Pokémon cultivation house starting from the pirate

112 The Performance Start

Chapter 112 The Performance Start

World recruitment.

All the forces from the last era to the present are clear what Dack is doing at this moment.

Because the Navy basically conducts a world recruitment every ten years.

In the last era, the three navy generals and many old generals were born today.

In the era of the Grand Pirates after Roger, there were younger generations of navy, such as Smog, Renai, and other younger generations.

Ten years later, the extremely evil generations will recruit all their lives and deserted those guys.

Today, the magical cultivation house, or the Pokémon Alliance is doing the same thing.

“Roar roar, is this tearing his face with the world government?”

Moorechen took the camera to shoot all of this, and at the same time, it showed an excited expression.

He can predict that since then, the sea is absolutely indispensable. He has confirmed that as long as he seizes the things related to Pokémon to report, more people will buy their newspapers.

Similarly, he is looking forward to the reaction of the next world government.

Although the world government did not publicize it, everyone knew that they would not allow the forces of their party to conquer large -scale troops.

You can accumulate your own armed forces to protect yourself, but you cannot exceed this limit, otherwise a reward order warning will be issued.

If it is not surprising, Dak will definitely be rewarded after this event spreads.

And this reward amount is definitely not low.

“咈咈 咈咈.”

Doflamingo sat aside and heard the words of Morgestus around him really couldn’t hold back his smile.

If there were too many people here, he could not come to a Uchiha Eight God laughed.

He likes to watch this kind of dog biting dog.

“Let me see, how should your navy choose?”

Doflamingo murmured and glanced at the side of the Navy.

But beyond his expectation, he did not see any expressions that could get a relationship with the words “panic” from the Warring States Period and others.

Suddenly, Dorpheumi staged a Sichuan opera change.

“It is expected?”

Doflamingo frowned instantly.

After being chased by He for so many years, he still knows the great staff of the Navy. With the attitude that the other party now shows, the Navy has obviously had his own solution.

Not only Dorlamingo, who is watching the lively, the white beard pirates sitting opposite the navy are also watching the lively, and even gives warm applause and cheers to Dak’s speech.

They didn’t have so many thoughts, just watching music simply.

No one was together.

Big bears and Karas are not very much speaking.

One is just a simple temperament, and likes to let others say; the other is the sound of the sound. He has no metal beak today.

But the other three are different.

“Hehe ~ haha? Is it so bold! Shouldn’t you dormant first and jump out for a few years.”

Ivankov’s big face was full of shock, and he expressed extremely unknown Dak’s behavior.

“It should be because we have sufficient confidence in our strength. If we also have the power as powerful as Pokémon, then we don’t need to continue to hide in the dark.”

Encouraging fruit ability Betty obviously has his own understanding.

She knows the nature hidden in the heart of human beings. Once humans find that her strength is strong enough, she will become confident and publicized at a fast speed.

Instead of the fruit is to use this to stimulate the power hidden in human body, and then let the civilians have the courage to have the belief of resisting the rule of resistance.

“Navy, maybe through this opportunity to completely get rid of the control of the world government.”

As a leader, the dragon also has a different opinion.

Before the establishment of a grid army, he was also a member of the Navy, and he had seen everything with his father Karp.

He clearly limits what the navy can exercise justice.

Because of his clearness, he was separated from the Navy and decided to set up an organization that was not restricted by the world government to save the people himself.

Not only him, many people in the navy can see clearly.

The most representative figure is the neutralist of Polusalino all day with the world government’s virtual and commissioned snakes, and Polusalino is looking for a way out of Big Peton.

Another character is to give up and continue to serve as a general and choose to become a instructor. He also has a great trust in the Navy, after all, he has dedicated it for most of his life here.

This situation must continue until the “Zefa’s arm was cut, and the entire ship students were killed only two. After the world government also solicited the enemies as Qiwuhai ‘, Zefa would be completely died of the Navy and began to stand on his own portal. , Perform your own justice.

The practice of Zefa is also a broken boat, intending to be buried with the entire new world.

The point is not the pirates who eliminate the new world, but to eliminate the source of pirates, ‘One Piece’ in the depths of the New World.

Even ten years later, Sakaski and the freshman’s life after becoming a navy’s family can see it clearly.

