Queen of Hogwarts (GL)

Chapter 19

~ Weekend of training? ~

Haaah, The early morning, sun going up, light starting to shine inside the rooms through the foggy windows, students sleeping peacefully since there are no classes, so they can relax, so very peacefu-

"Wake up! Up, up, get ready, time to train, to strengthen your bodies, wake up!" The Queen's loud voice resounds inside the room of the two Lunas. The shouting startle wakes Luna and Fleur, who jump out of the bed with panicky and confused expressions, looking around the room frantically.

"Good, you didn't take too long, now, start running in place for at least two minutes straight, go, go, go, no dilly-dallying" The two ladies look at the Queen who's in full drill Seargent persona, with sleepy faces, not fully understanding their predicament.

"I said, move, you can look at me when your lungs are burning and your awesome bodies are aching, start running, or you will be punished"

The two start running in place to warm up, even with confusion about what is going on.

"If you stop for a second, you will repeat it, until you'll get it right, warm-up is important. And so is discipline!" The Queen shouts at the two while looking at them, poorly trying to keep it up.

"Miss Luna, bad posture, put your back straight, legs up as much as you can, look straight forward, not at the ground. Miss Fleur, faster, no slowing down, no rest until you accomplish your given task"

The Queen hears her sand-clock make a magically induced sound after looking at the two, indicating that it's time to finish this exercise "Stop, enough, rest for a minute"

Both the girls do so and are seen panting, Fleur less so than Luna.

"Okay, one minute of rest is over, time to continue"

"Hey, wait, wait, Lun," Luna says hastily.

"Who is this 'Lun'? I am your Commander, questions later, actions now"

"Why... Haaah. phew... Why are we doing this?" Luna asks anyways.

The Commander clicks her tongue and goes back to the Queen persona.

"Moon, the commander said questions later, why do you have to ruin her high... but if you gotta know, we are training, I said we will train on weekends and that's what we are doing"

"But... I zought we will only train in nights with ze rapier" Fleur says, steadying her breathing.

"Hahahahaha..." The Queen laughs at the two but stops once she doesn't see them doing the same "Wait... You're serious?..." She looks between the two who are looking back at her missing the point, so the Queen only sighs.

"Your bony arms couldn't even hold the raper for 20 minutes while hitting a target, you'd break them. We also ain't using magic to heal callouses, aching pains, or anything like that, because your muscles would just go back to how it was before the practice session, therefore negating all the hard work, you'll be healing manually to let the muscles build up, remember, you're witches, who hold a wand that's more or less like a toothpick, you both need to get used to intense physical situations, for stamina, endurance, and overall better prowess, not to mention a better physique is an extra"

"Zey aren't zat light," Fleur says back to the Queen about the wands.

"Yeah, perhaps for you... I could carry 500 of them and not feel anything"

"Okay... Fine... But couldn't you tell us that last night? Instead of waking us up now?" Luna asks the Queen, finally having returned to her normal state.

"Really? I guess you're still sleepy, I will give you some time to think about it yourself" The Queen answers back.

Luna does just that in silence, but she just can't do it, due to this whole situation.

"Nothing?" The Queen asks slightly disappointed.

"No, nothi- Wait..."

"Oh?" The Queen quirks an eyebrow.

"It's the same premise as the situation with Neville and Snape back in the Great Hall yesterday?"

"You got it, Snape lost the deal, giving me the victory, because he was too arrogant... Well but that's not the biggest issue. You can be arrogant, but you also have to have the ability to back it up. And in my case? The best lesson I can teach people? Be prepared for anything that life throws at you. Or as you people call it, expect the unexpected"

"But, zat's an impossible zing to do, nobody can expect somezing like zat, that's why ze word unexpected means what it means"

"Great point, Fleur, you can't expect the unexpected no matter how many hours you train for something like that, you'll never be truly ready for everything. But you know what you can do?" The Queen asks, giving a chance to the other two, but she answers it after a moment.

"Expect to expect the unexpected"

"Zat sounds confusing"

"It's because it is" The Queen answers Fleur.


"I didn't explain my previous statement fully. Be ready for anything the world throws at you... Just on a smaller scale"

"Could you... Elaborate?" Luna asks for an explanation.

"Okay, so I will say it in simpler terms. 'Expect the Unexpected' literally means 'anything', so somebody could try and do that, but there'd be too many factors to think about, too many thoughts about one or another thing. Oh, am I going to die by falling? Getting hit by something, maybe a sudden heart attack? Or from a random turtle falling on your head"

"wait, wait, why would a turtle fall one somebody's 'ead"

"Huh? Oh, because it happens sometimes" The Queen deadpans.

"No way..." Fleur mutters in bewilderement.

"Anyways, as I was saying, that's too much for somebody's brain, too many signs to think about, therefore it's more of a detriment to yourself if anything. So you only have to expect the idea behind it and it will help you more"

"Uh..." Luna lets out a confused noise.

"Ugh... Okay, I will explain with an example that's more up my alley"

"Okay," Luna agrees.

"Let's say a death eater just shows up in this room right now, prepared for an attack, so you need to get ready to predict his next move. Is he going to Avada Kedavra me, so should I dodge because I can't block it? Or is he going to cast an imperio on me, so should I just counter it? Or perhaps there's his ally behind me and he's just a distraction, maybe he's waiting for my move, so should I attack or escape? Do you see? There are so many variables, way too many possibilities, your brain trying to think of so many things, it will make your reactions sloppy, And you can't have that. So instead of expecting some specific attack, or even a specific kind of attacker. Just do what I do, which is so much more effective"

"Wait... I think I am starting to understand" Luna states.

