Prides Submission Book 2

Chapter 24: Sanctuary of Love


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      The following morning Keri awoke alone. She had overslept well into the afternoon and groaned as she sat up. Her breasts were swelling, laden with fresh milk once again. The rest of her day was spent relieving herself, and listening to the news. Keri was starting to get worried about Sena until she eventually arrived just before evening. When her girlfriend entered she brought with her several boxes of clothes, and other gifts. In her possession Sena also had two tickets for an exclusive club, the clothes were to make themselves presentable for it. The pair quickly took a warm shower, and then began preparing for their evening of extravagance. 

      The clothing itself was expensive, and finely tailored. The garments Keri put on were of fine silk and other soft fabric, even the underwear was so comfortable she could barely feel it covering her loins. A small patch of pubic hair was left exposed after she put them on. 

     “I just can’t get enough of these little freckles,” Sena kept strobing the surface of Keri’s supple skin with her fingers. Keri Pryde felt that the ensemble that must have cost a fortune. However Sena had gotten them was a mystery. When Keri had asked how she had purchased them, she only received a wink for an answer. Secrets, Keri was starting to worry about the many new layers of secrets that were beginning to form between them. 

      The top she was wearing was a dark blue open gown that was so thin she could feel the air brushing through the fabric. The straps held on to her arms, just below her shoulder. The gown wrapped around the lower portion of her two soft breasts, just barely covering her nipples. Her cleavage was almost fully exposed, and the only part of the fabric that wasn’t see-through was the embroidery just over the nipples themselves. Below her breasts the gown held tight to her midriff until reaching the navel. After that her belly button and hips were unadorned. Other than the thong underwear, there was nothing to clad her modesty below the waist. 

      Sena had also just adorned herself in something equally stunning. She wore a braless corset that wrapped around her sternum, just underneath her swelling breasts. Each nipple was pierced with a small chained sapphire. The jewelry dangled with each strut she made. Around her neck Sena also wore a red scarf that flowed down to cover her tits, but with a single brush she could show them off to anyone she wished. Under her waist she wore dark stockings and a garter belt with a silk pair of underwear. Her blue hair was newly dyed and Sena had gone out of her way to make sure the carpets matched the drapes.

      Keri sighed as she felt her girlfriend feeling her soft skin, drawing invisible lines between her freckles as if they were constellations. “You’re incorrigible.” 

      “Me? Incorrigible?” Sena teased, “Maybe just a little.” 

      “So where is this party? Shouldn’t we be going about now?” Keri brushed her bang aside as she spoke. The shampoo she just tried did wonders for her dark brown hair. 

      “Almost, just…one more thing.” Sena took a step back and looked at Keri sternly. She smiled as she presented a box from one of the bags on the floor. The rectangular case was small but made Keri’s heart stop. 

      “Where do you get this stuff?” First the clothes, now jewelry? Sena’s many gifts were starting to scare Keri. 

      Sena just chuckled, “Turns out I know how to earn a few favors.”

      “Love you’re really worrying me,” Keri stated. 

      “Just open it!” Sena was practically hoping on her feet.

      Keri took a deep breathe, she was blushing as she took the case in Sena’s hands and slowly opened it. Inside there were two beautiful nipple pricing. Ringed chains of sparkling gold that held shiny small rubies. “Oh my god.”

      Sena’s excitement was infectious, “I knew you would like it!”

      “But how did you…”

      Sena just placed her hands on Keri’s shoulders and kissed her, “Don’t worry about it love. Let me help you put them on.”

      “How will they go with this?” Keri’s question was answered as Sena pinched the nub of her new gown, the embroidery over the nipple held a small hole slip that the ruby could dangle from. Keri had to slip off the gown so that the piercings could be placed on her purple nipples. Sena helped her put the gown back on and slip the chained ruby through the hole.

      “Now we’re ready to go,” Sena winked. “Oh wait…how could I forget duh!” 

      Keri raised an eyebrow as she watched Sena dig through the many packages to find yet again another gift. “what now?” Keri felt the dangling rubies weigh down her nubs as she stepped forward. It felt good to have something tugging at the tips of her breasts, almost soothing actually.

      Sena found what she was looking for quickly, a pair of thin cone shaped vibrators with rounded tips captured Keri’s attention. Just looking at them riled the quiver between her legs. Keri froze, a breath caught in her throat as she watched Sena lick each of the vibrators from base to tip. 

