Pokemon: Start With A Hundredfold Increase

Chapter 315

314 Seeing Yulongdu For The First Time (First Update)

When Yu Longhai heard Qin Yun’s name, he thought about it for a while, but still had no impression of the name.

“Senior Yulong.

“This time the Ye family is the second son of the head of the Ye family. He is very talented. Although he is only a third-year high school student, his life strength is comparable to that of a college student.”5

Li Canghai’s words gave Qin Yun a deeper understanding of the world.

Li Canghai added a sentence, and Yu Longhai quickly said modestly.

If others don’t know you, they won’t know you, and there’s no need for everyone in the world to know you.

“However, this Ye family is one of the three strongest families in the Dragon Domain, and the Ye family still has quite a few dragon trainers.

Yulonghai obviously knows more things, but these things are not secrets, and he also told Solaceon.

Three years and four years, for these evildoers, this year’s gap will be very large.

“Very well, everyone is here. 99


This time, only high school seniors and freshman students can get places. Sophomores are not eligible to come, because sophomores cannot participate in the world championship.

“It’s really not bad, it’s not much different from the strength of our Yulong clan. 35

The moment they saw him, everyone including Qin Yun said respectfully.

“The Ye family is based on Salamence, and the Attribute that radiates out is naturally the Flying system.””

Qin Yun touched his nose. The reason why these people are like this has a lot to do with all of them being the exclusive trainers of the dragon type.

“One of the super-large Rifts. 35

The college students Yulonghai said are definitely not ordinary college students, but the elites of their Yulong family.

“Lord Yulong.”

“A clan with a quasi-god as its core should not be too weak. 99

“Probably tell you about the people participating this time.”

“Of course, Dragon Domain is said to be Dragon Domain, but in fact, there are not many dragon-type Pokémon in it, and most of the trainers in it are mainly non-dragon type or fake dragon type.

A look of surprise flashed in Qin Yun’s eyes, this Yulong clan heard from Teacher Li that there is a true god, and if the strength of the other families is similar to theirs, doesn’t that mean that they also have a true god?

In fact, this world championship is not very fair to Qin Yun this time.

The elders who will come to this place are all Elite Totems. Without the strength of Elite Totems, they will not be able to enter at all.

Yulongdu, in the headmaster’s mouth, is not weaker than him, even stronger than him.

Qin Yun and Li Canghai came to a square under the leadership of Yulonghai.

Moreover, the championship was originally everyone’s goal.

“The Dragon family is centered on Kommo-o, and the main development routes are Fighting and Dragon.””

“Yulongdu’s younger brother?”

However, Qin Yun also probably understood the information.

“Qin Yun, good name.”

“Dragon Domain?” “Seven Four Zeros”

“By the way, if I remember correctly, this Ye family seems to be a family with Salamence as a totem.

You can’t be angry and unhappy just because others haven’t heard your name.

As the Dragon Champion, Yu Longdu is naturally the idol they all admire the most.

Yu Longhai admitted it directly, Qin Yun and Li Canghai were speechless.

Totally unnecessary.

“Where, our Yulong family is not that powerful.”

“The Yulong clan is the strongest among these clans. 35

Everyone laughed and did not continue on this topic.

Qin Yun subconsciously said, Li Canghai Solaceon said.

In the square, the remaining seven teenagers have all arrived.

Behind them each followed an elder, and these elders basically knew each other.

“The three largest families in the Dragon Domain each have a quasi-god as their core.

When Li Canghai heard the name, a ray of light appeared in his eyes.

This time, there are two senior high school students including Qin Yun, and six freshman students.

“The most threatening are the people from the Ye family in Longyu.

The time for the World Championships is in July and August of Qin Yun’s sophomore year, which means they are about to enter their junior year.

Yulongdu, the champion of Kanto Region.

“Of course, in addition to these four families with the Quasi-Dragon family as the core, there are several others.”

Qin Yun and the others have been practicing for three years, while Ash and the others have been practicing for four years.

Yulonghai is a general introduction, not very detailed.

Even Li Canghai’s eyes looking at Yu Longdu were full of respect.

And if you have the strength, you don’t need to introduce at all, others will naturally know who you are when they see you.

Yulonghai did not say the main method this time, but Yulonghai said it would be absolutely fair.

The water in Kanto Region is very deep, especially the champions of Kanto Region.

“Yulongdu? Are you talking about Yulongdu’s younger brother?

“The Wang family is Goodra, and their development routes are mainly dragons and fake dragons.”

Qin Yun seemed to see what Yu Longhai was thinking, and didn’t react too radically.

That’s right, these people are all dragon trainers.

“You are right, the Ye family is a family with Salamence as the core.

Therefore, for many people in power, their eyes will basically be on the freshmen of this class.

This year, it is very likely that they will not be stuck in the Elite realm.

“It seems that except that I am not an exclusive dragon trainer.”

Ash and the others are about to enter their senior year.

As for high school seniors, unless they are really excellent, it is basically impossible to choose.

Li Canghai didn’t bother to talk about Yu Longhai’s reaction, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and Yu Longhai would know Qin Yun naturally.

“Well, it’s Lord Yulong’s younger brother.

Yulonghai can only laugh.

“Secondly, it’s our own members of the Yulong family, Yulong disciples, and their strength is also very good.”

“Our Yulong family is mainly based on Dragonite, and the development route is somewhat similar to that of the Ye family. 39

This time the assessment is not for everyone to fight directly, because that would be too unfair for the students in the third year of high school.

However, this Yulongdu did not give Dratini directly to the Yulong disciple, which was also very surprising.

Yulongdu can become the champion of Kanto Region, which naturally proves his strength.

This time Yulongdu will exchange this place, mainly for the upcoming World Championship.

Their family may have a lot of fake dragon trainers, but for them, they are all pure and pure dragon trainers.

Qin Yun could feel the fiery eyes of the other little devils in 5.5 looking at Yulongdu, which proved that they all took Yulongdu as their goal.

The moment Qin Yun and the others arrived, a man in a cape appeared directly in the field.

“Basically every quasi-god has a special family.”

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