Princess of the Blood Moon

5: A Night on the Town

Not long after the couple gets dressed, Elise finds herself travelling through town with her princess by her side, supporting her as she walks. This is partially due to the fact that Elise hasn’t entirely recovered from their previous activities, but in addition, the process of getting to town in the first place has left her a little shaken. Heading out the front gate wasn’t an option, as they’d be seen by the guards who would no doubt ask why they were heading out when the dinner would be starting soon, so Tori found another avenue of escape. What Elise hadn’t expected was for that to involve finding a part of the castle gates that Tori was able to climb up and over, while she clung onto her lover’s back for dear life.


Elise is just glad that they won’t have to use that route on the way back since it won’t matter if they’re seen then, if she had to go through that terrifying experience again she’s not sure she’d live to tell the tale. She certainly wouldn’t have trusted anyone except Tori to carry her in such a precarious situation, and if she wasn’t so mortified it would have been a good excuse to feel her up a bit more.


“How you holding up?” Tori asks as they continue down the main street.


“I’m… managing…” She replies somewhat shakily. “My heart rate has begun to slow down… Somewhat…”


“Sorry again about all that, it’s easy to forget that not everyone’s as used to that kind of excitement as I am these days.” The princess says with a small sigh. “I’ll tell you what, next time we find a chance to be alone together, I’ll let you do whatever you want to me to make up for it.”


“Have you not let me do that already?”


Tori chuckles. “Maybe so, but those red cheeks have me thinkin’ you’re not opposed to the idea anyway.”


Elise faces the other direction to hide her blush. “I hardly think that’s fair, how could I not end up in this state when you act in such a fashion?”


“Good point. Can’t really blame anyone for goin’ a little wild around me these days, least of all you.”


“Indeed, I always had trouble keeping away from you for long, but after reuniting and seeing how much you’ve changed in the past two years, I feel like I can barely control myself.”


“Oh?” Tori says, having perked up in reaction to that last statement. “Barely control yourself in what way? Anything I should know about?”


“You would know better than anyone else. Back in your bedchambers? I hardly feel it’s appropriate to go into detail while we’re in public.”


“Ah, right, of course...” She replies with a sheepish chuckle. “Don’t mind me, just had a big day and all.”


“I must say, you’ve picked up some peculiar behaviours in your time away, Tori. Not that I’m complaining.”


“Yeah, you know, a lot can change in two years.”


“And no one exemplifies that more than you do. I never thought anything could make you more attractive to me, and you’re so much more confident and capable in addition. These changes were certainly for the better.”


“I really hope so…” Tori says under her breath.


“What was that?”


“Oh, just that it’s not far to go.” She says, pointing to a tavern just up the road.


“That’s where we’re headed?”


“Yeah, I saw this place on the way in earlier, and thought it’d be way more fun than whatever my mother had planned, especially for you. I know how hard she works people, especially when it comes to these big events she likes to put on.”


“That’s very considerate of you, but you needn’t worry about me, I’m used to having to work that hard.”


“But you shouldn’t need to be. You or any of the other staff. That’s one of the things I’m gonna change after next week, you all deserve to be treated better.”


“I don’t know how popular that idea will be with the council.”


“Well, if that’s the case I guess I’ll just have to show them the error of their ways, by force if I have to.” Tori raises a fist, which makes Elise chuckle. The actual battle between Tori and the Queen’s council will likely be a long and drawn out political process, but she can’t help but smile at the joke anyway.


The two enter the tavern and are met with a warm, friendly atmosphere. Patrons are seated at a number of the tables throughout the venue, and several more are seated on stools lining the bar, being served by a larger gentleman with a calm demeanour. 


Elise finds herself rather intimidated by the scene. She rarely gets to leave the castle grounds unless she’s been asked to run an errand elsewhere, so she’s not sure how to behave in a place like this. Tori gives her lover a reassuring grin, and leads her to the stools. This is her first time here as well, but it’s clear by how comfortable she looks that the princess has spent a lot of time in taverns much like this one.


“What’ll it be ladies?” the bartender asks as they sit down.


“Hey barkeep, it’ll be a beer for me.” Tori says casually.


