Radiant Prism

The World We Create Will Become Our Reality (Yuuna’s Route) (5/12)




After we exited the spa, the three of us walked around until we became tired. We decided to use a separate room from the other girls to rest in. But when we entered, we all stared at the single bed in the room.

“Hm, maybe it would be too crowded?”

Yuu Yuu analyzed the situation. Two people could make it… but three was pushing it.

“How about you two sleep on the bed and I take the floor?”

I suggested.

Janova’s eyes lit up as she rushed to the bed and pulled off the blankets and pillows to the floor. Excitedly, she figured out the situation for us. We had enough space for the three of us, and we could comfortably sleep together.


I giggled before bursting into laughter. It was silly… but it felt like something Yuu Yuu would come up with, not her.

“Good work, Janova!”

Yuu Yuu clapped. I joined in, causing the goddess to get nervous and cover her face with an extra sheet.

“Shut up, you two!”

We helped Janova set up the bed by borrowing more covers and sheets from the closet nearby. At the end of everything, it reminded me of a bear's nest made for hibernation. We lay down in the bed, in our robes, as we watched the ceiling aimlessly.



"Tomorrow is the day…."

Yuu Yuu whispered.

“The day… we finally get to face our parent's killer, Janova.”

The goddess reached her arm across my stomach and grabbed the pink bunny’s hand.

“Yeah, and give her a lesson she won’t forget.”

Their voices died down as they both began getting tired. But before they drifted off to sleep, they both looked at me. I was surrounded by their warm bodies and glares.

“W-What is it?”

I asked warily.

“You’re going to have a night terror tonight… aren’t you?”

Yuu Yuu asked.

I scratched the side of my cheek.

“I… have one every night.”

I reminded them. Yuu Yuu and Janova both started laughing as they held me tighter.

"In the world we'll, create you'll never have to scream at night again, Feodora."

Yuu Yuu said as she rubbed her nose on my shoulder.

“That’s if we let you sleep.”

The bratty goddess teased.

“You two… are something else.”

I closed my eyes.

“Yuu Yuu, how about we have a test run?”

Excitedly, Janova asked. Yuu Yuu nodded fiercely.

“I want to… explore our world. Maybe we can sleep there so Feodora can sleep… without having night terrors tonight?”

Yuu Yuu whispered excitedly.

"You two don't have to…."


They both said in harmony. I shut up… and allowed my girls to create a world… for just the three of us…



After a night of resting, Yuu Yuu, Janova, and I did some basic training to fortify our battle chemistry in the training hall. We shared some tips and tricks regarding our vessel spectrums to increase our cohesion in battle. Once we were ready, we met with Abigail and Jade in the main room.

The knight took charge.

“Eve and the others are going to stay in hiding. As it stands, they are fugitives to the Radiant Order.”

Jade sighed.

"However, after this, I can find a way to get them off… by using you three as the scapegoats in Elizera’s demise.”

The knight said. I nodded, understanding what she has to do in order to protect our… friends.

“They saved our lives. It's only right that we give up something of equal value to help them."

I said.

The knight crossed her arms and Abigail stepped forward.

“I plan to blackmail the Radiants.” 

Abigail snickered and it brought a chill down my spine..

“I have members of the Baron’s in high places. I’ll threaten to expose the secrets of the Steeble Lake incident if they go after Eve, my little sister, and the rest us. But because they will need a target to pin her murder on… and you three have decided to allow that, I…sadly can’t protect you like this any longer.”

The baron “goddess” said. She was honest, and I couldn’t ask for any more than that. 

“That’s fine, Abigail. I… I want Lana and Vivian to be okay.”

Yuu Yuu added. 

It would seem we were all on the same page. This world would be behind us, and any ties to the others were bound to be separated.

Ultimately, the plan would be for us to finish Elizera. Afterward, we go on the run for the remainder of our lives using Yuu Yuu and Janova’s power to create pocket realities. Meanwhile, the Baron would threaten the Radiants not to bring charges up to Eve, Mellissa, Lana, and Vivian in exchange for the Steeble Lake incident not being exposed.

Everyone will win as long as me, Yuu Yuu, and Janova are the enemies of this world. Nobody would find out what Elizera did, and she would die a hero murdered in the eyes of the people. We will become the fugitives who did it, and Eve and the rest will have to live with this secret but won't be pursued because of the protection of the Barons.

“This world is screwed up.”

Janova whispered.

I agreed, and I'm sure even Yuu Yuu did too as she looked away slightly. As far as I was concerned… this world wasn’t ours any longer. We just had to pull the trigger by killing this monster and escape into our true reality.

