
Chapter 8-Teamwork

The class made their way to the cafeteria. It was a vast, bustling room filled with the hum of conversation and the clatter of trays. Trainees of all ages mingled with faculty members, creating a lively and energetic atmosphere. The ceiling was high, with large windows with a screen that gave the impression of the outside. Colorful banners representing different teams and achievements hung from the rafters, adding a sense of pride and history to the room.

The aroma of various dishes wafted through the air, making Iris's stomach growl in anticipation. The cafeteria was a gastronomic wonderland, with long buffet tables laden with an impressive array of food. There were steaming trays of pizza with every topping imaginable, fresh and vibrant salads, build-your-own taco stations, juicy burgers hot off the grill, and many more options to cater to every taste and preference. Each station was manned by friendly staff who ensured everything was fresh and appetizing.

Large round tables filled the room, providing plenty of seating for everyone. Groups of trainees chatted animatedly, some in their uniforms and others in casual attire, creating a dynamic and welcoming environment. The walls were adorned with murals depicting scenes of heroism and teamwork, reminding everyone of the greater mission they were part of. As the class walked in, they were met with a symphony of sounds and smells.

Markus suddenly appeared in front of the group, materializing out of thin air. “Hello, how are you all doing on your first day?” he asked, his voice cheerful.

“Where did you come from? Are you a g-ghost?” Charles screamed, his eyes wide with fear.

“No need to worry, I’m not a ghost, well at least not yet anyway,” Markus replied with a chuckle. “Though if you see any, don't call me. I hate fighting ghosts. It's the main reason I never learned Japanese, so many ghosts in Japan.”

“Hey Charles, just wondering, but are you scared of ghosts?” Theo teased, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

“What? No, no, of course not. I was just surprised by him suddenly appearing,” Charles replied, trying to sound confident but failing miserably.

“Then you won't be afraid of the ghost right behind you then,” Theo said, pointing over Charles's shoulder.

Charles jumped into the air, propelled by his telekinesis, reaching a height that would have been impossible for an ordinary person.

“Don't worry, he's just teasing you,” Iris said, trying to stifle her laughter. “Anyway, besides the classroom nearly getting wrecked earlier today, it's been great,” she added gleefully.

Markus laughed, clearly enjoying the antics. “You remind me of myself as a kid, Charles—minus the anger issues. I used to cause quite a bit of trouble back in the day.”

Wallace walked up towards the group, still sipping coffee from his mug. “You did a lot more than just a bit of trouble. Remember that prank you played on Nikolai? I still have no idea where you managed to get monster-attracting pink hair dye or how you managed to sneak it onto him.”

Markus laughed heartily at the memory. “Yeah, Emily really chewed me out for that one. She refused to help me in combat for a whole week.”

“I'd recommend not trying to cause any trouble,” Wallace said, glancing at Charles. “A lot of new rules have been added solely because of Markus. Come on, I missed breakfast and so did Iris, so let's hurry and get food.”

The group made their way to the buffet tables, the delicious aromas growing stronger with each step. Iris's eyes lit up at the sight of all the food. She piled her plate with a variety of options, while Wallace and Markus chatted amiably, reminiscing about their old exploits.

"I'm going to go eat in my office. Jonathan said he wanted to talk with me soon anyway…” Markus said, turning to leave, only to walk straight into a wall. “Fu-fu-fun day, isn't it? Don't curse in front of the kids, or else I'll lose the bet,” Markus muttered to himself, rubbing his forehead.

“I'll go with Markus. Someone has to make sure my brother doesn't get into any trouble,” Wallace said, balancing his tray of food as he followed Markus.

“We should all sit together. We're all in the same class, after all,” Jacob suggested, looking around at the remaining group.

“That's a wonderful idea. I absolutely agree,” Iris said, her enthusiasm contagious.

“Well, I'm not going with you. Who wants to sit with you losers anyway?” Charles said, trying to recover his pride from the ghost teasing incident.

Theo’s eyes glowed black, and Charles's vision suddenly went dark. "I won't return your sight until you agree to go with us," Theo said calmly.

“Brother, is this a good idea? He's very scary,” Celia asked, her voice tinged with worry.

“Fine, I'll go with you, but that doesn't mean I'll pretend to be your friend or anything,” Charles grumbled, unwillingly conceding.

Theo's eyes returned to normal, and Charles's sight was restored. The group made their way to a nearby table, settling in with their trays of food.

“I’m glad we’re all sitting together,” Jacob said, beaming.

“Just remember, we're not friends,” Charles muttered, stabbing at his food with his fork.

Iris looked around the table, feeling a sense of unity despite Charles's grumbling. “Well, friends or not, we're in this together. Let's make the best of it,” she said, raising her glass of juice in a toast.