      When Sena spoke her voice brimming with seduction, “I made sure the underwear was tight enough to keep these in. Ready to have some fun my little Kerry Berry?” She winked.

      The pair left Keri’s home just as the dawning light began to fade through the clouds. Together they took a private shuttle and journeyed away from the district. Outside the window the city glowed in the dawning light, orange reflections bounced of the glass from the many skyscrapers at the cities center. Keri did her best to focus on the beauty of the city as the vibrator inserted between her legs thrived. Her breathing was growing more erratic, already she was starting to crave more…much more. Apparently Sena wasn’t doing much better, soon the backseat would be soaked in their blissful juices. 

      Soon it would be dark outside and it looked like it was going to be a cloudy night. Keri had no idea where they were going, Sena had arranged everything but it looked like they were going to the other side of the city. Keri felt anxious as the shuttle drove past Jackson square, then travelled down the main thoroughfare until reaching the central plaza. The private shuttle strode past marshaling square, and then theater row. As they past the Renaissance Colosseum Keri gazed at how the fading light made the old marble glow. 

      Keri gripped the armrest of her seat as she felt her stomach do a flip. The core of her womb suddenly convulsed to give way to surges of rapturous pleasure. Inner walls spasmed, sensitive nerve endings belonging to the loose muscle of her cove screamed! Her legs clenched so that Keri could feel the thing inside her squirm its way further, reaching into her depths. She slammed her head back into the headrest and bit her lip as her depraved pussy squirted into the thongs fabric. Only when her bladder was completely empty did she stop moaning, her legs twitched as her butt sank into the wet seats. Sena cried out a moment later with her own burst of pleasure, she grabbed hold of Keri’s hand while screaming through the waves of pure ecstasy. 

      Keri knew her pussy would only grow more sensitive with each onrush of pleasure, and feared they might both pass out before reaching their destination. Her quiv suffered from each orgasm, swollen and puffy lips spread wide in anticipation for more. Together the pair continued to hold onto each other as the shuttle drove farther east. 

      Eventually they found themselves near the eastern borough, and crossed liberty bridge over the Novan river. Keri had only travelled to the eastern districts a few times. It was home to the Grand Cathedral, the Dome of Aspirants, and the Graveyards of Heroes. Another thing of note was the massive dumping ground and waste disposal center. 

      It was a district that only had a few residency sectors, and thus few travelled back and forth that weren’t military. They saw few others on the road while crossing the bridge. A few more orgasms later Keri could make out the curtain wall on the eastern slope, it grew closer as their shuttle drove toward their destination. Eventually they stopped at a large series of old masoned buildings. They looked to be old factories, but light still shone through its stained windows. 

      Keri sighed, her breasts heaved as she stirred. Already she could feel her nubs sticking to the gown as beads of clear secretions dripped down the jewelry of her breasts. “What did you bring me too?”

      “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” Sena struggled to speak between bated breath, “trust me your going to love this!” Sena finished her statement with a kiss on her cheek. Slowly the pair exited the vehicle. Keri winced as the vibrator squeezed inside her with each step. Once outside she felt the breeze on her bare skin, it was soothing.

      The streets were empty, only a single light pole stood erect nearby. Keri suddenly got the impression they weren’t alone, her eyes scanned across the cracked road looking for any sign of trouble. Sena didn’t seem the least bit concerned, she grabbed hold of Keri’s arm and led her to the front doors of the old masonry before them. 

      The front doors were old metal, graffiti coated them with erratic symbols and tags. Keri was so fixated on trying to make out the names and logos of each brand that she didn’t notice the woman guarding the doors. The woman wore a midnight dress that was parted down the center, her raven hair spilled down her shoulders. She stood at the very edge of the building so that she was cloaked in shadow, in her right hand she held a baseball bat and in her left a terminal. The guard looked at Sena who simply returned a nod with a wink. The guard sighed and gave three bangs to the door after which they opened with a groan.

      “Thanks,” Sena spoke calmly as she pulled Keri inside. 

      From the outside the building looked oppressing, but the inside was a different story. The decoration nearly took Keri’s breath away! The carpeting was a brilliant crimson with gold etchings of intricate weave. Light fixtures overhead coated the interior in a warm and soothing amber glow. Candles were neatly positioned along the walls, each of which drafted the entire building with the smell of cherry blossoms. 