“I’ve prepared you three with high spectrum resistance outfits. These were designed by Radiants, and it's the same kind of armor we can expect Elizera to be wearing.”

Abigail snapped her fingers, and a few Baron members approached us with folded clothing.

“They’ve been measured to fit you three.”

Abigail approached as we took our clothing.

“You three aren’t just fighting for your own lives… but the lives of everyone else down here. If we fail, everyone here will be executed for having a hand in this attempted assassination.”

The goddess turned to Yuu Yuu.

“That is… if Yuuna isn’t turned into a goddess of chaos, and we are killed that way.”

The timid loner nodded slightly. I couldn't imagine the enormous weight on her. All I could do was do my best to help pick up her spirits but assure her that both Janova and I were there to help her.

“We won’t let that happen, Jade.”

I stated firmly.

“We’ll hold you to that, Feodora.”

Jade replied. She was clad in the same knight ware she had in the pocket reality after killing Janova. I assumed it was made with the same spectrum-resistant material and wasn't just for show.

"Get dressed, you three. We leave in an hour. Our destination is the Ancient Ruins."

We exited the room and used our private room to change. The outfit I was given was a dress shirt with a golden lining. The collar was gold too. It had no sleeves, exposing my slender arms. My white belt kept the skirt that stopped at my thighs up. The skirt was cherry red with a dark pattern, symbols etched into the fabric. I could feel the anti-spectrum magic flowing from the clothing. Lastly, I had on opaque legwear that ended with my grey boots, strapped on by red linings. This clothing… felt nicer than any I've ever worn in my life. I was a tad apprehensive at first as I twirled around, making sure it all fit together.



“You look handsome.”

Janova teased, causing me to look over at her. She still reminded me of a princess wearing a black outfit that exposed her shoulders in a vest with a pinkish chest area and a black top with a pink ribbon in the front. She wore a skirt that flowered down to her thighs in grey and straps flowed down to her ankles. The bratty goddess's new style looked flawless on her, with dark boots sewing it all together.


“You look great too, Janova.”

Afterward, we both had to look at our angel, the pink bunny, Yuu Yuu. Sheepishly, she had on an oversized green coat and a white sweater that flowed down to her white skirt. Her legwear was white, and it had fringes on it as they flowed down to her light brown boots. Yuu Yuu reminded me of an angel as she coyly turned to the side, hiding her face in embarrassment.



“You look great.”

I complimented.

“I love it, Yuu Yuu!”

Janova squealed. These outfits would mark the start of our new lives in my eyes. There would be no going back from here. This day would be the day that decided if I could live peacefully with the people I've fallen in love with or not.

We stepped out of the room only to be greeted by everyone. Jade and Abigail came from behind us, and in front of us were the girls who saved our lives. Eve, Mellissa, Lana, and Vivian.



"Good luck, you guys."

Eve cackled as she kicked the wall, abusing Abigail’s sanctuary. The "goddess" grumbled from behind, but ultimately, she let it go.

“Thanks, Eve. And… I didn’t get to know you too well, but I want you to know that I consider you a friend, Eve Seed."

I said sternly. If this was going to be my last meeting with her, I wanted her to know how I felt. The psycho cackled as she looked away from me.

“Whatever. Don’t die, and live a wonderful life on the run like a dog. I doubt they'd find you three… just be careful after you finish off, Elizera.”

She then turned to Janova and pointed her gun at her. Everyone was a bit alarmed as she did this. However, Janova just smiled.

“What is it?”

"You got me put in prison, and I never had a chance to thank you for pissing me off."

She sighed and put her weapon back to her side.

“You taught me a lesson when dealing with Tricksters. I won’t fall for a trap that easily, Janova.”

Eve turned to Yuu Yuu and gave her a salute and a cackle.

"Take care of Feodora for me. She's useless in many cases and seems to only get her head on straight when she finds a reason to fight. I didn't get a chance to chat with you much, Yuuna, but I'm sure you're just right for Feodora."

"T-Thanks… I'll do just that, Eve Seed."

Mellissa waved to me.

“My other side was broken up when she heard you were with Yuuna. I was happy for you, though."

The kind human dropped that bombshell, causing us all to look away with an intense air of awkwardness. Even Jade took a big sigh, trying to clear the air in the room.

"Anyway, take good care, you three. Remember to stay healthy and treat each other's wounds. From here on out, you three will have to fend for yourselves. Live the best life you can… and we'll secretly be hoping for your happiness."

“Thank you, Mellissa.”

