Princess In Peril


Arcane didn’t realize how and when they got out of the forest and into the narrow streets. The busy and loud streets looked like an entire new world to Arcane, she had never witnessed such a thing in her past life, She was always locked up in the building where she would train all day long or she would wander around the dark corridors, She had never been this close to people nor she had seen life in this manner. 


Clip, clop, clip,clop… The sounds of hooves touching the surface of the road was fascinating Arcane, Apart from that the huge bell hanging from a pole danced as it was struck by a man in a dirty vest, Traders called out to people as they boasted about their product, The food stalls were encircled by little kids, Some were selling bread while the other sold beef ribs. Arcane’s mouth watered and her stomach felt empty, She was not sure when she had her last meal. She averted her gaze because she didn’t have any money to buy herself food. 


“I wanted to run away but I forgot that I needed money to survive! Poor me!” Arcane clicked her tongue and marched forwards. She looked at the stalls with colorful jewelry and beautiful ornaments. She didn’t pay much attention to them until she came across a blue jewel. It was a butterfly-shaped brooch with silver wings and a blue gem in its centre. It had small white shiny jewels making beautiful patterns on the wings. The design was quite femine but it brought Carvin’s bright cyan eyes to Arcane’s mind, But that was not the only thing that broach reminded her of. She stared at it curiously hoping that the link would form in her head. For a whole long minute she stood like a rock until the broach was picked up by a hand. HEr eyes narrowed, creasing her eyebrows. She traced back her eyes towards the figure who was now holding the broach. And there it was, a tall guy in a deep grey cloak. Arcane froze in her spot when she noticed that he was staring right back at her with his cyan eyes.


“Do you like it?” HE asked in a low plain voice. 


‘What is he doing here? Of all people, why him?’ Arcane took a step back as she lowered her head to avoid his eyes. “No...I was just looking at it,'' said Arcane in a low voice. “It reminded me of the Emperor’s eyes.” Arcane accidentally blurred out. VAsilias didn’t say anything, He simply pulled out a gold coin and tossed it at the shopkeeper before stepping away. Arcane who saw him walk away looked up at his cloak swaying around. 

“Is he just going to leave like that? I thought he would punish me for being out of the palace.” Arcane made a confused face. Vasilias stopped and looked around. 

Arcane sucked in the air and lowered her head again.

“Are you not coming?” HE asked.

“Huh? COming where?” Arcane asked.

“Back to the palace, Haven’t you lost your way?” His voice was so dry that Arcane felt the need to drink water. And even pour some water into her ears, 

‘How does he know that?’

“ANyone can tell that you are lost!” Vasilias answered. Arcane jumped in surprise and looked up at Vasislas who just read her mind. She felt embarrassed, and to add to the embarrassment her stomach made a loud growl.

‘Not now!!’ Arcane screamed inwardly, her face grew red and she peeked to see vasillias’s expression but he didn’t even blink an eye.

“YOu are lost and hungry…” Vasillias walked back to Arcane and lowered his head because he was way too tall. “Now that I look at you, YOu do look skinnier than last time...I wonder what they feed you at the palace,” he said. Arcane, who was having a hard time understanding his alien language, stared at him with a dumbstruck face. 

‘Is he being nice to me? Is this the part of the story where he tries to steal Arcane from Iroas?’ Arcane eyes twitched.

“Even your eyes are twitching, You must be really hungry…” Vasilias looked around with his hawk-like vigilant eyes and spotted a food vendor. Without saying another word he strided over to the food stall.

“HAh! He really wants to make a fool out of Iroas doesn’t he? Tsk, tsk,tsk...He is going to be very disappointed when he realises that iroas doesn't love me,” Arcane pressed her lips and stared at Vasilias who was buying her some food. “Well it's good for me, At least I can enjoy some care for a while.” 


He came back with roasted meat wrapped in paper. “Eat!” It sounded more like a death threat when he said it but Arcane wasn’t mad about it because it was food he was offering. 



The noises in the street grew louder and the sound of armed men marching towards them was heard. Arcane felt her heart waver but Vasilias stayed calm and stared at her while she grinded the food in her mouth. The people on the street were pushed to the side and a carriage came into view. It was a royal carriage, and the armed knights were marching alongside it.

One of the knights who spotted Vasislia ran over to him and fell on his knees. “Your Highness! YOu should not wander like that without guards…” 

Vasilias, who seemed okay a few seconds ago, turned his head around and burned holes into the knight's head with his sharp eyes.

“I do not follow your orders!”

Arcane trembled because the voice had grown even more dry, THe knight lowered his head even more before speaking. “ I dare not order, His imperial HIghness...It is the king’s order to stay at your side. YOu are the sun of the empire and we cannot let any harm come to you.” 


His voice was so clear that half the market turned their heads towards Vasilias. And suddenly there was a complete silence around them, Vasilias lifted her head and looked at the people around, On which all the people fell to their knees making it a very awkward situation. The whole marketplace was bowing and holding in theri breath except for Arcane who was holding them food against her lips. She was confused,and didn’t understand how to react to the familiar situation,

Vasillias breathed in deeply and looked really pissed. HE grabbed Arcane’s arm and headed towards the carriage. One of the knights who was beside the carriage opened the door for them. Arcane stepped into the carriage followed by Vasilias, and just when he was out of the view, did everyone breathed out a sigh of relief,


‘What was that? How rude of them,’ Arcane looked through the corner of her eyes and saw the people in the marketplace whispering to one another while pointing at the carriage. ‘I know he is cursed but can you not be this rude?’ Arcane felt a little bad for Vasilias. She moved her head towards Vasilias who was looking down at his palm where he held the butterfly brooch.

And it was that exact moment she realised where she knew that broach from. 


In the story the first meeting of the prince and the Female lead was when Soarsa picked up the broach and Vasilias took it away from her by force, ‘How could i forget the legendary scene where the Prince falls head over heels for Soarsa, as she is the first one to confront him and talk back to him like that.’ Arcane shook her head sideways. ‘These female leads knows how to woo the men...Poor me,’

Arcane was deep in her thoughts when Vasilias threw the borah into her lap. “Give it to father, He will like it.” 

Arcane was surprised and looked up but Vasilias had already turned his head around and was looking out of the window. His lonely eyes gazed at the moving people and the colourful shops emotionlessly. Arcane rubbed her chest lightly, she felt a little sad for VAsilias, He was the only Male lead who had helped her, Unlike the other two who were constantly getting on her nerves. 

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