Quick Transmigration: Face Slapping The Second Female Lead

Chapter 17 - Hunting down the Exiled Princess (17)

Chapter 17: Hunting down the Exiled Princess (17)

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

“Alright. If you don’t like it, then I’ll ask her to get out of here!” Bai Yao nodded happily without any hesitation!

His Liang was jealous! She actually cared about him! Otherwise she wouldn’t be so sensitive about other women.

Bai Yao was screaming happily like an idiot deep inside.

Su Mei was outraged that her life could be determined so easily by other people.

But it was fine. Even though she was not around Bai Yao, she would have a chance as long as those two didn’t feel the same way about each other.

Su Mei would never give up no matter how many times she failed or how many times she got slapped in the face.

For the next few days, Bai Yao was in a good mood because what Xia Liang said that day. Even his servants felt the change of his mood from chilly winter to warm spring.

Su Mei Xia Liang’s cannon folder for no reason though, she explained to Bai Yao later,

“Please understand that I have no feelings for you. It was amazing that Miss Xia was jealous of me. If you want to make her more jealous, you should act like you care more about your own. I believe she will have stronger feelings and care more about you!”


Bai Yao gave it a thought and agreed.

He later found out that Xia Liang would care more about him whenever Su Mei was around him.

One day when Su Mei served him the sweet soup and desert she personally made, his Liang stuck with him very closely and stared at Su Mei as if she was warning her not to get any closer to him like an overprotective kitten from the food. She was so adorable!

Bai Yao was happy to see how much she cared about him. Even he didn’t like desert or sweet soup, he had some. And even worse, when he was drinking, he couldn’t stop smiling.

Xia Liang noticed it too. At the beginning, she thought he just liked sweet food. She even offered to cook soup and desert just to stop Su Mei doing it.


When Bai Yao knew about it, he was wild with joy. He was satisfied enough even Xia Liang didn’t look at him with shy or loving eyes.

He, therefore, was nicer to Su Mei and considered her as his relationship consultant.

Other than his relationship consultant, Su Mei was also a backup which was a stimulation of Xia Liang.

The three of them were busy with cooking plans in their own ways. They thought they had everything they wanted, but in fact,

They were stupidly running on the wrong tracks without even looking back.

One month later, Su Mei kind of lost her cool because of Bai Yao’s attitude. Given time, she wouldn’t get anything except that Bai Yao would fall deeper for Xia Liang.

So she decided to take actions against Xia Liang!

It was a great chance that Bai Yao happened to travel outside for a while on official business.

Xia Liang was also waiting a chance to steal Su Mei’s Space because she didn’t get to have an opportunity to be with Su Mei alone since Bai Yao kept a really close eye on her.

It was a chance for both of them! Everything was set! Game was on!

“Miss, it is a nice day. Do you want to take a walk outside?” Su Mei asked with a smile.

“Hm.” Xia Liang glanced at her and nodded.

Su Mei didn’t expect Xia Liang would agree so easily. Her smile was even bigger.

They walked out of the General’s Mansion. Bai Yao had assigned a few bodyguards for Xia Liang. They were supposed to protect her when she was outside. But this time, Xia Liang didn’t bring any.

Su Mei showed Xia Liang around the city. To lower her guard, she even brought her to a few cosmetic stores. But Xia Liang didn’t like it and became a little impatient.

At last it was about lunch time. Su Mei took Xia Liang to a private room at The Gourmet Restaurant. They chose a table by the window. It was a perfect spot she had discovered earlier.

Su Mei followed all Su Mei’s arrangements and didn’t say anything about it. She was indifferent and emotionless as she usually was.

“Miss, I heard the Osmanthus Cake here is quite tasty. It’s soft and scented. You should have a try.” Su Mei poured a cup of tea for Xia Liang, saying smilingly but challenging,

“If you like it, I will learn from the chef and make some for you and the General. Osmanthus Cake is the General’s favorite. He can eat quite a few every time I made some.”

Xia Liang said coldly after thinking a while, “Bai Yao didn’t like it actually. You are not allowed to make it from now on!”

It took Xia Liang a few days to finally observe that Bai Yao didn’t like sweet food at all. He didn’t touch it in daily life!

Except for those Su Mei cooked.

To stimulate Xia Liang, Bai Yao ate everything what Su Mei made. No matter how much he hated those food, he would try his best to eat some. But in Xia Liang’s eyes, it meant that he liked Su Mei.

That was why Xia Liang got anxious too.

She was worried that her mission would get more difficult because Su Mei was getting better at flirting with men.

“I will do whatever you say.” Su Mei chuckled and tried to switch the topic, “Miss, since we have been busy with shopping the entire morning, I assume that you are thirsty. Have some tea, please.”

As soon as Xia Liang took a sip, she tasted knockout drops and there was a strong dose of it in the tea. Su Mei was smiling as if she was not afraid of being busted at all.

She was too confident in herself.

Xia Liang put down the cup and said, “I am hungry. Tell the waiter to serve the dishes quickly.”

Su Mei was relieved on seeing that Xia Liang drank the tea with knockout drops which she got from her Space. A tiny dose of it could knock out a person adult.

Su Mei had no worries at all now. To play along with Xia Liang, she went out to find a waiter.

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