The Qiwuhai system supported by the world’s government is one of the actions they intend to win autonomy, but it is impossible.

Because they have no money.

“What do you mean? I don’t remember the control of the world government? Dragon, I don’t remember that you will say this kind of cold joke.”

Ivankov stared at his eyes, and he couldn’t dare to think about this kind of thing.

If the navy can be separated from the control of the world government, then the dragon did not need to leave the navy’s self -care portal.

“If the navy is really separated.”

Betty put down the long legs of red boots, and the smoke in the red lips fell down.

She thought according to Long’s words.

Don’t listen to the order of the world government to act.

Can’t the navy really want to execute their own justice?

At that time, the Navy cracks down on pirates, and the grid army fights against the world government. There is also a Pokémon Alliance on the rear to inspire the people, preside over the overall situation, and directly form alliances. Isn’t the arrival of the peaceful era? Intersection

For the first time, Betty felt that their great cause was so close to success.

“Let’s take a look first. This matter is not successful by the Warring States Period, it depends on whether the Pokémon Alliance is willing to invest in the navy.”

Long shook his head, he knew that it was far from being so easy.

There are too many variables.

As for whether the Pokémon Alliance can get this money to raise the navy, Long did not doubt it.

There is such a world’s resources here, and you can take it to the sea and sell it on the sea.

What kind of thoughts in the hearts below are in the heart, Dax has no mood to pay attention.

There are nothing more than the most important thing for him and the Pokémon Alliance.

First, it is the main task that has not been promoted for a long time.

Second, it shows the indispensable force of the Pokémon Alliance.

“Not much to say, let’s take a look at the joint duel of a trainer and Pokémon!”

Dark raised his hand and waved, and rode Latinna directly disappeared from the air.

This is the exclusive skill of riding Latinner, and the shadow strikes.

You can quickly sneak into the different space for avoiding damage or charging attacks.

The scope of this strange space is extremely large. In the world of Pokémon, it includes and is not limited to shadow space, reverse the world, and space -time gaps.

This scene caused another visual impact on all the audience present, and more than 200 meters long silver -white long dragons disappeared in the air in this way.

This Pokémon has this ability.

Who can guarantee that this Pokémon will not suddenly appear on someone’s pillow?

Originally thought that Darklay’s tangible ability that could not be perceived by hearing the sexual domineering was terrifying enough, who would have a more terrifying thing here.

However, there are people who have misunderstood.

For example, the grid army.

“According to what I know, Dak himself has a special ability. He should already be the ability. He can’t eat the second demon fruit. Perhaps the door of the door door is to eat the Pokémon just now. ”

Karas said his judgment.

He felt that the disappearance of Laudina just now took advantage of the door of the door.

“How do you know that Dak’s special ability is not from other worlds, and what Pokémon may be shown just now may not be the ability of the door of the door, or his own ability.”

Long shook his head, and he felt that he couldn’t judge so arbitrary. “We know too little about Pokémon, and cannot judge everything we see.”

Everyone discussed the scene just now.

At the entrance entrance at both ends of the competition, the two pairs of combinations gradually floated out, allowing the audience to be quiet, and involuntarily moved their eyes to the field.

Wearing Monet and Sana Duo in a pure white princess skirt.

Gan sugar and dream demon wearing dark purple Gothic skirts.

Both Sanuto and Dream Demon are using their ability to make their trainers float.

This is Dak’s deliberate request, and he believes that this can bring a greater shock to the audience.

“That’s Shane Duo! My dream of love!”

“So beautiful ~”

“Bad frogs, we will also become such a charming combination in the future!”

The audience under the court kept whispering, but their eyes never escaped the two trainers and two Pokémon on the field.

“One or two years later, our Pokémon Alliance also plans to hold a Pokémon Global Fighting Championship, which will come up with a reward beyond One Piece ~”

“In the end, the winning trainer and Pokémon will also be awarded the unique title of ‘champion’ title in the world! Enjoy the supreme treatment beyond countless people.”

“Not much to say, first of all the two pairs of combinations to show us all, what is called Pokémon battle!”

Dark floated in the air, holding the microphone in his hand, and also introduced the trainer and Pokémon.

“Standing on my left hand is the trainer Monet and her partner Sana Duo!”

“And on my right hand, it is the trainer’s sugar and her partner dream demon!”

(This chapter is finished)

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