Pokémon cultivation house starting from the pirate

101 Test ability

Chapter 101 Test ability

Daker fiddled with the three -headed dog at random and put it on the ground.


At this time, the three -headed dogs that stepped on the earth again were still a little aggressive. The three heads could clearly see that they were frightened, and they dared not approach Dack at all.

“Daklei, how about it?”

Darker looked up at the sky at this time, and Daklei had been waiting there for a long time.


“Oh? Take me over.”

Dark raised his eyebrows, a bit surprised.

The meaning of Daklei means that he saw a very tall person just now, and it must be Moonlight Molia.

Daklei grabbed Dak’s hand and dragged him in the dark night sky.

Dark’s current superpowers are not high, and it consumes a lot when using thoughtful power. Otherwise, Dak can make himself ‘flying’ with his superpowers.

With the advancement of Daklei, Daka gradually saw a huge black castle appearing in his field of vision.

The huge castle gathers a dense figure at this moment.

No, it’s a dead figure.

It was a group of zombies made by Moonlight Molia.

The number is about 300, and there is a lot of distance from the 900 nine years later.

Moonlight Molia, who has already sent a blessing, stands in front of this group of zombies and commands something.

“Go down.”

Daker did not plan to wait, and drifted down with Daklei directly, and then fell in front of Moonlight Molia.

“Are you. The boss of the magical cultivation house?”

Before Dak’s expectation, Moonlight Molia recognized his identity.

However, Moonlight Moria seems to be a little bit sure, and there is a little doubt in his tone.

This made Daka a little puzzled.

In this kind of cloudy clouds, where the news birds can’t fly, why does Moonlight Moilia know outside news from the outside world?

“How did you recognize me?”

Dak asked his doubts.

“I will regularly collect some shadows outside, and occasionally look at news, buy some information and the like.”

Moonlight Molia’s expression is a bit serious, because he knows that the person in front of him is not a normal role.

In fact, he did not recognize Dac, because there was very little information about Dak’s appearance on the sea. Basically, no one had seen this manager who only existed in people’s mouths. The representative of the cultivation house is Feng Kelei.

But Moonlight Molia recognized Dakhlay.

Darclaid frequently shot while protecting Feng Kile’s eggs a while ago, and was photographed by people, so many people on the sea could recognize Daklei.

“This is a little curious, what are you going to do now? It’s okay if you don’t say anything, I just ask.”

Darker thought for a while, it seemed that he asked the moonlight Mono to do something, and asked casually.

“I plan to go to Nia Island in the West Sea and I heard that there are good corpses over there.”

Moonlight Molia seemed to treat Daka as a flood beast, and his eyes were cautious.

Although Dak said it was easy, Molia couldn’t say anything, and it was not something that could not be known by others.

“Just for a corpse?”

Dak frowned, and he couldn’t understand Moonlight Molia.

No matter how strong a corpse is, that is, a corpse, there is no way for strength to be compared to before his lifetime. What kind of strength can this corpse can be seen in the shadow.

The name of Niaka is a bit familiar, and Dak remembers that he seems to have positioned the coordinates here.

“I don’t understand, that was the big swordsman who was second only to the” Flying Dragon Samurai “Frosty Moon Dragon Horse. This guy is a very strong character.”

Moonlight Molia seems to be and intends to say with Dacuo that in his opinion, Dak could not understand his power of “Undead Legion” at all. As well as


Dak’s face was drawn, and he probably knew who the moonlight Molia said.


Hundreds of years ago, there was also the world’s second largest swordsman. The strength of a swordsman must have, and most of them are not weak.

But it is hard to say whether there is the second level in the world, because this name is basically deceived, and it is to deceive others with other messy stories with others, and then deceives such a name.

Dark didn’t have much planning to stay, and he also saw that Moonlight Molia didn’t seem to welcome him very much.

He reached out and pushed the air in front.

In Dak’s expectation, a gray -white translucent door was pushed away. On the other side of the door, it was the scene in the cultivation house.


“Wow ha ha ha ha!”

After leaving a period of Uchiha laughed, Dark took Daclay back to the store and closed the door.

The moonlight Moilla’s forehead was sweaty.

After all, Dacker and Daklei disappeared under his eyelids like this. I do not know what to do, in case it is hidden in a corner of this island.

