Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.422 A Thief’s victory

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[ POV Change ] 

The Team Rocket leaders ran around the 7th floor, searching for a way out. They were met with dead ends and locked doors, leaving them trapped. The only room that seemed to have a way out was the bathroom, but as they approached it, they noticed something strange.

"Guys, why is the bathroom the only room connected to this floor?" asked Lily, looking at the map on her gadget. "This doesn't make sense."

"I don't know, but we need to find a way out of here," replied Jack, his eyes scanning the room for any sign of an escape route.

Suddenly, Max felt something serpentine wrapping around him, constricting his body like an anaconda. He let out a gasp as he realized it was a Dragonair!

"Get it off me!" he screamed, struggling to free himself from the Dragonair's grip.

The other leaders quickly released their Pokemon to fight against the Dragonair, but to no avail. The Dragonair seemed unfazed by their attacks, and suddenly, giant vines burst out of the floor, trapping their Pokemon and draining their energy. The vines glowed emerald green, creating orbs that flew in another direction, towards an Ivysaur that appeared to be smiling at them.

"What the hell is going on here?" shouted Jack, his voice filled with anger and confusion.

"We've been set up," said Lily, her eyes scanning the room for any way out. 

"But by whom?"

The Team Rocket leaders watched in horror as the Dragonair fired a Hyper Beam at their trapped Pokemon, defeating them in an instant. 

The cloud of colors engulfed the room, blinding the Team Rocket leaders with its bright, swirling hues. Max felt himself losing consciousness, his body feeling heavy and unresponsive. He tried to fight against the overwhelming force.

As he fell to the ground, he heard the sound of Lily hitting the floor next to him. He struggled to keep his eyes open, but everything was turning black.

Out of all the Team Rocket leaders, Jack was always the most level-headed. He had been trained to stay calm under pressure, to think on his feet and adapt to any situation. 

As he ran the bathroom door, his heart was pounding so loud he thought it might burst out of his chest. He knew that the only way out of the locked 7th floor was through the bathroom, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was waiting for him on the other side.

He took a deep breath and pushed open the door, he found himself staring at a Fearow standing in the corner of the room, with a roll of toilet paper stuck to its talons.

Jack felt a chill run down his spine. He had never been afraid of Pokemon before, but in this moment, he felt trapped inside a chasm of fear.

The Fearow seemed to sense his fear, and it leaned down, poking its head in Jack's direction. Jack took a step back, his heart racing. He didn't know what to do, whether to run or stay and fight.

As he stood there, paralyzed with fear, the cloud of colors suddenly engulfed him, knocking him unconscious.


Green, Petrel, and Proton found themselves in the middle of an intense Pokemon battle on the top floor of a towering building. The wind whipped around them, adding an extra layer of intensity to the already heated competition.

Petrel, eager to prove his dominance, released an Arcanine into the battlefield. Its mane glowed with ferocity as it shot a roaring Fire Blast towards Green. The flames danced in the air, creating a beautiful yet dangerous spectacle. However, Green only giggled as Blasty the Blastoise's paws grabbed onto her shoulder protectively. With perfect timing, Blastoise used Hydro Pump to launch itself into the air, narrowly dodging the fiery attack.

Proton, observing the battle, narrowed his eyes in anticipation. Green decided to release her Jigglypuff, affectionately named Jiggly, onto the field. Jiggly inflated itself to an impressive size, acting as a shield against Arcanine's Extreme Speed. As Arcanine charged forward, it bounced off Jiggly's inflated body, momentarily disoriented.

Green immediately returned Jiggly to its PokeBall and opened another, revealing Tattu the Kingdra. With a fierce battle cry, Tattu unleashed a powerful Hydro Pump at Arcanine, sniping it mid-air with pinpoint accuracy. Petrel, with impressive reflexes, quickly returned Arcanine to its PokeBall before it crashed onto the floor, which was covered in menacing Toxic Spikes.

Green clicked her tongue and asked in an innocent voice, "Mister, can you please remove these spikes? They're scary." Her words and tone made Petrel laugh like a madman, thoroughly enjoying the battle's intensity.

"Hey, want to join in?" Petrel asked Proton, motioning towards the ongoing fight. Proton, sensing that something was off, declined the offer with a simple, "No, you handle it."

