Raditz of Dragon Ball Attack

Chapter 38 Crisis

Chapter 38 Crisis
Under the impetus of Kamehae Qigong, the spaceship has regained its vitality, like a sleepy dragon ascending to the sky, freed from its shackles and no longer restrained.

Raditz suddenly felt that the attractiveness of facing them was gradually fading, as if frightened by the blow of Kamehae Qigong, he dared not make any further moves.

"Let's go."

"Wait! Look there!" Wukong pointed to the direction where a hole was blasted out in the ground, his expression was not good.

Raditz looked along his fingers, also froze for a moment.

The dark golden ground collapsed and sank, and a wonderful pattern was drawn at a very high speed. It looked like a forest painted with black paint, and dozens of long strips of robotic arms rushed out of it!The gloomy light of the manipulator glowed, and the armor covering the long manipulator arm was opened in sections, revealing the gun!

The bullets spread, and the rain of bullets poured out, attacking in all directions without dead ends, and while attacking, the long mechanical arm continued to extend, trying to circle the spaceship.

"It changed its strategy." Raditz was shocked, and launched energy bombs continuously, blocking in front of the spaceship.He quickly walked around the edge of each mechanical arm, as long as he cut them off, he stopped the shooting, "Wukong, blow up the main body directly!"

There was an explosion in the air. Raditz had already wiped out several long mechanical arms, and the metal claws reached high into the sky and fell powerlessly.

However, there are more mechanical claws on the ground rushing towards the spaceship at a rapid speed, and they are even bigger and stronger, and the outer armor is also sharper and thicker. There are sharp thorns on each joint, like teeth sucking blood. The wild beasts attacked frantically.


"Here we come!" Wukong dodged a frontal claw attack, watching the seemingly endless mechanical hands below him rush out of the black cave.

The two of them couldn't get away from being surrounded by many machines. In terms of strength, these things are very weak, and they are not their one-stroke enemies at all.But compared to the number and degree of difficulty, these machines undoubtedly have the advantage.

During the chaotic battle, a large number of mechanical claws entangled the spaceship, and this time it was directly pulled towards the planet by violent dragging.

Numerous battle experiences tell Monkey King that the opponent's goal is not them, but the spaceship.

At this time, Vegeta also jumped out of the main cabin, advancing through thorns and thorns, blasting a large piece of mechanical claws with air.

"Radiz, Kakarot, what are you dawdling about?!"

"Vegeta, be careful."

"Huh, I don't need you to worry about me." Vegeta said fiercely, and the qigong waves exploded one after another.

The black cave suddenly seemed a little afraid of losing, and suspended the conveying robot arm, and the rest swayed in the air, like trees growing densely in the jungle.

Although the attack was suppressed, the spaceship was still bound and slowly dragged towards the ground.

The crisis is still not over.

The pattern on the metal planet's ground expanded again, and the slender mechanical arm fell to the periphery, leaving the middle position.A pitch-black giant rushed out of the dark golden luster, and the solid metal ground suddenly cracked, drawing several deep grooves and huge ravines.

The figure of the giant stands between the sky and the earth, and its figure is constantly rising. Its shape is not much different from that of a human body. At the beginning, it only has metal bones and a main frame, from the head to the shoulder blades, spine, arms... everything is available.Gradually, all the surrounding metal elements gathered towards it, filling the internal meridians, blood vessels, muscles, and even imitating the hair on the surface of his body!
It can only move its upper body, and its lower body is deeply sunken in the black cave, but even so, it is already unimaginably high, as if it can reach the sky with its hands.

"What the hell is this guy?! It's so big..." Monkey King said in shock.

"Whatever it is, just knock it down!" Vegeta didn't care so much, he rushed up and bombed wildly, the qigong wave shot wildly, and the shining light balls hit the giant like rain, Debris from the explosion flew all over the sky.

Vegeta's attack did work. He has spent the longest time practicing in the gravity room, and his combat power has already broken through the [-] mark. Now a random energy ball can blow up his original self.

The energy accumulated in his hands was overwhelming, knocking the giant's body to the ground.The surrounding mechanical arms that trapped the spaceship also broke in the meteor shower-like shooting, and fell limply.

Raditz returned to the spaceship, and while referring to the operation manual, he was preparing to restart the superjet system.

"Beep beep..."

Just as Raditz was operating according to the program, a series of warning data was sent out on the screen. There were four lines of eye-catching red characters, occupying the main screen.

Seeing these words, Raditz was stunned.

"What's wrong?" Piccolo asked hurriedly.

"The power supply is temporarily unavailable, we have to be forced to land..."

Raditz pointed at the text on the screen, his voice getting weaker and weaker.Although it got rid of the pursuit, the power system of the spacecraft can no longer continue to work under full-load operation for a long time, and must rest, otherwise it is likely to explode.

"In other words, you have to land on this planet?" Klin was full of panic. He had seen the series of terrible scenes just now, "Ah... is there any other way?"

Tianjin Fan was also sweating, holding on to the transparent protective cover, "Are we going to die?"

"Not necessarily, we still don't know what the planet looks like, and it's too early to draw conclusions."

"But metal planets don't have food and water, so they will die sooner or later." Kelin's throat moved.

Raditz shook his head, ready to make an emergency landing.He carefully dug through the information just now, "In the test just now, it was found that the atmosphere of this planet is suitable for our survival, and the planet itself has a small reaction between water and soil. In other words, although the metal occupies Most of the area, and at least a small piece of land can survive." At the end, he looked at Kelin, "Also, who said that we are going to stay for a long time, it only takes five hours to take off again."

While speaking, Vegeta flew upside down and crossed the spaceship!
Raditz was shocked, pressed the landing button, and immediately flew out, followed by Piccolo.


What they saw was a metal warrior that was bigger than the giant just now. The pupils of pure gold rolled in the eye sockets, the dark body reflected a faint light, the armor was covered with a layer of jagged spikes, and the dark liquid in the metal tube Flow slowly.

Goku also flew out after Vegeta, and was greeted by Raditz from behind.

The force was so great that even Raditz couldn't help moving back a long way before he stopped.

"Be careful, he can absorb our energy, using qigong waves won't work on him!" Wukong panted while wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, Vegeta also came back, full of anger, all clenched tightly, and the burst of arrogance was full of killing intent.

(End of this chapter)

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