Pokemon ouroboros

The conspiracy

longer chapters also 600+ words now

7 people surround a round table like knights. not long away are boatloads of people ready to do their bidding.

"The clock strikes midnight." one of the 7 people said

"Ghestsis , is your plan going to work?" another one of them asked

" Oh don't worry, I shall help our king bear his wrath against these self-righteous pokemon-Abusers," Ghetsis said with a smirk 

"Come then Ghestsis. we go tonight."


"Fellow knights! , tonight we go and liberate the pokemon trapped into the despicable Hisoka family!" Ghetsis said with a smile unbefitting of the subject he was on about

"Those fools have been tinkering about with Unovas protector,  Volcorona!" Ghetsis said.

What fools was actually what Ghestis was thinking. a couple of words here and there and they become completely loyal to him. now all he needs to do is to pretend like they were cruel pokemon abusers. 

"A couple of years ago, we went to try to seize the Volocorona from their despicable hands," Ghestsis said with a fake sad expression

"We were about to liberate it when the main member of the house, Benga Hisoka killed it himself saying "If I can't have it, nobody can!"

"In cold hard hatred, I managed to kill his Golurk, who actually looked happy when he died. the poor things must of went through lots of torture" Ghestsis said

The room was full of angry shouts and boo's 

"But tonight, we will get revenge for the golurk and volocorona and storm the household!" Ghestsis said with a cunning smile 

There was a bang in the mansion waking everybody up. 

The first thing Avan did was teleport to his Sisters room, picked her up and slung her on his shoulder. he then proceeded to teleport to his room

Suddenly Avans father came and walked in

"You and  Anderea need to leave. now"

"What's going on?"

"Team plasma is attacking the mansion. you and your sister need to leave through the service tunnels or you'll be held, hostage."

"What about you?" 

Father gave a wry smile

"I and your mother are strong enough to protect ourselves. we need to wait till the servants get out and then we'll retreat. don't worry"

"Stay safe. Ralts come on, use teleport"

Next moment he was in the kitchen ready to go through the service tunnels

after locating and walking into the service tunnel he was greeted by a grunt 

"Well Well, the Young Master and madam of the Pokemon-Abuser family," The plasma grunt said

"I'll take pleasure in torturing you like you tortured those innocent pokemon."

"cant be a world without mindless sheep," Avan thought in his head

"Come on out Seviper!" the grunt threw a Pokeball revealing a poisonous snake

Seviper- lv 17

"Not too shabby," Avan said 

" Ralts, Come battle.!"

If not for the fact Ralts needs an evolution chance, he wouldn't be dumb enough to fight this grunt as he would have whizzed past it by using teleport

"Honedge also come out"

After seeing me, Honedge made a happy clinking sound but when it saw the enemy it grabbed out its sword ready to fight

"Why do you have 2 pokemon out? I didn't say it was a double battle" the grunt said  confused

"Ayo laddie here's a little life tip for you. when you break into somebody's house, threaten to torture me and my sister and then proceed to bring out a pokemon I ain't gonna play around the rules"

This was something that greatly annoyed Avan in the anime. Ash would be in a life-threatening situation and he'll be like WhAt aM I gOnNa dO? as he brings out only one of these pokemon. Avan doesn't care about the trainer honour code when there threatening his family

"Seviper use pursuit on ralts!" 

"Ralts, use teleport and psybeam on the Seviper! Honedge use fury cutter low power on the trainer!"

"You scum your not aloud to use pokemon moves on the trainers!" 

"Sorry I ran out of fucks to give"

Although Ralts is fast, not faster than the seviper using a super effective move on it. pursuit is designed for fast pokemon that are hard to capture. although it trades power for speed. however, ralts defensive stats are atrocious so it barely managed to stay up after getting hit 

Suddenly, A blue light suddenly enveloped Ralts as any pokemon fan could recognize its evolution. although cliche the main thing is it trigged it. evolution restores all the energy so ralts is ready for round 2 

Meanwhile, Honedge attack landed on the trainer, making a deep wound mark on his chest. Avan didn't give a single ounce of sympathy, however.

Kirlia finished his evolution as he twirled around is his new "dress" which made Avan giggle a little bit 

Kirlia - Lv 20 - Shiny

Species Emotion Pokémon
Height 0.8 m (2′07″)
Weight 20.2 kg (44.5 lbs)
Abilities 1. Synchronize
2. Trace
Telepathy (hidden ability)


HP - 38

ATTACK - 35 (+10)


SP.ATK - 65

SP.DEF - 55

SPEED - 50 (+10)

BST - 278 (+20)


1 Disarming Voice FAIRY Special 40
1 Growl NORMAL Status 100
3 Double Team NORMAL Status
6 Confusion PSYCHIC Special 50 100
9 Hypnosis PSYCHIC Status 60
12 Draining Kiss FAIRY Special 50 100
15 Teleport PSYCHIC Status
18 Psybeam PSYCHIC Special 65 100

Although it's not the strongest, the stats of  gallade are not worth looking down on

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