Pokemon: Dominate The Alliance From Opening The Treasure Box

Chapter 54

Chapter 54 Garchomp grabs food (plus more)

At noon, Aoki parted from the bonfire and continued on the journey to the city of Kaina.

“Bagon, use Shock for me.”


Bagon ran fast, then used his body to ram into an Oddish.

Oddish screamed, rolled around on the ground, and lost his ability to fight.

“Bagon, great job.”

Aoki gave a timely compliment.

Bagon was very happy, and immediately threw himself into Aoki’s arms, and rubbed Aoki’s arm lightly.

“Okay, you don’t want Charm anymore, and you want me to treat Oddish.”

Aoki rubbed Bagon’s head, then came to Oddish and helped him heal.

After Oddish recovers, he eats the Pokéblocks and leaves happily.

Bagon happily walked ahead.

Aoki is now focusing on training, is Bagon.

Once Bagon Evolution becomes Salamence, coupled with super Evolutionary stone/ite, it is definitely the top fighting force.

Of course, other Pokémon, he naturally will not forget, and must also focus on training.

Walking through the forest, Aoki will occasionally look around and challenge some wild Pokémon.

For every challenge, you have to give a piece of Pokéblocks, but he made a lot of elementary Pokéblocks.

Suddenly, a Shiftry suddenly appeared in front of Aoki.

Name: Shiftry

Strength: Superior

Qualification: Gym level

This is a decent opponent.

“Wait, Shiftry, if you can play a game with my Grovyle, that’s my gift to you.”

Aoki stopped Shiftry who was about to leave.

Shiftry looked disdainful,

You let it stay, does it stay?

Who will give you a face as a human being.

But when Shiftry saw the Pokéblocks in Aoki’s hands, his eyes widened.

Such delicious Pokéblocks must not be missed.

Shiftry immediately stood in front of Aoki, ready to fight at any moment.

“Go ahead, Grovyle.”

Aoki sent Grovyle.

He didn’t let Combusken shoot, after all, Combusken’s attributes completely restrain Shiftry, and his strength is stronger.

Let Combusken do it, you’re bullying Pokémon, and you won’t have any experience.

“Add or not.”

Immediately after Grovyle appeared, he prepared for battle.

swoosh swish…

Shiftry took the lead, waving the leaves on his arm vigorously.

Then more than a dozen Razor Leaf flew out, quickly breaking through the space, and came straight to the front of Grovyle.

“Grovyle, use the slap.”

Grovyle ran forward quickly, using the Leaf Blade above his forehead, and slapped it hard.

All Razor Leafs were knocked out.

“Very good, continue to charge forward and quickly approach Shiftry.”

A red light suddenly appeared on Shiftry’s body, and Grovyle’s body was controlled.

“Extrasensory? Grovyle, break free, use Bullet Seed, and get close.”

Grovyle struggled a little and got out of Shiftry’s Extrasensory.

And then spit out a lot of green light.

Shiftry is very experienced in combat, constantly dodging, jumping, and dodging the attack of the Bullet Seed.

The two sides fought while approaching each other.

“Grovyle, use the Energy Ball.”

Grovyle brings together a green Energy Ball.

Energy Ball rammed down on Shiftry.

Shiftry jumped into the sky, and the Energy Ball hit the ground, causing an explosion, sending smoke out.

“Grovyle, now, rush up and use Brick Break.”

Grovyle charged into the smoke, running fast, getting closer to Shiftry.

Shiftry couldn’t see Grovyle, and was a little flustered, his head turning around.

But it was still in mid-air, and Grovyle could see it.


Suddenly, a shadow jumped in mid-air.

This is, of course, Grovyle.

Grovyle’s sudden appearance made Shiftry panic and didn’t react for a while.


Then there’s the Brick Break, which hits Shiftry head-on.

With a scream, Shiftry fell from the sky and fell to the ground, eyes in circles.

“Very well, Grovyle, come back!”

Aoki took back Grovyle, then healed Shiftry again and continued on his journey.

By noon, Bagon felt a little hungry and rubbed Aoki’s arm again.

Master, it’s time to eat.

Aoki heard Bagon’s heart and looked at the sun in the sky, it was really hot.

It’s time for a meal.

“Well, it’s almost noon today, we really should have a meal.”

Aoki releases all the Pokémon and starts preparing lunch.

Pokémon’s Pokéblocks are already ready, but Aoki’s own lunch isn’t ready yet.

Just as Aoki was preparing lunch for himself, a dark shadow suddenly emerged from the forest on one side and snatched the food from Boss Lairon.

When Boss Lairon saw that his food was taken away, he was furious. Someone dared to rob it.

Aoki also noticed the abnormality here and immediately looked over.

“Boss Lairon, has your food been robbed?”


Boss Lairon pointed to the forest on one side, quite unhappy, and almost exploded.

Aoki also looked at the forest next to him, his pupils shrinking.

Mainly Pokémon in the forest, which is really shocking.

Name: Garchomp

Features: Rough skin

Strength: Champion level

Qualification: Champion

Skills: Earthquake, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Claw, Dragon Rush, Dragon Tail, Flamethrower, Hydro Pump, Thunderbolt…

Aoki was surprised that there was a quasi-god in this forest, and it was the quasi-god of Sinnoh Region.

The most important thing is the strength of this Garchomp, which has reached the Champion level.

A series of skills in the back made Aoki dazzled.

Basically, as long as Lieya Lu Shan can learn the skills, they have already learned them.

Where did such a powerful Garchomp appear.

Shouldn’t this be a beginner’s map?

Could it be that he accidentally walked into a certain hell-level dungeon.

(19,000 flowers will be added, and more flowers will be added, and evaluation tickets can also be added.)*

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