Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.433 Vs A Demi God

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[ Saffron City - Silph Cooperation ] 

[ Rooftop ] 

Austin felt the weight of the moment settle upon him as he faced Giovanni's next and possibly most formidable Pokémon, Thu-Fi-Zer. The air was thick with tension, a battle of monumental proportions on the horizon.

Giovanni, ever the strategist, extended an offer, his voice laced with a mix of persuasion and challenge. "You know, I can spare you. Just give up and become my right-hand man. I can offer you riches, fame, power – whatever your heart desires."

Austin, however, met Giovanni's proposition with a chuckle. "Nah, I'm good. I don't work under someone weaker than me," he replied confidently, his stance unyielding.

"Then you will fall under the power of a 'God'," Giovanni retorted, his tone tinged with a mix of warning and anticipation.

"Yeah, right," Austin shot back with a dismissive wave. "The day I need a 'god' to win my battles is the day I hang up my Poké Balls. Let's just see how divine your Thu-Fi-Zer really is."

Austin, standing tall with a smirk, glanced at Mewtwo, who gave a subtle nod. Mewtwo's power surged, manifesting a vast platform of psychic energy that extended from the rooftop over Saffron City. This extraordinary feat left Giovanni momentarily impressed, acknowledging that without this safeguard, Thu-Fi-Zer's might would have accidentally destroyed the city.

Giovanni's curiosity piqued. "I am curious, how did you manage to get Mewtwo to cooperate?" he inquired, his eyes fixed on the legendary Pokémon.

Austin's smirk broadened. "I promised him an entertaining fight," he replied confidently.

Giovanni's expression hardened. "Oh, really? Then good luck surviving." He turned his attention to Thu-Fi-Zer, holding up its Pokéball. A burst of electromagnetic energy pulsed from the ball, a silent but clear command to the mighty Pokémon.

"Kill him," Giovanni uttered, his voice a mix of command and anticipation.

In a decisive move, Austin recalled Chansey and released three of his own Pokémon – Charmeleon, Arbok, and Shedinja – onto the battlefield.

As the battle in Saffron City escalated, Austin found himself lifted into the sky by Musharna, his trusted psychic-type Pokémon. 

"Run," he instructed firmly. The Pokémon dashed away, pursued by the formidable Thu-Fi-Zer, its roar shaking the city. Austin, carried by Musharna, followed closely, his mind racing with tactics.

Below, the streets were a blur as he floated alongside his battling Pokémon. 

Thu-Fi-Zer, massive and imposing, spread its wings wide, casting a large shadow over the area. It prepared for a powerful strike, but Austin was ready. "Arbok, use Gastro Acid on Shedinja!" he commanded. In a swift motion, Arbok disabled Shedinja's Wonder Guard ability.

Simultaneously, Musharna, positioned strategically, performed a Skill Swap. "Musharna, swap abilities with Charmeleon!" Austin directed. The exchange was seamless, transferring Shedinja's Wonder Guard to Charmeleon, rendering it nearly impervious to Thu-Fi-Zer's attacks.

With Charmeleon now protected by Wonder Guard, Austin's confidence surged. "Charmeleon, you're up!" he called out. 

Thu-Fi-Zer launched its sky attack. It was enveloped in red flames, resembling a meteor as it hurtled towards Charmeleon at incredible speed. 

Above, Austin, watching intently, called out a counter. 

"Aerial Blitz!" 

At his command, Charmeleon crouched low, flames swirling around it, preparing for a swift maneuver as he combined the power of Flare Blitz with Aerial Ace.

In a display of speed, Charmeleon, now like a comet itself, dodged the Sky Attack at the last possible moment. The evasion was so close that the collision of energies created a burst of light, momentarily lighting up the entire area.

Below them, the citizens of Saffron City, safe but still within sight of the battle above, screamed in terror. 

Austin, observing the battle from the sky, knew it was time for a decisive move. "Use Draco Twister!" he commanded, his voice cutting through the chaos of the battle.

Charmeleon responded immediately. Its body began to glow a bright orange, a signal of the impending attack. It then unleashed an orange ball of light into the sky. The ball exploded into multiple smaller spheres, each one crackling with energy.

As these spheres soared, Charmeleon extended its claw forward, and at the tip, an orb of wind materialized. From this orb, a powerful tornado burst forth. This wasn't just any tornado; it was a fusion of Twister and Draco Meteor, creating a hurricane with spiraling meteors within. The attack moved like a ferocious drill, heading straight for Thu-Fi-Zer.

