Protector of the Enchanted

Interlude IV

“Will you stop making my heart stop?”


I’ve never felt this much concern in my life. Not so often and not in such a short space of time. Not even Mira or my sister make me worry this much. Yet, the woman lying unconscious on the bed has somehow managed to exceed all of my expectations.

It’s as if the moment we look away, she goes running headfirst into dangerous territory. I doubt Mira will let this one go so easily. Not when she ignored all the warning signs and did the most dangerous thing she could have. Not when she could have so easily died.

Truth be told, I don’t think I’ll be able to let it go either. It’s been more than twenty-four hours and she still hasn’t woken up. It’s disconcerting in a way I haven’t yet had to consider. The second she collapsed, it felt as if my heart had stopped beating.

A sentiment I know Mira understands. Her face had grown ashen the minute she realised what had happened. Her appearance grows more ragged the longer she won’t wake up. I had to force her to get some sleep, and even then it was after multiple promises that I’d let her know if anything changed.

Although it’s the man sitting on the chair, I’m most worried about. He hasn’t slept. He hasn’t even moved from that spot since the moment he laid her on the bed. Not even when the gift baskets came. Gratitude from the people we’d saved.

More specifically, gratitude for the woman that still hasn’t awoken. She’d saved them from their worst nightmare and put us in another one. There’s nothing we can do but wait for her to wake up. And she will wake up.

The certainty with which I know that is the only thing that’s keeping me from panicking. The healer said it was exhaustion. And I’m inclined to believe him, but I don’t think they do. Mira and Ryan seem to be afraid that they’ll lose her.

Neither one of them wants to let her out of their sight. When she wakes up, I have no doubt she’ll hear an earful about recklessness. And it would be well deserved.

Remembering the moment I turned around to see her on the ground, I know the sight isn’t going to fade from my memory any time soon. The utter helplessness I felt when there was nothing we could do. We couldn’t look at the mirror. If we were placed under its influence there would be no one left to get help.

We have to trust her. But knowing you need to do something and actually doing it are two very different things. It’s something I’ve become painfully aware of recently. She says that she’s going to help and does just that. There are no empty promises.

Something I know doesn’t hold true for many others. It is after spending time with her that I understand what people mean when they say you have to put your money where your mouth is. It’s easy to say that you want to help, but if you don’tdosomething, then it’s ultimately meaningless.

Or maybe it’s just plain recklessness. Sometimes I wonder if she’s even thinking when she does these things. I sure hope so. Otherwise, I doubt I’ll ever be able to stop my heart from turning still with dread. Sighing, I realise something I’ve been trying to avoid.

They’re not the only ones worried.

It’s not to the extent of those two, but the sentiment is the same. It certainly isn’t to the same extent as Ryan. He hasn’t moved from her side. Hasn’t even closed his eyes for longer than necessary. He needs sleep.

The image of him scooping her up into his arms comes to mind as I stare at him. He’s always teasing her and trying to get under her skin, but the look in his eyes at that moment…There was nothing teasing about it.

Dread. And painful sorrow. That’s what those emotions were. Longing and a need to keep her safe. He looked like his whole world could collapse at a moment’s notice. Even now he keeps checking her heartbeat like it’s his sole tether to sanity.

Gods. The idiot needs to sleep. I have no fucking clue what’s going on around here. Gem’s better at that. But I do know that people can’t survive if they don’t look after themselves. How does this bastard think she’s going to feel if he keels over due to exhaustion.

“Get some sleep.” I tell him.

He doesn’t seem to have heard. “Oy. You know she’s gonna be pissed if she finds out you didn’t look after yourself.” I know Gem would be.

Turning to me, his blank eyes seem void of any emotion. It’s freaky. “Don’t just look at me like that.” I throw a hand towards him. “Get some fucking rest.”

Slow blinks are the only response I get. Another sigh. This time deeper. “You don’t have to move to do it. Just close your eyes!”

We don’t need him going into the same state. One person making you have an heart attack is enough, thank you very much. Especially when they all take turns.

When he finally nods his assent, I decide I should follow my own advice. They’ll be fine. If I think too much about this, my brain is going to start hurting more than it already is. Why are all the people around me like this?

Can’t they let me go a couple of days without making me worry? First the ocean fiasco. Then the fight with that darkness and Gem. And now a reckless woman. Not to mention the bastard trying to punish himself for things out of his control.

I still need to get back at him for pushing me into the ocean. But I can’t do that now damn it. How can I when he already looks so pathetic? It would be like kicking a puppy. And that’s just barbaric.

Guess I’ll just have to wait longer. I’ve already waited this long. Not to mention we’re a step closer to breaking that pesky curse. I nod to myself. If those two don’t sleep, then I’ll just have to keep nagging them. It’ll work at some point,

Still though. I hope she wakes up soon.

The next arc was probably one of my favourites to write, but the chapters ended up being a little long. So, I've decided to leave it up to you guys. Would you prefer to have multiple short chapters or fewer long chapters?


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