Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.442 Confession?

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[ Author's Note: Happy New Year, Guys!

Hey everyone!

Happy New Year to all of you amazing readers out there! As we ring in the new year, I've got a special treat lined up for you – a mass release of chapters for all my fanfics and novels! Consider it a New Year's gift from me to you, a way to start the year off with a bang.

I want to give a big shoutout to DaoistaoRhtS for giving me this fantastic idea. You're a genius, and this one's for you!

So, get ready to dive into your favorite stories and maybe discover some new ones. Eat your heart out, and enjoy the reading marathon!

Thank you all for your incredible support. Here's to a year filled with more adventures, more stories, and more fun. Let's make this year even better than the last!

Cheers to a fantastic 2024! ]


In the aftermath of the lively party at the mansion; Austin, clearly inebriated, staggered around the room. His steps were unsteady, his eyes slightly unfocused, but he still held a sense of joyous abandon from the night's festivities. 

He stumbled upon Yellow and Sabrina, both peacefully asleep, their faces relaxed in the comfort of deep rest. Nearby, Bill, Dr. Akihabara, and Sabrina's father were sprawled out, each knocked out from the night's indulgence in alcohol. Green, too, was fast asleep, a faint smile lingering on her lips.

In the midst of this slumbering assembly, Austin noticed something unusual. Primeape was standing amidst the snoozing crowd, looking at Austin intently, pizza slices haphazardly stuck to its fur. It seemed as though the fighting Pokémon was eager for some post-party action.

"You wanna train?"

Primeape's eyes lit up, its body language brimming with excitement. Austin, in his inebriated state, came up with a training regimen on the spot. "Ok, you're gonna do 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10K run."

With an enthusiastic grunt, Primeape dashed off, the pizza slices flying off its fur and one landing comically on the boy's face.

At that moment, Austin's Pokénav rang. He clumsily retrieved it, answering to see Cynthia's face on the screen. There was a brief silence as Cynthia tried to suppress a giggle at the sight of Austin, pizza slice and all.

"You might want to get that." 

Without much thought, Austin peeled off the pizza and, in a moment of drunken whimsy, flung it onto the ceiling. Cynthia bit her lip, trying hard not to laugh outright at the sight of marinara sauce smudged on Austin's face.

"Am I calling at a bad time?" 

"No," Austin replied, his words slurred yet sincere. "As long as you call, it's always a good time." His drunken proclamation was unexpectedly charming, causing the girl to blush.

She had never seen this side of Austin before – carefree, unguarded, and whimsically endearing. It was a side of him that she found herself surprisingly attracted to, a contrast to the composed and calculated demeanor she was accustomed to. 

"I didn't know you could sing."

"I *hick* can't."

"Oh really? Then why is your singing video the most viewed on PokeTube?" Cynthia asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Oh, that's nice."

 "Are you drunk?"

"Pssh," Austin dismissed with a nonchalant shrug.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" 

Austin blinked, his eyes focusing with effort before confidently declaring, "A Dandelion?"

"Ok, you're too drunk. Let's talk later, when you can think straight."

"Wait, wait, wait," Austin slurred, insisting on continuing the conversation.


"Can we please continue talking?" Austin asked, his drunkenness imbuing his voice with an innocent tone.

"Austin, you're drunk."

"But I like hearing the sound of the woman I love. I also like..." Austin's words trailed off.

Cynthia's heart skipped a beat. "Repeat that."

Austin hiccupped again. "Men are... Berries."

"You love me?" Cynthia sought clarification, her cheeks warming.

Austin nodded quickly, his actions betraying his drunken honesty before he got distracted.

Cynthia, taken aback and blushing, pressed on. "Why do you love me?"

"What don't I love about you? I love your laugh, I love your talk, even about stuff ... I don't care about. But as long as you're the one saying it, I'll always listen."

Cynthia frowned.

"I love your small hair clips; they're so cute on you. I love your passion for knowledge."

Cynthia was visibly overwhelmed, her cheeks flushed.

"If you love me so much, why didn't you call me to the party?"

Austin not fully grasping the depth of her question. "But, Cynthia, you're like... way over there, in another country."

"That's not the point, Austin! It's about feeling included, feeling... wanted."

Austin squinted, attempting to focus. "But I always want you around. You're, like, the best, you know? Super smart and all... champion-y."

Cynthia sighed, her heart softening despite her frustration. "Austin, I saw your party online. It looked like so much fun, and I just... I felt left out. I know it's silly, but..."