They each joined in the toast, clinking their glasses of juice together, even the reluctant Charles and Xavier, who seemed to be sleepwalking the entire time. The glasses met with a light chime, a harmonious sound that symbolized the tentative beginnings of their camaraderie.

Iris had piled on a variety of different foods from each section, her plate a colorful array of pizza, salad, tacos, burgers, and more. She sampled everything with evident delight, savoring each bite.

Alice had chosen spaghetti and meatballs, twirling the pasta around her fork with practiced precision. She took small, neat bites, her crimson eyes focused intently on her meal.

Jacob and Charles both opted for pizza. Jacob's plate held a simple cheese slice, gooey and golden, while Charles’s slice was topped with mushrooms, the earthy aroma mingling with the rest of the cafeteria scents.

Theo had gone for a bold choice, spicy shrimp curry, the vibrant red sauce making his plate stand out. He ate with gusto, clearly enjoying the heat and complexity of the dish.

Celia, sitting close to her brother, had a plate of chicken tikka masala. The rich, creamy sauce and tender chicken pieces seemed to comfort her as she ate slowly, her single green eye observing everything with quiet curiosity.

Xavier, true to his sleepy nature, had assembled a plate mostly filled with a variety of snacks: chips, pretzels, and cookies. However, he also had some shrimp skewers, the grilled seafood glistening under the cafeteria lights. He munched lazily, half-closed eyes betraying his lack of enthusiasm.

“Alright, this is definitely better than the school food,” Iris said with a satisfied sigh after sampling a bit of everything on her plate.

“I can't wait for ability training later, though hopefully, it won't be too difficult,” Jacob replied, taking a big bite of his pizza.

“Speak for yourselves. I think the training will be easy,” Charles muttered, taking a bite of his mushroom pizza with a scowl.

Theo chuckled, “Says the guy who just got restrained by Mrs. Stone.”

“Hey, that was a cheap shot, next time I won't let it happen,” Charles snapped, glaring at Theo.

“It’s not all about fighting, you know. We’re supposed to learn control,” Alice interjected softly, adjusting her glasses.

Celia looked up from her plate, “I-I think it will be good for us to train together. We can all get better.”

Xavier, still munching on a pretzel, simply nodded in agreement, too sleepy to contribute more.

“If anyone should be worried, it’s Iris. You still haven’t shown off your ability, scaredy-cat,” Charles teased, his voice dripping with mockery.

Iris bristled, narrowing her eyes at him. “If it becomes fully necessary to use, then I’ll use it. Until then, I’d rather not,” she retorted, her tone defiant.

Charles smirked, leaning back in his chair. “How many of you are even skilled with your ability? If we have to do a team exercise, I’d rather you all not be dead weight.”

“Oh, look at who is suddenly interested in training here. Don’t worry, I can use my ability with enough skill to cover for both me and Celia,” Theo said, giving Charles a challenging look.

Celia shrank back, tears starting to form in her eyes. “I’m s-sorry, I haven’t gotten the hang of using my ability yet,” she admitted, her voice trembling.

“The doctor recommended I don’t use my ability unless instructed to, so I haven’t gotten any practice yet,” Alice said, her face turning slightly pink with embarrassment.

Xavier didn’t say a thing, but from his fingertips, three ice cubes manifested and dropped into his drink, causing a small splash.

Jacob spoke up, his tone thoughtful. “I can use my ability well, but I need objects to control. It’s the same for you, Charles. In an empty room, we’re doomed.”

Charles huffed, crossing his arms. “At least I have some control. You’re all just a bunch of amateurs.”

“Being rude won’t help anyone,” Iris interjected, trying to keep the peace. “We’re all here to learn and improve. No one’s perfect from the start.”

Theo nodded in agreement. “Yeah, and we’ll have plenty of time to get better. Plus, we have each other to lean on.”

“Teamwork is key,” Jacob added, smiling at Celia to reassure her. “We’ll figure it out together.”

Celia wiped her tears and gave a small, determined nod. “Y-yeah, together.”

Even Charles seemed to soften slightly, though he rolled his eyes and muttered, “Whatever. Just don’t hold me back.”

Alice smiled softly, adjusting her glasses. “We’ll do our best. That’s all anyone can ask.”

Xavier, finishing his drink, finally spoke up. “Let’s just focus on getting through today. If we do well, maybe we can go back to our dorms early. I want to take a nap.”

Charles scoffed, rolling his eyes. “A nap? That’s all you’ve done all day.”

The group chuckled, the tension easing slightly as they shared a moment of levity.