“Sure, and what will your… friend be having?” Elise can’t help but notice the unusual look he gives her while asking for her order.


“Oh… Um, just water would be fine for me, thank you.”


“No worries, those are coming right up.”


Tori settles into her seat and leans back against the bar with a sigh as the bartender leaves to prepare their drinks.


“Crazy to think that I spent so much of my life here, and never knew we had a cosy little place like this. Could see myself spending a lot of time here.”


“I can’t say I’m familiar with this kind of establishment, but it does have a charm to it.”


“Nothing beats a good tavern Elise, lemme tell ya. Great food, friendly people, always looked forward to visiting one after a long mission. This was definitely the right choice tonight.”


Elise looks around the tavern, taking in the decor, but she can’t help but notice that a few people are giving them curious looks, just like the bartender did, and she begins to worry as she tries to figure out the reason why. Had she done something wrong already? Are they wondering why she’s here with the princess? Has word gotten out about the two of them? How long until the queen and her council find out? Have their hopes of carving out their own future already been-


“It’s okay, Elise.” Tori’s words break her out of her panic. “We just stand out, is all. I tend to attract attention wherever I go, and someone in a maid uniform isn’t a common sight in a place like this. Either one of us would’ve turned some heads in here, so the both of us together’s bound to get people curious.”


“Yes, right… It’s easy for me to forget that the uniform isn’t a common sight away from the castle…” She says as she starts to calm down. 


“Yeah, it’s nothing you need to worry about. People in these places won’t judge unless you give them a reason to. It’s a much nicer atmosphere than what we’re both used to, wouldn’t you say?”


“Here are your drinks, ladies.” The bartender returns with their order. “I have to say, we don’t see your kinds around here too often, let alone together.”


Elise is glad to hear that Tori’s reassurances were correct, which allows her to breathe a little easier.


“Yep!” Tori raises her glass and takes a quick swig. “We’ve just finished conducting some official business on behalf of the royal family. Figured we’d come here to relax for a bit.”


“Ah, that wouldn’t have something to do with the recent news, would it? People have been saying the princess has finally returned!”


“I see word travels fast! The princess is indeed back, having her coronation a week from now, in fact.”


“Wow, she works fast, doesn’t she?”


“I guess she’s tryin’ to make up for lost time, or something.”


“Indeed, indeed.”


Elise quietly sips her water as the conversation continues. It had never occurred to her that the people who had seen Tori wouldn’t recognise her as the princess. She’s changed so much in the past two years, and not just her body, her facial expressions have changed as well. She looks so much more confident then she ever did before, and there’s something else in her eyes, it’s like at some point in the past few years she finally found a purpose, a reason to keep pushing herself forward. There’s still some of the old Tori in there, but Elise can’t help but wonder if even she would have recognised her if it wasn’t for her grand entrance earlier today.


Eventually the bartender steps away to see to some other customers, and Tori takes the opportunity to chat with Elise about various things that have happened since she joined the bandits and turned them into mercenaries. She tells stories about the escapades they got up to, and some of the wilder missions they went on.


Elise tells a few stories herself, but not much has really changed around the castle in the time the princess was away. It doesn’t help that some of the other servants look down on Elise, due to the fact that she was born into the role, as well as the false belief that the queen gives her preferential treatment due to her friendship with the princess, so she doesn’t get to hear much of the gossip from the other staff.


They continue to talk for a couple of hours, and Elise can’t help but take notice of the ever growing number of glasses on Tori’s side of the bar.


“You’ve been drinking a lot, Tori. Are you sure there won’t be issues if you return to the castle drunk?”


“Nah, we don’t gotta worry about that. Can’t really explain why, but I haven’t been able to get myself drunk for like six months now. Maybe it’s all the extra meat I’ve built up or something.” Tori explains casually as she takes another swig. “The best I can manage is slightly buzzed.”


“Huh, that’s rather curious.”


“Yeah, but on the bright side it means I’m always ready for a fight if someone starts causin’ trouble.”


“...You talk about fighting a lot these days, don’t you?”


Tori goes quiet for a moment, and Elise notices her grip her glass just a bit harder than she had been.


“Yeah… sorry about that. Gotten pretty used to the whole action and adventure thing, but I can stop if it’s makin’ you uncomfortable.”


