Pokémon: Gyarados Evolution

Chapter 119

When Jon and Du Juan stood together, everyone's eyes shifted to Jon.

The students didn't look like him, after all, Jon was more mature, and people would believe him when he was 17 or 18 years old.

Is this a new teacher?

Jon, who had lived two lives, was standing on the podium facing students for the first time, and he seemed a little nervous.

There were not many people in the class, only about 30 at most, and they were staring at Jon curiously.

Du Juan smiled gently. Her educational philosophy was to make herself and the students get along well, rather than strictly forcing students to study.

To sum it up, it was to let students learn voluntarily.

Jon's breathing was a little hurried, and she keenly caught this subtle change.

"Classmates, let me introduce you, this is Jon, he will be my assistant within this week.

Put away your contempt, Jon is 15 years old this year, and he is already a gym-level trainer."

Du Juan raised the corners of her mouth and introduced Jon to the students.

These 13-year-old students are already in their last year at the academy, and using Jon to stimulate them seems to have a pretty good effect.

Their curious eyes gradually changed, turning into surprise, admiration, and envy.

Jon also coughed softly and said:

"Hello, classmates. I hope we can get along well in the next week. I will also pass on my own experience to you without reservation."

Jon's words seemed more official, and he really couldn't think of any more exquisite language.

With a warm applause, Jon slowly got into the state.

At this time, a girl below raised her hand.

"This classmate. What's the matter?"

Jon didn't expect that a classmate would start asking questions so soon.

"Teacher Jon, I want to know, do you have a girlfriend?"

The female classmate asked with a red face and a voice as thin as a mosquito.

Jon's mouth corners suddenly twitched uncontrollably. What's wrong with students nowadays?

Shouldn't they go to school for the purpose of seeking knowledge? Why are you asking questions that have nothing to do with learning right away?


Jon looked at them speechlessly and said helplessly:

"Not yet, and we don't plan to talk about it. When we are in class, please don't ask questions that have nothing to do with the class, okay?"

"Teacher! I have a question too?"

A boy with a more delicate face raised his hand high in the team to ask a question, and Jon nodded and agreed to his question.

"Why only one week? We haven't heard of assistants before?"

Suddenly, their eyes turned back and forth between Jon and Du Juan, and their eyes seemed to say, you have something wrong...

"Because I, your teacher Du Juan, have sacrificed a lot to bring you such a trainer who is both capable and can spur you on!"

Du Juan couldn't help it anymore. If she didn't speak up, rumors might spread everywhere after class.

"No questions outside the classroom are allowed. If anyone asks, come out and challenge me!"

Du Juan's eyes swung back and forth over the group of students, and she said seriously.

"Next, we will start to call the roll. Teacher Qiao En needs to get to know you first.

This should be the first time you have met each other, so whoever I call out please stand up and introduce yourself."

Originally, it didn't need to be so troublesome, but who dared to make fun of her? Du Juan didn't intend to make this class so easy for them.


After a round of roll calls, a lot of time had passed. Qiao En closed the list, looked at Du Juan, and said:

"Teacher Du Juan, can you teach them a lesson?"


Du Juan crossed her arms and snorted, "Teacher Qiao En, you are allowed to use your own Pokémon to teach them a good lesson. Who among you will be Teacher Qiao En's opponent?"

These students looked at each other, and only one student who wore glasses and looked more gentle stood up.

"Teacher Du Juan, this is unfair. Teacher Qiao En is a gym-level trainer, and we only have ordinary-level Pokémon here."

"No one will tell you the word fairness when you leave the academy!"

Qiao En took a step forward, staring at them closely.


When he appeared in the welfare home, did he complain about unfairness?

When he used his savings to buy the Magikarp that was almost sold as food, and trained it for a year without evolving, did he complain about fairness?

Finally,He hatched Baby Dragon and subdued Shakiras. Did anyone tell him that this was unfair to them?


"Can I continue?"

Jon didn't know how these students could bear psychologically, not to mention that he only had a week to spend time with them.

"Tell me, those who can't bear it don't deserve to be a strong trainer."

Du Juan had some guesses about what Jon wanted to say, but she did need someone to wake up these students.

What's the use of these students being strong in school?

When they become real trainers and go out to make a living, they will truly understand the cruelty of this world.


Jon sorted out his thoughts and hooked his hand at the student who had just asked the question. He clearly remembered the student's name, Shinichi.

"Shinichi, how is your family situation? Did your parents prepare a starting Pokémon for you?"

Shinichi answered without thinking:

"Yes, my family paid a lot of money to the league when I was very young. As long as I graduate, I can get one of the Torch, Bryce and Aquaspur."

When he said this, his face was quite proud, and Jon did not show any envy, "Do you know what my starting Pokémon is?"

"It should be similar to mine."

Shinichi thought that Jon could become a gym-level trainer in one year, and his starting Pokémon should also be very promising.

"Wrong, it's Magikarp, and I came from an orphanage."

Jon said in a light tone. Now he can calmly tell others about his life experience.


Not only Shinichi, everyone couldn't believe it. Even if Magikarp could evolve into Gyarados, what would happen?

They all learned during the learning process that some Pokémon will undergo a huge change in character after evolution, and Gyarados is the most typical example.

Since the initial Pokémon is Magikarp, it must be difficult for Jon to tame other Pokémon.

So how did he tame Gyarados?

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