Just then, an alarm rang on each of their wristwatches, the high-pitched sound breaking through their laughter. Simultaneously, they glanced down to see the message flashing on their screens: “Report to Gymnasium 3.”

“Well, looks like it’s time to put those abilities to the test,” Theo said, rising from his seat.

“Let's get this over with,” Charles muttered, though he got up with the rest of them.

The group made their way through the bustling cafeteria, weaving through other trainees and faculty members. The excitement and nerves were palpable as they exited into the hallway. The corridors were wide and pristine, with polished floors that echoed their footsteps. Posters detailing various training exercises and motivational slogans adorned the walls, reminding them of the challenges ahead.

After a few turns and a short elevator ride, they arrived at the entrance to Gymnasium 3. The double doors loomed large, the words “Gymnasium 3” emblazoned above them in bold, metallic letters. Taking a deep breath, Iris pushed open the doors, and they stepped inside.

The gymnasium was enormous, its high ceilings and vast space creating an almost intimidating atmosphere. The floor was marked with various sections, each designated for different types of training exercises. There were obstacle courses, combat rings, and sections filled with various types of equipment for physical conditioning. The walls were lined with racks of weapons and training dummies.

Waiting for them at the center of the gym was Jonathan. He wore a tailored black suit that contrasted sharply with the casual athletic attire of the trainees. He held a wooden sword in his hands, its polished surface catching the light. The ground beneath him had transformed into grass, a stark difference from the polished gym floor.

“Welcome, everyone, to your first day of training,” Jonathan announced, his voice calm but authoritative. “Your original instructor is…um, sick, so I, the facility manager, will be taking over. Today's training is simple: I want you each to try to attack me all at once.”

Charles’s eyes lit up with excitement. “We get to beat up a teacher? Sweet,” he said, already envisioning the chaos.

Jonathan nodded. “If any of you would like to test out a weapon, or Jacob if you need any toys, they are on the racks over on the wall.”

Iris walked over to the weapons rack, her fingers brushing against the various choices. As she scanned the selection, a bow, and a quiver of arrows seemed to call to her. She reached up and took them, feeling an immediate connection and an odd sense of familiarity. Charles, eager to fight, procured a variety of small daggers. Theo opted for a shield and crossbow, balancing offense and defense. Jacob gathered an assortment of dolls, each one embedded with a small explosive. The rest of the group decided to rely solely on their abilities.

Though the weapons were made of wood, their craftsmanship, and balance made them formidable tools for training. The group spread out, forming a loose circle around Jonathan, who stood in the center with a relaxed yet poised stance. Celia, nervous but determined, hid behind Theo and his shield, peeking out cautiously.

“This is a test of your abilities and teamwork,” Jonathan declared, his eyes scanning each of them with an intense gaze. “Show me what you’ve got.”

With a collective deep breath, the trainees prepared themselves. The air was thick with anticipation, the only sound being the soft rustle of their movements and the distant hum of the gym’s ventilation system.

Jonathan made the first move, a swift and fluid motion that seemed almost casual. He ran quickly towards Xavier first. He swung his wooden sword in a wide arc, the blade whistling through the air. Iris nocked an arrow and drew the bowstring back, aiming carefully before releasing it. The arrow flew straight and true, but Jonathan effortlessly deflected it with a flick of his sword.

Xavier created ice on the ground, locking Jonathan’s legs in place. In unison, Charles, with a gleam in his eye, hurled his daggers with precision. Using his ability to control their movement, he aimed them directly at Jonathan’s neck.

“How predictable. Don’t make your killing intentions so obvious,” Jonathan said, as a ring of vines appeared around his neck, blocking the knives.

Theo, taking advantage of the distraction, raised his crossbow and fired a bolt while his other hand held the shield protectively in front of Celia. Jonathan broke out of the ice and sidestepped the bolt, which embedded itself harmlessly in the ice.

Jacob’s dolls, strategically placed around the gym, began to move, their tiny explosive charges armed and ready. Jonathan’s eyes narrowed as he noticed them, and with a swift motion, he created large thorns that easily destroyed each floating toy.

Iris nocked another arrow, calmly waiting for the right moment to attack. At that moment, Xavier surrounded Jonathan in a snowstorm, trying to provide cover for Iris’s attack. Simultaneously, Jonathan's ears turned black as Theo removed his sense of hearing. Iris then pulled the bow back and fired. As the arrow reached him, Jonathan noticed it. However, Charles used his ability to increase its speed at the last moment, leaving Jonathan unable to react. The blunt wooden arrow hit Jonathan directly in the stomach.

For a brief moment, silence filled the gymnasium. Then Jonathan, visibly impressed, nodded. “Well done,” he said, a hint of pride in his voice. “I had a feeling this would be an interesting class, but to actually hit me is quite an impressive feat.”