“Oh no, you don’t need to stop. I’ve never been a fan of senseless violence, but I understand that sometimes you need to fight for what you believe in, especially in a situation like ours. I can’t imagine life as a mercenary could have been easy, either. I can only respect how hard you must have worked to get where you are now.”


Tori’s grip loosens again.


“It’s just remarkable how much you’ve changed.” Elise looks into her glass as she reminisces. “You struggled to face even minor conflicts in the past, someone raising their voice was enough to leave you shaken, and I’d have to do what I could to console you later on. After seeing how much you’ve grown, I feel like you could accomplish anything you set your mind to now.”


Tori smiles softly. “Thanks, Elise, I’m still relying on your support though. I already told you I might not have come back if you weren’t here, not sure if I’d be able to get through this next week on my own.”


“If you don’t mind me asking, why didn’t you tell the bartender who you were earlier?”


“I guess I just figured it’s only a day or two until everyone knows who I am anyway, may as well enjoy the time I have left to live as a regular person.”


“I can understand that, no doubt you’ve been living a very different life over the past two years. Although I have to say, I’m not sure it’s entirely accurate to describe you as regular, royalty or not.”


Tori lets out a quiet chuckle and raises her glass. “Heh, I’ll drink to that.”


Elise raises her glass as well and takes a sip, failing to notice the forlorn look that briefly flashes across the princess’s face before she takes a drink herself.


Tori’s about to say something when a man in expensive clothes loudly enters the tavern, and the atmosphere inside immediately changes. It’s clear to see that he’s had a lot to drink, but he carries himself in a way that suggests that he could still pose a threat even in this state. He starts to wander the tavern, exchanging drunken pleasantries with various tables, but Tori notices how scared the patrons are, all giving short answers and doing their best to avoid eye contact. Whoever this person is, this clearly isn’t his first time here.


Tori quietly waves over the bartender, and leans in to speak.


“Who exactly is this guy, barkeep?” She whispers at a level that only he and Elise could hear.


“That’d be Baron Houndsvale.” He whispers back, and both women’s eyes go wide.


“You don’t mean the Baron Houndsvale that serves on the royal council, do you?”


“That’s him, aye.”


“We’ll I’ll be…”


The princess had naturally met most of the council’s four members at various times in the past, but Houndsvale was the one she knew very little about, as he’d rarely bother to show up to the meetings at the castle. She certainly didn’t expect to run into him here. Tori looks back over to see that he’s begun to harass a female patron, although he’s speaking too quietly to hear what he’s saying to her.


“What’s he doing now?”


“I’m afraid he has a reputation for forcing himself onto women when he’s drunk, the knights leave him alone because of his status, and everyone else is too scared to stand up to him.”


He’s now visibly manhandling the woman, trying to get her to leave with him.


“Why’s that?”


“Anyone who tries winds up going missing a few days later. Can’t say for sure, but word is he’s involved with some sort of gang activity.”


“Really? How very interesting.” Tori is deep in thought after hearing this information. Her expression remains neutral, but Elise notices a gleam in her eyes.


“Perhaps we should leave now.” She interjects. If he finds out we’re here it could-


“Don’t worry. I’ve got this.” Tori stands up from her stool and walks towards the baron.


“Excuse me, sir, but this lady obviously doesn’t want to go with you.”


“Whuh?!” The baron looks at her with a mix of anger and confusion. “Fuck off! She don’t get a say in the matter!”


Tori puts a hand on his shoulder, and looks him dead in the eyes.


“I mean it, this is your last chance to leave.”


He swats her arm away.


“I already told you to fuck off! You need to think about who yer talkin’ to! Leave me an’ and the woman or I’ll-” *wheeze*


His ranting is interrupted by a powerful punch to the gut that leaves him reeling on the ground.


“You’re the one who needs to think about who you’re talkin’ to, Baron.”


The entire tavern looks on in shock, but none are more surprised than Elise, who is the only one who understands exactly what’s going on right now. She finds herself lost for words as she tries to process what this means.


My god, what she said earlier about using force wasn’t a joke at all…



She genuinely plans on fighting the council if she has to.

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