Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 939

Chapter 932: : 9-Headed Dragon・Rekakuza・81

“Damn!! You don’t even call me! Ah!! You heartless man!”

Inside the gym.

The howl of the humanoid moon Eevee resounded throughout the gym.

He Duo was sitting on the sofa in the study, slowly drinking coffee brewed with pear fragrance, next to Darkrai, who was drooping with his eyes down and his body depressed.

This guy has long since returned to reality, but he has never been able to wake Hei Duo who was sleeping, and successfully lost his face as the **** of nightmares.

Just like the disgraced Palkia in the Hoopa theatrical version.

There is no need for Heido’s complaints, it’s own mentality burst, so that it can’t be autistic.

“Do you think I’m a prophet? And I couldn’t get out halfway at that time.”

He Duo’s expression was calm, and since waking up this morning, he felt as if he had entered the sage mode, and his mood was peaceful.

It is estimated that it was the influence of the alpaca drag on him.

But there’s nothing wrong with that either.

But compared to the calm Heiduo, Moon Ibrahimovic is much more manic.

This guy was very afraid of Arceus at first, because he thought he was smuggled over, and he had a system from another world on his body.

I feel that if it is discovered by the indigenous **** Arceus, 100% will be screwed off.

It is to be avoided.

When Heido took it to the ruins of the capital of God, it hid in the bag and shivered the whole time, not daring to come out at all.

I never thought that Arceus was not what it thought at all. The tower was completely clear to them. From the past to the past, everything was done under the gaze of Arceus.

There is no such thing as “smuggling”.

People came over by themselves.

Even the golden finger he held was given by Arceus.

Moon Ibrahimovic immediately understood after listening to it that this alpaca was many times higher in personality than the God of Creation declared by GF in the previous life.

Living in various timelines and witnessing various possibilities is much better than a simple Pokémon world creator.

“So angry!”

Moon Ibrahimovic stepped on the carpet to show the irritability in his heart.

“You want to go to the mysterious labyrinth world?”

He Duo raised his eyelids.

“That’s not it, I’m just curious about how I died.”

Moon Ibrahimovic instantly calmed down and shook his head.

It’s crazy to go to the incredible labyrinth world, isn’t the human world bad?

There is food and drink, and Heiduo raises it without any work.

It’s really been enough of the days in the natural park.

Otherwise it doesn’t care.

But inexplicable death it is really overwhelmed.

He Duo heard the words, suddenly put down the coffee in his hand, and said with a strange expression: “If you ask this, I really know.”

In the last bit of time, He Duo asked specifically out of curiosity.

He thought that Moon Ibrahimovic died suddenly like him.

After all, Moon Ibrahimovic was a rich woman in her previous life, so she didn’t have to worry about money at all, she played at home every day.

did not expect…

“You died of suffocation due to a leak in the natural gas pipeline at home and insufficient oxygen in the air in the room.”

Haddock knocked on the table.

Natural gas itself is not toxic and harmless to the human body, but when the content of natural gas in the air reaches a certain level, it will cause people to suffocate to death.

Therefore, Moon Ibrahimovic also slept to death, but it was much more dramatic than Heduo’s death.

Sure enough, when he heard the cause of his death, Moon Ibrahimovic was stunned.

“How is that possible! My natural gas pipeline is buried in the wall! There is also an alarm device!”

“Ask yourself, why are you sleeping so soundly?”

He Duo stood up, “Okay, don’t worry about the things that have passed.”

Moon Ibrahimovic was not satisfied with this answer, but Heduo would never lie about such a thing, so it had to accept it.

However, from this, one can’t help but imagine that even Arceus is so terrifying, how strong is Necrozma, the glorious **** who can freely travel through the ultimate hole and give light to many worlds.

In the two years that He Duo and the others have passed through, Necrozma has been blown away by GF, calling it “its strength is above all legendary Pokémon!?”, “Its ability exceeds All the legendary Pokémon that have appeared so far.”

This led to a series of battles between alpaca blowing and mule blowing.

It is said that Arceus is a phantom Pokémon, not a legendary Pokémon.

It is also said that Arceus just created a universe, and that mules and horses can travel through multiple parallel universes and so on.

Even the creation myth is a conjecture of the ancients, and there is no conclusive evidence. Arceus’s status as a creation **** is completely a rhetoric of Jiebao.

GF is also happy that they quarrel and achieve the effect of side marketing.

It’s a pity that the background story of Arceus has not been updated since He Duo passed through.

If he knew that the customs had detained it in Yadai, I would be even more shocked.

Days without pursuit always seem extraordinarily dull.

mid-year time.

A Deoxys has returned from space.

It is individual three.

According to it, the issue of the meteorite’s orbital change, which Hedor said was concerned, did not arise.

At least with their ability to see, they didn’t find any super-giant meteorites that might land on the planet, and the super-giant meteorites that threatened the planet flew over here.

There are quite a lot of “small” stones.

But most of them burned up before they passed the atmosphere, or turned their heads and rushed into Lie Kongsi’s stomach.

