Quick Transmigration: Face Slapping The Second Female Lead

Chapter 24 - Face Slapping the Supreme Female Immortal (3)

Chapter 24: Face Slapping the Supreme Female Immortal (3)

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

Her only comfort was the incredibly high rewards from the mission, which was 400 credits!

400 credits was undoubtedly a big temptation for her. No matter how much difficulties she had to put up with, she would love to take it all as long as she could complete the mission.

Therefore she thanked 9957 when she saw the credits.

9957, “…”

It couldn’t be more speechless.

Because 9957 meant to spite her. But instead, she thanked it. 9957 couldn’t understand what Xia Liang was thinking.

“Liang, you must have been aware of what situation you are in now. To help you with the mission, the system offers 20% off anything you buy with your credits. Isn’t it nice?” 9957 was serious at the beginning and but later tried to make it sound cute.

“It’s so nice of you.” Xia Liang said like she meant it.

9957 was shy and embarrassed. It could even feel the core was burning. It murmured,

“She is a good girl, courteous and cute. Given time, she will understand what love is eventually. She will…”

As Xia Liang got all the memories of this body, she concluded that the only advantage she got was the powerful soul. Her cultivation level was nothing compared to Xia Yu’s Mahayana Level.

Xia Yu could kill her with a finger or even a blow.

The original owner of the body never gave up even she had been ever imprisoned for two hundred years. She stayed alive only because she held the grudge to Xia Yu wanted to take revenge.

She was smart enough to delve into soul-cultivating skills. If her spiritual soul got powerful enough, she could use the power to attach other’s spiritual sensation, and make amulets and formations.

However, the original owner didn’t make a great progress when she had no much learning materials even though she was super smart. So she hadn’t found a way to break out of the Spectral Formation.

That was why her first job was to break out of the dungeon.

Giving it a lot of thoughts and comparisons, Xia Liang asked, “9957. How much credits do I need to pay for the Manual of Formations and Amulets and mastered the highest level of it right away?”

“A total of 150 after discount. Do you take it or not?” 9957 asked with a doubtful tone.

Because 150 credits was like a skyhigh price for Xia Liang. She had to complete two missions to make that many credits.

But Xia Liang said blandly, “Yes, I do. Exchange it for me.”

9957, “Alright. Wait a sec, Liang.”


“Your host owns a new talent. Now you are a master of formations!”

After the system announced, a lot of stuff flocked into Xia Liang’s mind. She turned her head at the entrance of the dungeon where there had been nothing but now revealed how it originally was, a complicated and sophisticated formation!

The illuminating gloomy light was no longer light spots but formation cores which were out there to be easily gotten rid of.

Xia Liang was sure that the formation was no longer a problem to keep her from leaving. She could leave whenever she wanted to.

But she didn’t choose to leave right away. She spent 30 credits on a low level storage bag, an outfit and another temporary skill, Soul Glamoring.

Soul Glamoring could hypnotize and blur people’s memory and even change a part of one’s memory. This skill worked on those whose spiritual soul was weaker than the user. It was useless for those who were super powerful.

She changed her outfit and made some changes to her facial expression and hairdo according to Xia Yu in her memory. Then she walked to the entrance.

As she got close, she felt a strong power to push her backward together with chill wind to get into her body.

She launched a series of incantations together with hand gestures. The formation was cracked open from the middle like a door. The chill wind blew from both sides away from that door.

Xia Liang walked casually through the door and stepped forward. After she came out, she turned around and launched a series of incantations again. The light was illuminating again and the formation returned to the way it was before.

She kept walking ahead and then walked out of the long passage quickly and soon she was out of the dungeon finally.

“Who is it?” A disciple who guarded here lifted his weapon and shouted as he sensed an intruder.

“You fool! It’s me!” said Xia Liang imitating the voice of Xia Yu.

“Urgh… Lord?” When the guard saw Xia Liang, he was mortified. He knelt down on the floor and begged with a trembling voice, “I deserve to die, because I have offended you although I didn’t mean to.”

Here was Xuanyu Sect which was founded by Xia Yu alone. So she was respected as the Lord.

Xia Yu was not an easygoing person. If someone offended her, she would scold or even beat that person. That was how she built up her authority.

Her fellow men were usually extremely nervous to see her. How could they have extra attention to recognize if she was the real one.

“Raise your head and look at me!” Xia Liang moved forward and ordered.

The guard looked up anxiously and looked at Xia Liang into her eyes. He immediately felt like he was staring an infinite dark abyss. His soul was taken away.

A glamorous got into his ears and then pierced into his soul.

“Tell me where Nonstop Realm is. How am I getting there?”

Xia Liang used Soul Glamoring on him. As he had a weak soul, the glamoring went smoothly.

The guard’s eyes were empty, indicating that he was now hypnotized. He would tell everything she wanted.

Then Xia Liang asked a few questions and got to know that Xia Yu was not in the sect right now, which was great news to her. The guard who was at such a low level of course had no idea what she was up to or when she would come back.

“Liang, what are you going to do?” 9957 wondered.

“Go find Jun Wuqing and save him!” Xia Liang said calmly.

Jun Wuqing was a critical role in fighting against Xia Yu and stopping the war.

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