"Great. This is what I do. I don't expect that anything will happen, I only expect that something will happen. So in that very same scenario, my thoughts are these. He's going to attack or I am going to attack and that's it. That way my judgment isn't clouded by unnecessary nonsense. The moment he'd raise his wand and say one syllable of a word, I'd know what to do, because I focused on the fact that he will just simply attack and not how he is going to attack"

"Isn't zat just zinking a couple of moves ahead?"

"Umm... That's what expected the unexpected is... You are trying to think ahead of the world and what will happen"

"Oh... Now zat you mention it..."

"So, basically, don't think that anything will happen, think that something will happen. If you think that an attack will happen, that's enough, you don't need to go ahead and think of these hundreds of scenarios. The attacker doesn't even need to be a death eater, anything can attack you and that's what you need to be ready for, the very idea behind it. How will a person die? Doesn't matter, you'll die when you do, don't fret about it and waste your time. When will the Queen throw an impromptu training session on me? Is it during breakfast? Maybe when I am outside in the courtyard? or perhaps when I am in the loo?... That doesn't matter, all you need to expect is that it will happen, not how, when, in what circumstances, but that it will. Lowering the stress, anxiety, and mental work by a big margin allowing you to do other things easier. Therefore, just expect to expect the unexpected"

"Lun... You are not the best when it comes to explaining things..."

"Mhm... Perhaps, but I don't really have to explain how I do things all that often... In fact, that's what I did when I woke you up for training"

"Oh? 'Ow did you do zat?"

"Well, most people would think things like these in my situation: If I wake them up like this, what will they do? 1. Will they do it? 2. Will they get angry? 3. Will they question me? 4. Will they be annoyed by me and ignore me. 5. Will they just go back to sleep? 6. Will they attack me? 7. Should I really do this, maybe I should let them sleep?... And many other things and that's just a no-no, it's stupid to be like that. So I merely thought that something will happen and I'll deal with it accordingly. basically, I expected to expect that something unexpected will happen, lowering its scale by a lot. So, for example, if you would've ignored me for doing something like this, I'd apologize and try to get your attention. If you attacked me, which is highly unlikely, but if, I would've defended myself. But now you are questioning me, so I am answering the questions... To the best of my ability. And that's how it is. I expected something to happen, not anything"

"Okay, I understand, and even if that may be better as you say... But I am pretty sure..." Luna looks at Fleur and she continues for her.

"We are pretty sure, zat you could've just said 'Zink zat somezing will 'appen, instead of anyzing, ruining your chance to deal wiz ze situation at 'and (Hand)' Are we not correct?"

"Uh..." The Queen scratches her cheek with a finger "Whoopsie?"

"Lun..." Luna squints her eyes at the Queen.

"Ahem, who's this 'Lun'? The Commander is back in action and your warm-up was wasted, time to start running again" But the Commander has made her return.

"No, no, you aren't doing zis" Fleur says with some irritation seeping through.

"The Commander doesn't understand"

"The Queen can't do zis"

"The Commander has received a message to tell you two... The Queen can do anything she desires"

Both Fleur and Luna just look at the crimson-haired girl in front of them and turn back to go back to bed.

"Hey, hey, what are you two doing, the Commander didn't let you go yet"

But the two of them just ignore her and reach their respective beds and get on them.

"Wait, no, the Commander doesn't approve of this message, but the Queen says 'sorry'"

Fleur and Luna stop for a moment, then look at each other and nod to one another, they turn their attention to the 'Commander'

"Uh... The Commander is confused on why you two are looking at her so strangely... did you two have second thoughts about resuming the training?"

"Is the Queen really sorry?" Luna questions first.

"The Commander doesn't agree with it, but the Queen confirms that inquiry"

"Zat so?" Fleur starts with a sly smile, which the Commander doesn't like "If ze Queen is truly sorry, zen we require one small favor from 'er"

"Uh... The Commander doesn't like where this is going, but the Queen is listening" The girl says with a worried look.

"Great, well this favor of ours... We will accept that apology from the Queen if only..." Luna prolongs it, throwing a gaze at her french partner, who nods.

"Ze Queen retires ze Commander, for ze day"

"Wait, wait, wait the Commander vehemently disagrees with that idea, you can't do this to me," The girl says in a panic.

"We can't..." Luna starts.

"But ze Queen can..." Fleur finishes.

"Since she said that she can do whatever that she desires"

"Uh... The Commander hopes that the Queen won't give in to blackmail so easily... Oh, hey Moon, Fleur, the pesky Commander is gone, so... Are we okay?"

"I don't know, what do you think, Fleur?"

"'Mmmm... I zink we can let 'er off easy zis time"

"Okay, we are good, Lun"

"Phew... But now what? The Commander is laid off for a day, so what are we going to do for the day? Since we can't train any more"

"Oh, but you see..." Moon starts.

"We 'expected to expect ze unexpected', so we..." Fleur continues.

"Are going back to sleep" Luna finishes.

"Wait, then why did I have to lay off the Commander for?" The Queen questions.



And just like that, the two ladies snuggle up into their beds and blankets, going back to dreamland, while hearing the Queen whine.

"Oh, come on... Now, what am I supposed to do..."

The Queen looks at the two with fake annoyance, then only breaking a smile.

"Fine, sleep tight you two beauties. I will just go visit Dumbledore and give him a magiphone, good night... Morning? Why is that even a thing... It should just be good sleep or something... Whatever, byee!" And just like that, the Queen ran out of the room saying 'Schnimbleriti', putting all kinds of protective charms on the room on her way out.

Leaving the two girls to lightly giggle at the antics of the Queen, before they fall back asleep sometime later.

~ End of Chapter 19 ~

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