I put my hand to my chest.

"You have no idea how much I owe that demon side of yours. Tell Countess Mellissa… thank you for me."

“Oh, don’t worry, I’m sure she knows how you feel.”

The human smiled. Just briefly, I could see a bit of demonic aura coming from her, and it actually caused me to back up slightly. Janova and Yuu Yuu glared at Mellissa.


The pink bunny said as she looked away.

“Yeah, whatever…”

Yuu Yuu tried to sound polite, but Janova destroyed that by showing her true colors. It looked like Mellissa didn't mind, though, as she smiled brightly and waved at the two of them.

Suddenly, Lana rushed up, wrapped her arms around me, and gave me the biggest hug possible. It felt like my lungs were going to break.

“You are super cool, and I wish…."

She stopped, looked at her sister, and then back down at the ground.

“I wish we had more time to get to know each other. I… still haven’t had a good chance to thank you for saving my friends and family!”

"Don't worry, Lana, you did enough by coming to rescue us. We’re even.”

I pet her on the head as her wings began to flap relentlessly.

"If you three are ever in danger, come back here, and the Baron's will hide you! Right, big sis?"

Abigail sighed.

"Lana… the crimes that we are about to commit won't allow us to hide them any longer. I would like to believe they could hide out here any time they want, but I will be realistic."

The Baron leader approached her little sister.

“For the safety of our friends and family, I can’t let them come back here after this fight. However, they are smart, clever, skilled, and dangerous. Anyone who dares to go after them would have a difficult battle ahead of them. So, I’m sure they will be fine, Lana.”

Lana let go and pouted to the side for a bit. She calmed down and looked up at me, Yuu Yuu, then Janova.

"You all are super cool. I'll… miss playing with you, Yuuna, and I wanted to get to know the proclaimed goddess of chaos.”

She shrugged.

“But if you two are going on the run as fugitives, that’s like the most romantic thing I can think of, right Vivian?!”

Vivian smiled brightly.

“You know it, girl!”

In response, Vivian approached us.

“Feodora, Yuuna… and Janova. Good luck.”

She looked at my two girls and continued.

“Mother would be proud of you two, I’m sure.”

“Thanks, Vivian.”

Yuu Yuu said coyly.

“I hope so.”

Janova said as she looked away too.

This idea of Mother being proud of them put me on defense. I didn't want to say anything to put a bigger target on our backs, so instead, I looked back at Vivian and placed my hand on her head.


The white bunny squealed.

“Thank you for saving us, Vivian… but where we’re going, not even Mother will find us.”

The white bunny smirked.

"Sure, if you believe that. It was nice meeting you, Feodora. I was hoping I'd be able to teach you more about technology and the like, but sadly, Yuuna caught your heart first.”

Devilishly, she looked at her Light Camp member.

"It was fun playing Prism Rangers with you. Never forget the Camp or me. And… I hope you three have a wonderful life."

With our goodbyes said, Jade spoke up.

“Alright, Feodora, Yuuna, Janova… let’s make our way to the Ancient Ruins, the place where Elizera resides.”


Yuu Yuu cried as we turned around.

Everyone began shouting their goodbyes as we followed Jade and Abigail. The girls behind me are crazy, each and every one of them… But deep inside me, I knew that for the brief time I've known them… they would last in my heart for an eternity.

“I’ll miss them.”

Yuu Yuu said as she looked at both Janova and me.

“Yeah, I will too.”

I admitted as we all walked off towards the hidden exit of the Baron sanctuary. We entered a dark room with a spectrum circle in the middle. Caesar stood on one end, ready to activate the portal.


He called out to me. I approached him, and he put one hand on his chest.

“It was an honor to meet you, dark vessel. Thank you for saving my people… and I hope you three have a rewarding life.”

I nodded.

“Thank you, Caesar, for saving us earlier. And I wish you the best life too, Caesar.”

He closed his eyes and whispered something that I could barely catch.

“You have the potential to do great things, Feodora Cicer. You… have the potential…”

Before I could reply, Jade jumped in.

“Let’s go, Feodora.”

With those brief words, we stepped within the circle. Me, Jade, Abigail, Yuu Yuu, and Janova were all ready for the battle that was about to begin.

"The location is the Ancient Ruins! Be on high alert when you first arrive. Take care, my goddess, Ms. Opal, Feodora, Yuuna, and Janova.”




We all chimed in harmony.

Wind spectrum engulfed us as everything became bright and white.

Yuu Yuu took my hand, and so did Janova.

The world began to blur as we left the Baron's Sanctuary for the final time.

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