It can only be said that Molia thinks too much.

“At present, the ability of the door of the door is still a bit simple, the level is too low, and you have to exercise and develop it.”

Dak looked at his hand.

Now the ability of the door of the door is very basic, that is, open doors everywhere, open the door on the air, open the door on the wall, and open the door on the human body.

If you develop and develop a little, you should be able to open the door from here, and then come out of the space jumping ability from a few meters away.

This is the ability that Poluno has shown in the maritime trains in the original book. Even Bono can develop to this extent. Presumably, it is not difficult to achieve space jump.

After that, Dak can try a longer -distance space jump, and it may be called space transmission at that time.

“You have to find a way to study through the door.”

Daka thought about his chin.

Dark wanted to save the forehead of the door with his hand. He felt that this was completely possible. After all, he had superpowers and could push the door with his mind.

If Polusalino rushed towards him in the future, Dark could suddenly open a door in the mid -air in front of him, so that Porusalino rushed into the cultivation house into an ordinary person, or the other side of the door was Connect to the overall.

Of course, this is just an example. Daka did not have a reason to fight against Brussarino.

In short, the door of the door is a very bug fruit.

Whether it is attacking, defense, escape, or other auxiliary functions, he can develop a very terrifying level, which is equivalent to the superpowers of the devil fruit.

It may not be easy to improve the ability level of the door of the door.

Either rely on Dak to exercise, or see if the Shilian pump can draw something.

“It’s been a long time since I didn’t do ten consecutive consecutive.”

【Ten continuous pump】

【10W Bailey】 X10

1000 magic currency exchanges 100 magic.

“get out.”

Dak’s face was dark.

Originally, I still thought about spending more money on the ten consecutive draws. Try it to see if I can uprising my ability level in armed, hearing, and fruit, but it is still the case.

To save more money, develop Pokémon Island is the king.

“By the way, West China Island. Take a trip to see it.”

Dak is more boring now and intends to take the place where Moonlight Molia is going to.

Maybe there is any unexpected gain.

Just now Dak had paid attention when he landed in front of Moonlight Molia. Except for Abasarom, the other two Holugbak and Perona were not there.

Well, it is very likely that Moonlight Molia has not yet attracted these two people.

Coincidentally, these two people are from Western Sea. Maybe Moonlight Moria may meet these two people in this journey and then solicit them into the Moonlight Pirates.

The Hoggubak was already psychologically abnormal this period, and Dak had no idea.

But Perona is different.

Perona should still be a 14 -year -old simple girl. The three views have not grown completely. If you teach well, you should be able to become a good child like sugar.

(PS: Perona should have been picked up by Molia at the age of 11. This is a re -set.)

And Perona has two places in the pirates and the ‘bug’ level.

First, the spiritual fruit, the expression of this devil fruit has been vividly reflected in the original work. Like the original fruit and childlike fruit of sugar, it is full of fairy tales and rules.

But unfortunately, these two little loli were defeated under the majesty of Usopp, and both were fainted.

The second is the standard of Perona as a navigator.

After two years of scattering, you can bring Sauron this guy from Kraya to the islands of the Fragrant Islands. This level is not awesome. You can first ask if Nami can do it.

But it doesn’t make sense to say so much, it still depends on whether it can be encountered.

When Dak crossed the shop, appeared in a village in Nia Island.

The island of Nia is a medium -sized island with a large town and two small villages on it. That town is the hometown of Sranano’s former hometown.

People who come to the West Sea basically only go to that town, so these two small villages in other parts of the island look very deserted.

Daks just found a passerby and asked about the direction of the town and planned to move forward there.

Since Moonlight Moria is going to dig the tomb of Sirano, it should be to that town. If you can meet Ho Gulbak or Perona, it should be here.

“Famous Huo Gurbucks, if his hometown is in that town, I should not have heard it.”

Dak frowned and thought.

Suddenly, he felt that something seemed to be floating in the air beside him in the light of the corner of his eyes.

Dark turned his head subconsciously.

A fan of a pink and hairy girl holding an umbrella floated there, waiting for a pair of black eyes staring at him.

Well, Dak did not guess wrong.

Moonlight Moria brought Perona back in this journey.

But unfortunately, Dak decided to try to intercept Hu.

(This chapter is finished)

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