The trainees exchanged triumphant glances, their confidence growing. They had managed to land a hit on Jonathan, a testament to their teamwork.

“But don’t get complacent,” Jonathan warned, his tone shifting to one of stern authority. “This is just the beginning. Since you all seem quite skilled for a bunch of beginners, I think I'll actually try a bit.”

With that, the gymnasium floor seemed to come alive. Swarms of thorns erupted from the ground, a chaotic explosion of twisting, interlocking vines. Jonathan was lifted into the air, surrounded by a massive, swirling sphere of nature's fury. The thorns wove together and thickened, forming an almost impenetrable barrier that obscured his exact location within the roiling mass. Below, the gymnasium transformed dramatically as vibrant grass and a kaleidoscope of flowers sprang up, turning the space from a sterile training facility into a lush, verdant jungle.

The trainees, standing at the periphery, gazed up with a mix of awe and apprehension. The floral fragrance filled the air, mingling with the earthy scent of freshly turned soil, creating a surreal contrast with the dark, thorny vortex at the center.

Theo gripped his crossbow tightly, his gaze protective and intense. “Celia, stay close to me,” he said firmly, positioning his shield defensively in front of her.

Celia, peeking from behind Theo’s shield, spoke with newfound confidence. “I was able to mark him while everyone was fighting. I know exactly where he is within the giant thorn ball.”

“Perfect,” Iris responded, her eyes alight with determination. “I have a plan. Everyone, will you trust me?”

Charles raised an eyebrow, his usual skepticism replaced by reluctant acceptance. “Fine, if I must. It’s not like I have a better idea on how to defeat him.”

Theo nodded in agreement. “We should work together. Let’s hear the plan.”

Iris quickly outlined her strategy, her voice steady and authoritative. Each member of the team took their positions, the air crackling with tension. Giant seeds began to drop from the swirling thorn ball, crashing down with explosive force as the trainees scrambled to dodge them.

Xavier, focusing intently, summoned all his energy to create the largest ice cube he had ever managed. Jacob, meanwhile, strategically placed and activated his explosive dolls, sending them into the swirling mass to distract Jonathan.

Theo kept his shield raised, his focus split between protecting Celia and anticipating any attacks. Charles used his telekinesis to sharpen Xavier's colossal ice cube into a deadly icicle, ensuring it stayed suspended and ready.

Alice, her aura glowing with intensity, poured all her energy into Iris. “Give it everything you’ve got,” Alice urged, her voice filled with unwavering support.

Iris nodded, her concentration unbroken. As the team executed their roles, the gym became a battleground of coordinated effort and raw power. Charles and Xavier worked together to launch the massive icicle towards the thorny sphere. Jonathan, attempting to reinforce his defenses with a thick wall of vines, was momentarily distracted by the incoming threat.

In that crucial moment, Iris channeled all her fiery energy into a single, powerful arrow. She concentrated on the arrow, creating a blazing maelstrom of flames that seared through the air. The arrow, glowing with intense heat, pierced through the ice which was just a distraction, with remarkable precision. Jonathan, preoccupied with fortifying his barrier, was caught off guard. The arrow grazed his cheek, leaving a searing burn, but narrowly missing a fatal strike.

The gym fell silent for a heartbeat, the tension palpable as Jonathan’s expression shifted from calm to a mix of surprise and admiration. The team, exhausted but triumphant, stood together, their teamwork and individual skills having forged a decisive moment of victory.

“I’m really out of shape,” Jonathan admitted, a hint of admiration in his voice despite his weariness. “All this desk work has let a bunch of brats catch me off guard. Good work, everyone. I’ll have to start training again to make sure this doesn’t happen.”

“I can see why you were cautious about your ability,” Charles remarked, a note of begrudging respect in his tone. “That was quite powerful.”

“Part of me is a little less afraid of it now,” Iris teased, her eyes sparkling with amusement. “Maybe we should help you overcome your fear of ghosts next.”

“Oh, shut up,” Charles shot back, though a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. “Or else I’ll make you into a ghost.”

Their laughter echoed through the gymnasium, a moment of camaraderie breaking through the intensity of the training. As the group made their way back to their dorms, the atmosphere was lighter, their shared experience forging a bond of mutual respect and understanding.

Iris reached her room, fatigue setting in as she collapsed onto her bed. She tried to take deep breaths, but a sharp pain surged through her chest. Her vision blurred as she coughed up a small amount of blood, her heart racing with fear. The once-familiar sound of her watch’s heart monitor now blared violently, a relentless beeping that grew increasingly erratic.

As the room darkened around her, the last thing Iris heard was the frantic, insistent beep of the heart monitor.

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