      Keri saw dozens of other guests, men and women adorned in sultry garb or wearing nothing at all except for tape or tassels over their sensitive regions. They all looked at Keri and Sena as they entered. A few offered only curtesy glances, while others studied them like they were new toys to play with. Keri got the impression that many of these people were of a much higher class, maybe even aristocracy? They all held an air of confidence and supremacy that sent shivers down her spine. 

      A few servants also arrayed the room, wearing fully tailored suits, to offer the customers beverages or cigars. A bar was fully stocked at the back of the large room, while several monitors were hung overhead to display newsfeeds or sporting events. But none of that seemed to interest Sena who was still gliding through the chamber with Keri in tow. In between their steps they left behind a trail of shame, Keri could feel juices dripping down her legs as they walked. 

      Tucked away near the back of the facility was a stairway, one that led down and curved at the bottom. A thick layer of steam seemed to pour from the base of the stairs and whatever basement it led too. Keri could also smell the unmistakable aroma of delicious sweat and sex. It had become all too familiar for her. 

      Keri looked at her lover and dared to ask the question, “Is this a sex club?” 

      Sena hugged her while kissing her on the neck, “My love, this is just a sanctuary for only the two of us and anyone else we would like to play with.” 

      “Welcome to the Sanctuary,” The voice welcomed Keri and Sena as they walked down the stairway. The voice was female and it was as warm and soothing as it was comforting. Keri let her shoulders relax a bit as she let her lover lead her further down. The P-Club never showed an ounce of comfort so this small act of mercy was enough to help her feel a side of relief. 

      Steps weren’t very fun, not with a throbbing instrument making your pussy lips sing! But Keri swallowed her agony to skip down those stairs until she reached the basement level. With each bounce she could feel the weight of her mothers milk swish in her heavy breasts. The dangling jewels tugged at her puffy aureoles, and drops of lust decorated the floor as they reached the bottom step. 

      The basement was once home to a mill factory, where cotton gins once occupied its giant spaces now there were elegant plush pillows and stunning cushions. Dozens of silver hooka lounges had been carefully placed along the center of that enormous chamber, at each one were several naked customers. Men and women crowded the gallery while pink lights glowed overhead. Air conditioning kept the temperature a luke warm, just enough for everyone to sweat but not overheat. Music also could be heard. The songs echoed from speakers anchored in the corners of the chamber above them. They were a soft melody sung with gentile lips and a soothing voice, Keri wondered if it belonged to the same women who had welcomed them. 

      Sena looked at Keri with a passionate smile, “This time we enjoy ourselves to our hearts contents. No drugs, no crazy hallucinogens, and definitely no damn pregnancy stimulators. Just us and a room of others like us…”

      Keri looked around the basement, her body tensed. “What if I just want you to myself?”

      “Then you have me, you always have me. Everyone here is a professional, they will not bother us if we don’t want them too.” Sena brushed aside a stray hair in front of Keri’s face.

      “Sena, how did you find this place?” Keri felt like she was being watched.

      Sena just winked, “A few favors goes a long way…”

      Keri felt like it was best not to argue or continue the conversation at this point. In truth she didn’t want to talk anyway. Her body was itching for attention. The couple held hands as they strode through the room, of course everyone spared a glimpse at them but no one approached. Keri’s eyes paused upon seeing a pair of manly studs seated at one of the hooka lounge stations, a trio of women were seated around them with their tits hanging out from their cocktail dresses. The men laughed as they whipped out their gorgeous erections for the women to enjoy. They were massive, not as big as Axel’s but big enough to make Keri’s loins sob for attention.

      There were several staffers in the vicinity, each bearing trays full of spirits and other interesting intoxicants. Keri refused each one, she had already made up her mind that she wanted to enjoy this without any mind altering substances. Beside, her overly sensitive flesh didn’t need them to enjoy what was about to happen.

      Once they sat down on a neat pile of soft cushions near the corner of the chamber another staffer had approached bearing another tray. This time it presented a fine collection of toys. Studded dildos, anal beads, whips, ropes, vibrators, gags, and so several other instruments she hadn’t seen before. These weren’t the crude tools of the P-club, these playthings were more tasteful to behold. 

      How can I resist? Keri’s hands quickly reached out to grab the lengthened series of anal beads, among other things. Sena was eager for other toys, she took the red robe and a collection of egg shaped vibrators. 