Thu-Fi-Zer, however, was not to be underestimated. Despite the impressive attack from Charmeleon, Thu-Fi-Zer's physical prowess was overwhelming. It countered the hurricane, overpowering it with sheer force.

The impact of Thu-Fi-Zer's counter was so strong that Charmeleon and the other Pokémon were blown away by a mile, scattered by the powerful winds. 

Caught in the chaos high above Saffron City, Austin grappled with the reality of being swept a mile away from Thu-Fi-Zer. Despite the distance, the pressure from the powerful Pokémon was palpable, a testament to its immense strength.

"Are you guys okay?" Austin called out, concerned for his Pokémon. In response, he heard their cries, a clear sign of their struggle. Focusing his vision, Austin's eyes filled with an aura, allowing him to see Thu-Fi-Zer preparing its next move. It was a Tri Attack, a formidable combination of elemental forces.

Within Thu-Fi-Zer's beaks, orbs of energy began to form – one green, one indigo, and one red. Between them, a red triangle materialized, turning indigo as the energy built up. Then, in a sudden burst, beams of ice, fire, and electricity shot out, converging on Austin and his team.

The attack was swift, covering the mile in an instant. "Brace yourselves!" Austin yelled, a warning to his Pokémon. The triple-beam assault, with its searing fire, freezing ice, and shocking electricity, was upon them in a flash.

Charmeleon, shielded by Wonder Guard, miraculously emerged unscathed. Arbok and Shedinja, however, weren't as fortunate. They bore the full brunt of the attack, each hit visibly affecting them. 

Arbok's long, serpentine body, burns were evident, marring its normally smooth scales. These burns varied in severity, some appearing superficial, while others were deeper and more concerning. 

In addition to the burns, there were signs of electrical damage. Static electricity crackled intermittently across Arbok's body, a lingering effect of the electrical beam. This static caused spasms.

Shedinja, on the other hand, had a narrow escape. It had managed to survive the ferocious attack by using Endure, a move that allowed it to withstand any hit with at least one HP remaining. 

Thu-Fi-Zer, undeterred by the earlier attacks, flapped its massive wings and surged towards Austin's team at high speeds. Austin, realizing the urgency, clicked his tongue and issued a swift command.

"Shedinja, Dark Beam!" he shouted. Shedinja quickly responded, merging Solar Beam and Dark Pulse into a singular, powerful attack. The beam, a spectral light infused with dark energy, shot towards Thu-Fi-Zer. The impact struck the flying behemoth, creating a momentary opening in its defenses.

In that instant, Musharna used Teleport, appearing above Thu-Fi-Zer. She quickly executed Ally Switch, swapping places with Arbok who used acid spray burning away Thu-fi-zer. As Thu-Fi-Zer tried to bite where Arbok had been, Musharna, now in its place, unleashed a powerful Psyshock. The move created a stream of purple energy, which Musharna fired into Thu-Fi-Zer's open mouth.

The attack hit its mark, causing significant internal damage to Thu-Fi-Zer. Not missing a beat, Musharna used Trick Room to reposition beneath the behemoth. Another Ally Switch was executed, bringing Arbok into play.

Arbok, now in position, launched its Venomous Assault. The move, a combination of Belch and Gunk Shot, sent rings of purple energy and a wave of the same hue straight at Thu-Fi-Zer. The poison hit, coursing through Thu-Fi-Zer's body, as it roared in pain and discomfort.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Musharna and Arbok teleported away to safety, evading any immediate retaliation.


As Austin stood on the psychic platform, he watched the battle unfold below with a mix of tension and anticipation. He clenched his fists, a silent acknowledgment that everything was going according to plan.

Beside him, Charmeleon was in the midst of powering up, a critical step in their strategy. The Pokémon was simultaneously performing Dragon Dance to increase its attack and speed, while Belly Drum maximized its attack power at the cost of its own health. Chansey, ever the healer, was close by, ensuring Charmeleon's health was replenished after the self-inflicted damage from Belly Drum.

In his mind, Austin ran through the calculations. Even with Charmeleon on a hefty regimen of rare candy steroids, this boost was necessary. They were facing Thu-Fi-Zer, a Pokémon of immense power. The usual tactics wouldn't suffice; they needed every advantage they could get.

Austin watched as his Pokémon regrouped, giving them a nod of approval. "Good job," he said. But their moment of respite was short-lived. A thunderous roar echoed through the sky, drawing their attention back to Thu-Fi-Zer.

