QT: Capture The Villain's Love

Chapter 236: The Emperor's Torture!

The female lead tilted her head to one side and kept staring at Liang Deming for a long time, thinking he had gone mad or something. Why did he ask her about her mother when they had met not long ago? A few days ago, they got married, and the Emperor had given her mother all kinds of paraphernalia to please her before the marriage. He had even asked her about her well-being, and Yan Huan remembered that her mother had been pretty satisfied with Liang Deming.

But why was this person suddenly asking this kind of question all of a sudden?! She narrowed her eyes on him, but opened her mouth and said, "She's fine, but haven't you met her yet?"

The Emperor realized that he had blurted out something strange, so he coughed and thought of a way to cover up his weirdness.

"Yes, but we haven't gotten her blessings yet."

The female lead's eyes brightened at that. All the doubts in her heart flew out of the window as she stared at her 'husband' with her eyes lit up in surprise.

Did this question mean that the Emperor didn't mean to abandon her?! For him to talk about getting blessings gave Yan Huan the hope that the male lead had decided to give her a second chance. The smile on her face widened as she scooted closer to the man. "Husband, I thought you really gave up on me."

That smile sent a shiver down the male lead's spine. He was really a second away from running out of here! He didn't want to face this vile woman who only knew how to scheme! Even though they had gotten married and there weren't any rules for getting a divorce yet, the Emperor had many other ways he could use to make this woman disappear forever!

He secretly glanced at the place where Tyler disappeared and realized that he sneakily stole the female lead's things for inspection. A sigh of relief escaped Liang Deming's lips. Tyler shouldn't take longer than a minute to come back. He would have to stall this woman for now.

On the other hand, the latter was busy shuffling into the backpack of Yan Huan. Until now, he could only find female things that were necessary for traveling. After a minute or two, he finally found a scroll hidden deep inside the bag.

After taking it out, Tyler put other things back in the female lead bag and placed it back near the tree as it had been before. It even felt as if no one had touched this bag. The only thing that was missing was the scroll in Tyler's hand.

The latter took a look at the scroll before opening it to read it.

After half an hour, Tyler realized why the female lead had been hiding this information for so long and was afraid to show it to anyone. It was evidence of how the entire Wang Clan became traitors to the dynasty!

It turned out that there was a mastermind among the royals who had been planning to overthrow the Emperor for a long time. The identity of that person still wasn't mentioned in this evidence, and even in the original storyline, the system didn't tell him anything about it beforehand!

Tyler's eyes squinted at this before he hid the scroll in his sleeves before he walked toward the Emperor.

Back on the riverbank, the male and female leaders were still standing face to face, and the latter's face lit up when the former said something. Liang Deming's expressions were terrific. His facial muscles were twisted so much that it even seemed as if someone had given him something bad to eat, and the man wanted to vomit it all out.

A chuckle escaped Tyler's lips. "I think you have been tortured enough for today."

The male lead heard this voice and sighed in relief as his eyes brightened after seeing his baby's figure at a distance. Finally, he wouldn't have to keep talking to that ugly woman anymore! He cut the conversation short and ignored Yan Huan, who was also taken aback by seeing her husband walk away like that.

Wasn't it clear that they were having a good time talking? Why did He Qiao have to come and break them like that?! She couldn't help but become angry as she muttered under her breath. "I'll get that sticky Empress someday!"

Tyler and his friends, on the other hand, didn't even look at the female lead's twisted face.They were heading toward another secluded place to see the scroll. After that, the former took out the scroll and handed it to the Emperor, who read it swiftly with furrowed brows. 

"Now what?" The male lead said after closing the scroll and hiding it in his sleeves. "How can we use this information to force this Yan Huan out of the palace?"

Tyler's eyes gleamed with joy. "We will sow discord between them." 

"But don't they hate each other already?"

"Not to the point of tearing each other off!" Tyler got excited as he glanced in the direction from where they came. "We will release the word about this in public, and it won't take more time before this can become a rumor. After that, Wang Mao realized that his stepsister was the one who had done something like that. As a result, by the time we arrived at their door, they would have already apprehended her."

"But we will be in trouble too."

Tyler scoffed. "Who said we would go there? Send the woman off with a soldier with her authority as an excuse."

To be honest, even the Emperor had this kind of thought, but he still wanted his baby to talk about it. So he kept staring at Tyler's face for a long time before a smile bloomed on his face. 

If this was the reaction he got every time he let a man take control of such situations, then it was all worth it!


After two days, they were able to reach the main gate of the Wang Clan where everyone stood in their original identities. Now, when Wang Mao knew that they were going to come, there was no point in trying to become someone else to enter that place. Tyler didn't even plan to head inside and become a spy. He just wanted to keep the female lead busy so she wouldn't think about Liang Deming.This would definitely change the storyline, wouldn't it?

So Tyler glanced at the Emperor and gestured to him to start their plan. Earlier, before finding a new route and carriage, the male lead had ordered the guards to run to the nearest town and spread the rumor that the Wang Clan had become a traitor, and share the evidence against him. 

Slowly and steadily, the rumor spread far and wide, so fast that it even reached the Wang Clan. The young leader of this clan, who had just heard this news, was so angry that he wanted to kill a spy standing before him. It took a while for him to control his rage before he motioned for the guards to remove the spy and leaned into his seat.

He just knew it would be his vile stepsister! If this girl wanted to go all out, he wouldn't back up either!

So, as soon as they heard that Yan Huan was standing at the gate, Wang Mao didn't hesitate before he rushed there as well. He wanted to coax the girl inside the border of the Wang Clan before locking her up in a prison! She had created enough trouble for him, and he didn't want to let her go anymore!

What happened after this was under Tyler's expectations. Wang Mao came out with a horde of people and took the woman away as soon as the Empress told the female leader to go talk to the guards stationed at the main gate.

Now that this girl was out of the picture, Tyler knew that he had successfully changed the storyline this time! A smile formed on his lips. 

The only thing left was to find that spiritual herb that could make anyone pregnant. As stated in the storyline, after handling the Wang Clan, the female lead's trip to the forest in the west by the river where she found the herb. It wasn't that she had accidentally found it. She had heard about this herb quite a while ago from her mother and wanted to try her luck. So when she actually came out of the forest, it took no time for her to find that herb and come back to the palace to become pregnant.

So Tyler enthusiastically dragged the unwilling male lead toward the forest. At this time, Liang Deming only wanted to head back to the capital and spend a long time making love to his Empress. The last time they had done it was during the wedding night in the chamber, where he had been rough on the ger.

But now, when he had feelings for this person, he wanted to repeat that night and show off his gentle side, especially now when the female lead was out of the picture. So when Tyler dragged him elsewhere, he could only sigh and follow.

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