Pokemon ouroboros

Going to sinnoh

"Country roooooad take me hommmmmme to the placeeee i belongggggg West Virginia , mountain momma , take me homeeeee country road"

Avan sang as he was surfing on his milotic, who was just vibing and swimming. she was a graceful pokemon being prideful and flexing her beauty every time a pokemon see her. apparently, milotic is praised almost to religion with its beauty, making it a popular thing to paint. ex-champion of the Hoenn region Wallace also has one.

Luckily, due to Unova and Sinnoh not being that far apart, it took avan 3 hours to cross

Weirdly enough, there is a border inspection on the sea nearing Sinnoh. it's normally officer jenny riding on mantines and sharpedo, but it's a sight to behold.

Luckily when I said my identity, they let me pass which was a strange but pleasant surprise

The main focus was a hidden route behind Eterna city that's home to some gibbles and stuff.  

It's not a well-known route but people still know that are some gibles that live there

Unlucky for the people who think they can easily get a gible , there wrong. First, gible hunt in packs and are extremely slippery and cunning, 2 There fast as they can dig beneath the ground and 3 there complete savages that will kill with no hesitation. that's why Avan brought some luxury balls and some friendship balls

However, Avan came here with the secondary mission. 

Kick some galactic ass.

In the Sinnoh games, Cyrus nearly ended the world. he cants afford to take risks in this world. this isn't a game. and there sure as hell isn't some 10-year-old protagonist to save the day

Walking into the cave and walking for a good minute he encountered his first pack of gibles.

"That was fast" Avan said

"Claydol make it quick"


Suddenly, the pack of gible were raised in the air and couldn't move

"Now gibles. this is what going to happen, you're going to get into the pokeballs and I'm going to get you to a place where you can grow strong and free. food included."

The moment they heard me say food, they perked up. they look kinda skinny. it seemed like they don't eat very well

Using claydols psychic, he lifted the pokeballs and made then hit the gibles at the same time





Gibles were caught!

Welp, except one. the one that broke out walked up to me and wanted to fight me

"I like you, ill add you to the team," Avan said. this one had a personality and he liked it.

Unfortunately, it seemed like it wasn't going to be caught easily.

"Hondge! come out!" Avan said

"Use shadow sneak!" 

Honedge is slow, but shadow sneak is priority

Gible suddenly went under the ground and staying there, while honedge was waiting as a shadow to strike

2 pokemon at a standstill.


Suddenly, Avan felt a vibration around its feet. 

"Shit it's aiming for me."

"Honedge!" Avan said as he stepped away, barely missing a gible that was exposed

suddenly, Avan watched as Honedge hit the gible in mid-air, with murderous killing intent. it dared to try to kill its trainer! preposterous!

Suddenly, With the baptism of killing intent, it shone in a dark red light..... it was an evolution? that's strange, Evolution is supposed to be a blue not a red ... right? 

Suddenly, Avan watched as the single blade turned into 2 blades. double the power baby

Doublade  - LV 35  - Shiny - Soulbound 

National № 680
Species Sword Pokémon
Height 0.8 m (2′07″)
Weight 4.5 kg (9.9 lbs)

1. No Guard

2. Battle bond (semi activated)


Hp -  59 (+15)

Attack - 110 (+2o)

Defence - 170 (+15)

Sp.Atk - 45 (+20)

Sp.Def - 49 (+15)

Speed - 35(+15)

1 Autotomize STEEL Status
1 Fury Cutter BUG Physical 40 95
1 Shadow Sneak GHOST Physical 40 100
1 Tackle NORMAL Physical 40 100
12 Aerial Ace FLYING Physical 60
16 Metal Sound STEEL Status 85
20 Slash NORMAL Physical 70 100
24 Night Slash DARK Physical 70 100
??????????? Moves

    Destiny Bond 

Pain split 

shadow force

???????????????? (Sealed)

???????????????? (Sealed)


Shadow force? isn't that the signature move of Giratina?

It looked like a normal shiny doublade, but it had a pure black sword sheath

Looking over to the poor gibl-  ... wait why is there a gabite there? did it evolve too? is this the legendary double evolution cliche?

"I'm sick of these games" Avan said

"Claydol use hypnosis" 

5 seconds later and the gabite is put to sleep, wheres it in a luxury ball.




Gabite has been caught!

Claydol. teleport to eterna city pokecenter.

The nurse joy was nearly shocked to death when a man with around 8 pokeballs teleported into the pokecenter. luckily he didn't mean any harm but she needs to tell officer jenny about this suspicious individual 

Going up to the pokecenter trading area , he called Julia , his head of practically everything reserve wise 

"Hey, Julia I have a package of 8 gible to send to the reserve. they are to be put under care and not be up for sale. feed them a lot of food if there aggressive they rely on their natural instincts to get food"

"Understood Sir avan."

The people in the Pokeceneter froze up

One gible was hard to get but 8?

This person is extremely dangerous or extremely powerful. probably both.

Before going back to the Unova region, Some galactic ass needs to be kicked in.

and some ass he shall kick indeed.















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