"Cynthia, you're not silly. You're amazing. If you were here, I'd have thrown the biggest, coolest party... just for you."

Cynthia's expression softened. "Really, Austin? Even with your legendary party skills?"

Austin nodded vigorously, then winced at the motion. "Yeah, the bestest party. With, like, icecream and Pokémon battles and... more icecream."

Cynthia laughed. "Alright, Austin. I believe you. Just... next time, maybe a video call or something?"

Austin's expression brightened. "Video call! Yes! That's a super idea. We can have a party... a virtual party!"

 "Okay, Austin. But maybe let's plan that when you're sober, okay?"

"Deal!" Austin said. "And, Cynthia?"


"You're my best friend. And I, like, totally love you."

Cynthia's heart raced at Austin's declaration, the sincerity in his voice unmistakably genuine despite his inebriated state. "I... love you too."

A sudden thought struck her, compelling her to ask, "Why didn't you ever confess?"

"Because we couldn't be together."

Cynthia's brow furrowed in confusion. "What?"

Before she could get any further explanation, Austin's figure slumped over, a clear sign that he had succumbed to a blackout. "Hey, wake up."

Austin thrashed slightly, inadvertently turning off the Pokénav, leaving Cynthia staring at the now blank screen. She sat there, a whirlwind of emotions swirling inside her – touched by his confession, yet puzzled by his last words and the abrupt end to their conversation.

Cynthia's mind buzzed with questions and possibilities about what Austin meant, and why he believed they couldn't be together. 

The girl, overwhelmed with thoughts and what-ifs, grabbed her pillow and buried her face in it. "Why can't things ever be simple with this guy?"

In her mind, she imagined a different scenario, one where Austin stood before her, clear-headed and earnest. "Cynthia, I love you, marry me," she envisioned him saying. "I do," she whispered back in her fantasy, leaning in for a kiss, only to find herself actually pressing her lips against the pillow.

"Ahem," a voice interrupted her daydream. Startled, Cynthia turned to see her grandmother standing at the door, an amused look on her face.

"Granny, when did you come in?" Cynthia asked, her cheeks burning with embarrassment.

"Since the call with your boyfriend started."

"He's not my boyfriend."

"I love you," her grandmother said, one eyebrow raised playfully, eliciting an even more flustered response from Cynthia.

"You have your whole life ahead of you, so don't waste it lying to yourself,"

Cynthia nodded in agreement. Her grandmother's smirk grew wider.

"Next time, introduce me to that young man. I'd like to have a word with him," her grandmother said. "Trying to steal my precious granddaughter's heart."

Cynthia smiled. "You'll like him once you talk to him," she assured, her blush returning.

"Then I'll need my cane when I speak to that thief," her grandmother joked. "You can talk to your thief later. Now, go to sleep."

"But I'm an adult."

"My house, my rules."

Cynthia knew there was no point in protesting further. Her grandmother had always been a strong presence in her life, especially after the loss of her parents.

"Alright, Granny."


[ Omake Paragraph]

Just as the song of a Poke Flute can wake a pokemon in the deepest of trances, the leaf of a Nuzleaf when properly whipped through the wind can wipe away even the most dire injuries a fainted pokemon may suffer. Yet pokemon centers will only call upon the expertise of Nuzleaf for the gravest of injuries, for like a Poke Ball in reverse, a Nuzleaf's power can make even the most tame and loyal pokemon forget that they ever had a trainer.

In remote areas of Hoenn, where true healers were unavailable, pokemon training took a decisively different character. Although their culture demanded that every pokemon was given a name, trainers strove not to grow too attached to their pokemon, for no matter how hard they tried defeat would inevitably someday return their comrades to the wilderness from where they came. Instead, the people of rural Hoenn scouted the wild for what powerful pokemon would inevitably return there, and learned not how one or two teams operated, but an entire metagame of techniques; the canonical texts of pokemon strategy unsurprisingly were written in this region, although they would in time be supplanted by a university which began as a school for Koffing trainers.

When the outside world was at last linked by road to these small towns, Chansey came with the changes of modern life to replace Nuzleaf at pokemon centers. But the ways of old were not forever lost. A contest based on the ways of the Nuzleaf-healed has spread as far as Unova and is beloved by countless trainers. They must fight every gym in a region and walk the routes in between, but may no longer use any who fall in battle, to simulate how they would be released into the wild in that era.

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