As for their unformed companions…

Individuals 1 and 2 had the idea of looking elsewhere, but they finally decided to complete their agreement with Heduo and protect the planet.

Hearing this, He Duo was actually a little envious.

The longevity species is a life that can travel in the universe, and the beautiful scenery that he can see is many times more than him.

The danger of the universe is dangerous, but it is still very exciting.

Different landscapes, different Pokémon, different worlds.

It’s what Heido often imagines.

This time.

The question is, what is the reason for the third person to come back?

it says.

The first is to come back to see He Duo and Moon Ibrahimovic. Everyone has been in friendship for many years and has helped each other.

Two… seek revenge.

Instance Three fell from the sky that year. If it hadn’t run fast, it would have been eaten by Lie Kong.

It has to avenge this revenge.

Of course, I didn’t intend to kill Lie Kongzai, I just wanted Lie Kongzai to apologize to him.

Want to sit down and apologize?

To be honest, He Duo felt that it was more difficult than killing Lie Kongzai.

Who doesn’t know that one or two of these elves are irritable old brothers, and they don’t listen to people at all, especially Lie Kongzai, who is handsome and handsome, but in the special chapter, they are in an extremely irritable state.

Seeing Groudon and Kyogre not sleeping and making waves in the outside world, the kind that would beat them.

Even the other shore was pierced through the stomach with the tip of its tail.

Even Ruby was almost pinched to death by it.

This little elf can speak well?

did not expect.

He Duogang stated to the three individuals the fact that Lie Kongzai had an outburst of temper.

The third individual started laughing, and there was a sense of contentment in his tone.


Because it came to the gym after the fight with Lie Kongzai.

In short, the dignified Lord Dragon God, the **** of the people of the dragons and the people of the meteors, the king of the sky, really apologized to it.

He Duo was instantly excited, and curiously asked Deoxys how he did it.

Did you win by fighting with Lie Kong?

It’s not impossible.

You have to know that the individual three is an elf that has been adjusted by Heiduo with his golden fingers, and has added a lot of attributes and various full-level moves on the original basis.

Although Lie Kongzai is strong, there is no super evolution to greatly increase the racial value, and there is [Delta Airflow] to make up for the shortcomings of his own attributes, and if he has the terrifying move of [Finishing the Finish].

It’s not necessarily a match for Deoxys.


Individual Three says that is not the case.

It was really fun at the beginning, it and Lie Kong sat with you, and no one obeyed.

But as they were banging, several people suddenly appeared from the horizon to help Lie Kongzai.

But Lie Kongzai, who was halfway through the fight, saw one of the humans, and he was actually dumbfounded on the spot, not even hiding his moves.

Under such circumstances, Deoxys, who had no desire to fight, also listened.


The individual three knew that these people were the people of the meteor that He Duo had talked to, and the people of Dewen Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

The leader is the current leader of the Meteor Citizens – this shore.

That’s right.

The disabled girl has become the leader of the Meteor People. He Duo knew that she must have changed a lot in the past two years.

Individual Trinity was strange at first. Didn’t Heiduo say that the Devon Company and the Meteor Citizens were hostile? When it was launched into the sky, it was roaring outside, and Heiduo didn’t tell it.

It was not until they explained it that the three individuals understood that the two parties had joined forces to find Lie Kongzai.

This shore there.

After experiencing the reunion after life and death, both the Dragon God and the Dragon God maid were full of joy.

This shore is the only fetter that Lie Kongzai has recognized for so many years, and it is completely different from the situation where Ruby and Shafiya, who had no choice but to establish fetters with them in order to save the planet.

It can be said that Lie Kongzai deeply loves this shore and admits that this is his trainer.

At first, it also thought that this shore died under the attack of “false flowers”, and was sad and angry for a long time.

Unexpectedly, this shore is not dead at all.

How can it not be happy?

And the mood on this shore is also the same as Lie Kongzai.

From the day she became the maid of the Dragon God, she was determined to dedicate everything to Lie Kongzai. In order to take care of Lie Kongzai’s emotions, she even gave the sound wave dragon that grew up with her to the other side.

It is conceivable that this shore attaches great importance to Lie Kongzai.

And knowing that this shore is not dead, he returned to it.

The mood of the irritable old brother Lie Kong became extremely beautiful in an instant, and the apology that Deoxys wanted was satisfied casually.

After all, it is a dragon with a family background~www.readwn.com~ This must have the air.

Ritsukura was happy, and Deoxys, who had fulfilled his wish, was also happy.

He left there without stopping, and returned to the gym to find He Duo.

With the speed of the speed-type Deoxys flying, it means that Lie Kongzai reunited with this shore, and went to the individual three to find Heido, which is also a matter of front and rear.


This is the entire experience of Deoxys after returning to the planet.

After He Duo heard it, he had only one thought.

Darling, this Lie Kong can’t sit and protect his surname nine-headed dragon and his name is Bayi, right?

But Heiduo knew that this bank became the maid of the Dragon God at the age of twelve, and slowly began to pursue Lie Kongzai.

In the end, it took four years to get the approval of Lie Kongzai.

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