      Keri tugged at the red scarf around Sena’s neck, letting it fall to the ground. The sapphire jewels dangling from Sena’s purple tips sparkled in front of her pale skin. Goosebumps formed over her breasts as the air kissed them. Keri reached out to cup each of her girlfriends swollen melons, her fingers sank into the soft flesh as if they were squishy balloons. She then let her fingers explore the curves of Sena’s cleavage slowly…delicately. It was amazing how soft yet firm Sena’s mammaries were. The nubs of her nipples were fully erect, even with the jewelry weighing down on them. 

      “My turn,” Sena reached out to brush aside the straps of Keri’s gown. Her skin stuck to the fabric but it didn’t take much force it to relent. 

      “Ouch,” The ruby jewels stuck to the fabric while it was being pulled. 

      “Sorry love,” Sena rushed forward to help slip both rocks through their respective holes so that the sultry gown could be pulled down. “There thats better.”

      Keri moaned as she felt her bare chest soak in the warm air, the vibrator between her legs had mellowed to a slow setting as if sensing she needed a break. 

      Keri’s deep purple nipples were fully erect, her areola’s puffy and itching to be touched. Her breasts were fully exposed and hanged with a mild sag while she sat upright. Unlike Sena’s endowments, Keri’s cleavage appeared squishy and formed into tear drops.

      Together the pair looked at each others naked torso’s, the smell of tarboosh mixed with the sweat of gorgeous men and fiercely attractive women around them. Their hands embraced on another as they began to entrall themselves amongst the crowd. This time there were no rules, no training, and no cruel overseer. This time the pair felt the tickle of their nipples touching, they felt the sweat press against their skin, and tasted each other without a single vagabond to control them. 

      Keri moaned in pleasure, Sena in ecstasy. Their fingers intervened, and explored each other thoroughly. Their tongues rarely ever separated, even when they had to break their lips to catch their breath. 

      For hours the two were wrapped into each others arms, pressing their legs against each others quives while squeezing their chests together. The music changed frequently, adjusting from mellow tunes to bursting cacophonies. Occasionally the pair would have perspired so much they had to take a break and were glad water was offered to them frequently. 

      Sometime into the late hours their corner of paradise was interrupted by a pair of eager observers. Keri caught the whiff of their sweaty cocks the moment they was within arms reach. “Care for us to join?” Keri heard their voices coming from behind them, she wasn’t eager to stop what she was doing but forced her tongue to withdraw from Sena’s mouth to see who it was addressing them.

      Sena spoke with a panted breathe, “Sorry…private show…”

      “Huh?” Keri’s eyes focused in the dim light. She was so fixated on her lover that she didn’t notice how everyone else in the room was behaving. Sex was everywhere! Men and women latched on to on another all over the basement. They were surrounded by a sea of carnal salaciousness. A woman who looked much like herself was standing nearby with her legs spread wide, short crisp hair soaked in sweat, with a stud behind her thrusting his shaft deep into her gut. She was dancing with the music, each twist of her hips pressured the man behind her to spasm his grinding motions. 

      The ocean of pleasure surrounded them, the collective moans and exasperations nearly bled over the music. Keri’s eyes finally drew to the two men who had approached, behind them were several other women who had followed. The men were dark skinned with meaty rods at full attention, their swaying ball sacks hanged loosely like giant sacks of marbles. 

      “Wait…” Keri turned back to Sena who was testing the rope she had picked up earlier. “Maybe…” she paused for a moment to think about what she was going to say next, “we could use a little company?” 

      Sena smirked, “Fine, but only if you tell me just how much you love me.”

      Keri grabbed Sena’s breasts while kissing her on the lips, “More than anything!”

      With a simple wave the men joined in, at first Keri was afraid they would be rough or overly excited. So many men often were, at least in her experience. But surprisingly they were careful in their advances. Their rough hands were gentle as they held Keri’s wrists together so that Sena could tie them up with the soft rope. They were kind as they pinched her jaw open so that Sena could insert the ball gag. 

      Even bound and gagged Keri didn’t feel threatened, in fact she felt more excited than ever before. Her skin shivered as she felt powerless in Sena’s embrace, her heart raced as the strong man pressed up against her rear. Keri could feel his heavy shaft laying against her buttocks.

      “Who knew you would be a little anal slut,” Sena whispered in her ear with a teasing tone, “Lets give these a try.”

