and the iron wall behind the absorbing shield uses high-strength alloys, and many weapons are also installed.

The twin-mounted Vulcan cannon was fired at Raditz's body. In addition, there was an arc-shaped giant blade hanging above the head. The cross-shaped giant blade fell from the sky. .

As if the wind of hell was blowing towards the face, the Vulcan cannons fired in salvo!Raditz laughed.

He jumped up against the cross blade, and at the moment when the bombardment was about to explode, Kaiou Fist exploded, and his speed increased instantly, allowing him to bypass the cross blade and grab the telescopic metal hydraulic rod.With a sudden pull, the pole broke suddenly, and the hem of the cross blade was bombarded by the Vulcan cannon, deflecting towards the mechanical soldier!

The edge of the sharp blade is extremely sharp, and the impact speed is extremely high, and the air screams!
Howling along with the sound of the wind, the giant cross blade cut through the bodies of a group of soldiers at high speed, and electric sparks flew out.Goku dodged the shells and knocked down the rest of the inspectors.

The rest of the people were stunned, as if they had seen the most impossible thing in the world.Someone ran out of nowhere!Rebel against these terrifying machines!

Just when everyone was surprised, Raditz had already rushed to the door, turned around, and two qigong bombs exploded the mechanical warrior's remnant body. The remnant body of the mecha was braving sparks and electric arcs, and dark green lubricating fluid dripped all over the ground.

After a brief pause, the prisoners broke out.They yelled and yelled in their respective cubicles, some even cried and cheered hysterically.

Who wouldn't want to see a hero who resisted fate?
But immediately a warning buzzer sounded throughout the space, red light flashed, and countless black metal warriors rose from the ground, filling the field.

A mighty mechanical army rushed towards Raditz, and at the same time, the gate had begun to close.


Two shots hit the two experimental subjects who fell behind one after another, and the last shot was about to hit the person in the front. With a wave of his hand, Raditz bounced off the shots, then grabbed the experimental subjects around him, rushed out the door.


The door closed behind them, and a corner of the dark green linen was caught in the crack of the door, and the experimental subject under the cover finally showed its true colors.

Before seeing the face, Raditz's expression was filled with surprise, and his cheeks flushed suddenly.His hands hugged the man's chest, soft and slightly raised, full of elasticity to the touch, it was undoubtedly a girl.

Looking up, the girl has bright orange long hair and blue eyes. Raditz's white porcelain skin and girlish curves are exposed to Raditz's eyes. The thin clothes reveal her fragility.

She bit her lip tightly, her face was flushed, and she lowered her head, not daring to look at Raditz.

"Hold, I'm sorry." Raditz finally realized that his hand was still covering the girl's chest, and he quickly let go.He really wanted to explain that it was because he couldn't control his hand, and it wasn't on purpose.

"Thank you, thank you."

The girl smiled shyly.

(End of this chapter)

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