Petrel's smile turned sadistic as he sent out his Electrode onto the battlefield. The Electrode, a round Pokemon with a distinctive grin, rolled around menacingly, eyeing Green with malicious intent. "Hey kid," Petrel taunted, "I'm going to have fun ravaging your corpse when this is over."

Green's face twisted in disgust at the comment, but she remained focused on the battle. Petrel commanded Electrode to use Roll Out, and the round Pokemon spun faster and faster, disappearing from sight for a moment before reappearing before Green. The Electrode's body glowed a bright white before it exploded in a powerful Explosion attack, engulfing Green in a cloud of smoke and debris.

Petrel let out a bellowing laugh, confident in his victory. But in the world of Pokemon battles, one should never underestimate their opponent, for the tides of battle can change in an instant.

Without warning, the wall behind Petrel and Proton began to ooze into a pink goo, which quickly formed into multiple tendrils reaching towards the unsuspecting duo. Proton, displaying his quick reflexes, jumped back and released a Crobat. The agile bat-like Pokemon spread its wings wide, using Air Slash to send powerful blades of air that sliced off the tendrils approaching Proton.

Unfortunately, Petrel was caught off guard by the sudden attack. The tendrils wrapped around Petrel's body, immobilizing him in their sticky embrace. As the smoke from Electrode's Explosion cleared, it was revealed that Blasty had used Protect to shield Green from the devastating attack. With a determined look, Blasty launched a Focus Blast at Electrode, who was still moving thanks to its Sturdy ability. The powerful ball of energy slammed into Electrode, quickly knocking it out.

Petrel, now in a dire situation, turned to Proton for help, but his heart sank as he saw his fellow executive running away. Proton's Crobat had grabbed him and was flying him out of the floor. "No honor among Team Rocket, I guess," Green taunted as she approached the immobilized purple-haired man.

"I never thought I'd meet the King of Thieves in this place. But I didn't expect such ungentlemanly behavior, threatening to ravage a pretty young woman like me," Green said in a mocking tone. Petrel's eyes widened as he saw the dangerous glint in Green's eyes.

"Ditty, let's show Petrel a taste of his own medicine," Green said with a smile as she snapped her fingers. 

Moments later, Petrel's screams echoed throughout the building, sending shivers down Proton's spine as he raced away.

Proton's mind raced, trying to make sense of it all. Someone had prepared all of this for their arrival, splitting up the grunts and Team leaders, destroying communication between them, and laying down opponents for the executives who were at a disadvantage from the start. The game had been rigged against them from the beginning.

Suddenly, Proton stopped at the door of the next floor as he saw the elevator door open, revealing Sabrina, the psychic gym leader. "No way," he muttered in disbelief. At this moment, Proton realized that the missions outside Silph Co. had all been compromised.

Sabrina's piercing gaze met Proton's as she confirmed what he was thinking: "Team Rocket will fall today."

As Proton processed the revelation, he couldn't help but feel a cold shiver run down his spine. The day's events had been orchestrated with terrifying precision, and now, it seemed that the once-powerful Team Rocket was on the verge of collapse.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

Grovyle, unlike even their first from of Treecko and their evolution of Sceptile, are renowned far and wide for the extreme loyalty they show to their trainers. It seems at first as though they reward every act of kindness, but they do not, for they also suffer through cruelty without a second thought. When abandoned, they will search far and wide until they inevitably return to their trainers; when traded, they will be baffled by the concept and do likewise; many an unscrupulous trainer has "traded" a Grovyle in this manner.

In war, Grovyle protect their trainers to the end. They use the sturdy leaves on their arms to block swords, arrows, and bullets alike, then leap up to allow their trainers to strike back while they shoot seeds from the air. If badly wounded, they attempt to cover their trainers with their body, hoping that they can hide them until the battle ends. They are not suicidal, but if an attack seems as though it will slay their trainer, they do not hesitate to sacrifice their lives. Many have surmised that what they fear is not dying per se, but no longer being able to protect their trainer because of their death.t

Yet while few Grovyle will flinch at risking their lives, most would still balk at altering the flow of time so that they never existed to begin with. Yet they strive to live up to their greatest hero, a Grovyle who was and was not, for it is not a part of this stream of time. A Grovyle who not only convinced the Dialga it defeated and saved to revive its trainer, but who also saved time itself.

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