      Sena helped her get on all fours and with a hand on her lower back she arched Keri’s bottom upward. The string of anal beads dangled in the amber light before disappearing from Keri’s view, her entire body was shaking with anticipation. Keri winced as she felt the long strand of anal beads slowly begin to insert into her rectum. There was no need for lubricant, the sweat alone was enough. The first bead was tiny, but with each one that followed they grew larger. The final four were studded in rounded tips, they made Keri whine in pain as she felt her rim spread wide. With the final one squeezed deep into her crevices Keri felt tears strolling down her burning cheeks. The beads rubbed the insides of her anal passage, squeezing against her sensitive nerves and rubbing the g-spot tucked deep within. Every time she moved she could feel them jiggle, it made her pussy clench even harder. 

      With her anus stuffed to the brim it was time to satisfy another cavity. Keri tensed as she felt the man’s stiffness poke against her swollen lips. His bulbous tip was already soaked in pre-seminal fluids. With one swift jab he slipped into her loose folds. Keri tried to scream as she felt it ram all the way home. Saliva dripped from the ball gag in her mouth as her pussy sucked in the mans shaft in one gulp. The weight of his balls slammed against her clit like wrecking balls. As she writhed in pleasure the stranger wrapped an arm around her stomach to hold her in place, his bicep was thick against her abs.

      Her body waited for the moment the man would lose control and become an enraged bull to break her very spirit in twine. But that moment never came! His dick was scorching, his veins pulsed with each heartbeat. Her inner walls could trace the very shape of the mans erection, and make out the slight curvature near the tip. The arm around her stomach kept her in place but never pinned her harshly. He grunted passionately with each thrust and increased his pace steadily.

      Sena laid down on her back so that her face was just underneath Keri’s bouncing breasts, her legs spread wide for the other man to enjoy. Both men admired the tattoos decorating their bodies. Keri heard her girlfriend cry out in pleasure as the other stud inserted himself between her legs. A spurt of milk dripped from the tips of Keri’s nipples onto her lovers face as she felt herself beginning to cum.

      Keri felt it as the mans sperm burned the base of her stomach, rushing towards her womb. Her arms shook as she felt the mans balls sway against her swollen pearl, “Hold on…where’s the condom?” She tried to speak with the gag in her mouth but the words sounded like wet gurgles.

      The man didn’t answer, he remained buried within her warmth until he felt ready to begin thrusting again. Keri’s mind turned to mush as she felt Sena squeeze one of her breasts and drink from it hungrily. For the next hour Keri was thankful the man behind her was strong enough to keep her from falling to the floor. With each orgasm it felt like the walls of her womb burned with exquisite heat, like a scorching oven deep in her gut. Semen dripped from her loins in between each wet slap.

      An hour later Keri was carefully laid on her back so that Sena could lay next to her. The two men caressed them both tenderly until they were ready to spread their legs wide again. It wasn’t until early morning the following day that the music dulled and the lights turned to a shade of blue. Keri could barely stand but was glad she didn’t have to. The gentlemen carried them to the luxury spa chamber, where they would be cleansed and massaged free of charge. 

      Keri was half asleep once the massage began, “Tell me again…how you learned of this place?” She asked Sena who had her head rested on her shoulder. 

      “I slept with the congressman of trade, he asked me to be his courtesan in return for several inclusive rewards.” Sena yawned after finally confessing.

      Keri gasped, “You what?” 

      “Chill, its only until we can go back to the University. We need the money and he pays a lot for simple pleasure. I was going to tell you about it but I felt…”

      “Its ok,” Keri stopped her, “After everything I’ve done I don’t deserve you all to myself.”

      “Nonsense, I’m doing this for you. And besides, its not like enjoying a man means we don’t love each other. That was one thing I learned from the P-club…maybe the only good thing.” Sena nuzzled closer to Keri as their masseuses complained to them to remain still.

      Keri leaned closer, “This was nice, maybe a little steamy but I forgot how good it felt to get crampied. Speaking of which…”

      “We’ll stop by the pharmacy on the way home, I’m sure it was just a misunderstanding.” Sena hugged Keri for a moment before laying back on her gurney so that the masseuse could once again comfort her tight shoulders. 

      On the table next to them, a pair of sapphire and ruby nipple jewels sat waiting to be reinserted. A clawed shadow reached out to grab hold of them. In its claws the jewels burned, a tiny sigil of fertility carved into the stones followed by a curse of madness.

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