Practical Teaching: Ying Ye Zhenshi’s Strength First Classroom`

Chapter 25

Chapter 25 Unity Class A (8 More For Support)


Facing the threat, Katsuragi Kohei was speechless.

But he was still very resistant to this matter.

However, Ying Ye Zhenshi convinced him a little bit, he really couldn’t decide for other people in this matter.

“Student Katsuragi can’t decide on this matter alone. Why don’t you call everyone in your class who can make the decision? Let’s talk about it?”

“If it still doesn’t work out, forget it.”

“Of course, if you decide to ignore the feelings of other Class A students and just refuse, then I will contact you secretly.”

“It will be difficult for you to know what choices the other students make at that time.”

Seeing Katsuragi Kohei wavering, Ying Ye Zhenshi kindly gave a ‘choice’.

“Huh, I see.”

“I really didn’t expect that there would be a student like you in class D. You came to our class to observe before.”

“I’m a little skeptical about what you said about the ‘defective products’ of the students.”

Katsuragi Kohei did not refute anything.

This matter really shouldn’t be decided by him.

It is not his alone to deduct points, and it is not his alone to spend.

If all the ‘defective products’ were like this, then they might be in trouble.

“You don’t have to doubt the quality of the students in Class D. They are definitely not as good as the Excellent ones.”

Ying Ye Zhenshi said with a smile.

But Katsuragi Kohei is not entirely convinced.

“Please wait a moment, or make another appointment.”

“I’ll talk to them.”

Katsuragi Kohei spoke.

“I’ll just wait. I believe Katsuragi Kohei will give me good news.”

The wind was blowing in the corridor, Ying Ye Zhenshi was waiting for news from Katsuragi Kohei.

In his opinion, the success rate of persuading students in class A should not be low.

I feel that these guys are not so difficult to deal with.

Sure enough, as long as there is no nostalgia, any means will be used.

Human beings have weaknesses everywhere.

The existence of students from class D may be more troublesome.

“I hope it can be done.”

“This school is really embarrassing.”

“What kind of class group, what kind of group competition, can’t you get some normal people?”

Ying Ye Zhenshi has ignored the fact that he himself is not a normal person.

Katsuragi Kohei returned directly to the class.

Explain the situation.

Class A.

Katsuragi Kohei gathered several representatives from the usual team.

explained the situation.

The number of 6 million, knowing the news of the class competition in advance, and reducing the trouble of one D class later.

“Well, what’s his purpose? There must be a purpose for so many points.”

“Since everyone is competing for class A, I suspect that he just wants points to reach class A. The teacher also reminded him that points can buy anything.”

“He has already learned about the class assessment and the situation of that person’s points. He should also have some understanding, otherwise he wouldn’t be so crazy to collect personal points.”

Regarding the role of points, students in Class A actually have some guesses.

After all, the previous class teacher had already said it.

“Determining his purpose, you can actually think about it.”

“Although I’m a little worried about the character of the other party, but I’ve already reached Class A, and I won’t continue to betray Class A when I’m full.”

“In this school, there should be no one better than Class A.”

After going over the exchange, the students in class A around Katsuragi Kohei felt that they could give it a try.

Six million, in fact, it means that they can save one province in the next two months.

They also have self-confidence, and if no one else influences them, they can always get high scores.

Even keep taking 100,000 points, more than 100,000, half of which will be deducted every month.

Calculated in this way, the enrollment is 100,000, and the next two months will be the next two months. In this two months, I will change to the bottom of class D, and there will be a new classmate with some ability.

Actually OK.

“Determine his purpose, and we can even provide a loan. Before he transfers to another class, he should be very happy to cheat other classes.”

The students in class A are not bookworms, they mentioned the solution to the problem very pragmatically, including how to use Ying Ye Zhenshi and how to deal with him.

Katsuragi Kohei was persuaded by the students in class A who put forward their opinions one by one.

“Then please explain the situation to everyone.”

If everyone agrees, do it.

This requires everyone to contribute points, and Class A, even if Katsuragi Kohei is the temporary leader, there is no way for people to turn in points.

The students of class A were gathered together and asked to keep it secret. Then, they learned about the situation of this matter. In addition, their analysis of the pros and cons was all revealed.

Some people bring up things that can be tricked.

But Katsuragi Kohei also directly said that they all asked their class teacher to sign a contract as a witness.

The first month’s money is placed with his teacher, and if it is the same next month, they will continue to pay.

Up to six million is enough.

Although some people disagree, in the end the minority obeys the majority.

People who disagreed did not give money because they disagreed.

This is a class thing, obedience pays.

The points of 40 people were obtained very successfully.

If it is in Class D, it is estimated that many people will refuse to hand in the points indifferently.

Class A reached a consensus very smoothly and successfully.

In addition, I was also asked not to spread the news, especially not to reach the ears of Class D.

At least not now.

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