Quest Around the Multiverse

Chapter 45


I swing my sword and quickly dodge the incoming attack from Raja. Raja is using Dirk as her weapon, and she is a quick old woman.


I raise my sword and block the incoming attack just to see Raja give a terrifying grin.

"Ohohohoho! You are thinking something rude, huh? Let's increase the rhythm, hmmm?"

Balls! How did she know?!

*TING* *TING* *TING* *Splurt*

I grunt a little as the last attack manages to connect my shoulder. Her Dirk manages to create a gash on my shoulder. How in the hell did she manage to attack the gap between my armor? Her attack is precise and with enough damage to not fatally injure me.

"This is the true power of this dance, boy! Your body moves like waves and your eyes are like an eagle to locate your opponent's weakness. Now come! Show me your moves!"

I nod my head and put my left hand on my back before jumping around the training arena. Each of our jumps is followed by us exchanging blows with each other. With each blow, we try to control the other movement by something called Bind.

A Bind is a technique that connects our swords to read each other's next movement and control it to our desire.

It sounds easy but let me tell you something. It was hard. It was like trying to drill a hole in a wood plank with your dick. It is not impossible but hard.

I suddenly jump to the left but change my direction when a stronger wave hits the ship. I attack Raja from her back, but to my surprise, he already anticipates it before using her left hand to do an uppercut.

"You are too predictable, boy. Your rhythm stays the same. Circle, attack from the right, under, upper, and right. If the wave comes and you attack from the left, you will attack me from the back. If you attack from the right, you will attack from below. Be more creative, boy!"

I nod my head and dash once more. This time, I increased the speed to the maximum. Each jump will be followed by me attacking him with my sword. Each strike will have my full power.

"That's more like it!"

Instead of swearing or cursing, Raja grinned at me and joined me in my dance.

Block. Slash. Thrust. Parry. Jump. Roll.

We continue to dance around the training ground for who knows how long. All I know is that I need to keep moving, or Raja will hit me with her Dirk. Blow after blow is being exchanged, and I can see that both of us have a lot of injury on our bodies.


The fight stops when Raja finally manages to disarm me. I look to my back and see that my sword is lying on the ground.

"Huuu… Not bad. It has been a while since I've fought this seriously. It is a shame that you only stay here for a few more days. Give it a month and you can last for twenty minutes against me."

"You praise me too much."

"You deserve it, boy. Anyway, we will take a ten minutes break. Rest well, Jacob."

I look at her with my mouth wide open.


"It is the first time you call me by my name."

"Because you deserve it. Now, go. Your ten-minute break has already started."

I nod my head and take out food and water from my inventory. I have a feeling this morning's training will be harder than before. But first, I need to heal up.

~Ten minutes later~

Raja, Kisara, and I arrive in front of a room. This room is different from any other room in Dahak. I can see a lot of small gems around the door of the room. However, what catches my attention is the massive gem in the middle of the door.

"This is a special room that not many people know about. This is a training room that was created by a famous magician friend of mine. In this room, you will experience what it feels like if you are underwater."

"Resistance chamber?"

Raja nods her head and says.

"Something like that. This room will create the pressure that is happening in the deep sea. Training in this room will increase your physical power gradually. The only downside of using this room is that your muscles will be damaged if you use it too long. Lucky for us, you are a healer. You can use your Rune Spell to heal yourself and continue to train. For the rest of the day, you will stay here and train. The room inside is big enough to let you train your dance moves."

I nod my head and get inside the room. As soon as I get to the center of the room, I can feel my entire body get pressed by an unknown force. I look out of the room and see Raja nodding her head.

"Alright, Jacob. You will stay here for three hours. Train your body as hard as you can. Heal your body if it gets hurt and continue training."

"Got it."

I take a deep breath and take out my sword from my inventory. The room is big. The length is around fifteen meters long, and it has the same width and height. At the end of the room, I can see three training dummies.

With a deep breath, I start my dance.


|3rd POV|

"How is he, Kisara?"

"He is doing fine, ma'am. His movement is sluggish in the first hour but he starts to get used to the weight."


"Aye. I must say, sir Talgeyl really knows how to take someone."

Raja nods her head and stays silent for a few seconds before saying.

"Truthfully, he is the one coming to Lordlake."


"Aye. He comes with the Prince who does an inspection at Lordlake."

"What is he doing with the prince?"

"A coincidence. He wants to Lordlake but because there is not a single ship that wants to that place, the prince and his companion decide to take him with them. As for the reason why he wants to go to Lordlake… he wants to train there. I have a feeling that he wants to train in a place where his competitor will not bother him or spy on him."

"I see."

"After getting there, he sees what happened to Lordlake and decides to help them. He brings a lot of water and food for them. Talgeyl hesitate to tell me this but Jacob is the person who is lifting the curse around their well."


"Aye. It looks like the Queen cast a curse upon Lordlake to make sure Lordlake will not get water from any source. That means the water underground will dry up and there will be no rain."

"I see. Does that mean he can lift the curse to all Lordlake?"

"No. I don't think so. To lift the curse around the well Jacob needs almost all of his mana inside his body. Only a Godlike being is able to lift the curse to all Lordlake."

Kisara sighed in sadness before saying.

"So what do you want to do with him, ma'am? You put a lot of attention on him."

"Just paying what I owe, Kisara. Other than training him, if he wins and helps Lordlake, my debt will be completely clean. By training him to win the competition, he will help Lordlake and in turn pay the debt I have."

Raja smiles and gets up from her chair.

"It is also good that he is a genius. It has been a while since I took some students under my wing. I need some challenge to keep these old bones working."

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