The formidable Pokémon was preparing a devastating attack. A yellow-orange ball of energy formed in front of its mouth, and its body started to glow blue. Suddenly, it unleashed multiple beams of yellow-orange energy, which merged into a single, destructive beam surrounded by a swirling vortex of wind. Austin's heart sank as he recognized the signature move of Lugia: Aeroblast.

With a grit of his teeth, Austin acted quickly. "Return!" he called, recalling Chansey, Arbok, and Shedinja. "Charmeleon, use Night Die!" This command was a combination of Dragon Dance at its maximum, Outrage, and Dragon Rush.

Charmeleon nodded in understanding and charged forward. As it ran, draconic energy swirled around it, forming the shape of a dragon. The energy intensified with every step, becoming a fearsome force.

Aeroblast barreled towards them, a relentless force of destruction. But Charmeleon, now empowered, managed to dodge it by a hair's breadth, its speed and agility enhanced beyond normal limits. As it narrowly evaded the attack, Charmeleon's Night Die collided with Thu-Fi-Zer.

The impact was colossal. Aeroblast exploded upon contact, sending shockwaves throughout Saffron City. Buildings trembled, windows shattered, and the ground itself seemed to buckle under the force of the attack. The city was rocked as if by a magnitude 7 earthquake, with debris and dust filling the air.

Saffron City, usually bustling and vibrant, now bore the scars of the epic battle. Streets were cracked, structures damaged, and the city's inhabitants were left in shock and awe at the sheer power displayed above them. 

The battle between Thu-Fi-Zer and Charmeleon mirrored a classic David and Goliath confrontation, with the smaller, agile Charmeleon dodging and weaving around its colossal opponent. Austin was quick with his commands, keeping the momentum on their side.

"Flame Burst!" he called out. Charmeleon, swift and alert, evaded Thu-Fi-Zer's icy attacks and launched a searing Flame Burst. The flames cut through the cold air, striking Thu-Fi-Zer with intense heat.

Without pause, Austin issued another command. "Charmeleon, use Aerial Rush now!" Charmeleon seamlessly blended Dragon Rush with Aerial Ace, becoming a blur of draconic energy. It darted through the air with incredible speed and agility.

"Metallic Dragon Claw!" was Austin's next order. Charmeleon's claws shimmered like polished steel, delivering a series of rapid, metallic slashes to Thu-Fi-Zer.

Seeing an opportunity, Austin didn't hesitate. "Lava Plume, now!" Charmeleon executed the attack perfectly, catching Thu-Fi-Zer off guard with a burst of molten rock. Riding the momentum, Austin quickly followed up with, "Flare Blitz!" Charmeleon, now engulfed in flames, charged at Thu-Fi-Zer.

Suddenly, Thu-Fi-Zer roared, and with a mighty force, threw Charmeleon high into the sky. It prepared for a point-blank Aeroblast, a move that could spell disaster at such close range.

Austin knew he needed a quick and powerful counter. "Solar Beam," he telepathically communicated to Charmeleon. Thanks to the ongoing Drought condition, Charmeleon was able to unleash Solar Beam instantly. This wasn't just any Solar Beam; it was supercharged, amplified by all the power-ups and steroids Charmeleon had received.

The beam collided with the Aeroblast orb, resulting in a massive explosion. The sky above Saffron City was illuminated with a blinding light.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

To the unlearned observer, it appears natural that the roads in Hoenn are remarkably straight, and that its intersections are all wide and at right angles, for the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Yet this comes in spite of an often unforgiving terrain, and fortunes in treasure were thrown away in antiquity to demolish obstacles and make these roads as straight as possible. The reason for this is because, while the fierce weather and tall mountains make mail delivery difficult for flying pokemon, and the best carrier birds of the Pidgey family are not natively found there anyway, Hoenn is home to a Linoone, a pokemon so poor at turning it is said to only be able to run in a straight line.

A sprinting Linoone has often been compared to a Rapidash or Arcanine in speed, and although sixty miles per hour does not quite measure up to those larger pokemon, a Linoone's short, lithe body can cross water nearly as easily as land or race over hills without any loss in momentum. As Zigzagoon they become accustomed to handling objects, and even if their parcel is knocked from them in mid-run they are alert enough to stop, go back, and Pickup the lost item. Their short height makes them even more valuable for top-secret communications, which have historically been carried in thin strips of tall grass which run along the roadside.

At times in Hoenn's history, their roads have been used for the other purpose in ancient era: the transportation of armies, in which Linoone still led the way. Indeed, rocketry doctrine was initially based on Linoone tactics, for when armies met, both sides loaded up their Linoone with explosive yet ghost-type attacks and sent them racing through enemy lines.

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